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"Your Body"
Your Love Letter 121” of "Your Life"


B. Your One True Introduction” To “Your Life


Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. 

In The Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Amen.

Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  

May All The Peace, The Beneficence, and The Blessing of God Be Upon You, Your Family, And Your Friends. Amen.


Bawa, My Love You, My Dearest Loving Daughter Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “My Life”, And All of My Dearest Loving Sons and Daughters Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “My Life”, As Now “Our Soul Names” For “Your Life”, In Truth We Are All Such “Wonderful Children” of “Our God” of “Our Life”, And He Loves Us “Very, Very, Very Much, and that is for sure. 

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C. Your Love Notes - Responses” (LNR)
To From
"Your Louie (Ral.) of Your Life


Bawa. Thank You For Your Following Love Notes" (In RED) To             "Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, And "Our Responses Back" 
            (In BLACK) To "Our Aziza" of "My Life", and that is for sure. Amen.


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01. Your One True Introduction” of “Your Life” - YES
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Louie. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. (YES)

Louie. In The Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Amen. (YES)

Louie. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. (YES)

Louie. May All The Peace, The Beneficence, and The Blessing of God Be Upon You, Your Family, And Your Friends. Amen. (YES)

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02. “Your NEW LOUIE Facebook Presence” (GOOD)
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Louie. I made the changes on “My Facebook Account”.

(Bawa. GOOD. We Saw Them. It Looks Wonderful, and that is for sure). 

Louie. My Very Precious Louie, attached are the writings (About “Our Latest Bawa-Louie Adventures” of “Our Life”, of “Our God” of “Our Life”, and that is for sure. Amen)

(Bawa. GOOD - But We Cannot Open Them On “Our Computer, You Have “A Later Software Version” Than We Do. So Please Resend “Your First One” Dated 2-19 To US Again But This Time As “Just An E-mail”, NOT As “An Attached File” To “Your E-mail”, And We Will Update It With “Your First Example” of “Your Bawa - Louie Speak”, And Send It Back To you, and that is for sue. Amen. Ok?”

Bawa. And Please Re-write “Your Next One” Dated 2-21, Without “Your Current Stink” of “Your Current Personal Oyster Life” And Then E-mail “That One” To “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen. Ok?”)

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03. “I hope I am dumb enough now” - NO
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Louie. I hope I am dumb enough now.

(Bawa. NO - Their “You” Go Again” - You Cannot Be Dumb Or Not Dumb, OR Anything, Because “You Do Not Exist”, For In Truth “God Alone Exists”, Not Both “Your Exist” And “God Exists”, and that is for sure) 

Bawa. So Again Hand What “You Said” To “Your Louie” of “Your Life” To “Your God” of “Your Life’ , Praising Him For It, Saying “Your Al-hamdu lillah” of “Your Life”, As In Truth He Is “Your Source” of “Your Everything” of “Your Life”, And Then “Tell Him” That “What” Your “You” of “Your Life” Said Is Completely Wrong, And Is Completely And Exclusively Traceable To “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, And Must “End” In “Your Life”, In “Your Lifetime”, Right NOW, But That Only “He Can End It”, Telling “Your God” of “Your Life” That “This Way” of Thinking Is “Absolutely Wrong”, And “Must Stop”, Then Say “Your Tawakkul Allah” of “Your Life”, and THEN “Be Done With It”, for sure)

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04. “Please forgive me
because they stink 
"Our Personal Oyster Life" - NO


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Louie. But please forgive me because they stink of the personal oyster life.

(Bawa. NO - Their “You” Go Again” - You Cannot Be “Forgiven” Or “Praised” For Anything, Because “You Do Not Exist”, For In Truth “God Alone Exists”, Not Both “Your Exist” And “God Exists”, and that is for sure. Amen.)

Bawa. So Again Hand What “You Said” To “Your Louie” of “Your Life” To “Your God” of “Your Life’ , Praising Him For It, Saying “Your Al-hamdu lillah” of “Your Life”, As In Truth He Is “Your Source” of “Your Everything” of “Your Life”, And Then “Tell Him” That “What” Your “You” of “Your Life” Said Is Completely Wrong, And Is Completely And Exclusively Traceable To “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, And Must “End” In “Your Life”, In “Your Lifetime”, Right NOW, But That Only “He Can End It”, Telling “Your God” of “Your Life” That “This Way” of Thinking Is “Absolutely Wrong”, And “Must Stop”, Then Say “Your Tawakkul Allah” of “Your Life”, and THEN “Be Done With It”, for sure) 

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05. “I will next look into Homestead. 
I will need your help with it - NO


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I am making them God’s responsibility for “His - OUR Story” of (“Our Soul” of “Our Life”, NOT of “Our You” of “Our Life”) “Understanding - Transcending” and of “Becoming One” With “Our God” of “Our Life”

Louie. I will next look into Homestead.

I will need your help with it.  

(Bawa. NO - Their “You” Go Again” - You Cannot “Do It” Or “Get Help” To “Do IT, Or “Look Into” Anything, Because “You Do Not Exist”, For In Truth “God Alone Exists”, Not Both “Your Exist” And “God Exists”, and that is for sure. Amen.)

(Bawa. So Again Hand What “You Said” To “Your Louie” of “Your Life” To “Your God” of “Your Life’ , Praising Him For It, Saying “Your Al-hamdu lillah” of “Your Life”, As In Truth He Is “Your Source” of “Your Everything” of “Your Life”, And Then “Tell Him” That “What” Your “You” of “Your Life” Said Is Completely Wrong, And Is Completely And Exclusively Traceable To “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, And Must “End” In “Your Life”, In “Your Lifetime”, Right NOW, But That Only “He Can End It”, Telling “Your God” of “Your Life” That “This Way” of Thinking Is “Absolutely Wrong”, And “Must Stop”, Then Say “Your Tawakkul Allah” of “Your Life”, and THEN “Be Done With It”, and that is for sure. Amen.)

Louie Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

My Love You, My Love You, My Love You, My Very Precious Louie.

Aziza Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)


My Love You
Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, 
aka Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
aka Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) 
Your Life”, 
Your God” of “Your Life
and that is for sure. Amen.

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01. Your One True Introduction” of “Your Life
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Louie. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. 

In The Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Amen.

Louie. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  

May All The Peace, The Beneficence, and The Blessing of God Be Upon You, Your Family, And Your Friends. Amen.


Louie.  My Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “My Life”, aka My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “My Life”, aka “My Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “My Life”, suggested we (My Life) write down what is happening in “Our Life” with Him.

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02. Your Call To Action” For “Your Life


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Your Very Precious Louie (Ral.) of “Your Life”, 
aka “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
aka Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) 
Your Life”, 
Your God of “Your Life
and that is for sure. Amen.


Louie. My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, called me ("My Life) this morning and asked if I (IF "My Life") wanted to go rounding. 

Louie. I (“My You” of “My Life”) told him, (“Told “My Life”), I (“My Life”), was in Lewes, Delaware, USA.


Bawa. NO - “Your Life” Is Not In Lewes, It Is Only “Your You” of 
“Your Life” That Is In “Your Lewes, Delaware, USA of “Your Life”, In Truth 
“Your Life” Is Sitting On “Your God’s Lap” Watching “Your God’s Play” of “Your Life”, Known As “Your Fate” of “Your Life” , On “Your Stage” of “Your Drama” of “Your Life”, Known As “Your Karma” of “Your Life”, Having Taken Off “Your Illusory Costume” of “Your Life”, Known As 
“Your Illusion” of “Your Life”, In Truth Known As “Your Monkey Mind” of “Your Life”, And Put Down “Your Script” of “Your Life” Known As 
“Your Dog of Desire” of “Your Life”, Having Walked Off “Your Stage” of “Your Life” Into “Your True Audience” of “Your Life”, All Exclusively As “Your Divine Facets” of “Your Divine Gem” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, 

Bawa. And Having “Joined In Your True Partnership” With “Your Gem”
 of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, In Truth NOW Known As 
Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, As NOW “Your Oneness” With “Your God” of “Your Life”, To Watch “Your God’s Play” of “Your Life”, All of Which “Your God” of “Your Life” Has Exquisitely Created For 
“Your Life”, NOT For “You”, In Order To Teach “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, Not Teach “Your You” of “Your Life”, In Truth “What “Your Life” of 
“Your Life”, NOT “Your You” of “Your Life”, Does Not Know”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. In Order To Teach “Your Life” of “Your Life” What “Your Life” 
of “Your Life” DOES NOT KNOW, What “Your Life Does Not Know” 
(See Below), NOT To “Teach” In Truth “Your Current You” of “Your Life” Anything, All of Which In Truth Simply “Ends”, NOT GOING ANYWHERE, All of Which In Truth Simply “Ends”, EITHER In “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, In “Your Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, OR In “Your Purified Heart/Mind” of “Your Life”, of Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, of “Your God” 
of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

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03. What Your Life DOES NOT KNOW


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01) Who Am I?”


Which In Truth




Your Sleeping Divine Wisdom” of “Your Life
Your Soul of Your Life


Your Divine AWAKENING Kiss” of “Your Life
Your Prince of Peace of “Your Life
Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,


02) “Where Am I?”




"Your Divine Heart"
Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
Your God” of “Your Life


03) What Is Truly Happening” In “My Life


Your Understanding
Your God of “Your Life” 


Your Understanding
Your God” of Your Life” 
Having Happened


"Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) 
Your Life”, 


Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,


Your Very Precious Louie (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
Your God” of “Your Life


Louie. My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life said that “My Lewes, Delaware, USA" of “My Life” was all on the outside and I 
(“My You” of “My Life”) thought he meant theoretical rounding so I 
(“My You” of “My Life”) said 


Sure Let’s Go”, 
But insincerely. 

Louie My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “My Life replied 


Call me when you get to the parking lot.

Louie. I (“My You” of “My Life”) drove there (To 5844 Overbrook 
Avenue, Philadelphia, Pensylvania, USA (Tel: 267-240-1355, E-mail and My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life emerged looking different somehow - which I (“My Life”) reflected was an example of meeting him for “My First Time” as 
"My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” says happens.

