Go To "Your Body" of "Your Love Letter 78" - Page 02
"Your 04-SUMMARY
"Your Bawa Quotations 13-D" - Page 6-03
Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Children, Lets Summarize What
"We Have Learned", if you like, That Is, About "Your Inner Meanings"
of "Your Following Bawa Quotations", if you like,
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Go To "Your 04 Summary Outline" - Below
Go To "Your 04 Summary Body" - Below
Go To "Your 04 Summary Outline" - Above
Go To "Your 04 Summary Body" - Below
Go To Summary Number 03 - Below
"Your 04 Bawa Quotations" - Below
"Take" all of "Your Lessons" learnt in all "Your Births".
"Divide Them Individually", letter by letter, and "Study Each" with "Your Knowledge".
"Assimilate" In Truth "Your Lessons" correctly.
Go To "Your 04 Bawa Quotations" - Above
Go To "Your 04 Summary Body" - Below
"Your 04 Summary Outline"
"Your Inner Meanings"
"Your 04 Bawa Quotations" - Below,
Summary 01. In Truth “You" Are Not ”The Student", In Truth
“Your Life” Is "Your God's/Your 3 Divine Schools" For "The Benefit"
of "Your Soul", Not For "The Benefit" of "You and Yours", As "They Say", All Just Waiting To Fully Manifest Within "Your Life" of
"Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
First As Now "Your School of Contrast", if you like,
And Second As Now "Your School of Light", if you like,
And Third As Now "Your School of Oneness", if you like,
Summary 02. In Truth “You" Are Not "The One Who Prays", In Truth
"Your Life" Is "Your God's/Your Prayer Mat" In Truth Just Waiting To
Fully Manifest Within "Your Life" of "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
First As "Your Prayer Mat" For "Your Traditional 5 Times Group Prayer",
As Now "One" With "Your Imam", if you like,
And Second As "Your Individual Prayer" of "Your True Human Being"
As In Truth "Your Divine Prayer" of "Your One" To "Your One Who Is",
As Now "One", if you like,
And Third As "Your Divine Conversation" Between "Your Nur Muhammad" And "Your Primal One", As Now "One", if you like,
And Fourth As "Your Witness" of "Your God" Awakening To "Yourself" As "Such", And "Your God" Awakening To "Yourself" As "Such", As Now "One", if you like,
And Fifth As "Your Sacred Universal Traveler" And "Your
Understanding" of "Your Sacred Universal Traveler" As Now "One",
if you like,
Summary 03. In Truth "You" Are Not "The One" Who "Came Here" Or "The One" Who "Returns" To "Your God" of "Your Life", In Truth Only "The One" Who Came Here From "Your God" of "Your Life" Returns To "Your God" of "Your Life", In Truth Everything Else of "Your Life" Grew Here, Didn't Come Here, In Truth Is Just Temporary, In Truth Ends In "Your Grave", And Has No True Intention To "Leave Here", if you like,
Go To "Your 04 Bawa Quotations" - Above
Go To "Your 04 Summary Outline" - Above
"Your 04 Summary Body"
"Your Inner Meanings"
"Your 04 Bawa Quotations",
Go To "Your 04 Bawa Quotations" - Above
Go To "Your 04 Summary Outline" - Above
Go To "Your 04 Summary Body" - Above
"Your Summary Number 01"
In Truth “You" Are Not ”The Student",
In Truth
“Your Life” Is "Your God's/Your 3 Divine Schools"
"The Benefit" of "Your Soul",
Not For "The Benefit" of "You and Yours"
Summary 01. In Truth “You" Are Not ”The Student", In Truth
“Your Life” Is "Your God's/Your 3 Divine Schools" For "The Benefit"
of "Your Soul", Not For "The Benefit" of "You andYours", As "They Say",
All Just Waiting To Fully Manifest Within "Your Life" of "Your God"
of "Your Life", if you like,
First As Now "Your School of Contrast", if you like,
And Second As Now "Your School of Light", if you like,
And Third As Now "Your School of Oneness", if you like,
Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Children, In Truth “This” Is “Your Inner Meaning” of “Your Life" Learning "Anything”, And of “Your Soul" Understanding "Anything”, if you like,
Bawa. For As
“Our Dearest Loving Grand Daughter”
“Your Dearest Loving Daughter”
As Now
“Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
“Teaching Us Again”,
Now For
“Your Last Time”,
“Your Following”
if you like,
"Your Bawa Quotation A"
01. There are "Many Different Kinds" of "Your Learning" on "Your One True Path" of "Your God" of "Your Life", First In Truth "Your Have To Learn" About "Your Ether", if you like, That Is, First In Truth "Your Have To Learn" About "Your Sky", In Truth "Your Section" Above "Your Head", For In Truth "Your Ether" Can Conceal "Your Selfish Self" From "Your Divine Gaze" of "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
Bawa. That Is, In Truth "Your Ether" Can Protect "Your Selfish Self"
From "Your God's One True Intention" For "Your Life" Which Is To Reveal "Your God" Within "Your Life" And To Tell And To Bring To Completion "Your God's/Your True Story" of "Your God" of "Your Life",
if you like,
Bawa. That Is, In Truth "Your Ether" Can Protect "Your Selfish Self"
From "Being Destroyed" By "Your Divine Gaze" of "Your God" of
