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B. "Your True Meaningof "Your Islam" (Again 01) - This Page
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A. "Your True Meaning" of "Your Islam- Page 03
C. "Your True Meaning" of "Your Islam(Again 02) - Page 05

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"Your Full Outline"
"Your True Meaning" of "Your Islam" (Again)
Go To "Your Brief Outline"
01. "May You Give" the "Entire Responsibility" for "Your Life" to that "One God" who is "Your Limitless Graceand "Your Incomparable 

02. "Your God Hears" every word "You Say". "Your God Hears" your "Every Thought".

03. "Your True Message" within "Your Holy Qur'an" Is speak only 
"What" Is "Your Truth" and act only with "Your God's Qualities" of love, compassion, justice, patience, and "Your Realization" that "Each Life" is as important as "Your Own Life".

04. "Your Holy Qur'an" does not "Cause Divisions" among "Your God's Children". It exists to bring about "Brotherhood and Unity", It Exists To soothe those who weep in sorrow, To gives comfort to those who suffer, To explain "Your Bounteous Wealth" of "Your God" of "Your Life", To "Inspire Faith", To helps You reach "Your True State" of "Your Reverence" for "Your God" of "Your Life".

05. Do Not Use "Your Words" of "Your Holy Qur'an" Like They Were 
"Your War Banner" you were going to "Carry Into Battle". 

06. Understand "Your Inner Wisdom" of "God's Qualities" within 
"Your Life" Before "You Do Anything".

07. See "Your Seed" of "Your God's Purity" That Is "Islam" Within "Everything", See "Your Power" of "Your Allah" In "Your Every Creation".

08. "Do Not Discriminate" against "Another Creation" or "Discard Him/Her". Do Not "Hurt The Heart" of "Another" in "Any Manner".

09. You Must have "Your Patience" of "Your God" of "Your Life" in 
"Your Dealing" with "Others"; You Must use "Your Gratitude" to "Your God" For "Everything" as "Your Strength" with which to "Comfort Others"; "Your Praise" for "Your God" will be "Your Wealth" That You 
will "Share With Others"; "Your Total Trust" in "Your God" will be 
"Your Wealth, Contentment, and Security"; "You Will Consider" anything that "Does Not Exist" as "Your Qualities" of "Your God(known in Islam as Allah's ninety-nine names or powers) As "Forbidden", or "Evil".

10. "Only" that which exists within "Your God's Divine Qualitiesis 
"Permissible", or "Good". "These Divine Attributesof "Your Grace
of "Your God" are "Your Divine Lawof "Your Holy Qur'anand is truly "Your Islam".

11. "You Must Not" keep anything "Other" Than "Your God" of 
"Your Life" As "Your Only Wealth" of "Your Life", As What "You Display" In "Your Life", As "Your Only Power" That "You Show" In "Your Life", As "Your Wealth" and "Your Power" of "Your God's Qualities" of "Your Compassion and Grace".

12. "Your God" of "Your Life" is "Your Only One" For "Your Life" who knows "All of Everything". Therefore, "Only Your God" of "Your Life" can judge "Your True State" Or "The State" of "Another Person" And whether "Your Life" Or "The Life" of "Another Person" lives with "That Purity" that can be "Called Islamor not.

13. "Only One Kind" of "War" is permissible in "Your Eyes" of 
"Your God" of "Your Life", Which Is "Your War" That "You Wage" within "Yourself" to defeat "Your Demonic Forces" of lust, anger, jealousy, 
desire for revenge, and "Your Other Evil Feelingsand "Attributes" that "Exist" within "Your Heart".

14. "Your God" of "Your Life" has sent each of "Your Prophets" of 
"Your Life" as "Your Witnesses" to "Your Grace" of "Your God" and as "Your Supports" to help "Your Life" in "Your Inner War". This is 
"Your Reason" for "Your Holy Qur'an" And For "Your Messenger" of "Your Life" Now For "Your Age", Now For "All Life", That Is, As Now 
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.) of "Your Life", To Help "Your Life
In Truth "Win Victory" over "Your Base Desire's" of "Your Life". 

