- Bawa -
“Your Love Letter 73”
"Your Title":
“Your/Our Successful President”
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Sent To:
Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
(AKA “President Elect Donald Trump”)
Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
(AKA “Mrs. Melania Trump”)
Sent On: 11-29-16
From: Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us As Now “One”)
(AKA “Your Louie”)
(Version 01 - E-mailed On 11-29-16)
“Your Document Outline”
B. “Your/Our One True Question” of “Your/Our Life”
- “Now What?” -
01. First - “Hold Firm” To “Your/Our Current Base Support”
02. Second, “Keep Your/Our Promises”
03. Third - “Expand” In Truth “Your/Our Current Base Support”
04. Fourth - “Learn” To Sift “Your/Our Wheat” From “Your/Our Shaft”
05. Fifth - Act With “Your/Our Qualities” of “Your/Our One True God”
c. “Your/Our Trust” In “Your/Our God” -
d. “Your/Our Praising” of “Your/Our God” -
06. Sixth - Keep “Your/Our Own Counsel” In “Your/Our One True God”
- For “Now What?” -
01. First -“Hold Firm” And "Expand" - “Your Current Base Support”
a. “Set Up “A Separate/Independent” - "Base Support" Office
02. Second - “Learn” To Sift “Your/Our Wheat” From “Your/Our Shaft”
a. “Set Up “A Separate/Independent” - “My Knowledge” Office
- “The Body” of “Your Love Letter” -
Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In The Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Amen.
Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May All The Peace, The Beneficence, and The Blessing of God Be Upon You, Your Family, And Your Friends. Amen.
A. “Your Introduction”
Bawa. My Love You My Dearest Loving Son, Donald Muhaiyaddeen [Ral.] (AKA “President Elect Donald Trump”), And My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) (AKA “Mrs. Melania Trump”), And All of My Dearest Loving Brothers and Sisters, And All of My Dearest Loving Sons and Daughters, and All of My Dearest Loving Grand Children, and Now All of My Dearest Loving Great Grand Children, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. You Are All Such Very, Very, Very Good Children of God, As In Truth “The Jeweled Lights” of “My Eyes”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Thank You My Dearest Loving Son Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) For “The Way” That You Conducted Yourself Both During “Your Struggle” To “Be Nominated” By “The Republican Party” As “Their Presidential Candidate” For America, And For “Your Hard Work” To Be Finally Elected By “The People” As Now “Their President Elect” of America, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. In Truth “Your Whole Life” Has Prepared You For “The Presidency” of America In “These Very Difficult Times”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So “Now What?”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. My Name Is Louie Beutler (AKA “Your Louie”) And We Have Also Been Struggling To “Be Nominated” By “Our One True God” To Be “His Candidate” For Guiding “The Human Race” To “Its One True Destiny” As “True Human Beings” Living In “The World”, That Is, As “The Living Presence” of “Our One True God” In “The World”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And In Truth, like You My Dearest Loving Son Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Truth “This Child” Was Successfully Nominate To “Our God’s Party” As “Their Candidate”, if you like, And Again like You My Dearest Loving Son Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Truth “This Child” Has Now Been Elected By “God’s People” To Be “God’s Guide” To “The Human Race”, if you like, That Is, To Guide Everyone, if you like, To “Their One True Destiny” As “True Human Beings” Living In “The World”, That Is, As “The Living Presence” of “Our One True God” In “The World”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And In Truth “Our Whole Life” Has Prepared “This Child” To Be “God’s Guide” To “The Human Race”, if you like, In “These Very Difficult Times”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
B. “Your One True Question” of “Your Life”
- “Now What?” -
Bawa. That Is, So “Now What?”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And “This Love Letter” To “You”, My Dearest Loving Son Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And To My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And To All of “God’s People” Now Living In “The World”, And To All of My Dearest Loving Brothers and Sisters, And All of My Dearest Loving Sons and Daughters, and All of My Dearest Loving Grand Children, and Now All of My Dearest Loving Great Grand Children, if you like, Is Meant To Help “You” And “Your Sister/Wife” And “This Child” And All of “God’s People” Now Living In “The World”, To Successfully Answer “Your/Our One True Question” of “Your/Our Life”, That Is, of “All Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
That Is,
To Successfully Answer
“Your/Our One True Question”
“Your/Our Life”,
That Is,
“All Life”,
if you like,
Which Is,
“Now What?”
