Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library

Love Letters 
My Children

-- "Your Latest Ones" --

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- Bawa - 

Your Love Letter 78”
Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
All of My Children
(In Process)

Page 07
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Go To "Your Original Version" - PLUS 
(See Below)
"Your Understanding"
Your Forward" 
"Your Pearl" of "Your Wisdom"
"Your Guru Mani" Book
("Your Guru's Pearl")


Go To "Your Original Version" of "Your Forward"
(With "NO PLUS")
Go To "Your Detailed Explanation" of "Your Tawhid"
Go To "Your Expanded Version" of "Your FORWARD"
Go To "Your Cure" of "Your Personal Life"


01. "Your Title"

More About
Mothers/Fathers Against Demons
By Becoming
Mothers/Fathers For God
if you like


Go To "Your Document Outline"
Go To "Your Body" of "Your Love Letter"
Go To "Your New/Updated Parts
​Download "Your Love Letter 78"


-- "Your Version 36” --
 - E-mailed Last On 07-02-17
"Your Mailing List"


Sent To: 
AzizaAnd Sarah And Kasha Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
And To
All of “Our Mother Muhaiyaddeens (Ral.) of “Our World”,
And To
All of “Our Father Muhaiyaddeens” (Ral.) of “Our World”,


"Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" 
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us As Now “One”).


Go To:
"Your Guest Book"
About "Your Love Letter 78"
"Your Final Comments"

Go To "Your New" Page 06 - New

Go To "Your Document Outline"
Go To "Your Body" of "Your Love Letter"
Go To "Top of Page"
Go To "Your More Plus Stuff"

06-01-A. "Your Original Version" - PLUS
(See Below)
"Your Understanding"
"Your Pearl" of "Your Wisdom"  

Go To "Your Original Version" of "Your FORWARD"
(With NO PLUS)
Go To "Your Detailed Explanationof "Your Tawhid"
Go To "Your Expanded Version" of "Your FORWARD"
Go To "Your Cure" of "Your Personal Life"


His Holiness teaches us:

"Man appearing on this earth, forgets God and falls into many a trap. He 
does not know to seek himself, although God exists within man. 
Go To = 01-A. "Your Bawa Quotation 01"
Go To "Your Summary"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation A"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation B"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation C"

01-SUMMARY. "Your 01 Bawa Quotations 01
(In Process)

This book, "The Pearl of Wisdom", or "Guru Mani" ("Your Guru's Pearl"), is to explain "This Concept(of "Your Tawhid") in "Detail". 
Go To "Your Detailed Explanationof "Your Tawhid"

"O my beautiful brethren, take in every word of the secrecy of "Guru Mani" with your capacity to understand, and entrench it in your heart. It will remove the sorrows of your birth and be of assistance to you. Absorb every word into your clear tranquil heart with incisive feeling and make it into a form.
Go To = 02-A. "Your Bawa Quotation 02"
                                       02-B-01. "Your Bawa Quotation 03"
                                            02-B-01-A. "Your Bawa Quotation 04"
                                            02-B-01-B. "Your Bawa Quotation 05"
                                            02-B-01-C. "Your Bawa Quotation 06"
                                            02-B-01-D. "Your Bawa Quotation 07"
                                            02-B-01-E. "Your Bawa Quotation 08"
                                            02-B-01-F.  "Your Bawa Quotation 09"
                                        02-B-02. "Your Bawa Quotation 10"
                                        02-B-03. "Your Bawa Quotation 11-A"
                                        02-B-04. "Your Bawa Quotation 11-B"
02-SUMMARY. "Your Bawa Quotation 11-C"
Go To "Your 02 Summary Outline"
Go To "Your 02 Summary Body"
Go To In Truth "God Alone Exists"
Go To "More About" In Truth "God Alone Exists"
Go To “Your More About Outline”
Go To “Your More About Body”
Go To "Your Final Divine Refrain"

"Seek to know with clarity the Primal One who stands in stately grace. Face the personal interview test of the Primal One with clarity. Know the manner of the elegant twenty eight letters that form the parts of the human body. Know the glory of the human form and realize the greater bliss of reaching the Primal One.
Go To = 03-A. "Your Bawa Quotation 12"
                                        03-B-01. "Your Bawa Quotation 12-A"
                                        03-B-02. "Your Bawa Quotation 12-B"
                                        03-B-03. "Your Bawa Quotation 12-C"
                                        03-B-04. "Your Bawa Quotation 12-D"
03-SUMMARY. "Your Bawa Quotation 12-E"
Go To "Your 03 Bawa Quotations"
Go To "Your 03 Summary Outline"
Go To "Your 03 Summary Body"
Go To Summary Number 01
Go To Summary Number 02
Go To Summary Number 03
Go To Summary Number 04