15. "You Must Taste" Like "Honey" Having Used "Your Divine Wisdom" of "Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.) To Defeat "Your Monkey Mind" And "Your Compulsive Desires". Not Just Continue To "Taste Bitter" Having Failed To Defeated "Your Monkey Mind" And "Your Compulsive Desires". Not Just Continue To Cover "Your Light" of "Your Holy Qur'an" in "Your Darkness" of "Your God" of "Your Life". 

16. "Your Divine Light" of "Your Islam" In "Your Life" should reveal 
"Your Essence" of "Your God" of "Your Life" in "Every Life". Then 
"Your Life" Will live in "Unity"; Then All of "Your Lives" of "Your Life
will eat from "Your Same Plate" (Your Purified Heart); Then All of 
"Your Lives" of "Your Life" will "Live" as "Your One Family" of 
"Your God" of "Your Life" Within "Your Life", With some "Living" in "Your Churchof "Your Life", Within "Your Chest", With some "Living" in "Your Mosque/Temple" of "Your Life", Within "Your Head", And With some "Living" in "Your True Homeof "Your Life", Within "Your 18,000 UniversesWithin "Your Purified Heart/Mind" of "Your God" of 
"Your Life".

17. "You Must Discover" With "Your Awakened Divine Wisdom" of 
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen(Ral. ) of "Your God" of "Your Life
In Truth "Your Own Faults" of "Your Life", discardng "Your Anger", 
and "Embracing One Another" with "Your God's Love" of "Your Life". 
"That" is "What" In Truth "Your Holy Qur'an" says To "Your Life"

18. "You Must Recognize" and "Praise" In Truth "Your Essence
(Divine Consciousness) of "Your God's Grace" (As "Your Dhat" of 
"Your Dhat, Sirr, and Sifat") As "It Exists" in "Each" and "Every Life".

19. "You Must Consider" Wisely "Your Following Explanation" of 
"Your Truth" of "Your Life" As Now In Truth "Your True Holy Qur'an" of "Your Life", As Now In Truth "Your Divine Life History/Story" Written By "Your God" of "Your Life" Within "Your Divine Heart" of "Your Divine Life" Just Waiting "To Be Told" And Brought To "Your Natural Completion" By "Your God" of "Your Life", Like "Your Sweet Taste" of "Your Fully Ripened Apple" On "Your Mature Apple Tree", If Both “Your Apple Fruit” And “Your Apple Tree” Like, That Is
if Both "Your Life" And "Your God" Like.

20. "You Must Realize" That "Your Every Particle" of "Your Every Atom" of "Your Lifecontains "Your Divine Power" of "Your Allah" (As "Your Divine Oneness/Unity") of "Your Life", of "All Life", In Truth Contains "Your Divine Power" of "Your God" of "Your Life" For "Your Life", For "All Life", For "All Life" Within "Your Life".

21. Realizing "This Divine Truth" of "Your Life" of "Your God
of "Your Life", That Is, First On "Your Outside" of "Your Life", Now At 
"Your Divine Feet" of "Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen(Ral. ) of "Your God
of "Your Life", And Then, And Only Then Within "His Divine Heart", In Truth "Your Life" Must "Never Harm Anyone". You Must Not "Wreak Revenge". You Must Not "Be Treacherous" toward "Anyone".

22. "You Must" leave behind "All Lustful Desires" and come to 
"Your Plenitude" of "Your Firm Faith" in"Your God" of "Your Life". In Truth "You Must" Give up "Your Anger" of "Your Life" and come to 
"Your House" of "Your God's Patience" of "Your Life" . In Truth 
"You Must" Give up "Your Tendency" toward "Your Vengeance" and "Your Treachery" of "Your Life" and come into "Your House" of 
"Your Contentment" with "God's Wealth of Grace" of "Your Life" .
 "You Must" Give up "Your Hell" of "Your Life" caused by In Truth
"Your Current Attachments of "Your Life" To "Your Earth World
 of "Your Life" and "Come" into "Your Grace" of "Your Life", of 
"Your Love" of "Your God" of "Your Life" That Is "His Grace" of 
"Your Life".