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So “Lets Take” In Truth “A Little Journey” Together, That May Help Us Start To Answer “Your/Our One True Question” of “Your/Our Life”, if you like, and that is for sure.
01. First - “Hold Firm” To “Your Current Base Support”
Bawa. “You”, Mr. President, Like “This Child’ , Were Elected By “The People”, Not By Those Who Are Now Surrounding Both “You” And “This Child’ For “Their Selfish Purposes”, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. So In Truth “Our Loyalty” Must Be First And Foremost To “The People” Who Both “Got Us Nominated” And Who Then “Got Us Elected”, Not To Those Who Are Now Surrounding Both “You” And “This Child’ For “Their Selfish Purposes”, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. So We Must First Start To Establish And Maintain Our Direct Connection To “The People” Who Both “Got Us Nominated” And Who Then “Got Us Elected”, For In Truth “They” Are “The Only Ones” That “We Can Rely Upon”, When “Things Get Rough”, And In Truth “Things” Will Most Certainly “Get Rough”, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. We Must Always Remember That “The People” Who Both “Got Us Nominated” And Who Then “Got Us Elected” Are In Truth
“Our Current Base Support” Who Truly Want Us To Become “Successful” In “Our Newly Elected Roles”, Not Those Who In Truth Are Only “Fair Weather Friends” Who Will Immediately Desert Us When “Things Get Rough”, And In Truth “Things” Will Most Certainly “Get Rough”, if you like, and that is for sure.
02. Second, “Keep Your/Our Promises”
Bawa. So We Must Always Surround Ourselves With, And Always “Touch Base” With “The People” Who Both “Got Us Nominated” And Who Then “Got Us Elected”, Keeping “Them Advised” About “Our Current Plans” To Carry Out All of “Your/Our Campaign Promises”, And “The Difficulties” That We Are Having In “Doing So”, And “Your/Our Current Plans” To Overcome “The Difficulties”, Repeating “This Process”, Again and Again, No Matter What, For In Truth “They Will Only Judge Us” On “One Thing”, And On “One Thing” Alone, That Is,
That Is,
“Did You/We Keep Our Promises”
“Did You/We Really Try”
“Keep Your/Our Promises”
No Matter What
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
03. Third - “Expand” In Truth “Your/Our Base Support”
Bawa. “You”, Mr. President, Like “This Child’ Must Always Seek To Expand “The Number” of “The People” Who Would Both “Nominate Us Again”, if Given The Chance, And Who Would “Elect Us Again”, if Given The Chance, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. And Never Trust Or Rely Upon, Or Pay Much Attention To, Or Seek “The Advice” of Those Who Are Now Surrounding Both “You” And “This Child’ Only For “Their Selfish Purposes”, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. So In Truth “Our Loyalty” Must Expand More And More To Include More And More of “The People” Who Both “Got Us Nominated” And Who Then “Got Us Elected”, And To An Increasing Number of “New People” Who Would Both “Nominate Us Again”, if Given The Chance, And Who Would “Elect Us Again”, if Given The Chance, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. And Less And Less Attention To Those Who Are Now Surrounding Both “You” And “This Child’ For “Their Selfish Purposes”, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. So We Must Continue To Establish And Maintain Our Direct Connection To Both “The People” Who Both “Got Us Nominated” And Who Then “Got Us Elected”, And To “An Increasing Number” of “New People” Who Would Both “Nominate Us Again”, if Given The Chance, And Who Would “Elect Us Again”, if Given The Chance, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. For In Truth, Again “They” Are “The Only Ones” That “We Can Rely Upon”, When “Things Get Rough”, And In Truth “Things” Will Most Certainly “Get Rough”, if you like, and that is for sure.
