"Your Outline" of "Your Love Letter 99"
(See Below)
(In Process)
Go To "Your TOC" of "Your Love Letter 99"
Go To "Your Body" of "Your Love Letter 99"
"Your Section 01" - Outline
“Your God” Is Not Bound By “Your Time Or Seasons”
Live “Your Life” Awaiting Him.
“Your True Man” appearing on “Your Earth”,
forgets “Your God”
and “Falls” into many of “Your Traps”.
01. Who Am I?
02. Where Am I?
03. And “What is Really Happening” In “My Life”.
I Am “A Person”
I Am Living In “The World”
I Am Becoming “My Mother” Or “My Father”,
First Becoming “A Man” Or “A Women”,
And Then Becoming “A Husband” Or “A Wife”,
And Then Becoming “A Father” Or “A Mother”,
And Then Becoming “A Grand Father” Or “A Grand Mother”, And Then Becoming “Your Ending” In “Your Grave”
As “That”, And Only As “That”,
“Your Divine Prophets” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
All Came Into
“Your Earth World” of “Your Life”
“Your Divine Fingers” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
Instead of Going
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
You Started To Worship “Your Divine Fingers”,
You Started To Worship “Your Divine Prophets”,
“Your God” of “Your Life”
"Your Elemental Fingers" of "Your Beast/Satan"
"Your Beast/Satan" of "Your God" of "Your Life"
"What Is Wrong"
“Your Current Illusory/False Answers” of “Your Life”
As "Your Expanded Version
“Your Very Good Answer”
“Your Very Good Question”
“Your Next Very Good Answer”
“Your Next Very Good Question”
“Our Entire Life” and “Everything” that “Happens To Us”
“Conducted By Allah”, not “By Us”.
“He” Is ‘The One” who “Carries Out Everything”,
“He Is Responsible” for “The Cause” and “The Effect”.
“All That “You See” Is “A Dream”.
“All That “You Do” Is Just “A Thought”
Within “That Dream”.
“All That “You Appear As” Is “Hidden”.
“Life” Is “A Feast” of “The World”
“Its Medicine” Is “A Time” After “A Time”
"Your Allegory" of "Your Ship"
"Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
“Become Peaceful”
“Your Ending”
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
"Your Section 02" - Outline
D-01. About “Your God’s/Your Original Creation”
D-02. "Your Comments" About “Your God’s/Your Original Creation” of “Your Life” of “Your God”
03-B. ”Your Comment 03” - Before “You Do Anything” - Call Me.
“First” - Before “You Do Anything” Call Me ("Your Bawa List" - Plus)
“Second” - “Your Life” Is “Your Victory” of “Your Wisdom”
Reasoning Over
“Your Fate”
“Third” - “Your God” of "Your Life" Is “Not Bound”
“Your Time” And “Your 4 Seasons”
Live “Your Life” Awaiting “Him” Always
In "Your Accidents”
04-B. ”Your Comment 04” - Why Do “You Now Believe ” In “Diseases
and Accidents?”
“First” - "Your Life" Now Truly Needs “Your Divine Gaze” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
“Second” - All of “Your Diseases" and "Your Accidents” Have
In Truth Already Occurred Within "Your Life", if you like
“Third” - “My Fate" Now Rules Over "Me” With “A Show of Scenes”
What Will "My Conscience" Do For "My Life" In "My World"?
As Now
"Your Original 7 Levels"
"Your Divine Consciousness"
That Is,
In Truth
“Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
if you like,
Is Now
“Your God's Life" Happening
“Your Life" Ending
“Your God” of “Your Life”
As Now “One”,
if you like,
“Nothing Will Ever Happen”
“You Intend”,
In Truth
“Everything Always Happens”
“Your God Intends”,
if you like,
(Note: Please CLICK HERE For “Your Partial On-line Version” of "Your Bawa Book" Called “Your Golden Words” of “Your Sufi Shaikh” As Now “Your Separate Web Site”, if you like, And CLICK HERE As “Your Page 04”
of “Your Love Letter 99”, if you like, Also CLICK “HERE” To Purchase
"A Complete Hard Copy" of "Your Bawa Book", if you like)
“First” - In Truth "Your Life" Now Truly Needs“Your Divine Gaze” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, In Truth, First On "Your Outside", and Then, And Only Then, Within "Your Life", if you like,
”Your Questions” and “Your Answers”
As Now “One”,
As Now
“Your Farida Nur Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
“Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
As Now “One”,
if you like,
C. “Who” Is “Your True Man”?
D. “What” Is “Your Heaven”?
E. "What" Is “Your Hell”?
G. “Who” Is “Your Muhammad”?
H. “Who” Is “Your Muhaiyaddeen”?
J. “What” Is “Your True Potential” of “Your Life”?
K. “What” Is “Your True Reality ” of “Your Life”?
D-03. More About “Your God’s/Your Original Creation”
D-04. "Your New Comments" About “Your God’s/Your Original Creation” of “Your Life” of “Your God”
(In Process)
D. “Your Final Comments”
Bawa. Something To “Get Your God” To “Get Your Soul” To Think About A Lot, Yes?
Bawa. My Love You - My Dearest Loving Children, Without Exception,
if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. My Love You - “Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen”
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us, As Now “One”). Amen.
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