23. "You Must" incorporate "Your God's" ninety-nine (99) 
"Compassionate Powers" of Your God” of “Your Life” (In Truth AS
"Your Asma'ul-Husna”, As "Your 99 Beautiful Names" of "Your Allah
of "Your Life"), As In Truth “Your One True Basis" for All of "Your Divine Actions" of "Your Divine Lifeof "Your Life", As Now Contrasted With 
All of “Your Current Elemental Actions” of “Your Current Elemental Life” 
of “Your Life”, As In Truth "Your Only True Divine Lawfor "Your Divine Lifeof "Your Life". Only Then In Truth can "Your Life" In Truth "Discover" even "One Atom" - even "One Tiny Particle" - of "Your Mercy
and Compassionof "Your God' OF "Your Life".

24. May "All Praise" and "All Praising" be "To", And Exclusively 
"Belong To", In Truth "Your Divine Life" of  "Your Godof "Your Life
Alone, And As "Such",
"Your Divine LIFE
"Your Divine HEART
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
"Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
"Your Godof "Your Life",
As Now
"Your Grace, Wisdom, And Divine Knowledge (Ilm)"
"Your Godof "Your Life"
As Now "One"
"Your Eternal Light" of "Your Life"
"Your Current Elemental LIFE
"Your Current Elemental HEART"
"Your Beast/Satan"
"Your Impure Heart/Mind"
"Your Godof "Your Life",
As Now
"Your Current You" of "Your Life"
As Now  
"Your Current Monkey Mind" of "Your Life
"Your Current Dog of Desire" of "Your Life"
As Now "One"
"Your Eternal Darknessof "Your Life"
"Your Current Personal Selfish Elemental Life"
As Now 
"Your Current Dream Life" of "Your Life"
Which In Truth
"Simply Ends" In "Your Grave" of "Your Life"
"Not Going Anywhere"
Naturally Have 
"Your God's Peaceof "Your Life", 
And Only 
"Your God's Peace" of "Your Life"  
in Both 
"Your Purified Heart/Mind" of "Your Life
As Now 
"Your Purified 18,000 Universes" of "Your Life
And in 
"Your Perfected Heart/Mindof "Your Life
As Now 
"Your Re-Opened Worldof "Your Souls" of "Your Life
As Now 
"Your ONE True Onenessof "Your Life", 
As Now

In Truth 
"Your God" of "Your Life", 
if Both "Your Life" And "Your God" LikeAmen.
As Now 
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
"Your Purified Divine Heart
"Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
As Now "One"
"Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
"Your Perfected Divine Heart"
"Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
As Now "One"
ALL As Now "One"
if Both "Your LifeAnd "Your GodLike. Amen.

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I seek refuge in Allah from the evils of the accursed satan. 
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.

In the name of God, the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate. May all praise be for God alone.
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01. "May You Give" the "Entire Responsibility" for "Your Life" to that "One God" who is "Your Limitless Grace" and "Your Incomparable Love".

May we give the entire responsibility for our lives to that one God who is limitless grace and incomparable love. 

May the peace of God and all His blessings fill the lives of all who may read this message.

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02. "Your God Hearsevery word "You Say". "Your God Hearsyour "Every Thought".

To all who say they believe in God, please realize with your faith that God hears every word you say. 

God hears your every thought. 

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03. "Your True Message" within "Your Holy Qur'an" Is speak only "What" Is "Your Truth" and act only with "Your God's Qualities" of love, compassion, justice, patience, and "The Realization" that "Each Life" is as important as "Your Own Life".

Realizing this, speak only what is truth and act only with God's qualities of love, compassion, justice, patience, and the realization that each life is as important as your own. 

This is the true message within the Qur'an. 

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04. "Your Holy Qur'an" does not "Cause Divisions" among "Your God's Children". It exists to bring about "Brotherhood and Unity", It Exists To soothes those who weep in sorrow, To gives comfort to those who suffer, To explain the bounteous wealth of God, To inspires faith, To helps You reach "Your True State" of "Your Reverence" for "Your God" of "Your Life"

The Qur'an does not cause divisions among God's children. It exists to bring about brotherhood and unity. 

