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Love Letters 
My Children

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B. "Your True Meaning" of "Your Islam(Again 01) - Page 04
A. "Your True Meaning" of "Your Islam" - Page 03

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 "Your Bawa Quotation 06"
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Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 07"


"You Should NeverCall Yourself "Muslim".
"The MostYou Should "Ever Say"
Is That 
"You Are StrivingTo Become "Muslim"

Go To:
                                  01. "I Don't See Any Muslims"
                              02. "Do Your Duty" That Is "Best" ...


Bawa​. "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.) Told "This Clarity" To All 
of "His Children" Gather At "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship
At 5820 Overbrook Avenue, In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 
In 1982 During "An Interview" By "A Newspaper Reporter" Who Came 
To Collect News For "His Newspaper" About "Your Newly Opened 
"Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Mosque" (Ral.) At "The Same Address",

Bawa.  Which Was "Your Very First Mosque" Built In Philadelphia At 
"That Time" To Specifically Be "Your Mosqueof "Your Allah", With 
"All Other Mosques" In Philadelphia At "That Time" Occupying Building Originally Built For "Some Other Purpose".

"More About"
"This" And "Other"
"Wisdom Points"
Coming From
"Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
"That Interview"

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

01. "I Don't See Any Muslims"

Bawa. "Your Reporter" Asked "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.) About "Your Number of MuslimsThat Were At  "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen 
Fellowship" And "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.) Said To "Your Reporter" The Following, 

"I Don't See Any Muslims"

Bawa. And Then "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.) Told "Your Reporter" And To All of "His Children" Gather At "That Time" At "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen FellowshipAt 5820 Overbrook Avenue, In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, The Following,

"You Should Never" Call Yourself "A Muslim".
"The Most" You Should "Ever Say"
Is That 
"You Are Striving" To Become "A Muslim"


Bawa. For In Truth "Your Muslim" Is "One" Who Has "Truly Surrendered" To "Your Will" of "Your Allah", Not "One" Who Is "Still Living" In "Your Earth World" In Truth "Truly Surrendered"  To "Your Will" of "Your Monkey Mind" And "Your Dog of Desire" But Mistakenly Still Calls "HimSelf/HerSelf" "A Muslim", Or "A Jew", Or "A Christian", Or 
"A Zoroastrian (Persian), Or "A Hindu/Tamil", Or "A Good Person",

Bawa. For In Truth "Your True Muslim" Or "Your True Jew" Or 
"Your True Christian" Or "Your True Zoroastrian(Persian) Or 
"Your True Hindu/Tamil" Or "Your True Good Person" Is Exclusively 
"One" Who Is Truly Following "Your Teachings" of "Your God" of 
"Your Life" That Were Accurately Given To "Your Children" of 
"Your God" of "Your Life" By "Your Final Prophet Muhammad" (Sal.) 
And By "Your Earlier Prophets" Known In "Your Earth World" As "Your Jesus, David, Moses, Ishmael, Abraham, Noah, and Adam" (A.S.),

Bawa. For In Truth "Your Islam" And "Your JudaismAnd "Your 
Christianity" And "Your Zoroastrianism" And "Your Hinduism/Tamilism
and "Your Good PersonIn Truth Is "Your PurityDevoid of "Your Current Impurity", In Truth Is "Your Divine UnityWith "Your God" of "Your LifeDevoid of "Your Current  Elemental Separations" And 
"Your Current Elemental Differencesof "Your Current Worldly Life", 

Bawa. That Is, Not Just "Your Current UnityWith "Your Race, Religion, 
and Blood Ties" (With "Your Family/Tribe/Community"), Not Just "Your Brotherly/Sisterly Unity", 

Bawa. That Is, Not Just "Your Brotherly/Sisterly Unityof 
"Your Current Personal/Selfish Life" On "Your Current Illusory Outside
of "Your Life" Within "Your Current Degraded Worldof "Your Magical TricksAnd of "Your Possessive/Self Destructive Peopleof 
"Your Own MakingThat In Truth Has Now "Fully ManifestedWithin 
"Your Impure Heart/Mindof "Your Beast/Satanof "Your God" of 
"Your Life", All of Which of Course Is "Just Not True", But To 
"Your Eternal Peril"

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

02. "Do Your DutyThat Is "Best", And Leave Unto "Your Lord"
         The "Rest", But Before "You Do Anything",
"Call MeInto "Action"

Bawa. Next "Your Reporter" Asked "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.) 
About "Your Current State" of "Your Current Earth WorldAnd
"What Each of UsCan Truly Do To Help "Things Improve" And 
"Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.) Said To "Your Reporter" The Following,

Bawa. Each of Us "Has Certain Things" That "We Can Do" To Help "Improve Things". 

Bawa. For Example, "You Are A ReporterWho Collects "The News
And Reports It In "Your Newspaper". Right?

Bawa. And You Can Do "That Work" In Either "Good Way" Or In 
"A Not So Good WayFor In Truth "The Choice" Is "Your Choice", 
Not "Your God's Choice".

