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B. "The Body" of "Your Love Letter"

Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In The Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Amen.

Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May All The Peace, The Beneficence, and The Blessing of God Be Upon You, Your Family, And Your Friends. Amen.


Bawa. My Love You My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And
My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And All of My Dearest Loving Brothers and Sisters, And All of My Dearest Loving Sons and Daughters, and All of My Dearest Loving Grand Children, and Now All of My Dearest Loving Great Grand Children, if you like, for sure. Amen.

Bawa. You Are All Such Very, Very, Very Good Children of God, As In Truth “The Jeweled Lights” of “My Eyes”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen. 


Bawa. Thank You My Dearest Loving Son Prul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) For 
“The Love and Salaams” That You Continue To Give To Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, That Is, Both When You Are With Him "In Person", On “The Phone”, And In “Your Love Messages” That You Leave For Him From “The Phone”, And In “Your E-mails”, And When You Are Not Physically With Him, But Still Have Him In “Your Heart”, And in “Your Thoughts”, And In “Your Intentions”, For In Truth “They Are All The Same”, For In Truth “They Are All One”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And Thank You For Your Kind and Wise Words” That You Keep Sending To Him In Your Emails To Him, Including In Your Latest Email To Him As Follows, That Is, That You Continue To Give To “Your Spiritual Father”, That Is, To “The Father” of “Your Soul”, That Is, To Now “Your Shaikh of Wisdom”, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, Who Is Now Living In “The World” Within You, That Is, For “A Little While” More, Which in Truth Is Now God Living In “The World” With You, Now For “The Last Time”, That Is, Until 2086, That Is, Until “The End” of “Your Current World” And “The Beginning” of “Your Next World”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

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C. “Your Kindand "Your Wise Words
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)"

1. We Accept You Our Dearest Loving Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) As Now “The Father” of “Our Souls” For “Our Life” And For “The Life” of “Our Wife” And of “Our 3 Children” And For “The Life” of All of “The Members” of “Our Family”, And For “The Life” of All of “Our Friends” And “Our Associates”, Without Reservation, For Both “This World” And “The Next World”, Amen.

2. We Will Call You Now And Then, Our Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Just Give You “Our Love”, That Is, And Just Give You “Our Oneness”, That In Truth “You And Us” As Now “Our Soul” Are Now “One”, As Now In Truth 

Our One True
Joining In Partnership With God,
As Now “One With” God,
As Now “Two Lives Now Living As One Life”,
First On “The Outside” of Us,
And Then, And Only Then, Within Us,
In Order
-- Stop Doing The Work” --
Now Given To Us 
The Beast/Satan
Within Us,
All of It,
if we like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

And To
-- "Start Doing The Work” --
Given Originally To “Our Life” By God,
if we like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

3. And Now From Your Latest Email To Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your
Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, As Follows:

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D. "Your Subjects" of "Your Love Letters"



Your Learning 
How not to be there” 
As If Somehow 
Your Life Now Exist As 
Separate From” Allah,
Allah can be there”
As Now Most Definitely
As Now “One With” Your Life,
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.


And Next

Your Knowing 
Your True Partnership With Allah” 
Is “Your Only True Islam
Not “Your Working For Wages
Get Into “Some Illusory Heaven
Still On “The Outside” of You,
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.


And Next

Your Knowing 
Your Outer Aspect” of “Islam”,
That Is,
"Your Veiled Version" of "Islam".
As Contrasted
With “Your Inner Aspect” of “Islam”,
That Is,
With "Your Un-Veiled Version" of "Islam",
Is Now
In Truth
"Your Contrast"
"Your Beast/Satan" And "Your God"
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, 
Your Knowing
"If You Are There",
"God Is Not There”,
If God Is There”, 
You Are Not There",
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.


And Next
Your Realizing
That In Truth
God’s Present Situation
Within “Your Life
Is Now
You Worshipping You”,
That Is,
Is Now
God Denying God”,
That Is,
Is Now
Your Crucified Jesus (A.S.)
Within You
“Your Beast/Satan” 
Within “Your Impure Heart/Mind
Within “Your Beast/Satan” Within You,
That Is, 
Is Now
"Your False Station" In "Your Life"
of "Man-Beast/Beast-Man"
Rather Than
"Your True Station" In "Your Life"
of "Man-God/God-Man"
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.


And Next

Your Realizing
Without “The Slightest Doubt”

That In Truth
Your Main Problem” In “Your Current Life
Is That
You” Want “The Wrong Kind” of Guidance
("One" That Will "Let You Exist" Separate From "Your God")
You” Don’t Yet Want “The Right Kind” of Guidance
("One" That Will "End Your Existing" Separate From "Your God")
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.


