- Bawa -
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“Your Short Love Letters” (SLL) of "Your Life"
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“Your Short Love Letters” of "Your Life"
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“Your Short Love Letters” of "Your Life"
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“Your Short Love Letters”
A. "Your Introduction" To "Your Short Love Letters"
B. "Your To" And "Your From" For "Your Home Page"
"Your Short Love Letters"
Go To "Your Wisdom Point 01"
C. "Your Title/Subject" For "Your Short Love Letters"
D. "Your Short Summary" of "Your Short Love Letters"
E. "Your Full Summary" of "Your Short Love Letters"
F. "Your List" of "Your Short Love Letters"
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"Your Short Love Letters"
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01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. 19, 20, 21,
01. "Your Short Love Letter 01" To "Darcy Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
Go To "Your New Introduction" of "Your Life"
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"Your NEW Introduction" of "Your Life"
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Go To "Your Topic" 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10,
02. "Your Short Love Letter 02" To "Donna Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
03. "Your Short Love Letter 03" To "Kurt Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
04. "Your Short Love Letter 04" To "Darcy Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
05. "Your Short Love Letter 05" To "Darcy Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
06. "Your Short Love Letter 06"
"Darcy, Emily, & Avery Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
07. "Your Short Love Letter 07"
"Darcy, Emily, & Avery Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
08. "Your Short Love Letter 08"
"Darcy, Donna, Emily, & Avery Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
And To
"Kurt, Robby, Bob, & Bobby Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
09. "Your Short Love Letter 09"
"Darcy, Donna, Emily, & Avery Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
And To
"Kurt, Robby, Bob, & Bobby Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
10. "Your Short Love Letter 10"
"Darcy, Donna, Emily, & Avery Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
And To
"Kurt, Robby, Bob, & Bobby Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
11. "Your Short Love Letter 11"
"Darcy, Donna, Emily, & Avery Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
And To
"Salma Alam, Kurt, Robby, Bob, & Bobby Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
12. "Your Short Love Letter 12"
"Your Sister Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
And To
"Darcy, Donna, Emily, & Avery Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
And To
"Salma Alam, Kurt, Robby, Bob, & Bobby Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
13. "Your Short Love Letter 13"
"Your Sister Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
And To
"Darcy, Donna, Emily, & Avery Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
And To
"Salma Alam, Kurt, Robby, Bob, & Bobby Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
14. "Your Short Love Letter 14"
"David Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
And To
"Michel, Monica, & Alisha Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
15. "Your Short Love Letters "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21",
"My Dearest Loving Brothers And Sisters" of "My Life"
And To
"My Dearest Loving Sons And Daughters" of "My Life"
And To
"My Dearest Loving Children" of "My Life"
And To
"My Dearest Loving Grand Children" of "My Life"
"Page 01" (This Page)
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B. "Your To" And "Your From" For "Your Home Page"
"Your Love Letter"
"Your To":
“My Dearest Loving Son” of "My Life"
“Your Dearest Loving Brother” of "Your Life"
As Now
And To:
“My Dearest Loving Grand Daughter” of "My Life"
“Your Dearest Loving Daughter” of "Your Life"
As Now
And To:
"Your From":
"Your Life"
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"Your Wisdom Point 01"
"Your Louie" (Ral.) of "Your Life"
As Now
"One" With "Your Life"
As Now
"One" With "All Life"
Now "Living and Thriving"
"Your Life" As Now "One"
Now Just Waiting
"You To Die" To "Your Current Flesh" of "Your Life"
"They" Can Become "Your Immortal" of "Your Life"
As NEXT Either
"Your Eternal One" of "Your Life"
ONE With
"Your God" of "Your Life"
"Your Eternal One" of "Your Life"
"Your God" of "Your Life"
and that is for sure. Amen.
As NEXT Either
"Your ETERNAL True One" of "Your Life"
"Your ETERNAL False One" of "Your Life"
and that is for sure. Amen.