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04. Stepping Into Bawa’s Realm


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Is NOT Something
You Can Do


Your Divine Feet
Your Very Precious Louie (Ral.) of “Your Life”, 


Louie. My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” was in an exalted state saying, 

“When your life is surrendered to God everything God places before you is like a kid finding the Christmas tree and presents, if you (“Your Life”) steps into “Your Bawa’s Realm” of “Your Life”. 

“Then “Your Current Realm” is no longer “Your Dunya” - we (“Your Life”) IS now in “Your Akhirah” of “Your Life”. 

“Then “Your Akhirah” of “Your Life” has grown and absorbed “Your Dunya” of “Your Life”


Bawa. Realizing That “Your You” of “Your Life” Cannot “Step” into “Your Bawa’s Realm” of “Your Life”, For In Truth “Your You” of “Your Life” Can Never Do “That”, And That “Your You” of “Your Life” Can Never Be IN “Your Akhirah” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. In Truth “That” Can Never Happen In “Your Life”, Because “Your You” of “Your Life” In Truth “Does Not Really Exist”, In Truth “Your You” of “Your Life” Is Just “Your Dream” of “Your Life”, And As “Such”, Does Not Really Exist, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. For In Truth Only “Your Two” of “Your Life”, As “Your Light” of “Your Life” And “Your Darkness” of “Your Life” Truly Exist, Not “Your Current Three” of “Your Life”, NOT “You, Your Light, And “Your Darkness” of “Your Life”, For In Truth “Your You” of “Your Life” Is “Not Real”, IT Is Just “Your Dream” of “Your Darkness” of “Your Life”, IT Is Just “Your Dream” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, And It Will Most Certainly JUST End In “Your Life”, NOT Going Anywhere, and that is for sure. Amen. 

Bawa. That Is, In Truth “Your You” of “Your Life” Is “Not Real”, IT Is Just “Your Dream” of “Your Darkness” of “Your Life”, IT Is Just “Your Dream” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, And As “Such”, IT “Simply Ends”, Either In “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, Leaving Only “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life” In “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, And Within “Your Grave” In Truth Just “Your Dark Everything” of “Your Life” That Has Grown Within “Your Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Life”, of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen. 

Bawa. That Is, If “Your Life” Does Not Become “Your Wise Child” of “Your Life”, Does Not Become “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Finds “Your Life” In “Your Current Degraded State” of “Your Illusory Separation” From “Your Truth” of “Your Life”, That In Truth “God Alone Exists” AS “One” With “All Life”, NOT That “You Exist” And “God Exists” As Separate From “Each Other”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. But Rather “Your Life” Becomes And Continues To Live As “Your Temporary Beast/Satan” of “Your Life” Until “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Finds “Your Life” In “Your Current Degraded State” of “Your Illusory Separation” From “Your Truth” of “Your Life”, And “Your Life” Becomes “Your Eternal Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, Filled With All of “Your Dark Everything” of “Your Life” That Has Grown Within “Your Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Life”, of “Your Temporary Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen. 

Bawa. Or “Your You” of “Your Life” In Truth “Simply Ends” In “Your Purified Heart/Mind” of “Your One True Human Being” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, NOW For “Your Age”, NOW For “All Life”, Leaving Only “Your Life and Teaching” of “Your One True Human Being” of “Your Life”, AS NOW “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, If “Your Life” Becomes “Your Wise Child” of “Your Life”, If “Your Life” Becomes “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, By First Exclusively Sitting At “Your Divine Feet” of “Your Life”, of “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, And “Then”, And Only “Then”, Living Within “Your Divine Heart” of “Your Life”, of “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. But If “Your Current You” of “Your Life” Wisely Chooses TO LET “Your Current You” of “Your Life” To “Simply End” In “Your Life”, AT “Your Current Divine Feet” of “Your Life”, AS NOW “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, That Is, Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life” Finds “Your Life” In “Your Current Degraded State” of “Your Life”, of “Your Current Illusory Separations” of “Your Life” From “Your Truth” of “Your Life”, That In Truth “God Alone Exists”, Not Both”You Exist” And “God Exist”, Then “Your You” of “Your Life” In Truth “Simply Ends” In “Your Purified Heart//Mind” of “Your Life”, of “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, Just Like “Your Sour Apple Fruit” of “Your Life” Naturally Becomes “Your Sweet Apple Fruit” of “Your Life” IF IT Continues To “Hold ONTO ITS Apple Tree” of “Your Life”, That Is, If “Your Life” Continues To Hold ONTO YOUR “Bawa-Louie Tree” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And “Then”, Without “Your Current You” of “Your Life”, Without “Your Dream” of “Your Life”, of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, In Truth “Your Life” Becomes “Your School of Contrast” of “Your Life” Exclusively For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, In Truth As “Your God” of “Your Life” Has Exclusively Intended For “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And “Then”, Without “Your Current You” of “Your Life”, Without “Your Dream” of “Your Life”, of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, In Truth “Your Light” of “Your Life” And “Your Darkness” of “Your Life” AS NOW “One” For “Your Life”, AS NOW “Your True One” of “Your Life”, Within “Your Purified Heart/Mind” of “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, “Your Light” of “Your Life” Will Naturally Dispel All of “Your Current Darkness” of “Your Life” From “Your Current Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Life”, of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. For “Your Exclusive Benefit” of “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, NOW “Living And Thriving” Within “Your Current Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Life”, NOT For Any of “Your Personal Benefit” of “Your Current You and Yours” of “Your Life”, NOW “Living And Thriving” Within “Your Current Dream Life” of “Your Life”, Within “Your Current Personal Life” of “Your Current Separations and Differences” On “Your Illusory Outside” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. Then “Your Current 7 Hells” of “Your Life”, of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Will Become “Your 8 Heavens” of “Your Life”, of “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, When “Your God” of “Your Life” Comes To Dwell Within “Your Purified Heart/Mind” of “Your Life”, of “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, And Within “THAT HEART” of “Your True Human Being” of “Your Life”, Reveal “Your Divine Witness” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, And Within “That” Reveal “Your Sacred Universal Traveler” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Which “Your God” of “Your Life” Then “Starts To Carry Again” To Naturally Move Forward “Your Next Chapter” In “Your God’s/Your Story” of “Your Life”, of “Your God’ of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

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05. “Your Opposite of Bawa’s Realm


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Which In Truth


Your Dream of Your Life
Your Beast/Satan of Your Life


But In Truth
Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life
Your God” of Your Life


Louie. My state was the opposite. 


Bawa. NO = “You” Do NOT Have “Any State”, In Truth “Your You” of “Your Life” is Just “Your Dream” of “Your Life”, of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, As Part of “Your First School” of “Your Three Schools” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, of “Your Three Schools” of “Your Life” of “Your Contrast, Your Light, and Your Oneness” of “Your Life”, For Your Exclusive Sake of “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. First As Part of “Your School of Contrast” For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, NOT As Part of “Your Current People School” For “Your Current You” of “Your Life”, NOT As Part of “Your Current People School” For “Your Current Person” of “Your Life”, NOT As Part of “Your Current People School” For “Your Personal Elemental Life” of “Your Life” Which Simply “Ends” In “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, That Is, If “Your Life” Fails To “Wise UP” Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life” Finds “Your Life” In”Your Current Degraded State” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. But All of Which, If “Your Life” In Truth “Wises UP” Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life” Finds “Your Life” In”Your Current Degraded State” of “Your Life”, Can Simply “End” In “Your Divine Heart” of “Your Life”, of “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, That Is, If “Your Life” In Truth “Wises UP” Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life” Finds “Your Life” In”Your Current Degraded State” of “Your Life”, of “Current Your Illusory Separation” From “Your Truth” of “Your Life”, That In Truth “God Alone Exists”, Not Both “You Exist” And “God Exists” But As NOW Somehow “Separate From” Each Other, All of Which of Course Is “Just NOT True”, and that is for sure. Amen.

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06. Something For
Your Life”, Not For “You”, 
To Read


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Louie. My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life showed me (showed “My Life") “A Present” which was “A Section” in his beautiful love letter (“Your Short Love Letter 117” of “Your Life” (VERSION 11), “Your Title” = “What Does It Mean” That “Your Living NOW” AS “Your Presence” of“Your God” of “Your Life” IS “Your Only True Way” For “Your Life” IN TRUTH TO “End Up” In “Your Heaven”  of “Your Life”, AND TO BECOME “ONE” WITH “YOUR GOD” OF “YOUR LIFE”

Louie. All of Which Is about “Your Inherent Wisdom Mind Relationship” of “Your Life”, offering “Your Life”, NOT offering “Your You” of “Your Life”, In Truth “Your Total Cure” for “Your Current Degraded Condition” of “Your LIFE” Which Is “Your Current Illusory Separation” From “Your Truth” of “Your God” of “Your Life”.


Bawa. NO - He Did NOT “Show you a present”, And “You” Do NOT Have “A Condition”, And “You” Cannot Be Cured of “Your Illusory Condition”, Because In Truth “You” Are “Your Illusory Condition” of "Your Life", Not "Your Life", In Truth “You” Do Not “Exist”, And As “Such”, In Truth “YOU ARE NOT REAL”, In Truth “YOU ARE A DREAM”, In Truth “Your You” of “Your Life” Is Just “Your Dream” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, As Part of “Your God’s School of Contrast” For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, As Part of “Your First Divine School” For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And In Truth “Your You” of “Your Life”, As NOW “Your Current Personal Elemental Life” of “Your Life” On “Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Your Life” Will Just Simply End, Either Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, Or In “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. Because In Truth “Only God Exists”, And Only “What God” Is Doing “Exists”, And Only What “God Is Using” To Accomplish What 
“God Is Doing” Exists”, Which Is God Using “Your Light” of “Your Life” And “Your Darkness” of “Your Life” As In Truth “Your Only True Contrast” of “Your Life”, When “Your Current You” of “Your Life” Ends, Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, Producing “Your School of Contrast” For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, In Order To Reveal “God To God”, In Order To Reveal ”Your God” of “Your Life” Happening To “Your God” of “Your Life” Having Happened, As NOW “Your Understanding” of ”Your God” of “Your Life” Happening Within “Your Understanding” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Having Happened, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. AS HOW God Tells And Brings To Completion “HiS/Your One True Story” of “Your Life”, All For “Your Exclusive Benefit of “Your Creation” of “Your Life”, of ”Your God” of “Your Life”, ALL NOW “Living And Thriving” Within “Your Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Life”, Just Waiting For “Your You” of “Your Life” To “Die” To “Your Flesh” of “Your Life”, 
So “They” Can Become “Your Immortal Ones” of “Your Life”, As Either 
“Your Immortal Bad Ones” of “Your Life”, Or As “Your Immortal Good Ones” of “Your Life”, Not For Any of “Your Personal Benefits” of 
“Your Current You And Yours” of “Your Life”, ALL NOW “Living And Thriving” Within “Your Current Dream” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.