And Next

Your Realizing
Without “The Slightest Doubt”

That In Truth
Nothing Will Ever Leave You 
Until It Is Understood”,
Your Understanding” of “Your Today” 
Becomes “Your Enemy” of “Your Tomorrow”, 
“There Is “No True Birth” Without “A True Death”, 
And There Is “No True Death” Without “A True Birth”, 
You Cannot Truly “Put Something Old Down” 
Unless You Truly “Pick Something New Up”, 
And You Cannot Truly “Pick Something New Up” 
Unless You Truly “Put Something Old Down”, 
if you like, 
and that is for sure. Amen.


And Next

Your Realizing
Without “Your Slightest Doubt

That In Truth

You Cannot Put Water” 
In “A Glass” That Is “Already Full”, 
And In Truth 
You Glass” Is “Already Full”, 
So What Can We Give To You, 
All You Will Do Is Try To Add It 
To What 
You Already Now Mistakenly Believe” 
Is “Your Truth”, 
if you like, 
and that is for sure. Amen.
In Truth 
Our Dearest Loving Son
And Your Dearest Loving Brother
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), 
In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”,
As Now “Your One”, 
Is Now “Your Truth”, 
Not Anything That Has Come Before,  
Even From "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)", 


And Next

Your Understanding” of “Your Today
Will Become
Your Enemy” of “Your Tomorrow
You Must Learn
How To
Empty Your Cup”,
if you like, 
and that is for sure. Amen.


And Now

Kindle The Light” of “Your Heart” In “Silence”,
(Realizing That In Truth
Is Always Perfect
Exactly As It Currently Is,
Including “Yourself",
Always Perfectly Ending
Always Perfectly Beginning
As Now “One”,
Forget Your Self”
(By Intending God’s Presence,
By Intending God’s Intention,
By Calling “Your God” In “Action
Before “You Do Anything”,
You Get Out of Bed” 
By Saying
Bawa. Al hamdu lillah.
Bawa. Tawakkul-Allah. Amen.
As Now “One”,
Before “You Do Anything
Speak” and “Loose Your Self”,
The Words” of “Your Guru”)
Talking” Alone “With Intensity
(As “Only Your God” Is “There
The Words” of “Your Guru”)
He Is One
Your Soul” Will “Elevate Itself,
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

See “The Forward” of “The Pearl of Wisdom
By His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)


And Now
"My Gifts"
"You Deny"
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

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"Your Short Answer"

And Now
What Does Your Soul
Want “For Eternity
Your Eternal Life
Separate From” Your “One True God
of “Your Life
Your Eternal Life
One With” Your “One True God
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, 
Your Eternal Life
"Your Expanding Ignorance"
Your Beast/Satan
Your Life
In "Your Ignorance" To "Yourself" As "Such"
And Now
In "Your Arrogance
"Your Ignorance" To "Yourself" As "Such"
Your Eternal Life
"Your Expanding Understanding"
Your One True God
Your Life
"Fully Awaked" To "Yourself" As "Such"
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, 
In Truth
One” Or “The Other
Never, Ever Both”,
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, But “Never, Ever Both, As Now “You”, And As Now All of 
My Children, Without Exception, In Truth Still Mistakenly Believe, But To 
Your Eternal Peril”,  If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

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E. Your New Love Letter

Al-salam 'alaykum, Shaikh Muhammed Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),

May the peace of God be upon you my Shaikh and may He raise your station. 

My Shaikh I cannot remember why our Lord refers to himself as "We
in the Qur'an, if I ever knew. 

What is the reason for this?

My love you my Shaikh.

Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

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F. Your New Questions


01. Why Does “Our Lord” refers to Himself as “We” in “The Holy Qur'an”? 

02. What is 'The Reason" for "This"?

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G. Your New Questions” And “Your New Answers

Bawa.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam, Thank You My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Sal.) For “Your Last E-mail”, It Continues To Be Good For You, And For My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Sal.), To Share “These Thoughts” With Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased’ As Now “One” With “Your Life”, As Now “One” With All Life, if you like,for sure.