"Your Life", As Now In Truth By "Your Divine Gaze" of "Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.) of "Your Life", As In Truth "Your Apple Seed" of "Your Life" (Germinates) Is Destroyed By "Your Earth" of "Your Life"
To Reveal "Your Apple Tree" of "Your Life" When "Your Life" Accepts
"Your Truth" of "Your Life", if you like,
That In Truth
"God Alone Exists"
"Your Beginning"
"Your Excerpt"
"There are many different kinds of learning on this path. Some learning has to be done on the earth, some in the sea, some in the air, some in the sky. Other learning must be done within the body of man.
I too had to learn all this myself. I will tell you of certain experiences in my life.
First I had to learn about the ether, the sky, the section above the head. Ether can conceal the self.
There are many clouds, many colors, many hues, many suns, moons, stars, thunder and lightening, rain, gales, and storms overhead.
All that is above the mind is like ether. So much exists beyond the mind; there are four hundred trillion, ten thousand different sections.
Energies, cells, viruses, spirits, saktis, illusion, darkness, torpor - whatever is beyond the control of the mind is like the ether or sky.
But once you control these energies with wisdom, they become like the earth. Once you can control the thoughts of the mind, you are treading on earth.
If we can control what is above us and bring it under our feet, then we can learn.
"Your End"
"Your Excerpt"
On "These Wisdom Points" For "Your Life", if you like.
Also Click HERE To Buy "Your Book", if you like, Also Click HERE To Read "A Partial On-line Version" of "Your Book" By "Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.) of "Your Life", if you like, Ok?)
Go To "Your 04 Bawa Quotations" - Above
Go To "Your 04 Summary Outline" - Above
Go To "Your 04 Summary Body" - Above
"Your Summary Number 02"
In Truth
“You" Are Not "The One Who Prays",
In Truth
"Your Life" Is "Your God's/Your Prayer Mat/Place"
In Truth
Just Waiting To Fully Manifest
"Your Life" of "Your God" of "Your Life",
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Summary 02. In Truth “You" Are Not "The One Who Prays",
In Truth "Your Life" Is "Your God's/Your Prayer Mat/Place"
In Truth Just Waiting To Fully Manifest Within "Your Life" of
"Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
In Truth
“Your True Prayer”
“Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
Can Now Truly Happen
“Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
if you like
Bawa. In Truth First As Now "Your Prayer Mat" of "Your Traditional 5 Times Group Prayer", As Now "One" Behind "Your God" of "Your Life" As Now "Your Imam" of “Your God”
of “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, All of Which In Truth Is Now “Your Current Elemental Prayer” of “Your Brotherly Unity” of
“Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “One” With “Your God” of
“Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, Which In Truth Is Now “Your Prayer” of “Your Creation”
of “Your God” of “Your Life” Within “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life” To “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, Which In Truth Is “Your Prayer” of “Your Handful” of “Your Earth” of “Your God” of “Your Life” To “Your Creator” of “Your Handful” of “Your Earth” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. But Which Can Only Lead “Your Life” To “Your Grave” And To Either “Your 7 Heavens” of “Your Life” In “Your Eternal Grave” Or To “Your 7 Hells” of “Your Life” In “Your Eternal Grave”, All of Which In Truth Is “Your Eternal Separation” From “Your God” of “Your Life”, But Can Never Ever Lead “Your Life” To “Your God” of “Your Life” Which In Truth Is “An Entirely Different Section” of “Your Life” Within “Your God”
of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. And Second As Now "Your Individual Prayer" of
"Your True Human Being" of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now In Truth "Your Current Divine Prayer" of "Your One"
of “Your God” of “Your Life” To "Your One Who Is" of
“Your God” of “Your Life” As Now "One" With “Your God” of
“Your Life”, That Is, Which In Truth Is Now “Your Prayer” of
“Your God’s Unity” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life”,
if you like,
Bawa. That Is, Which In Truth Is Now “Your Prayer” of “Your God’s Unity” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
That Is,
As Now
“Your Divine Prayer”
“Your Tawhid”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
As Now
In Truth
“Your Highest Ideal”
“Your True State”
“Your Islam”
“Your God” of “Your Life"