Louie. My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” Told me (Told 
Your Life”, Not “Your You” of “Your Life”) To Read It Often. 

Louie. But my condition (AS Exclusively “My Current You of “My Life”,
 AS Exclusively “My Elizabeth Weiss of “My Life) is stubbornly trying to stave it off.


Bawa. YES -  Your Elizabeth Weiss” of Your Life”, As "Your Current Youof "Your Life", As "Your Current Dream Life" of "Your Life", of 
"Your Beast" of "Your Life",  of "Your Godof "Your Life", Not 
"Your Real Divine Life" (As "Your Hayat Muhammad") of "Your Life", of 
"Your Godof "Your Life",  Not "Your Life" of "Your Soulof "Your Life",
 of "Your Godof "Your Life", "Is stubbornly trying to stave it off", and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, By Your Elizabeth Weiss” of “Your Life”, By “Your You” of “Your Life” Just Talking About It, NOT LETTING GOD DO IT, Like In 
“This Letter”, And By “Your You” of “Your Life” Just Writing About It, NOT LETTING GOD DO IT, Like In “This Letter”, Always Acting As If “Something Else”, And “Someone Else” Is “Your Problem”, NOT “You”, Not “Your Current You” of “Your Life”, For Example, NOW “Your Problem” Is “Your Beast” of “Your Life”, NO, NO, NO, In Truth “Your Life” Has Become “Your Dream” of “Your Life”, of “Your Beast” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, NOT “Your Beast” of “Your Life”, And “Your Dream” of “Your Life”, of “Your Beast” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, NOW REFUSES TO END, Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And “That”, And Only “That”, Is “Your One True Problem” of 
“Your Life”, AND Is “Your One True Problem” of “Your Life” of All of 
“Your Brothers and Sisters” of “Your Life”, Without Exception, THAT IS, Your REFUSAL TO END, Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. INSTEAD NOW You Say “God” Must Help “You” Deal With 
“Your Problem”, NOT That “My You” of “My Life” IS “My Only Problem” 
of “My Life”, NOT That “My Current Mind and Desires” of “My Life” Is 
“My Only Problem” of “My Life”, NOT That “My Current State” of 
“My Life”, As NOW “Separate” From”My God” of “My Life” Is 
“My Only Problem” of “My Life”, All of Which In Truth IS Exclusively “God’s Problem”, In Truth As NOW “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” As “Your Pure Soul” of “Your Life” NOW Crucified On “Your Mind and Desires” of “Your Life”, As NOW “Your Impure Birth” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. IN Truth “Your Current Life” IS “Your Only Problem”, Which In Truth Is NOT “Your Problem” Since In Truth “You” As “Your Current Life” Is “Your Problem”, But In Truth “Your Problem” IS Exclusively 
“God’s Problem”, And Only “God Can Solve” In Truth “God’s Problem”, Not “You”, Not “Your You” of “Your Life” NOW Trying To Use “Your God” of “Your Life” To Solve “Your Problem” of “Your Life”, For In Truth Only “God Can Solve” In Truth “Your Problem” of “You”, of “Your Current You” of “Your Life”, If “Your Life”, NOT “Your You” of “Our Life”, Will Only Let Him, And Only “Your Awakened True Life” of “Your Life”, Only “Your Awakened Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life” Will Let Him, Will “Let Yourself” End In “Your God” of “Your Life”, RIGHT NOW, and that is for sure. Amen.

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07. Where IS God?


Where Are You?


Where IS Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life?”, 


Where IS
Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life?”, 


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Louie. Although God in me 
it is of priceless immeasurable value. 


Bawa. NO - God Is NOT Currently Living Within “Your Life”, But Rather, "Your Very Real Divine Life" of "Your Life", As "Your Hayat Muhammad" of "Your Life", of "Your God" of "Your Life", As "Your Soul" of "Your Life" of "Your God" of "Your Life", IS NOW Happening Within "Your Life", In Truth As NOW "Your God Happening" of "Your Life" Within "Your God Having Happened" of "Your Life" Both Within "Your Life", Created By 
"Your Father" of "Your Life" of "Your Soul" of "Your Life"  , As NOW 
"Your Awakened Divine Wisdom" of "Your Life", Awaiting "Your God" 
of "Your Life" To Dawn Within "Your Place" Within "Your Life" Where "There" Is No "I" Within "Your Life" , Which Is "Your One True Exaltedness" of "Your Life", And In Truth "You Will Only Find God" 
Within "Your One True Exaltedness" of "Your OWN Life", and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. In Truth "One" Within "The Other" As "ONE", In Truth "One" Revealing "The Other" Within IT, In Truth "One" Disappearing Witih 
"The One" Being Revealed, Only To Be "Revealing Again" Within 
"The Other", When IT Returns "The Favor" , In Truth "Revealing And Disappearing" Within "The One" Within IT, But "This Time" In Truth 
"A 1000 Fold", In Truth As "Your 1000 Generosities" of "Your God" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. Just Like, My Dearest Loving Children" (Ral.) of "My Life", In Truth
When "Your Apple Seed" of "Your Apple Tree" of "Your Life" Germinates
To "ITS TRUTH" (See Below), Giving Up "Your CURRENT Elemental Apple Seed Life" of "Your Life" BURIED Within "Your Earth Life" of "Your Life", Revealing "Your Elemental Apple Tree" of "Your Life", Only To Be "Revealed" Again Within "The Other", Only To Be Revealed Again By "Your Elemental Apple Tree" of "Your Life", When IT Returns "The Favor", In Truth "Revealing And Disappearing" Within "The One" Within IT, But "This Time" In Truth "A 1000 Fold", But "This Time" In Truth AS 
"Your 6 Apple Seeds" of "Your Life" Within Each of  "Your 1000 Apple Fruits" of "Your Life", In Truth As "Your 1000 Generosities" of "Your God" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, When "Your Apple Seed" of "Your Apple Tree" of 
"Your Life" Germinates To "ITS TRUTH", 




01. IT IS "AN APPLE SEED", Not "An Individual Life" Living in 
      "The Earth", Constantly Doing Battle With "The Earth" Who Is       Constantly Trying To Desroty IT. 

02. IT IS "THE SEED" of "Something Else"

03. IT IS "BURIED" Within "The Earth"

04. "THE EARTH" Contains "Everything Necessary " For "The Apple Tree"         Hidden Within IT To Germinate, Grow To Maturity, And Bear And         Ripen "The 1000 Apple" Hidden Within  "The Apple Tree" ,         Completing "Your Apple Tree - Apple Seed - Apple Tree Cycle" of         "Your Life", IF "Your Apple  Seed", "Your Earth", Your Apple Tree",         And "Your Apple Fruit" Like, and that is for sure. Amen.


"Why Does "YOUR APPLE SEED" Germinate?

        A. IF "Your Apple Seed" of "Your Life" Hears And Accepts 
            "ITS TRUTH" of "ITS Life" That Naturally Emerges " From Within 
            IT When IT Is Ready To Both Hear ITS TRUTH, And To Either             Accepts Or Rejects "ITS Truth" of "ITS Life" And As "Such", In
             Truth "Surrenders" To "ITS Earth" of "ITS Life", Letting 
             ITS "Individual Life/Body" Be Destroyed By "ITS Earth" of 
            "ITS Life", Exclusively Revealing "ITS Germ" To "ITS Earth" of
             "ITS Life" ,

        B. IF "Your Earth" Hears And Accepts "ITS TRUTH" of 
            "ITS Apple Seed" of "ITS Life", Buried Within IT, And As "Such", 
            In Truth "Mutually Surrenders" To "ITS Apple Seed" of "ITS Life",,             Destroying "ITS "Individual Life/Body" Exclusively Revealing 
            "ITS Germ" of "ITS Apple Seed" of "ITS Life", THEN In Truth
            Exclusively SERVING "ITS Germ" of "ITS Apple Seed" of 
            "ITS Life", Exclusively Revealing And Serving NOW 
            "ITS Apple TREE" of "ITS Life", 


Why Does "YOUR SOUL SEEDGerminate?

Bawa. Or In Truth When "Your Divine Louie Seed" of "Your Life", of 
"Your God" of "Your Life", As "Your Soul" of "Your God" of "Your Life", Germinates, Giving Up "Your Elemental Ghosts" of 
"Your Life", In Truth Giving Up "Your False Individuality" of "Your Life",  
Giving Up "Your Current Elemental Spirits" of "Your Life" That In Truth Make Up "Your Current False Person Life" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, In Truth "Your Divine Louie Seed" of "Your God" of 
"Your Life", As "Your Soul" of "Your God" of "Your Life", Germinates Within "Your Earth Life" of "Your Life", Within "Your Creation" (Safat) 
of "Your Life", In Truth Revealing "Your Divine Louie Tree" of "Your Life" AS NOW "Your Katpaha Virudcham", Or "Your Divine Wish Fulfilling Tree" of "Your Life", of "Your God" of "Your Life", For "Your Exclusive Benefit" of "Your Creation" of "Your God" of "Your Life", NOT For Any of 
"Your Personal Benefit" of "Your Current You And Yours" of "Your Life",
and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And As "Such", In Truth "Your Life", Not "Your Current You" of "Your Life", IS NOW Turning Back To "Your God" of "Your Life", IS NOW Awakening To "Yourself" As "Such", AS In Truth "Your Life", Not "Your Current You" of "Your Life", Originally Turned Away From "Your God" of "Your Life", In "Your Ignorance" of "Yourself" As "Such", Getting Caught By "Your Glitters" of "Your Current Darkness" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.