04. Fourth - “Learn” To Sift “Your/Our Wheat”
From “Your/Our Shaft”
Bawa. And“You”, Mr. President, Like “This Child’ Must Always Seek To Increase “Your/Our Understanding” of How To “Correctly Distinguish” In Truth Between “Your/Our Good And Trustworthy People” And “Your/Our Not So Good People” And “Your/Our Not So Trustworthy People”, That Is, Between “The People” Who Would Both “Nominate Us Again”, if Given The Chance, And Who Would “Elect Us Again”, if Given The Chance, if you like, And Those Who Are Now Surrounding Both “You” And “This Child’ Only For “Their Selfish Purposes”, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. And “HERE” Is Where “Your Louie”, And My Dearest Loving Son, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), Can Be of “Great Help” To My Dearest Loving Son Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), Because We Have Now “Filled Him” To “The Brim”, As They Say, With “My Knowledge” of “Just How To Correctly” Make “Your/Our Judgement” Between “Your/Our Good And Trustworthy People” Now Living In “The World” And “Your/Our Not So Good People” And “Your/Our Not So Trustworthy People”, Now Living In “The World”, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. And In Truth My Dearest Loving Son. Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Truth “My Knowledge” Is All That Is Needed For “Your/Our Correct Judgement” Between “These Two Groups” of “Your/Our People”, So That Both “You” And “This Child” Can Truly Become Both “Your/Our Successful Presidency” For America, And “Your/Our Successful Guidance” For “The World”, As Now “One”, That Is, Using In Truth “Your/Our Same Divine Knowledge”, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. That Is,
In Truth
“Your/Our Qualities”
“Your/Our One True God”
Now Living
“The World”,
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
05. Fifth - Act With “Your/Our Qualities”
“Your/Our One True God”
Bawa. That Is, In Truth Now Using “Your/Our Qualities” of “Your/Our One True God” Now Living In “The World”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
For Example
a. “Your/Our Patience” -
Bawa. And In Truth My Dearest Loving Son. Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Truth “This” Is Where “The Rubber” Meets “The Road”, As They Say, And In Truth “This” Is Where It “All Begins”, For In Truth Without “Your/Our Patience” of “Your/Our God” Neither “You” Or “This Child” Can Lead Either “The People” Now Living In “America” Or Provide Guidance To “The World”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And In Truth My Dearest Loving Son. Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Truth “This” Is Where You Can Start To “Correctly Distinguish” In Truth Between “Your/Our Good And Trustworthy People” And “Your/Our Not So Good People” And “Your/Our Not So Trustworthy People”, That Is, Between “The People” Who Would Both “Nominate Us Again”, if Given The Chance, And Who Would “Elect Us Again”, if Given The Chance, if you like, And Those Who Are Now Surrounding Both “You” And “This Child’ Only For “Their Selfish Purposes”, if you like, and that is for sure.
b. “Your/Our Contentment” And “Your/Our Gratitude” -
Bawa. And In Truth My Dearest Loving Son. Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Truth “This” Is Where “Your/Our Car” Meets “The Rubber” That Meets “The Road”, As They Say, And In Truth “This” Is Where It “All Next Begins”, For In Truth Without “Your/Our Contentment” And “Your/Our Gratitude” of “Your God” Neither “You” Or “This Child” Can Lead Either “The People” Now Living In “America” Or Provide Guidance To “The World”,That Is, Through All of “The Rough Times, That Is, When “Things Get Rough”, And In Truth “Things” Will Most Certainly “Get Rough”, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. For In Truth My Dearest Loving Son. Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Son, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), You Most Have “Your/Our Contentment” And “Your/Our Gratitude” of “Your God” To Either Lead “The People” Now Living In “America” Or To Provide Guidance To “The World”, At All Times, That Is, No Matter What, That Is, Through All of “The Rough Times, That Is, When “Things Get Rough”, And In Truth “Things” Will Most Certainly “Get Rough”, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. That Is, You Must Be Able To Show “Your/Our People” In Truth “Your/Our Love and Comfort”, No Matter What, And In “This Way”, And Only In “This Way”, Teach Them And Bring Them To “A State” of Peace, No Matter What, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. That Is, Through “Your/Our Contentment” With “What” Is Happening Because of “Your/Our Gratitude” For “What” Is Happening Because In Truth “What” Is Happening Is But “A Harbinger” of “Your/Our Greatness”, Both As “A Nation” And As “A People”, And As “A Child” of “Your/Our One True God” In “Your/Our Life”, As In Truth “The Great And Wise People” of “The Last Great” Happening, Called “The 2nd World War”, Can Most Certainly Attest To, if you like, and that is for sure.