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, As Now “Your Prayer” of "Your Oneness" of “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, Within “Your Purified Heart/Mind” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Which Is Truth Is Now “Your 18,000 Universes” of “Your God” of “Your Life” After “Your 18,000 Universes” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Have Been Cured of “Your Triple Dirt” of "Your Beast/Satan" of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, Have Been Cured of “Your Triple Dirt” of "Your Beast/Satan" of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, After “Your Awakened 6th Level” of “Your Divine Consciousness” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” Has Closed Down “Your 3 Degraded Worlds” of “Your Triple Dirt” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, After “Your Awakened 6th Level” of “Your Divine Consciousness” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” Has Closed Down “Your 3 Degraded Worlds” of “Your Triple Dirt” of “Your Demons” (As “Your Blood Sucking Beings”) And of “Your Jinns” (As “Your Fire Eating Beings”) And of “Your Fairies” (As “Your Illusory Beings”) As Now “One” Within “Your Beast/Satan” of“Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, As Now “Your Current Personal Selfish Elemental Life” of “Your Separation and Differences” Within “Your Current Illusory World” of “Your Current Degraded World” of “Your Magical Tricks” And of “Your Possessive/Self Destructive People” of “Your Own Making”, All of Which of Course Is “Just Not True”, And All of Which In Truth Has Now Fully Manifested Within “Your Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, All of Which In Truth Is Now “Your Prayer” of “Your Liberated Individual Divine Soul” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” And “Your Awakened 6th Level” of “Your Divine Consciousness” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “One” In Search of "Your Nur" of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “One” With Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, All of Which In Truth Is Now “Your Prayer” As Now "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your God” of “Your Life” Now Off of “Your Cross” And “Your Nails” of “Your Monkey Mind” And of “Your Dog of Desire” of "Your Beast/Satan" of “Your God” of “Your Life” Now Joined As “One” With “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “Your Awakened 6th Level” of “Your Divine Consciousness” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “One” In Search of "Your Nur" of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “One” With Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, All of Which In Truth Is Now “Your Prayer” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now "Your Liberated Individual Divine Soul” of “Your God” of “Your Life” And “Your Awakened 6th Level” of “Your Divine Consciousness” of “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “One” In Search of "Your Nur" of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “One” With Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, All of Which In Truth Is Now “Your Prayer” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Which In Truth Can Lead “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Beyond “Your Grave” of "Your Beast/Satan" of “Your God” of “Your Life” And To “Your God” of “Your Life” of “Your God” of "Your Life", if you like, That Is, Beyond Both
“Your 7 Hells” of "Your Beast/Satan" of “Your God” of “Your Life” And Beyond “Your 7 Heavens” of "Your Life" of "Your God” of “Your Life” To “Your Re-opened World” of “Your Souls” of "Your Nur" of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. And Third As Now "Your Divine Conversation" Between
"Your Nur Muhammad" of “Your God” of “Your Life” And
"Your Primal One" of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now
"Your Oneness" of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life”,
if you like,
Bawa. That Is, As Now "Your Prayer" of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “Your Universal Soul” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” Within “Your Re-opened World” of “Your Souls” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Now Correctly Focused Exclusively On “Your God” of “Your Life” Praying To “Your God“ of “Your Life” As Now “Your Father” of “Your Souls” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, Which In Truth Is Now “Your Prayer” of “Your God” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Which In Truth Can Lead “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Beyond “Your Re-opened World” of “Your Souls” of “Your God” of “Your Life” To “Your Opened Kingdom” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. And Fourth As "Your Witness" of "Your God"
Awakening To "Yourself" As "Such", And of "Your God"
Awakening To "Yourself" As "Such" As Now "One", if you like, That is, As Now "Your Understanding" of "Your Oneness" of
"Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, As Now "Your Prayer" of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “Your Place” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” Where Everyone Comes To “Greet Your God” of “Your Life” Within “Your Opened Kingdom” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” And Give Up “Your Ghost” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, And Give Up “Your Ghost” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, And Willingly and Freely “Let Yourself End” In "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life’, As Now “Your Perfect Ending” To “Your Current Perfect Story” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life”,, if you like,
Bawa. And Within “That”, As Now "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” Awakening To “Yourself” As “Such”, That Is, As Now “Your Perfect Ending” To “Your Perfect Story” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life”, That Is, As “Your Understanding” of “Your Place” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” Where Everyone Comes To “Greet Your God” of “Your Life” Within “Your Opened Kingdom” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” And Give Up “Your Ghost” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, Which In Truth Is Now “Your Prayer” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Which In Truth Can Lead
“Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Beyond “Your Opened Kingdom” of "Your Life" “Your God” of “Your Life” To “Your Divine Wealth” of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “Your Wealth” of "Your Sacred Universal Traveler" of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. And Fifth As Now “Your Wealth” of "Your Sacred
Universal Traveler" And "Your Understanding" of “Your Wealth” of
"Your Sacred Universal Traveler" As Now "ONE", if you like, That Is, As Now "Your Oneness" Within "Your Oneness"
of "Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” And In Truth
"Your Understanding" Within "Your Understanding" of
"Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now "One",
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. For As
“Our Dearest Loving Grand Daughter”
“Your Dearest Loving Daughter”
As Now
“Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
“Teaching Us Again”,
Now For
“Your Last Time”,
“Your Following”
if you like,
"Your Bawa Quotation B"
02. There are "Many Different Kinds" of "Your Learning" on
"Your One True Path" of "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
Bawa. For Example, As Now "Your Learning" of "Your Liberated Soul"
On "Your Journey" of "Your Individual Liberate Divine Soul" To "Your Universal Correctly Focused Divine Soul" To "Your Divine Father"
of "Your Divine Souls" of "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
That Is,
From A Formless Silent Secret Within You,
Running All Over,
To The Secret Form of The Truth of Allah
Within Your Heart Or Qalb,
But Still Without Sound,
To The Form of God's Grace or Dhat of Allah,
Resonating The Praise of Allah
Within the Secret Kingdom of God Within Your Qalb,
If You Like,
For The Choice To Use Your Life In This Way, Or Not,
That Is,
To Let God "Be Present"
And "To Speak" From Within You,
Is Most Certainly Your Choice,
Not God's Choice
Bawa. For As "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.) of "Your Life" Teaches Us "The Following", if you like,
"Your Beginning"
"Your Full Version"
"Your Short Unpublished Discourse"
Given On
April, 22, 1983,
As Now
"Your Expanded Version"
"Your Spiritual Discourse 06"
Now In
Perrarivu is the wisdom of Plenitude. When it joins with the ruh, the soul, the ruh or soul is given Sound, and realizes Allah.
After that the soul always focuss on Allah. All of its actions, speech, qualities, and conduct, will be that of Allah. The soul joins with Allah, takes it food from Him, and keeps on Resonating.
Alif by itself has no sound. Purity by itself has no sound.
Until the Qutbiyyat gives the soul a form, it exists as a secret. It has no form till then. When the form comes, it lodges in the qalb (in the innermost heart, the "Crystal Heart" known as Ahmad, that is, the heart within the heart, or the mind within the mind).
Before that the soul runs all over, like the breath. People call it "life" or "soul", but the formation of the soul has not taken place. Only when Truth merges with the soul does the soul get a form. This is a great secret.
The Physical body functions with the three levels: feeling, awareness, and intellect.
The Subtle body works at the levels of judgment or estimate, and subtle wisdom.
(The Light Body) functions at two levels: the 6th and 7th levels of wisdom, or Divine Analytic Wisdom and Divine Luminous Wisdom, or the Qutbiyyat and the Nur).
(And the Power of God functions at two levels as One: God and God within God, or God and True Man, or the True Guru and the True Disciple, or the Station of Man-God/God-Man)
(In this way), the Qutbiyyat creates the (Body of) "Truth" and the "Body of the soul". It creates the "Body of Truth", so the soul can rest in that (until it takes on the "Body of the soul", that is, until it merges with the Nur, the wisdom of Plenitude, the Essence of God, the 7th level of wisdom).