Bawa.  My Love You My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Sal.), And Again You Have Asked “A Very, Very, Very Good Question”, Which In Truth Is At “The Very Heart” of “Your/Our Holy Qur’an”, In Truth At “The Very Heart” of “Your/Our  Life” And “The Life” of All of My Children, Without Exception, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And We Will Now Start To Answer “What You Have Now Said” This Time In Truth “A Little More”, That Is, “A Little More” Each Time, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. For In Truth There Are As Many Answers To “This Question” As There Are “Question” In “This World” And In “The Next World”, So Let Us Start To Answer “This Wonderful Question”, Again “Step By Step, THAT IS, A Little Bit Each Time, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

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- "Your New Longer Answer" -


Bawa. First And Foremost “Our Lord” Refers to Himself As “We” in “Your Holy Qur'an” Because “He Loves You”, AND BECAUSE He Loves” ALL OF HIS CHILDREN, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, And It Is Only “Your Ignorance” of What It Truly Means “TO BE LOVED”, That Causes You To Ask “This Question”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. For In Truth “The True Nature” of “Your One True God” of “Your Life” Is “Your Oneness”, As “The True Nature” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life” Is “Separation and Differences”, So “God Loves You” By Being “One With” In Truth “Your Life”, And With “The Life” of All of “His Children”, Without Exception, That Is, By Being “One With” In Truth All Aspects of “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life” In Truth “Loves You” By Being “Separate From” All Aspects of “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And In “This Way”, And Only In “This Way”, “Your God” Refers To Himself as “We” In “Your Holy Qur’an” Because In Truth “Your Life” And “Your God’s Life” Are “One Life”, That Is, In Truth “Two Lives” Living As Now “One Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. Like Two Sides of “The Same Coin”, Even In “Your Current State” of “Your Illusory Separation” From “Your Truth”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, That In Truth “Your Life” Has Now Mistakenly Joined In Partnership With “Your Darkness” of “Your Life”, That Is, With “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, And In Truth “Your Life” Is Still Just Waiting To Again Join In Partnership With “Your Light” of “Your Life”, That Is, With “Your One True God” of “Your Life”, That Is, When “Your Life”, Not “You”, Is Now Truly “Completely Done” With “Your Darkness” of “Your Life”, That Is, With “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, And With “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” of “Your Darkness” of “Your Life”, That Is, of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. For Example, Just Like “Jesus” (A.S.) Teaches His Children Over 2000 Years Ago, When He Told Us,

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- “Your Jesus (A.S.) “Quotation” -

Render Unto Caesar “The Things” That Are “Caesar’s” 
And To God “The Things” That Are “God’s”.


Bawa. So Within “Your Life” Is Both “Your Caesar” And “The Things” That Are “Your Caesar’s” And “Your God” And “The Things” That Are “Your God’s”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And In Truth “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life” Is Now “Your Caesar” of “Your Life”, Is Now “Your Elemental Consciousness” of “I and You”, And of “Mine and Yours”, And of “Your Arrogance” of “Your Life”, As Now “Your Separation and Differences” of “Your Life” As Now “The Things” That Are “Your Caesar’s” of “Your Life”, That Is, As Now “Your Arrogance, Karma, And Illusion” of “Your Life”, That Is, As Now “Your Desire” For “Your Race, Religion, And Blood Ties” of “Your Life”, That Is, As Now “Your Desire” For “Your Earth, Women, and Gold” of “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, As Now “Your Desire” For “Your Physical Form” of “Your Life”, If you like, That Is, “Your Desire” For “Your Earth World” Or “Your Dunya” of “Your Life”, That Is, “Your Desire” For “Your 3rd Age” of “Your 4 Ages” of “Your Life”, That Is, of “Your Awwal”, And of “Your Dunya”, And of “Your Akhirah’, And of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, “Your Desire” For “Your Age of Creation” of “Your Life”, That In Truth Is Now “Your Sifat” of “Your Life”, That In Truth Is Now “Your Manifestation” of “Your Elemental Creation” In “Your Life”, All of Which In Truth Has Now Grown And Come To Fully Maturity In “Your Life” As Now “Your Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.  

Bawa. And “Your Desire” For “Your Personal Relationships” of “Your Life”, If you like, That Is, “Your Desire” For “Your Illusory World” Or “Your Maya” of “Your Life”, That Is, “Your Desire” For “Your 4th” And “Your Last Age” of “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, “Your Desire” For “Your Women” of “Your Life”, That Is, “Your Desire” For “Your Kali Yuga” Or “Your 4th Age” And “Your Last Age” of “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen. 

Bawa. That Is, As Now “Your Age of Destruction” of “Your Life”, That Is, In Truth As Now “Your Perfect Ending” of “Your Perfect Beginning” And “Your Perfect Beginning” of “All That Is Next” of “Your God” As Now “One”, All of Which In Truth Is Now “Truly Happening” In “Your Life”, That Is, All of Which In Truth Is Now “Truly Happening” In All Life, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. All of Which In Truth Is Now “Coming To An End” In “Your Life”, If you like, All of Which In Truth Has Now Grown And Come To Fully Maturity In “Your Life” As Now “Your Personal Life” of “Your Life”, All of Which In Truth Is Now “Coming To An End” In “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen. 