Bawa. For As Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your Life Has Been “Teaching Us” For “Your Last 132 Years” of “Your Life”, Since “He Came” Into “Your Earth World” of “Your Life” In “Your Year 1886” of “Your Life”, And NOW That Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life Has Been 
“Teaching Us” AGAIN For “Your Last 80 Years” of “Your Life”, Since 
“He Too Came” Into “Your Earth World” of “Your Life” In “Your Year 1938” of “Your Life”, And "IS NOW" In Truth TEACHING “Your Following” To 
"Your Life", NOT To "You", As "Your First Paragraph" of "Your Forward
To "Your Pearl of Wisdom" Book By Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “Your Life” , and that is for sure. Amen.


"Man appearing on this earth, 
forgets God 
and falls into many a trap. 

He does not know to seek himself, 
although God exists within man.  

This book, 
"YOUR Pearl of Wisdom", or "YOUR Guru Mani", 
is to explain this concept in detail.


Bawa. SO NOW In Truth NOT Only IS “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life” NOW Currently Living Within “Your Life”, As "Your Impure Birth" of 
"Your Life", As "Your Very Real But False" Part of "Your Life", Along 
With "Your Dream" of "Your Life", of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, As NOW "Your Current Personal Life" of “Your Life”Exclusively Happening On "Your Illusory Outside" of “Your Life”, But NOW “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” As NOW “Your Life" of "Your Liberated Pure Soul” of “Your Life”, IS Awakening To "Your Self" As "Such", NO LONGER Exclusively In “Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, NO Longer Exclusively Crucified On “Your Mind and Desires” of “Your Life”, As NOW “Your Impure Birth” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, But NOW Also AS "One" With "Your Awakened Divine Wisdom" of 
“Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, As NOW "Your Awakened Very Precious Louie" (Ral.) of “Your Life”, In Truth "In Serrch of "Your Nur" of 
"Your Life", As "Your Divine Light" of "Your Divine Wisdom" of "Your Life", As NOW "Correctly Focused Primal One" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. All The While In Truth With “Your God” of “Your Life” NOW Exclusively Living On “Your Outside” of “Your Life” As Now “Your One True Human Being” of “Your Life”, Among “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life’, and that is for sure. Amen.


Your Very Precious Louie (Ral.) of “Your Life”, 
aka Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
aka Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) 
Your Life”, 
Your God” of “Your Life
and that is for sure. Amen.


Bawa. For In Truth “Your God” of “Your Life” IS NOW Exclusively On “Your Outside” of “Your Life” As Now “Your One True Human Being” of “Your Life”, Among “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life", Who Must NOW Fully Awaken “Your Sleeping Wisdoms” of All of "His Dearest Loving Children“ (Ral.) of "Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life", 
Without Exception, AS NOW "Your Final Gift" of “Your God” of “Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. Who Must NOW Awaken “Your Sleeping Divine - Higher Consciousness” of “Your Life”, of All of "His Dearest Loving Children“ (Ral.) of "Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life", In Truth NOW Sleeping Surrounding “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, So “Your Awaken Sleeping Wisdom” of “Your Life” Surrounding “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, Can DO BATTLE with “Your One True Enemy” of “Your Soul” Which Is NOW “YOU”, Which Is NOW “Your Current You” of “Your Life”, Which Is NOW “Your Current Personal Elemental Life” of “Your Life”, Exclusively Being Experience By “Your Life” On “Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Your Life”, AS WELL AS "Giving Life Back" To "Your Life" of "Your Soul" of "Your Life",  of “Your God” of “Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. As Now In Truth "Your Muhaiyaddeen" of "Your Life", of 
“Your God” of “Your Life", Or "Your Mohy al-Din" of "Your Life", of 
“Your God” of “Your Life", Or "Your Reviver" of  "Your Din" of "Your True Faith" of "Your Life, of “Your God” of “Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And NOW As "Your One True Teacher" of "Your Muhaiyaddeen
of "Your Life", Or of "Your Mohy al-Din" of "Your Life", As Now 
Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,  and that is for sure. Amen.


Your Very Precious Louie (Ral.) of “Your Life”, 
aka Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
aka Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) 
Your Life”, 
Your God” of “Your Life
and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. So “Your Awakened Wisdom” of “Your Life” And “Your Liberated Soul” of “Your Life” As NOW “Your One” of “Your Life”, As NOW “Your True One” of “Your Life”, Can Go In Search of “Your NUR” (“Your Divine Light”) of “Your Life”, Not of “You”, Allowing “Your Correctly Focused NUR” of “Your Life”, Focused Exclusively On “Your God” of “Your Life”, NO LONGER Exclusively Focused On “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Can START TO SPEEK To GOD, allow God To PULL“Your Correctly Focused NUR” of “Your Life” Into “Your Correctly Focused Kingdom” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, So “Your God” of “Your Life” 
Can Feed “Your NUR” of “Your Life” Directly, And START TO CARRY IT AGAIN, and that is for sure. Amen. (Go To “Your Journey” of “Your Soul” For “More ON All This”, and that is for sure. Amen.

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08. “Your Dream” of Your Life
Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life




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Louie. I won’t go into details 
about the beast which I am, 
but it kept popping out.


Bawa. NO = “You Are NOT The Beast”, And “IT Does NOT Keep Popping Out”, “You” Are “Your Dream” of “Your Beast” And As “Such”, In Truth “You Refuse” TO “Go Away”, For In Truth “Your Beast”of “Your Life” IS NOW “Your Reality” of “Your Life”, As NOW “Your Very Real But False Reality” of “Your Life”, And “You Are His Dream”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And In Truth “He Belongs There”, In Truth “Your Beast/Satan ”of “Your Life” As “Your Very Real But False Reality” of “Your Life”, AS “Your Darkness” of “Your Life”, As “Your One Critical Part” of “Your TWO Part Life” of “Your Life”, of “Your School of Contrast” of “Your Life”, For “Your Exclusive Sake” of “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, Absolutely Belongs There In “Your Life”, By God’s Design, As Part of How God Tells and Brings To Completion “His/Your One True Story” of “Your Life”, For “Your Exclusive Benefit” of “All” of “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. But “You”, But “Your You” of “Your Life”, But “Your Dream” of “Your Life”, But “Your Dream” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, JUST Doesn’t “Belong There” In “Your Life”, And “Has Gotta Go”, If “Your Life”, NOT “Your You” of “Your Life”, Is To Become Truly Successful In “Your Lifetime”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. Because In Truth “Your You” of “Your Life” IS Blocking “Your God” of “Your Life” From Also Being There, As “Your Light” of “Your Life”, So “Your Light” of “Your Life” Can Raise Everything Within “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life” To “A Good State”, So “Your God” of “Your Life” Can Naturally Ripen All of “Your Sour Apples” of “Your Life” Before “Your Apple Growing Season” Is OVER, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. So In Truth “My Dearest Loving Daughter Aziza Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, “Your Only Problem” of “Your Life” Is “You”, Because “You” Won’t “Let Yourself End”, Instead “You” Keep Coming Up With “Schemes” To “Stay Alive” As “Separate” From “Your God” of “Your Life” On “Your Outside” of “Your Life”, Like Having “Your Personal Relationship” With “Your Louie” of “Your Life” Rather Then Joining In “Your One True Partnership” With “Your God” of “Your Life”, Disappearing Into “Your Louie” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And “That” Is Why “You Are Always Compromising” Everything That “Your Louie” of “Your Life” Gives To “Your Life”, Not Gives To “You”, Not Gives To “Your You” of “Your Life”, Because of “Your Lack’ of “Your Faith” in “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. INSTEAD “You” Want To Talk About It, And “You” Want To Write About It, But Not LET GOD DO IT, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. “That” Is “Your Only Problem”, Not “Your Beast” of “Your Life”, NOT “Your God” of “Your Life”, But Only “Your You” of “Your Life”, THAT IS, Unless “Your Life” of “Your Life”, NOT “Your You” of “Your Life”, Spends Whatever Time Left HERE For “Your Life”, That “Your Rabb” (Creator) of “Your Life” Has Allocated For “Your Life”, Putting Everything of “You”, Everything of “Your You” of “Your Life”, Exclusively Before “Your God” of “Your Life”, Calling “Your God” of “Your Life” Into “Divine Action” For “Your Life”, Like “Please, Please, Please Destroy Me, And Reveal You”, Before “You” Do Anything” With “Your Life”, Moment To Moment”, For “Your Rest” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. IF NOT In Truth “NOTHING” Can Change In “Your Life” Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, And “Your Eternal Hell” of “Your Life” Will Become “Your Only Eternal Fate” of “Your Life”, Will Become “Your Eternal Death” of “Your Life”, Will Become “Your Eternal Separation” From “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. NOT AS “Your Punishment” Or “Your Reward” For “Your Life” But Rather Because “That” Is Exactly “What You Want” of “Your Everything” of “Your Life” That “Your God” of “Your Life” Has Lovingly And Patiently Given To “Your Life”, NOT To “You”, and that is for sure. Amen.