The Qur'an soothes those who weep in sorrow and gives comfort to those who suffer. To those who may be poor, it explains the bounteous wealth of God. It inspires faith in those who may not have believed in God and helps them reach a state of reverence for God.

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05. Do Not Use "Your Words" of "Your Holy Qur'an" Like They Were 
"Your War Banner" you were going to "Carry Into Battle". 

Do not wave the words of the Qur'an as though they were a banner you were going to carry into battle. 

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06. Understand "Your Inner Wisdom" of "God's Qualities" within "Your Own Life" Before "You Do Anything".

Do not say, 

"The Qur'an says This and The Qur'an says That," 

without truly understanding the inner wisdom of God's qualities within your own life. 

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07. See "Your Seed" of "Your God's Purity" That Is "Islam" Within "Everything", See "The Power" of "Allah" In Every Creation.

If one has faith, certitude, and determination, he will see the seed of that purity that is Islam within everything. He will see the power of Allah in every creation. 

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08. "Do Not Discriminate" against "Another Creation" or "Discard Him/Her. Do Not "Hurt The Heart" of "Another" in "Any Manner".

Therefore, he will not discriminate against another creation or discard him.

Anyone who has the purity of Islam and that true faith, certitude, and determination within his heart cannot hurt the heart of another in any manner. 

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09. You Must have "Your Patience" of "Your God" of "Your Life" in 
"Your Dealing" with "Others; You Must use "Your Gratitude" to "Your God" For "Everything" as "Your Strength" with which to "Comfort Others"; "Your Praise" for "Your God" will be "Your Wealth" That You will "Share With Others"; "Your Total Trust" in "Your God" will be "Your Own Wealth, Contentment, and Security"; "You Will Consider" anything that "Does Not Exist" as "Your Qualities" of "Your God" (known in Islam as Allah's ninety-nine names or powers) As "Forbidden", or "Evil".

Instead, he will have the patience of God in dealing with others; he will use his gratitude to God as the strength with which to comfort others; his praise for God will be the wealth he will share with others; and his total trust in God will be his own wealth, contentment, and security. He will consider anything that does not exist as the quality of God (known in Islam as Allah's ninety-nine names or powers) as forbidden, or evil. 

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10. "Only" that which exists within "Your God's Divine Qualities" is "Permissible", or "Good". "These Divine Attributes" of "Your Grace" of "Your God" are "Your Divine Law" of "Your Holy Qur'an" and is truly "Your Islam".

Only that which exists within those divine qualities is permissible, or good. These attributes of the grace of God are the law of the Qur'an. These divine attributes are the law within the heart of one who has true faith, certitude, and determination and is truly Islam. The capture of other lives and attacks against other countries are not the law.

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11. "You Must Not" keep anything "Other" Than "Your God" of "Your Life" As "Your Only Wealth" of "Your Life", As What "You Display" In "Your Life", As "Your Only Power" That "You Show" In "Your Life", As "Your Wealth" and "Your Power" of "Your God's Qualities" of "Your Compassion and Grace".

Muhammad, the Messenger of God, did not keep anything other than God. From the time of his appearance until the time he departed, the only wealth the Messenger of God displayed and the only power he showed was the wealth and the power of God's qualities of compassion and grace.

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12. "Your God" of "Your Life" is "Your Only One" For "Your Life" who knows "All of Everything". Therefore, "Only Your God" of "Your Life" can judge "Your True State" Or "The State" of "Another Person" And whether "Your Life" Or "The Life" of "Another Person" lives with "That Purity" that can be "Called Islam" or not.

Children of any religion who have true faith must realize that God is the only One who knows all of everything. Therefore, only God can judge whether a person has faith, certitude, and determination or not and whether a person lives with that purity that can be called Islam or not. 

No one else can give that judgment. Do not wave your religion like a banner and go out to capture others. 

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13. "Only One Kind" of "War" is permissible in "Your Eyes" of "Your God" of "Your Life", Which Is "Your War" That "You Wage" within "Yourself" to defeat "The Demonic Forces" of lust, anger, jealousy, desire for revenge, and "Your Other Evil Feelings" and "Attributes" that "May Exist" within "Your Heart".