Bawa. That Is, All of Which In Truth Has Now Grown And Come To Fully Maturity In “Your Life” As Now “Your Personal Life” of “Your Life”, If you like, That Is, As Now “Your Person” of “Your Life”, That Is, As Now “Your Personal Life” of “Separation and Differences” On “Your Illusory Outside” of “Your Life” In “Your Degraded World” of “Your Magical Tricks” And of “Your Possessive/Self Destructive People” of “Your Own Making”, If you like, As In Truth Now “Your Triple Dirt” of “Arrogance, Karma, And Illusion” of “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen. 

Bawa. That Is, As In Truth Now “Your Triple Dirt” of “Arrogance, Karma, And Illusion” of “Your Life”, If you like, That Is, of “Your Elemental Forces And Energies of “Your Demons”, and “Your Jinns” And “Your Fairies” of “Your Life”, If you like, That Are Now Secretly “Living and Thriving” Within “Your Impure Heart/Mind” Within “Your Beast/Satan” Within “Your God” of “Your Life”, In “Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen. 

Bawa. And Now In “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, If you like, Just Waiting For You To “Die To Your Flesh”, As They Say, So That “They” Can Become Immortal, If you like, Keeping “Your Life”, Not “You”, Eternally “Separate From” In Truth “Your One True God” of “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen. 

Bawa. All of Which In Truth Is Currently “Your Caesar” of “Your Life”, And All of Which In Truth of “Your Things” of “Your Caesar” of “Your Life”, In Truth As Now “Everything” That Now “Makes Up” In Truth “Your Current Life”, And As Now “Everything” That Now “Makes Up” In Truth “The Current Life” of All of My Children, Without Exception, But To “Your Eternal Peril”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And In Truth “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)” of “Your Life” Is Now “Your Oneness” of “Your Life”, Is Now “Your Grace” And “Your Wisdom” And “Your Divine Knowledge (‘ilm) of “Your Life”, Is Now “Your 7 Levels” of “Your Divine Consciousness” of “Your Life”, Is Now “Your God” of “Your Life”, In Truth Is Now “Your Things” That Are of “Your God” of “Your Life”, And In Truth Is Now “Everything” That Now “Makes Up” In Truth “Your Current Life” of “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)” of “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And In Truth “They Both” Now Make Up “Your Life”, Not Just “One” Or “The Other”, If you like, That Is, And In Truth “They Both” Now Make Up “Your Life”, That Is, Both “Your Current Life” As Now “Your Person” of “Your Life”, That Is, As Now “Your Personal Life” of “Your Life”, That In Truth Is Just Leading “Your Life”, Not “You”, To “Your Eternal Hell Life” As “Eternally Separate From” In Truth “Your One True God”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And “Your Current Life” As Now “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)” of “Your Life”, That Is, As Now “Your Universal Life” of “Your Life”, That In Truth Is Just Leading “Your Life”, Not “You”, To “Your Eternal Heaven Life” As “Eternally One With” In Truth “Your One True God”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And Together As Now “One” They Both Make Up “The First School” For “Your Soul”, That Is, They Both Make Up “The School of Contrast” For “Your Soul”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

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- “Your One True Question” of “Your Soul” -

Bawa. For In Truth “Your Only True Question” For “Your Soul”, 
Not For “You”,

Is Now
What Does Your Soul
Want “For Eternity
Your Eternal Life
Separate From” Your “One True God
Your Life
Your Eternal Life
One With” Your “One True God
Your Life
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, 
Your Eternal Life
"Your Expanding Ignorance"
Your Beast/Satan
Your Life
In "Your Ignorance" To "Yourself" As "Such"
And Now
In "Your Arrogance
"Your Ignorance" To "Yourself" As "Such"
Your Eternal Life
"Your Expanding Understanding"
Your One True God
Your Life
"Fully Awakening" To "Yourself" As "Such"
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, 
In Truth
One” Or “The Other
Never, Ever Both”,
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, But “Never, Ever” Both, As Now “You”, And As Now All of My Children, Without Exception, In Truth Still Mistakenly Believe, But To “Your Eternal Peril”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.