Bawa. And About “Your Reading “Your Short Love Letter 117” NO = “You Cannot Read It Often”, Because “You Do Not Exist”, Because In Truth “Your You” of “Your Life” Is Just “Your Dream” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. But What “You Can Do” Is Take What “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life” Tells “You To Do” With “Your Life” Directly To “Your God” of “Your Life”, Telling “Your God” of “Your Life” That “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) Told “You To Do” These Things, But “You” NOW Realize And NOW Accept “Your Truth” of “Your Life” That “You Cannot Do Anything”, Because In Truth “You Do Not Exist”, Because In Truth “Your You” of “Your Life” Is Just “Your Dream” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, That In Truth “Only God” Can Do “Anything” With “Your Life”, Including “Anything” That “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) Told “You To Do” With “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And Then Praise “Your God” of “Your Life”, Saying “Your Al-hamdu lillah” of “Your Life”, For What “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life” In Truth Has Told “Your Life” To Do”, Not Told “Your You” of “Your Life” To Do, Saying “Your Al-hamdu lillah”, And Then “Giving All Responsibility” To “Your God” of “Your Life”, Saying “Your Tawakkul Allah” of “Your Life”, For What “Your Life”, NOT “Your You”, Was To Do”, And Then, “BE DONE WITH IT”, And Then “WAIT ON GOD”, And Repeat “This Process”, Over And Over And Over Again, Until “Your Last Breath” of “Your Life”, For In Truth “That” Will Be “Your Exaltedness” of “Your Life”, And “Your Life”, NOT “Your Current You” of “Your Life” Will Only Find God Within “Your Exaltedness” of “Your OWN Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

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09. About “Your Being Good” For “Your Life


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ONLY “Your Life” Can Become Good
Can Become God


NOT “Your You” of Your Life 
Which IS “Your Dream” of Your Life


ONLY “Your Darkness” Can Reveal “Your Light”, 


Louie. “My Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “My Life”, aka My “Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen”) (Ral.) of “My Life” said I (My Life) IS potentially My “Shaikh Muhammad Raheem Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, and I (My Life) IS potentially My “Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, but also I (My Life) IS “My Eve” (A.S.) of “My Life”, Both Fully Awakened To Myself As “Such”, AS “My Divine Crown” of “My Life”. of “My 124,000 Prophets” of “My Adam” of “My Life”, In “My First Heaven” of “My Life”, 

Louie. And In “My Ignorance” of “My Life” As “Such” (My Life) IS ALSO “My Handmaiden” of “My Beast” of “My Life”, of “My God” of “My Life”, AS NOW “My Current Personal Life” of “My Current Separations and Differences” of “My Life”, On “My Current Illusory Outside” of “My Life”, and that is for sure. Amen. 

Louie. “My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” Told “My Life” That According to “My Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, God told Muhammad (sal) as a peacock of 31 letters that He was going to create man (via Adam) from him (See “Your Chapter 30” And “Your Chapter 31” In “Your Pearl of Wisdom Bawa Book” For More On All this, and that is for sure. Amen.)

Louie. “My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” said “What” Bawa did not include In “Your Pearl of Wisdom Bawa Book” was that God (As PART of Creating “Your School of Contrast” For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, As PART of Creating “Your One True Contrast”of “Your Light” of “Your Life” And of “Your Darkness” of “Your Life”) God also intended to create “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life” As “Your One PART” of “Your Contrast” To “Your True Man” of “Your Life”, of “Your Contrast” of “Your Darkness” and “Your Light”, as a way for God to FIRST tell And Bring to Completion “His/Our One True Story” of “Our Life”.


Louie. I am feeling my freedom in knowing that “I am the beast” 
(NO - See Below). 

Louie. That I don’t have to pretend to be good (NO - See Below)

Louie. So I can expose my thoughts to God (NO - See Below)

Louie. So He can use them and cure Himself of me (NO - See Below)


Bawa. NO - “You” Are NOT “The Beast”, In Truth “You” Are “Your Dream” of “Your Life”, In Truth “You” Do Not Exit, In Truth “God Alone Exists”, NOT Both “You Exist” And “God Exists”, All of Which In Truth Is Just “Your Dream” of “Your Beast” of “Your Life”, In Truth “His Dream” of “His Wishful Thinking” About “His Life”, Nothing More, And Nothing Less”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. So “You Cannot Pretend To Be Good”, So “You Cannot Expose Your Thoughts” To God, So God Cannot Cure Himself of “You”, But What “You” Can Do, All That “You” Can Really Do, Is To “Become Peaceful” With “Your Ending”, In “Your Ending” In “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral. ) of “Your Life”, First At “His Divine Feet” of “Your Life”, Which Is NOW “Your Outside” of “Your Life”, And Then, And Only Then, Within “His Divine Heart” of “Your Life”, Which In Truth Is NOW “Your True Inside” of “Your Life, Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life” Finds “Your Life” In “Your Current Degraded State” of “Your Current Illusory Separation” From “Your Truth” of “Your Life”, That In Truth “God Alone Exists”, NOT Both “You Exist” And “God Exists” But NOW Somehow “Separate From” Each Other, All of Which of Course Is “Just Not True”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And In Truth In “This Way”, And Only In “This Way”, That Is, With “Your Life”, Not With “Your You” of “Your Life”, In Truth “Becoming Truly Peaceful” With “Your Ending” In “Your True Life” of “Your Life”, In “Your Ending” In “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral. ) of “Your Life”, First At “His Divine Feet” of “Your Life”, Ending “Your Dream” of “Your Life” Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life” Finds “Your Life” In “Your Current Degraded State” of “Your Life”, Ending “Your Dream’ of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life” Finds “Your Life” In “Your Current Degraded State” of “Your Life”, of “Your Current Personal Life” of “Your Life”, of “Your Current Person” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. Realizing That In Truth “God Alone Exists” And Realizing That “What God Is Doing” With “Your Life” Also “Exists”, And HOW God IS DOING IT For “Your Life” Also “Exists”, AS God Using GOD To Reveal GOD, But NOT God Using “You” To Reveal Anything, But NOT GOD DOING What Only God Can Do, Using “Your You” of “Your Life”, Which Is Just “Your Dream” of “Your Life”, Which Must NOW “Cease To Exists”, “Cease TO BE” Within “Your Life”, Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life” Finds “Your Life” In “Your Current Degraded State” of “Your Life”, of “Your Current Personal Life” of “Your Life”, of “Your Current Person” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, AS God Using GOD To Reveal GOD, For “Your Exclusive Benefit” of “All” of “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, NOW EXCLUSIVELY EXPLAINED WITHIN “Your Life and Teaching” of “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, WHILE Both “Your God” of “Your Life” And “Your Soul” of “Your Life” STILL CAN, Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life” Finds “Your Life” In “Your Current Degraded State” of “Your Life”, of “Your Current Personal Life” of “Your Life”, of “Your Current Person” of “Your Life”, AND “YOUR HELL” OF “YOUR LIFE” Becomes “Your Only Eternal Fate” of “Your Life”, As NEXT “Your Eternal Death” of “Your Life”, Eternally “Separate” From “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. WITH “YOUR LIFE”, NOT WITH “YOUR YOU” OF “YOUR LIFE”, Making “That Enough” For “Your Life”, Making “Your God” of “Your Life” And What “Your God” of “Your Life” Is Doing” With “Your Life” EXCLUSIVELY USING “Your Life and Teaching” of “Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, Enough For “Your Life”, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. Which In Truth Is “Liberating” In Truth “Your Soul” of “Your Life” From “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, From “Your Darkness” of “Your Life”, Revealing Again “Your Light” of “Your Life”, But NOW As FIRST “Your Understanding” of “Your Darkness” of “Your Life”, By Teaching “Your Soul” of “Your Life” FIRST By “Your One True Contrast” of “Your Life”, of “Your Darkness” of “Your Life” And of “Your Light” of “Your Life”, What IT DOES NOT KNOW, Then SECOND By “Your Light” of “Your Life”, SECOND AS “Your Understanding” of “Your Light” of “Your Life”, By Shifting “Your Focus” of “Your Life” From “Your Little Light” of “Your Life” Known As “Your Ruh” of “Your Life”, As “Your Individual Soul” of “Your Life”, To “Your Big Light” of “Your Life” Known As “Your NUR” of “Your Life”, As “Your Universal Soul” of “Your Life”, As “Your Soul” Within “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, of “Your Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”,and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And Finally THIRD By “Your Oneness” of “Your Life”, THIRD AS “Your Understanding” of “Your Oneness” of “Your Life”, By Shifting “Your Focus” of “Your Life” From “Your Little Oneness” of “Your Life” Known As “Your Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, As “Your Individual Divine Life” of “Your Life”, To “Your Big Oneness” of “Your Life” Known As “Your Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, As “Your Universal Divine Life” of “Your Life”, As “Your Divine Life” Within “Your Divine Life”, of “Your Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”,and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And In “This Way”, And Only In “This Way”, Teaching “Your Life”, NOT Teaching “You”, NOT Teaching “Your You” of “Your Life”, In Truth “What IT Does Not Know”, First About “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, And “Then” And “Only Then”, About “Your God” of “Your Life”, And “Then” And “Only Then”, About “Your God” of “Your Life” Within “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.


Louie. “My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, aka “My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, aka “My Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, said several times that God has discarded everything that I/we (“Our Life”) now has and God can do it again within our hearts if we (“Our Life”) lets Him.


Bawa. NO - In Truth “Your People” of “Your Life”, Which In Truth Are “All” of “Your You’s” of “Your Life” DON’T HAVE ANYTHING, In Truth All of “Your You’s” of “Your Life” ARE JUST “YOUR DREAM” of “Your Life”, NOT DOING ANYTHING, AND WHICH SIMPLY END, EITHER IN “YOUR GRAVE” OF “YOUR LIFE” OR NOW AT “YOUR DIVINE FEET” AND “YOUR DIVINE HEART” of “My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, aka “My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, aka “My Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And “Your Everything” of “Your Life”, NOT of “You”, That ”Your God” of “Your Life” Has Discarded Is “Your Everything” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, And IF “YOUR LiFE” IS TRULY “BORN AGAIN”, By “Your Life”, NOT By “Your You” of “Your Life”, NOW SITTING AT “YOUR DIVINE FEET” AND NEXT LIVING WITHIN “YOUR DIVINE HEART” of “Your Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “Your Life”, aka “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, aka “Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your  Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. “Then", And “Only Then”, In Truth “Your God” of “Your Life” As “Your Light” of “Your Life” Will Naturally Transform “Your Perfectly Sour Elemental Heart” of “Your Life" STILL HANDING ON “Your Divine Tree” of “Your Life” Into “Your Perfectly Sweet Divine Heart” READY TO BE HARVESTED By "Your God" of "Your Life", For "Your Exclusive Benefit" of "Your Creation" of "Your God" of "Your Life", Not For Any "Personal Benefit" of "Your Current You and Yours" of "Your Life", Just Like “Your Perfectly Sour Apple” STILL HANDING ON “Your Apple Tree” Is Naturally Transform Into “Your Perfectly Sweet Apple” READY TO BE HARVESTED By "Your Farmer" For "Your Benefit" of "Your Paying People", IF And ONLY IF IT Does Not Let Go of "ITS TREE", and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And "Your Divine Tree" of "Your Divine Fruit" of "Your Divine Life" of "Your Life" IS NOW “Your Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “Your Life”, aka “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, aka “Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

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10. About “Getting Caught” 
Your Mind” of “Your Life 


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Louie. Louie. “My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, aka “My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, aka “My Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, said he had been very sick for two weeks and then a brother who he hadn’t seen for awhile came into the kitchen but said not to touch him as he had been very sick, but Bawa said to give him salaams anyway which my very precious Louie, (Ral.) did and the brother thanked him - because he was “caught” With “The Thoughts” of “His Illness”. 