Only one kind of war is permissible in the eyes of God: the war you wage within yourself to defeat the demonic forces of lust, anger, jealousy, desire for revenge, and other evil feelings and attributes that may exist within your heart. 

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14. "Your God" of "Your Life" has sent each of "Your Prophets" of "Your Life" as "Your Witnesses" to "Your Grace" of "Your God" and as "Your Supports" to help "Your Life" in "Your Inner War". This is "The Reason" for "Your Holy Qur'an" And "Your Messenger" of "Your Life" Now For "Your Age", Now For "All Life", That Is, And Now For "Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.) of "Your Life", To Help "Your Life" In Truth "Win Victory" over "Your Own Base Desire's" of "Your Life". 

God has sent each of the prophets as witnesses to the grace of God and as supports to help us in this inner war. This is the reason for the Qur'an. 

It is to help the true Muslim fight this inner battle and win victory over his own base desire's that God sent the Messenger with the Qur'an.

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15. "You Must Taste" Like "Honey" Having Used "Your Divine Wisdom" of "Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.) To Defeat "Your Monkey Mind" And "Your Compulsive Desires". Not Just Continue To "Taste Bitter" Having Failed To Defeated "Your Monkey Mind" And "Your Compulsive Desires". Not Just Continue To Cover "Your Light" of "Your Holy Qur'an" in "Your Darkness" of "Your God" of "Your Life". 

We must use the wisdom contained within the Qur'an to spank our own naughty minds and defeat our own compulsive desires. 

If we do that, what is called Islam will taste like honey. 

What we do now by battling in the world and calling it Islam tastes bitter and covers the light of the Qur'an in darkness. 

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16. "Your Divine Light" of "Your Islam" In "Your Life" should reveal 
"Your Essence" of "Your God" of "Your Life" in "Every Life". Then 
"Your Life" Will live in "Unity"; Then All of "Your Lives" of "Your Life" 
will eat from "Your Same Plate" (Your Purified Heart); Then All of 
"Your Lives" of "Your Life" will "Live" as "Your One Family" of 
"Your God" of "Your Life" Within "Your Life", With some "Living" in "Your Church" of "Your Life", Within "Your Chest", With some "Living" in "Your Mosque/Temple" of "Your Life", Within "Your Head", And With some "Living" in "Your True Home" of "Your Life", Within "Your 18,000 Universes" Within "Your Purified Heart/Mind" of "Your God" of 
"Your Life".

The light of Islam should reveal the essence of God in every life. If we see that essence, then we will live in unity; we will eat from the same plate; we will live as one family whether some are in a church, some are in a mosque, or some are in their homes. 

The beggar and the king will be able to pray together. 

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17. "You Must Discover" With "Your Awakened Divine Wisdom" of 
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral. ) of "Your God" of "Your Life" 
In Truth "Your Own Faults" of "Your Life", discardng "Your Anger", 
and "Embracing One Another" with "Your God's Love" of "Your Life". 
"That" is "What" In Truth "Your Holy Qur'an" says To "Your Life"

We will discover our own faults, discard our own anger, and embrace one another with love. That is what the Qur'an says. That is why we cannot tell lies, indulge in treachery, or threaten to kill other lives and claim that it is being done in the name of Islam.

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18. "You Must Recognize" and "Praise" In Truth "Your Essence" 
(Divine Consciousness) of "Your God's Grace" (As "Your Dhat" of 
"Your Dhat, Sirr, and Sifat") As "It Exists" in "Each" and "Every Life".

Islam teaches that we must recognize and praise the essence of God as it exists in each and every life. 

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19. "You Must Consider" Wisely "Your Following Explanation" of
"Your Truth" of "Your Life" As Now In Truth "Your True Holy Qur'an" of "Your Life", As Now In Truth "Your Divine Life History/Story" Written By "Your God" of "Your Life" Within "Your Divine Heart" of "Your Divine Life" Just Waiting "To Be Told" And Brought To "Your Natural Completion" By "Your God" of "Your Life", Like "Your Sweet Taste" of "Your Fully Ripened Apple" On "Your Mature Apple Tree", If Both “Your Apple Fruit” And “Your Apple Tree” Like, That Is, if Both "Your Life" And "Your God" of “Your Life” Like

Consider this explanation of "The Truth" that is in the Qur'an: 

If you take a tiny atom and split it into ten million particles and take one of these particles and examine it with that true wisdom found within Islam, you will see within that tiny particle ninety-nine particles revolving around one another without touching. (The ninety-nine are those qualities of God's grace that are known as the names, or powers, of God.) 