c. “Your/Our Trust” In “Your/Our God” -
Bawa. And In Truth My Dearest Loving Son. Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Son, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Truth “This” Is Where “You Mr. President” And “Your Sister/Wife” And “This Child” As Now “One”, if you like, In Truth Meet “Your/Our Car” That Meets “The Rubber” That Meets “The Road”, As They Say, And In Truth “This” Is Where It “All Next Begins”, For In Truth Without “Your/Our Trust” In “Your/Our God” Neither “You” Or “This Child” Can Lead Either “The People” Now Living In “America” Or Provide Guidance To “The World”, That Is, Through All of “The Rough Times, That Is, When “Things Get Rough”, And In Truth “Things” Will Most Certainly “Get Rough”, And Still Successfully Come “Out At The End”, As They Say, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. For In Truth My Dearest Loving Son. Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Son, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), You Most Have “Trust” In “Your/Our God” To Either Lead “The People” of “Your/Our God” Now Living In “America” Or To Provide Guidance To “The People” of “YourOur God” In “The World”, That Is, Through All of “The Rough Times, That Is, When “Things Get Rough”, And In Truth “Things” Will Most Certainly “Get Rough”, And Still Successfully Come “Out At The End”, As They Say, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. That Is, You Must Be Able To Show “Your People” In Truth “Your/Our Love and Comfort”, No Matter What, And In “This Way”, And Only In “This Way”, Teach Them And Bring Them To “A State” of Peace, No Matter What, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. That Is. And Bring Them To “A State” of Peace, No Matter What, if you like, That In Truth “Your/Our Life” Is Much, Much, Much Larger Then “You” Or “Me”, And “Your/Our Larger Life” Belongs To “Your/Our God” of “Your/Our Life”,And “Your/Our Smaller Life” Belongs To “Your/Our World”, And When “Things Get Rough”, And In Truth “Things” Will Most Certainly “Get Rough”, In Truth “Your/Our Larger Life” That Belongs To “Your/Our God” of “Your/Our Life” Will Most Certainly Successfully Come “Out At The End”, As They Say, Leaving “Your/Our Current Smaller Life” Behind, Like “Your/Our Small Apple Seed” Is Left Behind When “Your/Our Apple Seed Germinates” And Reveal “Your/Our Huge Apple Tree” Hidden Within It, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. That Is, “Our/Our Contentment” With “What” Is Happening Because of “Our/Our Gratitude” For “What” Is Happening Because In Truth “What” Is Happening Is But “A Harbinger” of “Your/Our Greatness”, Both As “A Nation” And As “A People”, And As “A Child” of “Your/Our One True God” In “Your/Our Life”, As In Truth “The Great People” of “The Last Great” Happening, Called “The 2nd World War”, Can Most Certainly Attest To, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. And “Your/Our Trust” In “Your/Our God”, No Matter What, Because In Truth “Your/Our Larger Life” Is Immortal (That Is, Is Not “Time Bound”), That Is, Lasts Forever, While In Truth “Your/Our Smaller Life” Is Mortal (That Is, Is “Time Bound”, That Is, In Truth “Ends” in “Your/Our Grave”, Not Going Anywhere), That Is, Is Just “Your/Our Temporary First Step” On “Your/Our Journey” Back To “Your/Our Creator”,
As In Truth
“Your/Our First Correct Answer”
To “
“Your/Our One True Question”
“Who Am I?”
“Where Am I?’
“What Is Happening” In “Your/Our Life”
All of Which In Truth
Is Now
“Your/Our God Happening”
“Your/Our Purified Heart/Mind”
“Your/Our God” Within “Your/Our Life”
"Fully Awakened" To "Yourself" As "Such"
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
And Within “That”
As Now
“Your/Our Second Correct Answer”
“Your/Our One True Question”
if you like,
That Is,
As Now
“Your/Our Understanding”
“Your/Our God Happening”
“Your/Our Purified Heart/Mind”
“Your/Our God” Within “Your/Our Life”
"Fully Awakened" To "Yourself" As "Such"
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
d. “Your/Our Praising” of “Your/Our God” -