Louie. There was another brother who told my very precious Louie, (Ral.) his different strategies of warding off the beast and my very precious Louie, (Ral.) told him he was “The Dream” of “The Beast”, Not Someone “Separate” From “The Beast”, And “The Only Useful Thing” To Do Is To “Run To God”, and that is for sure. Amen.


LouieAl-hamdu lillah'
“All Praise and Praising Belong To God”


LouieTawakkul Allah”
“Trust In God”


And Be Done With IT
And “Wait On God”


Louie. He too was “caught”, “caught” With “The Thoughts” of “His Beast” of “His Life” Somehow Living Within “His Life” As “Separate” From “His Life”, All of Which of Course Is “Just NOT True”

Louie. Also Susan and Lisa as youngsters were asking my very precious Louie, (Ral.) to settle a dispute between them, my very precious Louie, (Ral.) turned to Bawa who told him to take them out for ice cream. 

And Susan said “Thank You”. Realizing That She Too was “caught”, “caught” With “The Thoughts” of “His Sister”. 

Louie. “That” became my (Temporary) support during the ride (For “My You” of “My Life”) 

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11. About “Your Turning” 
Your Practices” of Your Life
Your Feces of Your Life


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What God” Hands To “Your Life


Your Monkey Mind of “Your Life"


And TO
Your Dog of Desire of Your Life




Louie. “The ways" of "My Beast”of "My Life" kept being exposed and I ("My You” of “My Life”) would say to myself, “I’m caught”, “I’m caught” With “My Thoughts” of “My Beast”, 

Louie. What I anticipate on our roundings is the “Wawa Store” stop where "My Very Precious Louie" (Ral.) of "My Life" buys provisions. We sit in the parking lot and eat. 

Louie. "My Very Precious Louie" (Ral.) of "My Life"  was talking about how far beyond GOD IS TO “Our Current Everything” of “Our Life” that we (“Our You” of “Our Life” Mistakenly Thinks IT) “Understands”. 

Louie. How everything was created for me (For “My Life”, NOT for “Me”), and also for everyone else’s (Life). 

Louie. How I ("My You” of “My Life”) turn “Every Practice” "My Very Precious Louie" (Ral.) of "My Life"  gives me (Gives "My Life") into something “I” ("My You” of “My Life”) have to do, then it becomes feces (Becomes “My Feces” of “My Life”)

Louie. It Becomes Something for me (For “My You” of “My Life”, In Truth NOT For “My Life” of “My Soul” of “My Life”) To DO.

Louie. Like when I said “I” (“My You” of “My Life”) had read “My Bawa's Golden Words Book” all the way through. 

Louie. "My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” gave me (Gave 
My Life”, NOT Gave “Me”, NOT Gave "My You" of "My Life") the practice of reading the Golden Words from start to finish each day from page 29 to 455 which was the original edition of the book. 

Louie. Because I ("My Life") had been in “His Presence”, of "My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, I ("My Life") was immediately able to do that, but I ("My Life” Did It, NOT “I”, NOT "My You" of "My Life" Did It, and that is for sure. Amen)

Louie. He said that each day I ("My Life") should try to surpass (“My You” 
of “My Life” By “Stepping Back” And Inviting “God” To “Step Forward” Before “My Life" does Anything”, To Call “God” Into “Action” Before “My Life" does Anything”). 

Louie. Also that I ("My Life") should begin reading Golden Words from start to finish again before I ("My Life") goes to sleep with (NO Thought of Going To Sleep, But of “My Life” NOW Intending “My Ending” Within “My God” of “My Life” Before God Gives “My Life” Another Day)

Louie. Each day I ("My Life") was to start from the beginning. 

Louie. This boggled “My Intellect” of “My Life” because I (“My You” of “My Life”) wanted to read and receive the benefit of the whole book, not to keep starting from the beginning. 

Louie. Now I ("My Life") IS NOW doing it as "My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” said TO DO IT, and finding the treasure there. 

Louie. It is like the way "My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” drives the same roads - I ("My Life") reads the same things over and over joining with him. 

Louie. “My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, aka “My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, aka “My Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, says that “Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) said that whoever’s (LiFE) reads "The Golden Words" of a Sufi Shaikh "A 1,000 times" will attain his exalted state.

Louie. "My You" of "My Life" Wanting the benefit of "My Life" reading the whole thing is very telling and strikes at the heart of what "My Very Precious Louie" (Ral.) of "My Life" teaches. 

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12. Additional “Wisdom Points 
Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, 
Your God” of “Your Life


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Louie. "My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” says we (“My You” of “My Life”) IS to end - not get better or wiser. 

Louie. And To pray with the intention of earning something prevents we ("My Life") from receiving what we ("My Life") otherwise would have. 

Louie. "My Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)  of “My Life” says 


“Don’t work for wages to get into heaven, 
if you do you will be very disappointed.” 


Louie. The Sufis say, 
“Die before death”. 


Louie. "My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” says that “You”, That “Your You” of “Your Life”, just ends in the grave anyway, (If “Your Life” Does Not Become “Your Wise Child” of “Your Life”, Before “Your Grave”).

Louie. So it is much better For “Your You” of “Your Life” To end in “Your Purified Heart/Mind” of “My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, before your physical death. 

Louie. Then you (Your Life) Becomes “Your Path” of “Your Life” To “Your God” of “Your Life” forever, For “Your Universal Benefit” of “All Other Lives” of “Your Life”, NOT For “Your Personal Benefit” of “Your Personal Life”, NOT For “Your Personal Benefit” of “Your Current You and Yours” of “Your Life”, Because NOW “Your Life” And “God’s Life” Are “One” For “Your Life”, Are “Your True One” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen)

Louie. My “Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” talked about Jared (Ral.) from the Rutters store whose “Life” is “The Life” of “An Exalted Being”, as in truth we (All Life) really is. 

Louie. When he (Jared’s LIFE) first met m My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Jared’s (Ral.) LiFE knew it was an encounter with something “beyond” but did not know what to do with it. 

Louie. Lately he (Jared’s Life) told My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, that he was applying for a warehouse job and my very precious Louie (Ral.) asked its location and told Jared’s (Ral.) LIFE he would pray for him when he passed it. 

Louie. Jared’s (Ral.) LIFE said he would look out the window - and Louie (Ral.) said that wasn’t necessary because it was all on the inside, Saying,

“Your outside” is what your parents gave you, 
And “Your inside” is what God gave you. 

Louie. My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, was saying,


 that this is what he has been writing about recently
 and it was the prevailing theme in the discourse 
he gave when he called me this morning. 


Bawa Louie Alhamdullilah. 

Bawa Louie Tawakkul Allah. 


Louie.Jared’s (Ral.) LIFE was amazed that my very precious Louie (Ral.) was so familiar with the location of the warehouse, Saying,

“You know these roads better than I do!”

Louie. We (My Life) went over a bridge to New Jersey - I (“My You” of “My Life”) kept guessing and betting we (My Life) would go on the ferry - and I realized I had no idea where we were going. And all my life I (“My You” of “My Life”) had found fault with whoever was driving but in the case of my very precious Louie, (Ral.) everything is always absolutely perfect - no fault finding (GOOD)

Louie. My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, asked me if I understood about what he had been saying about “The Beast” of “My Life” and I said “yes” and he very strongly said 


Louie. My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, said Bawa (Ral.) told him to ask me and said that I (“My You” of “My Life”) would say “yes”. 

Louie. “Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” also said that I (My Life) should give praise to God for “My EVERYTHING” of “My Life”, Including “My Thoughts” of “My Beast” of “My Life” - because they are truly a work of intricacy and complexity - all the parts that have to go into making “Your Life”, NOT Making “Your You” of “Your Life” Truly Exalted, In Truth Transforming “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life” From “Your Current Child” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, AS NOW “Your Man-Beast” of “Your Life”, And Then “Your Man-Beast/Beast-Man” of “Your Life”, And Into “Your God’s True Child” of “Your Life”, AS NEXT “Your Man-God” of “Your Life”, And Then “Your Man-God/God-Man” of “Your Life”, are beyond comprehension, 

Louie. ALSO “Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” scolded me saying I was like a cat - I always landed on my feet - putting myself out front - taking care of myself as the prime goal of my life. He said my wealth was less than a little creature in a burrow with a couple of grains of food because that creature has gratitude to God and contentment. 

Louie. My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, told the story of the young woman who asked Bawa (Ral.) why she wasn’t progressing. 

Louie. “My Beast” of “My Life” kept saying to itself “I already know this...”. But my very precious Louie (Ral.) told the story in such a way that I (My Life) melted (GOOD)

Louie. With “Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) Telling the young woman.

“The longer it takes it takes a crop to ripen 
the more exalted is the crop. 