If you take one of those ninety-nine particles and split it into five million particles and examine one of those pieces with that wisdom, again you will see ninety-nine-ninety-nine revolving around one another without touching. 

And if you take any one of those particles and split it into one million pieces and examine one piece, again you will see the ninety-nine particles revolving around one another. 

If you take one of those and split it into five hundred thousand pieces and take one of those particles and split it into two hundred and fifty thousand pieces and take one of those and split it into one hundred thousand pieces and then one of those into ten thousand pieces and one of those into another thousand pieces and if you take one of those infinitesimal particles and look within it with that wisdom, you will see ninety-nine: His ninety-nine divine powers.

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20. "You Must Realize" That "Your Every Particle" of "Your Every Atom" of "Your Life" contains "Your Divine Power" of "Your Allah" (As "Your Divine Oneness/Unity") of "Your Life", of "All Life", In Truth Contains "Your Divine Power" of "Your God" of "Your Life" For "Your Life", For "All Life", For "All Life" Within "Your Life".

Every particle of every atom contains the power of Allah, the divine power of God. 

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21. Realizing "This Divine Truth" of "Your Life" of "Your God" 
of "Your Life", That Is, First On "Your Outside" of "Your Life", Now At 
"Your Divine Feet" of "Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral. ) of "Your God" 
of "Your Life", And Then, And Only Then Within "His Divine Heart", In Truth "Your Life" Must "Never Harm Anyone". You Must Not "Wreak Revenge". You Must Not "Be Treacherous" toward "Anyone".

We who are Islam must realize this. If we reflect on this, anyone who calls himself Islam will never harm anyone. He will not wreak revenge. He will not be treacherous toward anyone. Islam must realize this. Everyone who has faith in God must realize this.

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22. "You Must" leave behind "All Lustful Desires" and come to 
"Your Plenitude" of "Your Firm Faith" in"Your God" of "Your Life". In Truth "You Must" Give up "Your Anger" of "Your Life" and come to 
"Your House" of "Your God's Patience" of "Your Life" . In Truth 
"You Must" Give up "Your Tendency" toward "Your Vengeance" and "Your Treachery" of "Your Life" and come into "Your House" of 
"Your Contentment" with "God's Wealth of Grace" of "Your Life" .
 "You Must" Give up "Your Hell" of "Your Life" caused by In Truth
"Your Current Attachments" of "Your Life" To "Your Earth World" 
 of "Your Life" and "Come" into "Your Grace" of "Your Life", of 
"Your Love" of "Your God" of "Your Life" That Is "His Grace" of 
"Your Life".

All children of God, leave behind all lustful desires and come to the plenitude of firm faith in God. Give up anger and come to the house of patience. Give up the tendency toward vengeance and treachery and come into the house of contentment with God's wealth of grace. Give up the hell caused by your attachment to the world and come into the love of God that is His grace.

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23. "You Must" incorporate "Your God's" ninety-nine (99) "Compassionate Powers" of “Your God” of “Your Life” (In Truth AS
"Your Asma'ul-Husna”, As "Your 99 Beautiful Names" of "Your Allah" of "Your Life"), As In Truth “Your One True Basis" for All of "Your Divine Actions" of "Your Divine Life" of "Your Life", As Now Contrasted With All of “Your Current Elemental Actions” of “Your Current Elemental Life” of “Your Life”, As In Truth "Your Only True Divine Law" for "Your Divine Life" of "Your Life". Only Then In Truth can "Your Life" In Truth "Discover" even "One Atom" - even "One Tiny Particle" - of "Your Mercy
and Compassion" of "Your God' OF "Your Life".