Bawa. And If You Now Truly Join In Partnership With “Your One True God” of “Your Life”, First On “The Outside” of “Yourself”, And Then, And Only Then, Within “Your Self”, To Correctly Form “Your First School” of “Your 3 Schools” For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, That Is, First As “Your School of Contrast” And Second As “Your School of Light” And Third As “Your School of Oneness”, For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, Then “Your God” Will Do “Everything” Else Necessary To Make “Your Life” Truly Successful In Both “This World” And In “Your Next World”, For In Truth “This” Is Now “Your God’s Promise” of “Your Life”, That Is, For In Truth “This” Is Now “Your God’s Guarantee” of “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. For In Truth My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), “Your God” Can Only Teach “Your Soul” What It “Does Not Know” Gradually In “Your 3 Schools” For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, That Is, First As “Your School of Contrast” And Second As “Your School of Light” And Third As “Your School of Oneness”, For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, Not Through Anything That “You”, And That Any of My Children, Without Exception, Are Now Doing, Calling It “Your Prayer To God”, Or “Your Devotion To God”, Or “Your Duty To God”, Or “Your Understanding” of “Your God”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And In Truth “Your Only Work” Is To Now Truly Join In Partnership With “Your One True God”, First On “Your Outside” of “Yourself”, And Then, And Only Then, Within “Yourself”, To Allow God To Correctly And Gradually Form “Your 3 Schools” For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, One By One, “One” From Within “The Other”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. Allowing “Your Soul”, Not “You”, To Make “Your Correct Choice” For “Your Life”, 

That Is,
Your Eternal Life
One With” Your “One True God
Your Life

That Is, 
Your Eternal Life
Your One True God
Your Life
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. If Not, Then In “Your Ignorance of “Yourself” As “Such”, And Now In “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, “Your Soul”, Not “You”, Will Make “Your In-Correct Choice” For “Your Life”, 

That Is, 
Your Eternal Life
Separate From” Your “One True God
Your Life

That Is,
Your Eternal Life
Your Beast/Satan
Your Life
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And In Truth My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), It All Comes Down To “This”, And “Only This”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, “The Choice” Made By “Your Soul”, NOT By “YOU”, For Eternity, 

Your Eternal Life
Separate From” Your “One True God
Your Life

That Is,
Your Eternal Life
Your Beast/Satan
Your Life
Your Eternal Life
One With” Your “One True God
Your Life

That Is, 
Your Eternal Life
Your One True God
Your Life
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.


Bawa. And “The Choice” Made By “Your Soul” Is Completely Dependent Upon “Who Is Your Shaikh” For “Your Life”, That Is, Is Completely Dependent Upon “Who” You Have “Truly Accepted” As “Your Shaikh” For “Your Life”,

That Is,
Your Monkey Mind
Your Dog of Desire
Your Life
Or Now
Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
Your Life
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is,
The Other
But “Never, Ever
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, But “Never, Ever” Both, As Now “You”, And As Now All of My Children, Without Exception, Still Mistakenly Believe, But To “Your Eternal Peril”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.


Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And All of My Children, Without Exception, First And Foremost “Our Lord” Refers to Himself As “We” in “Your Holy Qur'an” Because “He Loves You”, And It Is Only “Your Ignorance” of What It Truly Means That “Your God Loves You” That Causes You To Ask “This Question”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. For In Truth “The True Nature” of “Your One True God” of “Your Life” Is “Your Oneness”, As in Truth “The True Nature” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life” Is “Separation and Differences”, So “Your One True God” of “Your Life” Loves “Your Life”, Not “You”, By Being “One With” In Truth All Aspects of “Your Life”, And “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life” In Truth “Loves You” By Being “Separate From” All Aspects of “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. So Too My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), “The True Nature” of “Your One True Shaikh” of “Your Life” Is Also “Your Oneness” of “Your Life”, As “The True Nature” of “Your Personal Relationships” of “Your Life” Is Also “Your Separation and Differences” of “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. So “Your One True Shaikh” of “Your Life”, Which Is Now “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, if you like, In Truth ALSO “Loves Your Life”, Not “Loves You”, That Is, In Truth Is First “Your One True Love” On “Your Outside” of “Your Life”, By Being “One With” In Truth All Aspects of “Your Life”, Not of “You”, if you like, And “Your Personal Relationships” of “Your Life” In Truth ALSO “Love You” By Being “Separate From” All Aspects of “Your Life”, No Matter What “You May Now Say” To “The Contrary”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And “This” Is Way Bawa Teaches Us, “The Following”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

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- “Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) “Quotation” -