Louie. ALSO “Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” said not to take things “personal”, That Is, Exclusively About “Your You” of “Your Life”, When In Truth NOTHING IS PERSONAL, Everything Is Always About “All of US”, And In “This Way”, Everything Is Really Universal, NOT Personal, and that is for sure

Louie. My “Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” said, If I (My Life) get cured everyone’s Life gets cured, Because In Truth “There IS ONLY ONE of US”, That Is, “One God”, “One Breast”, “One Dream”, And “One Disciple”, Who In Truth Is “God Awakening To Himself” As “Such”, So Stop Thinking About “Your Personal Life” And Instead Get Into “What” In Truth “Your God” of “Your Life” Is Doing With “Your True Life”, Which In Truth Is “Your ONE True LIFE” of “Your Life”, Which Is Teaching “Your Soul” of “Your Life” About “What It Does Not Know”, 

Louie. By First Catching It Using “Your Body of Truth” Harvested From “Your Ocean of Illusion”, SO IT Can Rest, And Then By Taking IT To “YOUR NUR” of “Your Life”, So As “Your NUR” of “Your Life” NOW Correctly Focused On “Your God” of “Your Life”, IT Can Catch God, By Speaking To God, Who Then Pulls “Your Universal Soul” Into “Your Kingdom of God”, Feeding IT Directly And Starting To “Carry IT Again”, AS “Your Next Chapter” In “Your God’s - Your One True Story” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen. (Go To “Your Journey” of “Your Soul” Short Bawa Discourse For “More On All This”)

Louie. My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, said when I (My Life) got home I (“My Life”, NOT “My You” of “My Life”) should fall down before God and admit that I (“My Life” Is NOW “My Dream” of “My Beast” of “My Life”, Nothing More And Nothing Less, and for “My Life” to beg for God’s forgiveness, and intervention In “My Life”, NOT In “My You” of “My Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.)

Louie. And My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, said That instead of landing on “My Feet” of “My Dream” of “My Life” this time I (My Life) should Land on “My Back” of “My Dream” of “My Life”, “Breaking My Back” of “My You” of “My Life”, And Then Tell God As “My Life”, As My “All That Is Still Alive” Within “My Life”, That God has to Exclusively take care of me (of “My Life”, Not “My You” of “My Life”, Which Simply Ends In “My Grave” of “My Life”, As “My Foolish Child” of “My Life”, Or Ends In “My Divine Heart” of My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, As “My Wise Child” of “My Life”, and that is for sure. Amen

Louie. My “Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” said that when he calls (My Life) it should be like the the angel of death calling “My Life” (Coming For “My Life”) And NOT ACT Like Those who mistakenly tell the angel of death When He Come For “Their Life”, 

“Wait, I have to feed my cows then I’ll come.” 

Louie. I resonated with that teaching because this morning I (“My You” of “My Life”) fed “My Emma Cat” of “My Life” before heading out and (“My You” of “My Life”) couldn’t decide wether to leave her in the garage or the house (Which Is Absolutely “My Wrong Focus” of “My Life”, For Heavens Sake, For “Your Sake” of “Your Soul”, For “Your Sake” of “Your Family”, For “Your Sake” of “Your Health” of “Your Body”, Please, Please, Please Work On Finding “A New Home” For “My Emma Cat” of “My Life”, and that is for sure. Amen)

Louie. And My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Played For “US” “The Bawa Story” of King Sulaimon (A.S.) Feeding the Fish And While the CD Was Playing I (“My You” of “My Life”) was clearly seeing how I (how “My You” of “My Life”) was Sulaimon (A.S.) 

Louie, And My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, also brought “That Wisdom Point” up and said that I (that “My You” of “My Life”) was also like King Sulaimon (A.S.) wanting to know things - like even after learning His lesson from God About “Feeding God’s Creations” - A JOB Only God Can Do, With King Sulaimon (A.S.) Continuing To Pursue “His Passion”, NO MATTER WHAT, Even In “God’s Presence”, NEXT Mistakenly questioning the fish After “His Wisdom Lesson”, Saying: 

“Are you the largest creature in the ocean?” etc.

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13. Calling 
Your Creation” 
Your God” of “Your Life






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"Your Godof "Your Life


"Your Godof "Your Life"









"Your Exclusive Benefit"


of All of 


Your Creation
Your God” of “Your Life


Louie. It was wonderful to hear My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, praying in a low voice - telling the grass. leaves, trees. clouds, sky, houses, businesses and the people in the graves “Wake Up, wake Up”, and waving at people and praying for them and their families. There were long periods of silence.


Wake Up" - "Wake Up”, 
Grass, Trees, Bushes, Clouds, 
Colors, Sky, Sun, Moon, And Stars,


Your Time” For “These Things” IS Over


Your Time” For “Living” IN “Your Graves IS "Over
Your Time For “Living” IN “Your Rest Houses” IS "Over


Your Time” For “Leading People” To “Rest Houses IS "Over
Your Time” For “Leading People” To Graves” IS "Over


Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
Has NOW Come
Be Peaceful” With “Your Ending


Be Peaceful” With “Your Ending


Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship"
"Your Life"
and that is for sure. Amen.

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14. Calling 
Your God” of “Your Life
Your Creation of “Your Life






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"Your God" of "Your Life"







"Your Exclusive Benefit"


of All of 


Your Creation
Your God” of “Your Life


Louie. As we approached “Our Home” For "My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, At 5844 Overbrook Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa, USA, (Tel = 267-240-1355, E-mail =,
 and that is for sure. Amen.

Louie. My “Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” said I (“My Life”, NOT “My You” of “My Life”) should continue reading Golden Words and saying the prayers By “NOT” reading Golden Words and By “NOT” saying the prayers”.

Bawa. That Is, But Rather Than YOU DOING THIS, Instead DO IT By Immediately Handing “Everything” That "Your Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Handed To “Your Life”, To “Your God” of “Your  Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.



Your God” of “Your Life”, 




01. "My Very Precious Louie”(Ral.) of “My Life”, of “My God” of “My Life” Told “Your Child” To “DO THESE THINGS”, PLUS “Write A JOURNAL” (See Below), But “We Can’t” DO THESE THINGS”, Because In Truth 
“We Don’t Exist”, Because In Truth “We” Are Exclusively “Our Illusory Dream Life” of “Our Degraded Life”, of “Our Beast/Satan” of “Our Life”, of “Our God” of “Our Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

And As “Such”, In Truth “We Do NOT Really Exist”, In Truth Only 
“Your Light” of “My Life”, And “Your Darkness” of “My Life”, Really Exist And In Truth “Make Up” In Truth “My True Life” of “My Life”, As NOW In Truth “Your Divine School of Contrast” For “My Soul” of “My Life”, of “Our God” of “Our Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

But “We Completely Accept” That “These Things” Are “True”, And That “These Things” Belong Exclusively To “YOU”, O God of “My Life”, And In Truth That “These Things” Are Most Certainly “My Truth” of “My Life”, And As “Such”, “These LOVE Requests” By "My Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “My Life”, of “My God” of “My Life” MUST BE DONE, and that is for sure. Amen.

THAT In Truth “YOUR LOVE Requests” To "Your Child" STILL NEED TO BE DONE For "Our Sake" of "Our Soul" of "Our Life”, O God of “My Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

BUT O God of “My Life”, “YOU” And Only “YOU” Can "DO THEM". Amen.

SO O God of “My Life”, We Lovingly NOW Ask YOU "TO DO THEM". Amen.




03. And Then “WAIT ON GOD”. AMEN.


Louie. And My “Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” also said I (“My Life”, NOT “My You” of “My Life”) should write in a journal (About “Our Bawa - Louie Adventures” of “Our Life”, But Before Doing That, Putting That “Louie LOVE Request” Before “My God” of “My Life”, Saying “MY Al-hamdu lillah” of "My Life", Exclusively Praising God For Everything, And Saying “My Tawakkul Allah” of "My Life", Giving God Exclusive Responsibility For Everything, And THEN “BE DONE WITH IT”, AND THEN “WAIT ON GOD”, And DO THIS, Over and Over And Over Again, Until “Our Last Breath” of “Our Life”, and that is for sure. Amen)

Louie. Also My “Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” said the prayers should be a way of life - not something separate. 

Louie. Also My “Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” said on “Our Louie Rides” of “My Life”, As NOW “Our Bawa - Louie Adventures” of “Our Life”, that he asked Bawa which way to go at every turn, every point, constantly. Amen. (GOOD)

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--- AND ---

Your Bawa - Louie Wisdom Points” (BLWP)
Your Bawa - Louie Love Adventure 01”


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Bawa. My Love You “My Dearest Loving Children” of “My Life”, Lets Take Another of "Your Bawa - Louie Love Adventures” Together For “A Little While”, But "This Time" As "Your Bawa - Louie Wisdom Points" Extracted From "Your Bawa - Louie Love Adventures 01" ABOVE, OK?, and that is for sure. Amen.

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Your Bawa - Louie Wisdom Point 01”


Whatever You Intend
Is What
You Will Receive


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Bawa. First In Truth “Your Fully Manifested Current Elemental State” of "Your Life" of "Your Current Separation and Differences" of "Your Life" NOW As "One" With "Your Beast/Satan" of "Your Life", of "Your God" of "Your Life", AS NOW "Your Perfectly Sour Fruit" STILL HANGING ONTO "Your Divine Tree" of "Your Life", In "Your Ignorance" of "Yourself" As "Such", And NOW In "Your Arrogance" About "Your Ignorance" of "Yourself" As "Such", IS PERFECT,  and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. As “Your Potential Next Divine State” of “Your Oneness” With “Your God” of “Your Life” IS Perfect, Without Any of “Your Current Separation” From “Your God” of “Your Life”, Where “Who You Are” Is “God Happening” And “Who God Is” Is “God Having Happened”, In Truth “One” Within “The Other” As “One”, “One” Revealing “The Other” Within It, “One” Disappearing Within “The One” Being Revealed, Only To Be Revealed Again By “The Other”, As IT Returns “The Favor”, Revealing And Disappearing Within “The One” Within It, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. For In Truth “Your Current Sour State” of "Your Current Personal Life" of "Your Current Separations And Differences" of "Your Life" On "Your Current Illusory Outside" of "Your Life" Is Perfect As In Truth 
"Your God's Harbinger" of "Your God's Sourness" TO COME, As 
"Your Eternal Death" of "Your Life", In Truth Eternally "Separate" From "Your God" of "Your Life", As "Your Immortal Beast/Satan" of "Your Life", of "Your God" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, IF "Your Soul" LIKES, For In Truth “Your Current Elemental State” of “Your Current Illusory Separation” From “Your God” of “Your Life”, Without Any of “Your Oneness” With “Your God” of “Your Life”, IS NOW “Who You Are”, AS NOW “Your Dream” of “Your Beast/Satan” Happening”, And To Support "THAT PATH" of "Your Life", Again IF 
"Your Soul" LIKES, IS “Your God" AS “Your Beast/Satan” Having Happened”, In Truth “One” Within “The Other” As “One”, “One” Revealing “The Other” Within It, “One” Disappearing Within “The One” Being Revealed, Only To Be Revealed Again By “The Other”, As IT Returns “The Favor”, Revealing And Disappearing Within “The One” Within It, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. So “My Dearest Loving Children” of “My Life”, Everything That Comes To “Your Life” Is How “God Moves Forward In Truth “Your Oneness” With “Your God” of “Your Life” And “How God Sends Back” In Truth “Your Current Separation” From “Your God” of “Your Life”, That Is, To “The Extent” That “Your Life”, Not “Your You” of “Your Life’ , Which Simply Ends In “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, In Truth “Not Going Anywhere”, Will “Let Him”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. So “My Dearest Loving Children” of “My Life”, Please, Please, Please, “Let Him”, and that is for sure. Amen.