Sent On July, 2nd, 2018
Version 07
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C. "Your Title/Subject"
“You Do Anything” Call “Me”
Now Call Me
As Now
“YOUR Two Lives” Now “Living” As “YOUR One Life”
For In Truth
“There Is No Other Way”
To Reach “Your God” of “Your Life”
First On “Your Outside” of “Your Life”
And Then, And "Only Then",
Within “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen
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A. "Your Introduction"
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Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In The Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Amen.
Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May All The Peace, The Beneficence, and The Blessing of God Be Upon You, Your Family, And Your Friends. Amen.
Bawa. My Love You, "My Dearest Loving Son David Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, And "My Dearest Loving Daughters Michel, Monica, And Alisha Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. “Thank You” So “Very, Very, Very Much” For “Your Love” And
“Your Comfort” That “Your Family” Continues "To Shower" Upon
(Ral.) of “Your Life”, That Is “A Very, Very, Very Good Thing” For
“Your Life” To Do, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Over “Your Last 6 Months” of “Your Life” We Have Written
“Your Series” of “Your 14 Short Love Letters” of “Your Life” To Some
of “Your Dearest Loving Children” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, Ending With
“Your Recent Short Love Letter” To “Your Family” About “Your 3 Divine Schools” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, As “Your Short Love Letter 14”,
In Response To
That You Sent To
“Your Louie” of “Your Life”,
See: https://www.dccc.edu/alumni-friends/news
All of Which Was Truly “Wonderful To Read”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And In Truth “Your Series” of “Your 14 Short Love Letters” of “Your Life” Started When “Your Family” of “Your Louie” of “Your Life” Requested To “Be Friends” On “Our Facebook” Connection, Most of Whom “Your Louie” of “Your Life” Had Not “Met At All” Or Not For “A Very Long Time”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. But As “We Have Shared” In “Your Love Letter 102” of “Your Life” We Then “Immediately Stepped Back” And “Immediately Handed” What “Our God” of “Our Life” Had Handed” To Us Back To “Our God” of “Our Life”, And “Was Completely Done With It”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. All of Which, IN TRUTH, Is What “Our God” of “Our Life” Had “Put In Front” of Us At “That Time” In “Our Life”, With Us Then Immediately Inviting “Our God” of “Our Life” To “Step Forward” And “Use It Up Completely”, Exclusively For “His Exclusive Universal Selfless Purpose” For “Our Life”, For “All Life”, Not Ever, Ever, Ever Using It For “Our Exclusively Personal Selfish Purpose” of “Our Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
“Immediately Saying”
“Bawa. Al-hamdu lillah”,
“Bawa. Tawwakul Allah”. Amen.
And Then
“Was Done With It”
Praising God
“For What Is Happening Now”
“This Moment” of “Our Life”
And Giving God
“All Exclusive Responsibility”
“For What Is To Happen”
“Our Next Moment” of “Our Life”
And Then
“Immediately Reciting”
“Our Final Love Refrain" of “Our Life”
“Our God” of “Our Life”
See: http://love-letter-page-02.homestead.com/Love-Letter-75.html#anchor_355
“Bawa. “As Now “One”.
"Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “In Whom” We Are “Well Pleased” As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “Complete" As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “Amen" As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”
“Bawa. “Amen" As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “Amen”.
And Then
“Immediately Reciting”
"Our Final Divine Refrain" of “Our Life”
“Our God” of “Our Life”
Go To "Our Final Divine Refrain" of “Our Life”
See: http://love-letter-page-02.homestead.com/Love-Letter-99-Page-02.html#anchor_114
Bawa. And Then My Dearest Loving Son “David Muhaiyaddeen”
(Ral.) of “My Life”, And “All” of “My Children” of “My Life”, What Has Now Become “Your Series” of “Your 14 Short Love Letters” of “Your Life” Happened, And Is Now Happening, And Will Continue To Happen Until “Your God” of “Your Life” Is “Done Happening” As “Your Life”, And “Your Life” Becomes “Your Understanding” of “Your God Happening” As “Your Life”, And “Within That”, As “Your Understanding” of Everything Within “That”, and that is for sure. Amen.
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