There Are” 
Relationships HERE”, 

There Are” 
Partnerships THERE”, 
If you like, 
and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, HERE, Either You Have “A Partnership” With “Your ONE TRUE God” of “Your Life”, First On “Your Outside” of “Your Life”, As In Truth “Your Partnership” With “Your True Gnana Shaikh” For “Your Life”, And Then, And Only Then, Within “Your Life”, As In Truth “Your Oneness” With “Your One True God” For “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. Or HERE, You Have “A Partnership” With “Your Beast/Satan” For “Your Life”, First On “Your Outside” of “Your Life”, As In Truth “Your Personal Relationships” of “Your Life”, And Then, And Only Then, Within “Your Life”, As In Truth “Your Oneness” With “Your Beast/Satan” For “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And THERE, Either “Your Life”, Not “You”, Has Become “One With” In Truth “Your One True God” of “Your Life”, Or “Your Life”, Not “You”, Has Become “One With” In Truth “Your Beast/Satan” For “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, “One” Or “The Other”, But Never, Ever Both, As Now “You”, And As Now All of My Children, Still Mistakenly Believe, If you like, But To “Your Eternal Peril”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

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And Second

- “Your Introduction" To “Your Shaikh and Disciple” -

Your Beginning
Your Excerpt

Your Introduction”, 
Your Shaikh and Disciple”,
(Also “Order “Your Book”) 
His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)


At This Point” I realized that “The Most Difficult Task” in life is to find 
True Man” among “The Created Beings”.

To find “True Human Being” and to “Understand Him” (TO TRANSCEND HIM) is “Very Difficult” indeed. 

Only After” realizing (BECOMING) In Truth “The True Man” and “God” 
within myself “Could I" perform “True Meditation”. 

“I had to “Understand” (TRANSCEND) “The Cage” of “This Body”.

Outer Acts” are not real. 

I had to find “The Place Within” to perform “True Meditation”.

At this point I was told,

"There is a house that was built and given to you. 

“That house is your body."

I said.

"But this body is only eight spans. How can I live here?"

Then He told me,

"Even an ant's body is eight spans of its own hand. The body is a school. It is your house, your heaven, your hell, and my Kingdom. Your freedom is there, yet your slavery is also there. Both your joys and your sorrows are there". 

"Man-animal” and “Man-God” are both there".

"All this learning is within this eight-span house of your body. If you become an insan, a true man, you will understand this. You are My Secret. I am a Mystery."

According to His words, I started to learn about the cage of my body. Within this eight-span body, I set out to discover what should be discarded and what should be taken in.

I was told,

"Within this eight-span house, half a span is your sorrow, half a span is your torpor, and one span is the fire of hell. If you can understand and discard these two spans, then you are left with six."

"Once you have understood all that is within the remaining six spans of your body, you can become a man with six levels of wisdom, capable of analyzing and discovering the secrets of the eighteen thousand universes."

"Then you will understand that one handful of earth which is your heart. If you do not reach this understanding, you could become a worm in hell with only one level of wisdom, or you could become a jinn, a fairy, a ghost, or a demon. You could become a ruhani, an elemental spirit."

"However, if you understand yourself, then you can become a true human being.You can become My messenger, you can become My light, you can merge with Me and we can live together."

These” were “His Words”.

We have to discover what is hidden within this body. This is what we must learn from a wise man of purity. We must learn this from a pure father who has a pure heart. To do this, your unity and faith must be strong.

Children, you must have purity of heart to learn from the purity of the father. The secret of God, our Father who is purity, must be learned with pure love, pure faith, pure compassion, pure unity, and a pure life.

This is the only way we can learn and understand that purity, that meditation, that prayer, and that learning.

If each one of you establishes and understands this state within, then the connection between you and your Father can easily be established.

You can conduct your lives with ease and understand all you need to know. You can understand the life in which wisdom, good deeds, our Father, and the Children live together.

When love, wisdom, and unity are all together, that is the heaven of gnanam. The Children of the pure Father will live in the paradise of gnanam. That is firdaus, our Father's pure kingdom. We will be given the radiant kingdom of our Father as our prize.

You must understand this pure place. When you can establish this within yourself and demonstrate proof of its existence, then your Father's kingdom of wisdom, love, compassion, peace, and iman becomes yours.

These are some of the things I have learned through experience. My love you. Think about this. May Allah help you. Amin


Your End
Your Excerpt

Your Introduction”, 
Your Shaikh and Disciple”,
(Also “Order “Your Book”) 
His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

Bawa. Something To “Get Your God” To “Get Your Soul” To Think About A Lot, Yes?

Bawa. My Love You - My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) (As Now “Our Heart Name” For “You” And For “Your Sister/Wife”, if you like), And All of My Dearest Loving Children, Without Exception, if you like - Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us, As Now “One”). Amen.