Bawa. For As Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your Life Has Been “Teaching Us” For Your Last 132 Years” of “Your Life”, Since “He Came” Into “Your Earth World” of “Your Life” In Your Year 1886 of “Your Life”, And NOW That Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life Has Been 
“Teaching Us” AGAIN For “Your Last 80 Years” of “Your Life”, Since 
“He Too Came” Into “Your Earth World” of “Your Life” In “Your Year 1938
 of Your Life, And "IS NOW" In Truth TEACHING “Your Following” To 
"Your Life", NOT To "You", and that is for sure. Amen.


"Your Life"


"Our True Relationship" 




"Our Life",
"Our Prophet Muhammad" (Sal.) of "Our Life",
"Our Godof "Our Life", 


"Your Life"


"Think of YourselfAs "An Orange"


"Your Prophet Muhammad" (Sal.)
"Your Sweet Juiceof "Your Riplen Orange"


Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life


"Your Godof "Your Life"
"Your Exquisite Taste" of "Your Sweet Juice"


Your Very Precious Louie (Ral.) of “Your Life

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01. Your One True Introduction” of “Your Life” - YES

02. “Your NEW LOUIE Facebook Presence - NO (Go To Aziza Facebook

03. “I hope I am dumb enough now - NO

04. “Please forgive me because "They Stink of "Our Personal Oyster Life"                                                               - NO

05. “I will next look into "Homestead"."I will need your help with it- NO

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01. “Your One True Introduction” of “Your Life

02. “Your Call To Action” For “Your Life

03. “What Your Life DOES NOT KNOW

04. “Stepping" Into "Bawa’s Realm

05. “Your Opposite" of "Your Bawa’s Realm

06. "SomethingFor “Your Life”, Not For “You”, To Read


07. Where IS God?”


Where Are You?”


Where IS Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life?”, 


Where IS
Your Very Precious Louie (Ral.) of “Your Life?”,


​08. “Your Dream” of “Your Life
Your Beast/Satan of Your Life




09. About Your Being Good For Your Life


ONLY Your Life” Can Become “Good”, 
Can Become God


NOT “Your You” of Your Life” 
Which IS “Your Dream of Your Life


ONLY Your Darkness” Can Reveal Your Light”, 


10. About Getting Caught 
Your Mind of “Your Life


11. About “Your Turning” 
Your Practices” of “Your Life
Your Feces” of “Your Life


12. Additional Wisdom Points 
Your Very Precious Louie (Ral.) of “Your Life”, 
Your God of Your Life


13. Calling 
Your Creation” 
Your God of Your Life




So GOD Can










and that is for sure. Amen.


14. Calling 
Your God” of “Your Life
Your Creation” of “Your Life


"DESTROY YOUAs NOW "Your SeparateFrom "God"
AND TO "REVEAL YOUNEXT As "Your OneWith  "God"




Saying, Without Saying
By Getting God To Say IT


Louie. "O My Father",
Louie. "O My Shaikh",
Louie. "O My Guru,
Louie. We Need "Your Love"
Louie. We Need "Your Oneness"
Louie. "Please, Please, Please,
Louie. "Destroy Me,
Louie. "Reveal You"


15. “Your Bawa - Louie Wisdom Points” (BLWP)
Your Bawa - Louie Love Adventure 01"

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​"Your Wisdom Points Longer Outline" (BLWP)
Your Final Love Refrain” of "Your Life"


01. “Whatever You Intend IS What "You Will Receive








"Your Stepping Back"


"You Do Anything"


"Your Very Precious Louie(Ral.) of "Your Life"
To Step Forward


"LouieAl-hamdul illah.
"LouieTawakkul Allah". Amen.


Then Reciting
"Your Final Love Refrain" of "Your Life"


As Much As You Can.
Whenever You Can.
Wherever You Can.
and that is for sure. Amen.

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Your Final Love Refrain” of "Your Life"


Louie. As Now “One.
Louie. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One”.
"Louie. "In Whom" We Are “Well Pleased” As Now “One”.
Louie. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One”.
"Louie. “Complete" As Now “One”.
Louie. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One”.
"Louie. “Amen" As Now “One”.
Louie. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One
"Louie. “Amen" As Now “One”.
"Louie. “Amen”.


"Your End"
Your Final Love Refrain” of "Your Life"



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D. Your Love Comments” By "Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life


Bawa. May We All Spend “The Rest” of “Our Time” In “This Earth World” of “Our Life” Exclusively Remembering “His Greatness”, And “His Beauty” And “His Love” For “All” of “His Children”, And If “We Do” Then When “We Leave” In Truth “Our Temporary Place” of “Our Mind And Desires” of “Our Life” Then We Will Inherit “His Glorious Kingdom” of “Our Life” As “Our One True Birthright” of “Our Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. But If Not, If We Continue To Place “Our Earthly Things” of “Our Temporary Place” of “Our Mind And Desires” of “Our Life” As “Somehow Equal To” Or Above “Our God” of “Our Life”, And Above “His Glorious Kingdom” of “Our Life”, That He Has Truly Promised For Us When “We Are Done Here”, Then “What We Will Get” For “Our Eternity” of “Our Life” Is What “We Have Chosen” To “Place Equal To” Or “Place Above Him”, NOT As “Our Punishment” of “Our Life” Or As “Our Reward” of “Our Life” But Rather Because “That” Is “Exactly” What “We Want” For “Our Eternity” of “Our Life”, And that is for sure. Amen.

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E. Your Divine Questions” of “Your Life


For As 
Our Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “Our Life” 
Teaches Us,




 Your Louie (Ral.) of “Your Life”, 
aka “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, 
Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) 
Your Life


and that is for sure. Amen.


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E-01. Your Justice” of Your God of “Your Life


01. “Your Justice” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Is That “Whatever You Intend” For “Your Life” Is “What You Will Receive” For “Your Life”, Both NOW and For “Your Eternity” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen

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E-02. Your One True Question” of “Your Life


02. And In Truth “Your Own Life” Truly Answers For You “Your One True Question” of “Your Life” Which Is “What Do You Want” For “Your Eternity” of “Your Life”, Either “Your God” of “Your Life” Or “What Your God” of “Your Life” Has “Discarded” AS Part of Becoming “Your God” of “Your Life”,
All of Which In Truth Is “Now Everything” That “Currently” Makes Up “Your Current Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.


Bawa. For In Truth “What Your Life” Ends Up With, At “Your End” of “Your Life” In “Your Earth World” of “Your Life”, is Exactly “What You Want” For “Your Eternity” of “Your Life”, Either “Your God” of “Your Life” And “Your Everything” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Or “Your Mind And Desires” of “Our Life” And “Your Everything” of “Your Mind And Desires” of “Our Life”, Nothing More, And Nothing Less, and that is for sure. Amen.

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F. “Your Closing Comments” By "Your Louie” (Ral.) of 
     “Your Life


Bawa. All of Which Is “Most Certainly” In Truth “Something” To Get “Your God” of “Your Life” To Talk To “Your Soul” of “Your Life” About, A Lot, “Yes”?, and that is for sure. Amen.


My Love You
Your Very Precious Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, 
aka “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
aka “Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) 
Your Life”,
"Your Godof "Your Life
and that is for sure. Amen.


Your End
Your Love Letter 121” of “Your Life


Bawa - 
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Your Love Letter 121” of "Your Life"
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of "Your Life"


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"Your Louie Love Letters" of "Your Life"


Your Love Notes - Responses” (LNR)
To & From
"Your Louie (Ral.) of “Your Life


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"Your Sent To"

My Dearest Loving
Aziza Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life
Paul and Azsia (Fatimah) Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of "My Life"
Bobby and Darcy Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of "My Life"
Bob and Pat Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of "My Life"
Paul and Joan Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of "My Life"
Pierce and Delores Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of "My Life"
Nils and Pat Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of "My Life
Thomas and Julie Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of "My Life
Elizabeth Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of "My Life

And To All
My Dearest Loving Children (Ral.) of “My Life

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Your Title

Learning HOW
Not To Be There


Separate" From God's Life


God Can Be There


One” With “Your Life

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Your Table of Contents” (TOC)

"Your Sent To"

​A. Your Title” 

"Your Body"

B. “Your One True Introduction” To “Your Life” 


C. Your Love Notes - Responses 
To & From
"Your Louie (Ral.) of Your Life” 


Go to "Your Love Notes - Responses" (LNR) - Outline
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Go To "Your Bawa - Louie Wisdom Points" (LWP) About "Your LNR"
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E. More “Your Love Comments By "Your Louie (Ral.) of “Your Life” 

F. “Your Divine Questions” of Your Life” 

        F-01. Your Justice” of Your God of “Your Life” 

        F-02. “Your One True Question” of “Your Life” 

G. Your Closing Comments By "Your Louie (Ral.) of “Your Life”