Even at that point (when the soul merges with the 6th level of wisdom, with the Qutbiyyat and rests for a while in the "Body of Truth", lodged in the qalb, in the innermost heart), the soul has no sound.
But when the Nur, the Perrarivu (the 7th level of wisdom), joins with the soul, it gives its Resplendence and Sound to the soul. When the Sound and Resplendence of the Nur come to the soul, the soul makes its connection to Allah.
Allah comes to the soul, and with that Sound the soul makes its connection to Allah. It converses with Allah. Then the soul is placed in the Secret Kingdom of God within your qalb (as the "Flower of the Qulb", as the 5 letter form of Al-hamd, as the Essence of the 28 letters, as the Form of the Suratal Fatihah, as the Ummul Qur'an, as the Mother of Man's wisdom).
Now the soul is in constant communion with Allah. It has established a connection by which it can speak to Allah. It takes its food, its wisdom (consciousness) -- everything -- from Allah, and goes on Resonating the praise of Allah.
This is a deep and mysterious secret that man must try to understand.
Original By: His Holiness, "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (may God be pleased with Him), given as a short discourse by His Holiness on April, 22, 1983, and Now on the "outside" of you, given by His Children, by the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with Us), if you like
Published Source: None at the present time.
"Your End"
"Your Full Version"
"Your Short Unpublished Discourse"
Given On
April, 22, 1983,
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Go To "Your 04 Summary Body" - Above
"Your Summary Number 03"
In Truth
"You" Are Not "The One"
"Came Here"
"The One"
"Can Return"
"Your God" of "Your Life",
In Truth
Only "The One"
"Came Here"
"Your God" of "Your Life"
"Can Return"
"Your God" of "Your Life",
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Summary 03. In Truth "You" Are Not "The One" Who "Came Here"
Or "The One" Who "Can Return" To "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
Bawa. In Truth Only "The One" Who "Came Here" From "Your God"
of "Your Life" Can Return To "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
Bawa. In Truth Everything Else of "Your Life" Grew Here, In Truth Didn't
Come Here, In Truth Is Just Temporary, In Truth Ends In "Your Grave",
And Has "No True Intention" To "Leave Here", if you like,
Bawa. That Is, In Truth Only "The One" Who Came Here From "Your God" of "Your Life" Can Return To "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like, That Is, But Now As “Your Understanding” of “Your Everything” Now Separating “Your Life” of "Your God" of "Your Life" From "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
Bawa. All of Which In Truth Is Now “Your Everything” of “Your Current Life” of Both “Your Current Dream Life” On “Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Yourself” And “Your Very Real But False Current Temporary Life” of “Your Triple Dirt” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. And With “Your Everything” of “Your Current Life” of “Your Current Dream Life” On “Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Yourself” Simply “Ending” In “Your Grave” of “Your Life” if “You Remain” In Truth Just “Your Current Foolish Child” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. And With “Your Very Real But False Temporary Life” of “Your Triple Dirt” of “Your Demons”, And “Your Jinns”, And “Your Fairies” Within “Your Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Which Becomes “Your Very Real But False Eternal Life” Within “Your Grave” of “Your LIfe”, if “You Remain” In Truth Just “Your Current Foolish Child” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, In Truth Only "The One" Who Came Here From "Your God" of "Your Life" Can Return To "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
Bawa. That Is, In Truth Only “Your Liberated Divine Individual Soul” And “Your Awakened 6th Level” of “Your Divine Consciousness” of “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Now As “Again One”, Can Return To "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
Bawa. That Is, Now As “Again One”, if you like, That Is, But Now As “Your Jesus” (A.S.) Off of “Your Cross” And “Your Nails”, Again In “Your Pure Birth” But Now As “Your Understanding” of “Your Cross” of “Your Monkey Mind” And “Your 5 Elemental Nails” of “Your Dog of Desire”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, But Now As “Your Understanding” of “Your Current Temporary Elemental Life” Within “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Can Return To "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
Bawa. That Is, But Now As “Your Understanding” of Your 5 Element MInd” And “Your 5 Element Body” As Now “One” With “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Can Return To "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
Bawa. That Is, But Now As “Your Understanding” of “Your Current Personal Selfish Elemental Life” of “Your Current Separations and Differences” Within “Your Current Degraded Elemental World” of “Your Magical Tricks” And of “Your Possessive/Self Destructive People” of “Your Own Making” As Now “One” With “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Can Return To "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