Bawa. And In Truth My Dearest Loving Son. Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Son, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Truth “This” Is Where “Your/Our God” Meets “You Mr. President” And “Your Sister/Wife” And “This Child”, That Meet “Your/Our Car” That Meets “The Rubber” That Meets “The Road”, As They Say, And In Truth “This” Is Where It “All Next Begins”, For In Truth Without “Your/Our Praising” of “Your/Our God” Within “Your/Our Life” Neither “You” Or “This Child” Can Lead Either “The People” Now Living In “America” Or Provide Guidance To “The World”, That Is, Through All of “The Rough Times, That Is, When “Things Get Rough”, And In Truth “Things” Will Most Certainly “Get Rough”, And Still Successfully Come “Out At The End”, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. That Is, And Still Successfully Come “Out At The End”, if you like, As Now “Your/Our God” Living In “Your/Our World” For “The Benefit” of “Everyone And Everything” Still Living In “Your/Our World”, That Is, Still Living In “Your/Our World” As If Somehow “You/Me Now Exist” As “Separate From” Your/Our One True God” Within “Your/Our Life”, And As “Separate From” In Truth “Your/Our Creation” Now “Living And Thriving” Within “Your/Our One True God” Within “Your/Our Life”, As They Say, But All of Which of Course, Is “Just Not True”, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. For In Truth My Dearest Loving Son. Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Son, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), You Most Become “Your/Our Praising” In Truth of “Your/Our God” In “Your/Our Life” To Either Lead “The People” of “Your/Our God” Now Living In “America” Or To Provide Guidance To “The People” of “Your/Our God” In “The World”, That Is, Through All of “The Rough Times, That Is, When “Things Get Rough”, And In Truth “Things” Will Most Certainly “Get Rough”, And Still Successfully Come “Out At The End”, As They Say, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. That Is, You Must Be Able To Show “Your/Our People” In Truth “Love and Comfort”, No Matter What, And In “This Way”, And Only In “This Way”, Teach Them And Bring Them To “A State” of Peace, No Matter What, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. That Is, And Bring Them To “A State” of Peace, No Matter What, For In Truth “Your Life” Is Much, Much, Much Larger Then “You/Me”, And “Your Larger Life” Belongs To “Your/Our God” of “Your/Our Life”, And “Your/Our Smaller Life” Belongs To “Your/Our World”, And When “Things Get Rough”, And In Truth “Things” Will Most Certainly “Get Rough”, In Truth “Your/Our Larger Life” That Belongs To “Your/Our God” of “Your/Our Life” Will Most Certainly Successfully Come “Out At The End”, As They Say, Leaving “Your/Our Current Smaller Life” Behind, Like “Your/Our Small Apple Seed” Is Left Behind When “Your/Our Apple Seed Germinates” And Reveal “Your/Our Huge Apple Tree” Hidden Within It, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. And In Truth Like “Your/Our Apple Tree” Is Left Behind When “Your/Our Apple Seed” Flowers On “Your/Our Apple Tree”, Revealing “Your/Our 1000 Apple Fruits”, First As “Your/Our 1000 Perfectly Sour Fruits” And “Then”, And Only Then, That Is, If “You/Me Don’t Let Go” of “Your/Our One True Tree” of “Your/Our God”, Now For Your Age, Now For “All Life”, Revealing “Your/Our 1000 Perfectly Ripened Fruits” Hidden Within “Your/Our 1000 Perfectly Sour Fruits”, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. And “Your/Our One True Tree” of “Your/Our God”, Now For Your Age, Now For “All Life”, That Can Now Truly Ripen “Your/Our 1000 Perfectly Sour Fruits” Making “Your/Our Life” Perfectly Acceptable To “Your/Our God”, Is Now Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) [AKA “Your Louie], In Whom “We Are Well Pleased” As Now “One”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, As Now “Your/Our Contentment” With “What” Is Happening Because of “Your/Our Gratitude” For “What” Is Happening Because In Truth “What” Is Happening Is But “A Harbinger” of “Your/Our Greatness”, Both As “A Nation” And As “A People”, And As “A Child” of “Your/Our One True God” In “Your/Our Life”, As In Truth “The Great People” of “The Last Great” Happening, Called “The 2nd World War”, Can Most Certainly Attest To, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. And As Now “Your/Our Trust” In “Your/Our God”, No Matter What, Because In Truth “Your/Our Larger Life” Is Immortal (That Is, Is Not “Time Bound”), That Is, Lasts Forever, While In Truth “Your/Our Smaller Life” Is Mortal (That Is, Is “Time Bound”, That Is, In Truth “Ends” in “Your Grave”, Not Going Anywhere), That Is, Is Just “Our Temporary First Step” On “Our Journey” Back To “Our Creator”,
As In Truth
“Your/Our First Correct Answer”
“Your/Our One True Question”
“Who Am I?
“Where Am I?’