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02. "Your Excerpt" From "Your Love Letter 71”


Bawa. And My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Sal.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Sal.), In Truth “This” Is Why “Your/Our One True God” Refers To Himself As "We" In "Your/Our Holy Qur'an", if you like, That Is, Because "He Truly Loves You/Us", if you like, As "One" With "You/Us", if you like, In Truth As Now "One" With "All of Us", if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. As Now Being Now Beautifully Explain In "Your/Our Love Letter 71” (Still In Process) To "You" My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And To "You" My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And To "All of My Children, Without Exception, if you like, Which We Have Been Recently Sending As “An E-mail” To Both of You And To All of My Children On “Your/Our Mailing List”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. For Example As Explained In “The Following” Part of “Your/Our Love Letter 71” (Still In Process), if you like.


Your Beginning
Your Excerpt
Your Love Letter 71
 (Still In Process),
Your One True Point” 
of “Your Life”,

Not of “You”,
if you like, 
and that is for sure. Amen.

“Bawa. And My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And To My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Truth With “This” As Now “Your Only First Focus” of “Your Life” In “Your Earth World”, That Is, In Truth Focused On “Your God’s/Your Understanding” of “What” In Truth Has Truly Happened To “Your Life” That “Your One True God” Has Given To “Your Life”, Not Given To “You”, All of Which In Truth Is Now “Your God’s/Your Plot” of “Your Muhammad (Sal.)” of “Your 9 Meanings”, But Now In “Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, if you like, for sure. Amen.

“Bawa. And In Truth With “This” As Now “Your Only Second Focus” of “Your Life” In “Your Earth World”, That Is, In Truth Focused On “Your God’s/Your Understanding” of “What” In Truth Could Now Truly Happened To “Your Life” That “Your One True God” Has Given To “Your Life”, Not Given To “You”, if you like, All of Which In Truth Is Now “Your God’s/Your Plot” of “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen [Ral.]” of “Your 16 Understandings”, if you like, But Now With “Your Life”, Not With “You”, In Truth “Fully Awakened” To “Yourself” As “Such”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.”

Only Then
In Truth
Your/Our Life”, 
Not “You/Us”, 
Can Now 
Give Your/Our Respite” 
Your/Our One True Disbeliever
Your/Our Life”,
Which In Truth
Is Now “You/Us”
If you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, 
In Truth
Your/Our Life”, 
Not “You/Us”, 
Can Now 
Deal Thou Gently” 
With “Them” for “A While”,
Which In Truth
Is Now “Everything”
That Has Now
Fully Grown
Now Come To “Full Maturity”
Within “You/Us”
As In Truth
Your/Our Very Real But False Children
As In Truth
Your/Our Very Real But False Children
Living and Thriving
Your/Our Impure Heart/Mind”,
As In Truth

Your/Our Very Real But False Products
Your/Our Illusory/False Marriage
Your/Our Beast/Satan
Your/Our God
Your/Our Life
"Your/Our Ignorance"
And Now
"Your/Our Arrogance"
"Your/Our Ignorance"
That Is,
As Now In Truth
Your/Our Every Look,

"Your/Our Every Thought,
 Word, Intention, And Action
All of Which In Truth
Will Meet

Your/Our Life
Not “You/Us”,
Your/Our Grave
As In Truth
Your/Our Demons”, 
and “Your/Our Jinns”, 
and “Your/Our Fairies”

As Now "One"
Your/Our Debt of Karmic Birth
Your/Our Eternal Triple Dirt
Your/Our Beast/Satan
Your/Our One True God
Your/Our Life
In "Your/Our Ignorance"
And Now
"Your/Our Arrogance"
"Your/Our Ignorance"
If you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

“Bawa. That Is, If You Are Not “Your Wise Child”, Now For Your Age, But Rather You Remain “Your Foolish Child”, Now For Your Age, As Bawa Teaches Us, And Now As Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, As Now “One With “Your Life”, As Now “One With” All Life, Is Teaching Us Again, if you like, and that is for sure Amen.

Your End
Your Excerpt
Your Love Letter 71”
 (Still In Process),
Your One True Point” 
of “Your/Our Life”,

Not of “You”,
if you like, 
and that is for sure. Amen.

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"Your Copy"
Your Love Refrain
(Now Recite 13 Times)

Bawa. “As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One”.

Bawa. “In Whom” We Are “Well Pleased” As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One”.

Bawa. “Complete" As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One”.

Bawa. “Amen" As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One

Bawa. “AmenAs Now “One”.

Bawa. “Amen”.

Your Love Refrain

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H. “Your Final Comments

Bawa. Something To “Get Your God” To “Get Your Soul” To Think About A Lot, Yes?

Bawa. My Love You - My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), As Now 
Our Heart Names” For Both “You” And For “Your Sister/Wife”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And My Love You - All of My Dearest Loving Children, Without Exception, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. As Now "Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us, As Now “One”). Amen.