Bawa. That Is, In Truth As Now “Your Understanding” of “Your Liberated Divine Individual Soul” And “Your Awakened 6th Level” of “Your Divine Consciousness” of “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “One” In Truth In Search of “Your Nur”, if you like, Can Return To "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
Bawa. That Is,
In Truth
As Now
“Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
"Your God" of "Your Life"
As Now
“Your Understanding”
“Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
"Your God" of "Your Life"
As Now
“Your Purified Divine Child”
“Your Purified Divine Heart”
“Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
"Your God" of "Your Life"
In Search
“Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
"Your God" of "Your Life"
As Now
“Your Understanding”
“Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
"Your God" of "Your Life"
As Now
“Your Perfected Divine Child”
“Your Perfected Divine Heart”
“Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
In Truth
As Now “One”
Can Return To
"Your God" of "Your Life",
if Both "Your Life" And "Your God" Like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, In Truth As Now “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of "Your God" of "Your Life" As Now “Your Understanding” of “Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of "Your God" of "Your Life" In Truth In Search of “Your Light” of “Your Awakened 6th Level” of “Your Divine Consciousness” of "Your God" of "Your Life" As Now “One”, Can Return To "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
Bawa. In Truth Everything Else of "Your Life" Grew Here, if you like, That Is, In Truth Everything Else Now Living Within "Your Life" of "Your God" of "Your Life" Grew Here, And In Truth Didn't Come Here, And In Truth Has No True Intention To "Leave Here", if you like,
Bawa. In Truth Everything Else of "Your Life" Grew Here, if you like, That Is, Including “Everything” That Now Makes Up “Your Current Elemental Life” In “Your Earth World” And “Your Current Illusory Life” In “Your Current Dream World” In Truth Grew Here, In Truth Didn't Come Here, And Has No True Intention To "Leave Here", if you like,
Bawa. That Is, In Truth Everything Else of "Your Life" Grew Here, if you like, That Is, In Truth Is Just Temporary, And In Truth Either Ends In "Your Grave" , if you like, Or In Truth Ends Before “Your Grave”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, And In Truth Ends In "Your Grave", if you like, That Is, if “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Remains Just “Your Foolish Child” of “Your Mind” of “Your Life”, Now For “Your Age”, Now For “All Life”, And In Truth Has No True Intention To "Leave Here", if you like,
Bawa. Or Ends Before “Your Grave”, if you like, That Is, if “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Becomes “Your Wise Child”, Now For “Your Age”, Now For “All Life”, And In Truth Becomes “Your God’s/Your True Intention” To "Leave Here", if you like,
Bawa. For As
“Our Dearest Loving Grand Daughter”
“Your Dearest Loving Daughter”
As Now
“Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
“Teaching Us Again”,
Now For
“Your Last Time”,
“Your Following”
if you like,
03. There are "Many Different Kinds" of "Your Learning" on
"Your One True Path" of "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
Bawa. For Example, As Now "Your Learning" of “Your Life” of "Your God" of “Your Life” On "Your Journey" of "Your Life” of
"Your God" of “Your Life” From "Your God" of “Your Life” Back To
"Your God" of "Your Life"
Now As
“Your God’s/Your Understanding”
"Your God" of "Your Life"
In Truth
As Now
“Your God’s/Your Understanding”
“Your Power” of “Your Essence” of “Your Everything”
"Your God" of "Your Life"
As Now "One"
“Your Dhat” of “Your Sirr” of “Your Sifat”
"Your God" of "Your Life"
As Now "One"
“Your Mystery” of “Your Secret” of “Your Creation”
"Your God" of "Your Life"
As Now "One"
“Your Ummul Qur’an” of “Your Tiru Qur’an” of “Your Holy Qur’an”
"Your God" of "Your Life"
As Now "One"
“Your Divine Taste” of “Your Divine Juice” of “Your Divine Orange”
"Your God" of "Your Life"
All As Now "One"
"Your God" of "Your Life"
In Truth
As Now
“Your God’s/Your Understanding”
“Your Divine Witness”
"Your God" of "Your Life"
As Now "One"
“Your God’s/Your Understanding”
“Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
"Your God" of "Your Life"
As Now "One"
“Your God’s/Your Understanding”
“Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
"Your God" of "Your Life"
As Now "One"
“Your God’s/Your Understanding”
“Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
"Your God" of "Your Life"
As Now "One"
“Your God’s/Your Understanding”
“Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
"Your God" of "Your Life"
As Now "One"
Now For “Your Age”, Now For “All Life”
All As Now "One"
"Your God" of "Your Life"
if Both "Your Life" And "Your God" Like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
“Your Life”
“More On All This”
if you like,
“Your Bawa Quotation C”
“Our Entire Life”
“Everything” That “Happens To Us”
“Conducted” By “Allah”,
“Not” By “Us”.