"Take all the lessons learnt in all the births. Divide them individually, letter by letter, and study each with knowledge. Assimilate these lessons correctly.
Go To = 04-A. "Your Bawa Quotation 13"
04-B-01. "Your Bawa Quotation 13-A"
04-B-02. "Your Bawa Quotation 13-B"
04-B-03. "Your Bawa Quotation 13-C"
   04-SUMMARY. "Your 03 Bawa Quotations 13-D
(In Process)
  "Your 04 Bawa Quotations"
  "Your 04 Summary Outline"
"Your 04 Summary Body"
Go To "Summary Number 01"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation A"
Go To "Summary Number 02"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation B"
Go To Summary Number 03 
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation C"
   06-01-B. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Personal Life

"Know the esteemed state of the Lone One. Use your wisdom and separate individually the six kinds of consciousness. Remove the wasteful substance and make the remedy that shows the immanent Primal Being's beauteous substance, which provides joy in this world and in the hereafter and causes the flood of compassion to beat against the shores.
05-A. "Your 05 Bawa Quotations 14"
(In Process)
05-B-01. "Your Bawa Quotation 14-A"
05-B-02. "Your Bawa Quotation 14-B"
05-B-03. "Your Bawa Quotation 14-C"
05-SUMMARY. "Your 05 Bawa Quotations 14-D
(In Process)
  "Your 05 Bawa Quotations"
  "Your 05 Summary Outline"
"Your 05 Summary Body"

Realize this with a melting heart. You will get rid of the sixty four evils and destroy the inherited three evils that follow you. The vast sea of sorrow will disappear. May the courageous beings read "Guru Mani" with determination.

"O my dear children, be informed that this "Guru Mani" will reduce into matchwood the evils that follow you, and the evils that spread. It will erase the residue of committed sins. These graceful words of the Guru are ancient and glorious words. They will tear the entirety of your sins. 

O my children, as precious to me as my eyes, learn the six tastes of the "Guru Mani". Be clarified. Be aware. Feel. Conduct yourself with enlightenment.

Separate each section, individually. Contemplate in solitude. Each section will reveal and illuminate the truth.  

Kindle the light of your heart in silence. Forget yourself. Speak and lose yourself. Talking alone with intensity, say, "He is One". Your soul will elevate itself.

These are gracious words emerging from the tongue of humble Bawa, the unclean stinking corpse, without his will and without his knowledge. However, these are words of reason, justice, and virtue. They have the grace of the Primal One.

If there are any faults or flaws in these words, coming from the tongue of this humble sinful Bawa, bear with me, my brothers who read this, who listen, and who contemplate. Bear with me for the sake of the Primal One, for the sake of Allah.

Forgive me if there are any faults in the words, in the songs, and in the meaning of the words of this humble Bawa, the lowest of all creations, worse than the dust and the fiber through away by the Primal One. Let those who are knowledgeable correct any faults. Forgive me the wrong and accept the good. So I request.

My brothers who accept "Guru Mani" which this poor ignorant Bawa sang, and who read it with clarity, are the Creator's beings of grace. They are the great beings of this world. May Allah's grace be upon them?. 

Your End
"Your Expanded Version- OUTLINE
"Your Original Version" - PLUS
Your Forward",
"Your Pearlof "Your Wisdom" Book
Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)

Go To "Your Document Outline" - Page 01
Go To "Your Bodyof "Your Love Letter" - Page 02
Go To "The Top" of "This Section- Page 06
Go To "Top of Page"

06-01-B. YOUR CURE” OF “Your Personal Life

That Is,
First As Now
Your Life and Teaching” And “Your Heart” And Your Songs” (For Example 
See Your Song 01” - "Your Song” of “God’s Grace, Wisdom, and ‘Ilm” 
(Divine Knowledge), Now For Your Age, Now For All Life) of “Your Shaikh 
Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That IsAll Now In Truth As "Your Understandingof “Your Life and Teaching” And “Your Heart” And “Your Songs” (For Example See 
Your Kalimah Song” And “Your Invocation" To "Your Guru”, And 
Your Invocation" To "Your Allah”) of Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
if “Your Life” likes,

And Then,
Second As Next
Your God of “Your Life”,
if “Your God” Likes
See: “Song 04” - “Your PrayerTo Make "Your LifeOne",


Also From "Your Love Letter 77" - See Below

07-02-A. “Your Outer Acts" Are "Not Real
See "Your Introduction" To "Your Shaikh and Disciple" Book
07-02-B. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Unreal Outer Acts”


07-03-A. “Your Current World" Is "Worthless
See "Your Sandakumaran’s Song" In "Your Maya Veeram" Book
07-03-B. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Current Worthless World”


--- More To Come ---

Recite "Your Song 01"
Recite  "Your Divine Refrain" - "Your New Version


Recite “Your Love Refrain” - Now 5 Times

Bawa. “As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One”.

Bawa. “In Whom” We Are “Well Pleased” As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One”.

Bawa. “Complete As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One”.

Bawa. “Amen As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One”

Bawa. “Amen As Now “One”.

Bawa. “Amen”.

Your Love Refrain

Go To "Your Document Outline" - Page 01
Go To "Your Body" of "Your Love Letter" - Page 02
Go To "The Top" of "This Section" - Page 07
Go To "Top of Page"