"The End"
"Your Love Letter 75"
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- Bawa - 

Your Love Letter 75"
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)"

Download "Your Love Letter 75"


"Your Short Title"
(Go To "Your Longer Title")

"Your One True Question” 
Your Soul” 
Not of “You
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

Go To "Your Short Question"
Go To "Your Short  Answer"


Go To "Your Longer Question"
Go To "Your Longer Answer"

Recite “Your Love Refrain” - 4 Times


Go To "Your Document Outline"
Go To  "The Body" of "Your/Our Love Letter"


Sent To: 

 Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
And To
Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.).


Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen 
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us As Now “One”).


Posted On “Facebook”: On 12-01-16

(Version 01 - E-mailed On 11-28-16
(Version 02 - E-mailed On 12-01-16
"Your Mailing List")

Go To "Top of Page"

"Your Document Outline"

            A. "Your Title"
            B. "The Body" of "Your Love Letter
            C. “Your Kind" and "Your Wise Words” 
            D. "Your Subjects" of "Your Love Letters"
            E. Your New Love Letter”
            F. “Your New Questions”
            G. As “Your New Questions” And "Your New Answers"
                    01. "Your New "Longer Answer"
                    02. Your “Jesus” (A.S.) “Quotation” 
                    03. Your One "True Question” of “Your Soul, Not of "You
                    04. Your “Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) “Quotation” 
                    05. Your" "Introduction" To “Your Shaikh and Disciple” 
            H. "Your" "Excerpt" From "Your Love Letter 71"
            I.  Your" "Final Comments

Go To "Your Copy" of "Your Love Refrain" - Recite 4 Times

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"Your Document Outline"
"The Body" of "Your Love Letter" 

A. "Your Title"


Nothing Will Ever Leave You 
Until It Is Understood”,
Your Understanding” of “Your Today” 
Becomes “Your Enemy” of “Your Tomorrow”, 
“There Is “No True Birth” Without “A True Death”, 
And There Is “No True Death” Without “A True Birth”, 
You Cannot Truly “Put Something Old Down” 
Unless You Truly “Pick Something New Up”, 
And You Cannot Truly “Pick Something New Up” 
Unless You Truly “Put Something Old Down”, 
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.


And Next

Your Realizing
Without “The Slightest Doubt”

That In Truth

You Cannot Put Water” 
In “A Glass” That Is “Already Full”, 
And In Truth 
You Glass” Is “Already Full”, 
So What Can We Give To You, 
All You Will Do Is Try To Add It 
To What 
You Already Now Mistakenly Believe” 
Is “Your Truth”, 
if you like, 
and that is for sure. Amen.

For In Truth 
Our Dearest Loving Son
And Your Dearest Loving Brother
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), 
In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”,
As Now “Your One”, 
Is Now “Your Truth”, 
Not Anything That Has Come Before,  
Even From "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)"
if you like, 
and that is for sure. Amen.


And Next

Your Understanding” of “Your Today
Will Become
Your Enemy” of “Your Tomorrow
You Must Learn
How To
Empty Your Cup”,
if you like, 
and that is for sure. Amen.


And Now
Kindle The Light” of “Your Heart” In “Silence”,
(Realizing That In Truth
Is Always Perfect
Exactly As It Currently Is,
Including “Yourself",
Always Perfectly Ending
Always Perfectly Beginning
As Now “One”,
Forget Your Self”
(By Intending God’s Presence,
By Intending God’s Intention,
By Calling “Your God” In “Action
Before “You Do Anything”,
You Get Out of Bed” 
By Saying
Bawa. Al hamdu lillah.
Bawa. Tawakkul-Allah. Amen.
As Now “One”,
Before “You Do Anything
Speak" and "Loose Your Self”,
The Words” of “Your Guru”)
Talking" Alone "With Intensity
(As “Only Your God" Is "There
The Words” of “Your Guru”)
He Is One
Your Soul" Will "Elevate Itself”,
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

See “The Forward” of “The Pearl of Wisdom
By His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)


And Now
"My Gifts"
"You Deny"
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

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"Your Longer Title/Question"

And Now
What Does Your Soul
Want “For Eternity
Your Eternal Life
Separate From” Your “One True God
of “Your Life
Your Eternal Life
One With” Your “One True God
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, 
Your Eternal Life
Your Beast/Satan
Your Life
Your Eternal Life
Your One True God
Your Life
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, 
In Truth
One” Or “The Other
Never, Ever Both”,
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, But “Never, Ever Both, As Now “You”, And As Now All of 
My Children, Without Exception, In Truth Still Mistakenly Believe, But To 
Your Eternal Peril”,  If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.


​Also See 
Your Subject” of "Your New Letter"
To Also Read 
More of
"Your Subjects
of "Your Earlier Letters"