“He” is “The One”
“Carries Out Everything”,
“He Is Responsible”
“The Cause” and “The Effect”.
As Now
“Your Bawa Quotation”
“Explanations” of “A Sufi”
See More Below
Click HERE To Buy “Your Book”
"Your Life" Teaches Us "The Following", if you like,
"Your Beginning"
"Your Full Version"
“Explanations” of “A Sufi”
I seek refuge in Allah from the evils of the accursed satan.
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.
May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessings of God be upon you. (1)
My brothers and sisters, let us consider once more the true meaning of Islam.
Islam is Allah. It is the kingdom of His qualities, His actions, His compassion, His peacefulness, and His unity.
Allah, not man, is the only One who can rule that kingdom.
With His love and compassion He is the One who protects all lives, who feeds and looks after all creations according to their needs and their hunger.
Allah alone rules over all that is within His realm

- all the countries of the world,
Our entire life and everything that happens to us is conducted by Allah, not by us.
He is the One who carries out everything, He is responsible for the cause and the effect.
Islam is the acceptance of Allah as the Ruler over everything in all the universes. (2)
He is the Master of our good thoughts, our good qualities, and our good actions.
He is the Guide for our conscience, the One who teaches us justice and truth, compassion and unity.
He is the Leader of wisdom and divine knowledge. (3)
And it is through His peace that all hearts can obtain peace and tranquility.
His is the kingdom of truth.
That kingdom cannot be ruled by what the world today calls Islam.
True Islam does not mean trying to dominate the world, shouting,
"I am in command!"
In this world and the next, in birth and in death, the One alone who rules Islam is Allah. No man has the power to govern that kingdom.
To understand this with absolute clarity is to become His slave (4) and be filled with divine wisdom and perfect faith.
That is prayer.
To accept Allah and His pure kingdom is true Islam, the way of absolute faith, certitude, and determination (Iman), (5) the way of the kalimah (Islam). (6)
This is the birthright of all the children of Adam.
To accept Allah's words and His commands is wisdom, and to accept what He has given us is our plenitude.
God is Most Great! (7)
All praise belongs only to Him. (8 )
He is the One who gives us the wealth of our lives. He gives us everything.
The kingdom of Islam is His most benevolent, pure gift.
Should any man proclaim himself ruler of that pure kingdom, he will only bring about his own destruction.
Allah is the sole ruler,
there is no one else who can do His work.
We, the children of Adam, who pray to God with faith and certitude, must know this with absolute clarity.
All praise be to God!
God is the Great One!
This is the true meaning of Islam.
May the peace of God be upon us. May God help us all. Amen.
1. al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluh
2. Rabb al-'alamin
3. 'ilm
4. 'abd
5. iman
6. The affirmation of faith.
7. Allah Akbar
8. al-hamdu Allah
"Your End"
"Your Full Version"
“Explanations” of “A Sufi”
--- More To Come ---
Go To "Your More Plus Stuff Outline" - Page 06-02
Go To "Your Body" of "Your Love Letter 78" - Page 02
06-01-B. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Personal Life”
That Is,
First As Now
(For Example See “Your Song 01” - "Your Song” of “God’s Grace, Wisdom, and Divine Knowledge" (‘Ilm”), Now For Your Age, Now For
All Life) of “Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, All Now In Truth As "Your Understanding" of
“Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.
if “Your Life” likes,
And Then,
Second As Next
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
if “Your God” Likes
See: “Song 04” - “Your Prayer" To Make "Your Life" One",
07-02-A. “Your Outer Acts" Are "Not Real”
07-02-B. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Unreal Outer Acts”
07-03-A. “Your Current World" Is "Worthless”
07-03-B. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Current Worthless World”
--- More To Come ---
“Bawa. “As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “In Whom” We Are “Well Pleased” As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “Complete As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “Amen As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”
“Bawa. “Amen As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “Amen”.
“Your Love Refrain”
Go To "Your Body" of "Your Love Letter 78" - Page 02
Go To "Your More Plus Stuff Outline" - Page 06-02