“What Is Happening” In “Your/Our Life”
Which In Truth
Is Now
“Your/Our God Happening”
“Your/Our Purified Heart/Mind”
“Your/Our God” Within “Your/Our Life”
"Fully Awakened" To "Yourself" As "Such"
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
And Within “That”
As Now
“Your/Our Second Correct Answer”
“Your/Our One True Question”
That Is,
As Now
“Your/Our Understanding”
“Your/Our God Happening”
“Your/Our Purified Heart/Mind”
“Your/Our God” Within “Your/Our Life”
"Fully Awakened" To "Yourself" As "Such"
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
06. Sixth - Keep “Your/Our Own Counsel”
“Your/Our One True God”
Bawa. That Is, In Truth Always Keep “Your/Our Own Counsel” In “Your/Our One True God”, First Now Living In “The World” With You, if you like, And Then, And Only Then, Within “Your Life”, For In Truth That Alone Is Sufficient, Both For “Your Successful Life” And Now For “Your/Our Successful Presidency”and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. For Example, We Have Now Given To You, And Now Given To All of My Children, Without Exception, In Truth Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, if you like, To Truly Help “You”, And To Truly Help All of “Your Children” (That Is, To Truly Help All of “Your American People”) Who Support “Your/Our Presidency”, And Who Now Need And Who Will Now Accept “Your Help”, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. As In Truth We Have Now Given To “Him”, That Is, To Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, if you like, And We Have Now Given To All of His Children, Without Exception, In Truth Our Dearest Loving Son Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) (AKA “President Elect Donald Trump”), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, if you like, To Truly Help “Him”, And To Truly Help All of His Children, Without Exception, Both In Supporting “Your/Our Presidential Work” And In Supporting “Your/Our Divine Work”, if you like, if you like, and that is for sure.
Bawa. For In Truth “Your/Our Presidential Work” And “Your/Our Divine Work” Are Now “One”, That Is, In Truth, They Are Now “One Work”, Now For Our Age, Now For All Life, And As “Such”, Both Need “God’s Help” To Become “Truly Successful”, if you like, As Now In Truth “God’s Work”, Now For “Your/Our Age”, Now For “All Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. For In Truth “There Is Only One Thing” Wrong With “Your/Our Life”, And With “The Life” of All of “Your/Our American People” Who Now Currently Support “Your/Our Presidency” And “Your/Our Divine Work” In “Your/Our World”, And Who Currently Do Not Currently Support “Your/Our Presidency” And “Your/Our Divine Work” In “Your/Our World”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And Who Now Need “Your/Our Help” Mr. President, And Who Will Now Accept “Your/Our Help” Mr. President, And Who Will Now Not Accept “Your/Our Help” Mr. President, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And Now In Truth Wrong With “The Life” of “All” of “The People” Now Living In “The World”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
That Is,
In Truth
“All” of “The People”
Now Living In “The World”,
In Truth
“Have Truly Broken”
“Your/Our Direct Connection”
“Your/Our One True God”
“Your/Our Life”
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So Mr. President, “This”, And In Truth “Only This”, Is What “Must Be Fixed” During “Your/Our Presidency” And “Your/Our Divine Work” In “Your/Our World”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
That Is,
In Truth
“Your/Our Truly Broken”
“Direct Connection”
“Your/Our One True God”
“Your/Our Life”
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, In Order For “Your/Our Life”, And For “The Life” of “All” of “The People” Now Living In “America”, And In “The World”, if you like, To Truly Become “Your/Our Presidency” And “Your/Our Divine Work” In “Your/Our World” As Now “One”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, By Now “You” Mr. President, As Now My Dearest Loving Son. Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And By Now “You”, As Now My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And By “You”, As Now My Dearest Loving Son, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), Starting To Live As Now “One”, That Is, Starting To Live As Now “Your/Our One Life”, That Is, Starting To Live As Now
“Two Lives”
Now Living As “One Life”,
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
That Is,
In Order
To Truly
“Become “Your/Our Successful President”
To Truly
“Become “Your/Our Successful Human Being”
Now Living
As Now “Your/Our Presence” of “Your/Our God”
In “Your/Our World”,
That Is,
Now Living
As Now “Your/Our Qualities” of “Your/Our God”
In “Your/Our World”,
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So Mr. President, My Dearest Loving Son. Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Son, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), Before “You/We Do Anything”, Intend “Your/Our God’s Presence” As Now “One”, And Intend “Your/Our God’s Intention” As Now “One”, And Tell “Your/Our God” Your Truth As Now “One”, That Is, That “Your Life” And “His Life” And “All Life” Are Now “One Life”, And Then Call “Your/Our God” Into Action As Now “One”, Before “You/We Do Anything”, That Is, By Saying,
“All Praise”
“All Praising” Belong
“You O My God”
And To “You O My God” Alone”,
“What Is Happening” In “This Moment”,
(Al-hamdu lillah)
“We Give “You O My God”.