Only when you incorporate His ninety-nine compassionate powers as the basis for your actions and as the law for your life can you discover even one atom-one tiny particle-of God's mercy and compassion. 

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24. May "All Praise" and "All Praising" be "To", And Exclusively 
"Belong To", In Truth "Your Divine LIFEOF "Your Godof "Your Life
Alone, And As "Such",
"Your Divine LIFE" 
"Your Divine HEART
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
"Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
"Your Godof "Your Life",
As Now
"Your Grace, Wisdom, And Divine Knowledge (Ilm)"
"Your Godof "Your Life",
As Now "One"
"Your Eternal Light" of "Your Life"
"Your Current Elemental LIFE
"Your Current Elemental HEART"
"Your Beast/Satan"
"Your Impure Heart/Mind"
"Your Godof "Your Life",
As Now
"Your Current Youof "Your Life"
As Now  
"Your Current Monkey Mind" of "Your Life
"Your Current Dog of Desire" of "Your Life"
"Your Godof "Your Life",
As Now "One"
"Your Eternal Darkness" of "Your Life"
"Your Current Personal Selfish Elemental Life"
As Now 
"Your Current Dream Life" of "Your Life"
Which In Truth
"Simply Ends" In "Your Grave" of "Your Life"
"Not Going Anywhere"
Naturally Have 
in Both 
"Your Purified Heart/Mindof "Your Life" 
As Now 
"Your Purified 18,000 Universesof "Your Life") 
And in 
"Your Perfected Heart/Mindof "Your Life
As Now 
"Your Re-Opened Worldof "Your Soulsof "Your Life
As Now 
"Your ONE True Oneness" of "Your Life", 
As Now

In Truth
"Your Godof "Your Life", 
if Both "Your Life" And "Your GodLike. Amen.
As Now 
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
"Your Purified Divine Heart
"Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
As Now "One"
"Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
"Your Perfected Divine Heart"
"Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
As Now "One"
ALL As Now "One"
if Both "Your Life" And "Your GodLikeAmen.

In the name of God, the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate. May all praise and praising be to God alone, and may we have His peace in our hearts. Amen.

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I seek refuge in Allah from the evils of the accursed satan. 
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.

In the name of God, the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate. May all praise be for God alone. 

May we give the entire responsibility for our lives to that one God who is limitless grace and incomparable love. May the peace of God and all His blessings fill the lives of all who may read this message.

To all who say they believe in God, please realize with your faith that God hears every word you say. God hears your every thought. 

Realizing this, speak only what is truth and act only with God's qualities of love, compassion, justice, patience, and the realization that each life is as important as your own. 

This is the true message within the Qur'an. 

The Qur'an does not cause divisions among God's children. It exists to bring about brotherhood and unity. The Qur'an soothes those who weep in sorrow and gives comfort to those who suffer. To those who may be poor, it explains the bounteous wealth of God. It inspires faith in those who may not have believed in God and helps them reach a state of reverence for God.

Do not wave the words of the Qur'an as though they were a banner you were going to carry into battle. Do not say, 

"The Qur'an says this and the Qur'an says that," 

without truly understanding the inner wisdom of God's qualities within your own life. 

If one has faith, certitude, and determination, he will see the seed of that purity that is Islam within everything. He will see the power of Allah in every creation. Therefore, he will not discriminate against another creation or discard him.

Anyone who has the purity of Islam and that true faith, certitude, and determination within his heart cannot hurt the heart of another in any manner. 

Instead, he will have the patience of God in dealing with others; he will use his gratitude to God as the strength with which to comfort others; his praise for God will be the wealth he will share with others; and his total trust in God will be his own wealth, contentment, and security. He will consider anything that does not exist as the quality of God (known in Islam as Allah's ninety-nine names or powers) as forbidden, or evil. 

Only that which exists within those divine qualities is permissible, or good. These attributes of the grace of God are the law of the Qur'an. These divine attributes are the law within the heart of one who has true faith, certitude, and determination and is truly Islam. The capture of other lives and attacks against other countries are not the law.

Muhammad, the Messenger of God, did not keep anything other than God. From the time of his appearance until the time he departed, the only wealth the Messenger of God displayed and the only power he showed was the wealth and the power of God's qualities of compassion and grace.

Children of any religion who have true faith must realize that God is the only One who knows all of everything. Therefore, only God can judge whether a person has faith, certitude, and determination or not and whether a person lives with that purity that can be called Islam or not. No one else can give that judgment. Do not wave your religion like a banner and go out to capture others. 

Only one kind of war is permissible in the eyes of God: the war you wage within yourself to defeat the demonic forces of lust, anger, jealousy, desire for revenge, and other evil feelings and attributes that may exist within your heart. 

God has sent each of the prophets as witnesses to the grace of God and as supports to help us in this inner war. This is the reason for the Qur'an. It is to help the true Muslim fight this inner battle and win victory over his own base desire's that God sent the Messenger with the Qur'an.

We must use the wisdom contained within the Qur'an to spank our own naughty minds and defeat our own compulsive desires. If we do that, what is called Islam will taste like honey. 

What we do now by battling in the world and calling it Islam tastes bitter and covers the light of the Qur'an in darkness. The light of Islam should reveal the essence of God in every life. If we see that essence, then we will live in unity; we will eat from the same plate; we will live as one family whether some are in a church, some are in a mosque, or some are in their homes. The beggar and the king will be able to pray together. 

We will discover our own faults, discard our own anger, and embrace one another with love. That is what the Qur'an says. That is why we cannot tell lies, indulge in treachery, or threaten to kill other lives and claim that it is being done in the name of Islam.

Islam teaches that we must recognize and praise the essence of God as it exists in each and every life. 

Consider this explanation of the truth that is in the Qur'an: If you take a tiny atom and split it into ten million particles and take one of these particles and examine it with that true wisdom found within Islam, you will see within that tiny particle ninety-nine particles revolving around one another without touching. (The ninety-nine are those qualities of God's grace that are known as the names, or powers, of God.) 

If you take one of those ninety-nine particles and split it into five million particles and examine one of those pieces with that wisdom, again you will see ninety-nine-ninety-nine revolving around one another without touching. 

And if you take any one of those particles and split it into one million pieces and examine one piece, again you will see the ninety-nine particles revolving around one another. 

If you take one of those and split it into five hundred thousand pieces and take one of those particles and split it into two hundred and fifty thousand pieces and take one of those and split it into one hundred thousand pieces and then one of those into ten thousand pieces and one of those into another thousand pieces and if you take one of those infinitesimal particles and look within it with that wisdom, you will see ninety-nine: His ninety-nine divine powers.

Every particle of every atom contains the power of Allah, the divine power of God. 

We who are Islam must realize this. If we reflect on this, anyone who calls himself Islam will never harm anyone. He will not wreak revenge. He will not be treacherous toward anyone. Islam must realize this. Everyone who has faith in God must realize this.

All children of God, leave behind all lustful desires and come to the plenitude of firm faith in God. Give up anger and come to the house of patience. Give up the tendency toward vengeance and treachery and come into the house of contentment with God's wealth of grace. Give up the hell caused by your attachment to the world and come into the love of God that is His grace.

Only when you incorporate His ninety-nine compassionate powers as the basis for your actions and as the law for your life can you discover even one atom-one tiny particle-of God's mercy and compassion. 

In the name of God, the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate. May all praise and praising be to God alone, and may we have His peace in our hearts. Amen.

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"Your Source" of "All This"
"Your On-line Version"
"Chapter 05"
"The True Meaning of Islam"
"Part Three"
"We must make all people one with us.
The Prophet Muhammad explained this to us, 
but some of us who came to the world forgot the message Allah sent.
We must learn to wash away our separations and become one again.
That is true Islam".
"Your Islam and World Peace" Book
"Explanations" of "A Sufi"
"Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)


"More To Come


"The End"
"Your New StuffFor "Your David- Page 04
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- Bawa - 

Your Love Letter 80
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)

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"Your New Stuff" For "Your David"
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Sent To: 
 "Your David Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
"Your Michel Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
"Your Monica Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
"Your Alisha Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)

Sent On: 08-08-16,
"Your Version 08"

"Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" 
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us As Now “One”).