“The Complete Responsibility”
“What Is To Happen” In “The Next Moment”
“You O My God”. Amen.
(Tawakkul Allah)
if you like,
“You/We Do Anything”,
“You/We Get Out of Bed”,
“You/We Talk To Your/Our Sister/Wife”,
“You/We Talk To Your/Our Brother/Husband”,
“You/We Play With Your/Our Kids”
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And Then, Gradually Mr. President, My Dearest Loving Son. Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Son, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Truth “Your/Our Life” Will Become “Your/Our Sweet Taste” of “Your/Our God” Living In “Your/Our World”, if you like,and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Like Gradually “Your Apple Seed” Germinates And Become “Your Apple Tree”, And Gradually “Your Apple Tree” Produces “Your Apple Flowers”, And Gradually “Your Apple Flowers” Reveal “Your 1000 Apple Buds”, And Gradually “Your 1000 Apple Buds” Reveal “Your 1000 Sour Apple Fruits”, And Gradually “Your 1000 Sour Apple Fruits” Reveal “Your 1000 Sweet Apple Fruits” And “Your Sweet Apple Juice” Within Each of “Your Sweet Apples” And “Your Sweet Apple Taste” Within “Your Sweet Apple Juice”, if you like, That Is, If You/We “Do The Work”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, That Is, If You/We “Do The Work”, if you like, That Is, If “You/We Don’t Let Go” of “Your/Our Sweet Tree” of “Your/Our One True God”, Now For “Your/Our Age”, Now For All Life, Which In Truth Is Now “Your Life and Teaching” And Now “Your Heart” And Now “Your Songs” of “Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)”, In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, As Now “One With” In Truth “Your/Our Life”, As Now “One With” In Truth “All Life”, Now Living As “Your/Our Presence” of “Your/Our God” In “You/Our World” For “Your/Our Life”, In Truth For “All Life”, As Now “Your/Our God” Speaking To “Your/Our Life”, To “All Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, As Now In Truth “Your/Our Understanding” of “The Life and Teaching” And “The Heart” And “The Songs” (See “The Kalimah Song” And “The Invocation To The Guru”, And “The Invocation To Allah”) of “Your/Our Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
C. “Putting Into Action” Your/Our “Plan”
- For “Now What?” -
Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Son. Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter, Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Son, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), Lets Propose “Your/Our Actions” For Putting “Your/Our Plan” For “Now What?” Into Motion”, if you like, and that is for sure.
01. First -“Hold Firm” To “Your Current Base Support”
a. “Set Up “A Separate/Independent” - Base Support Office
Bawa. That Is, “Set Up “A Separate/Independent” - Base Support Office At “The White House”, That Reports Exclusively To “The President”, And Give It “Your/Our Charter” For Both “You” And “This Child”
“Hold Firm” To “Your/Our Current Base Support”
“Expand” In Truth “Your/Our Current Base Support”
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
02. Second - “Learn” To Sift “Your/Our Wheat”
From “Your/Our Shaft”
a. “Set Up “A Separate/Independent” - “My Knowledge” Office
Bawa. That Is, “Set Up “A Separate/Independent” - “My Knowledge” Office At “The White House”, That Reports Exclusively To “The President”, And Give It “Your/Our Charter” For Both “You” And For “This Child”, if you like, and that is for Sure. Amen.
That Is,
“Learn” To Sift “Your/Our Wheat” From “Your/Our Shaft”
ActIng With “Your/Our Qualities” of “Your/Our One True God”
And By
Keeping “Your/Our Own Counsel”
“Your/Our One True God”
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
D. “Your Closing Comments”
Bawa. Something To “Get Your/Our God” To “Get Your/Our Soul” To Think About A Lot, Yes?
Bawa. My Love You - My Dearest Loving Son Donald Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), As Now “Our Heart Name” For “You” Mr. President, And My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) As Now “Our Heart Name” For “You” Mrs. Melania Trump, you like, and that is for Sure. Amen
Bawa. And All of My Dearest Loving Children, Without Exception, if you like - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us, As Now “One”). Amen.
"The End"
"Your Love Letter 73"