Bawa. In Truth "Your God" of "Your Life" Has Given "Your Life" Both 
"Your Good Choices" And "Your Bad Choices" of "Your Life" And Has
Also Given "Your Life" First "Your Conscience" And Later 
"Your Divine Wisdom" To "Differentiate" Between "These Two Choices".

Bawa. If Before "You Do Anything" You Call "Your God" Into Action
That Is, First Stop And Ask "Your ConscienceWhat To Do, For Example, "Turn Right" Or "Turn Left" At "A Questionable Intersection" In 
"Your Life", Or "Go Here" Or "Go There" At "A Certain Choice Point" In 
"Your Life", 

Bawa. And For Example, "Mainly Talk Or ListenWhen You Are With "Other People", And "Stay Home" And "Do Something Valuable", Like Reading "Your Holy Scriptures" Or Learning "A New Skill" Or "Fixing Something" Or "Go Out" And "Play" In "Your Free Time", And Help 
"Someone Struggling" At "Work" Or In "Your Family Or Community" Or "Leave Them Alone", Or In "Your Specific Case" Report "The Truth" As "You See It" Or "Slant It" To Fit "Certain Readers", Or "Your Boss's" Or "Your Co-worker's" Viewpoints And "Preferences", You Get "The Point",  

Bawa. Then "Your God" of "Your Life" Will "Intervene" In "Your Life
At Each of "These Choice Points" In "Your Life", Or "Not", And 
"Guide Your Life" Back To "His Divine Life" Within "Your Life" Before "Your Life" In Truth "Ends Here" And "Teach Your Soul" What It 
"Came Here" To "Learn" In Order To "Make Your Life" Truly Successful 
In "Your Lifetime", 

Bawa. It Is Truly "That Simple" To "Impure Everything" In "Your Life", 
In "All Life", But "You Have To CallIn Truth "Your God" of "Your Life" Into "Action" For "Your Life", For "All Life", As "Much As You Can", 
In Truth "Whenever You Can", In Truth "Wherever You Can", In Truth 
For "All of Us", Without Any "Personal Viewpoints And Perferences", 
Every Day, Until "The Last Day" of "Your Life" In "Your Current World",

Bawa. Please "Think About This" A Little, Both "You" And All of 
"My Children", That Would "Be Good". Amen.

Bawa. My Love You, All of "My Children" - "Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
(May God be pleased with Him, and with Us, as Now "One". Amen)

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 "Your Bawa Quotation 07"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 06"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 08"
Also Go To "Spiritual Book 017:
"Your Adventuresof "Your Green Michael"


"First And Foremost" 
"Your Life" Must Be "Born Again".


Bawa. My Love You, My Dearest Loving Children
Just What Does 
"It Really Mean",
"First And Foremost" 
"Your LifeMust Be "Born Again".

Bawa. Lets Look Into "Your Very Important Question" A LittleOk?

Bawa. First, What Does "Your Question Mean" From "Your Perspective" of "Your Apple Tree", That Is, From "Your Perspective" of "Your Life Cycle" of "Your Apple Tree" That Provide "Your Mind & Body" With All 
of "Your Wonderful Products" of "Your Apple Tree", Like "Your Sweet Apple" And "Your Sweet Apple JuiceAnd of Course "Your Apple Pie", 

Bawa. And That Provide "Your Wisdom" With Some "Very Important Clues" About "Your Life Cycle" of "Your True Human Divine Beingof "Your God" of "Your Life" Just Waiting On "Your God" of "Your Life" To "Fully Happen", To "Fully Manifest", Within "Your Life", 

Bawa. That Is, About "Your Life Cycle" of "Your True Human Divine Beingof "Your God" of "Your LifeIn Truth "Now Fully Hidden" Within
"Your Life" of "Your God" of "Your Life",

Bawa. That Is, "Now Fully Hidden" Within "Your Current Illusory Lifeof "Your Person" As "Your Mind/Desire Life", As "Your Personal Selfish Elemental Lifeof "Your Separations" And of "Your Differences",

Bawa. In Truth All Really Happening Within "Your Current Degraded Worldof "Your Magical Tricks" And "Your Possessive/Self Destructive Peopleof "Your Own Making" Now "Fully Manifested" Within 
"Your Beast/Satan" of "Your God" of "Your Life" As Now "One", 

Bawa. In "Your Ignorance" of "Yourself" As "Such", And Now In 
"Your ArroganceAbout "Your Ignorance" of "Yourself" As "Such",

Bawa. For Example, From "Your Perspective" of "Your Life Cycle" of "Your Apple Tree" There Are "Your Two Major Choice Points" For 
"Your Life" That Determine "Your Outcome" of "Your Life Cycleof 
"Your Apple Seed",

Bawa. First If "Your Apple Tree" Even Happens, And Second If 
"Your Fully Sour AppleBecomes "Your Fully Sweet Apple", For In Truth You Cannot Have And Become "Your Fully Sweet Apple Unless "Your First" Have And Experience "Your Fully Sour Apple",

Bawa. That Is, "Your First Major Choice Pointof "Your Life Cycle" of "Your Apple Tree" of "Your LifeHappens When In Truth "Your Apple Seed" of "Your Life" Buried In "Your Earth" of "Your Life" Decides 
"To Germinate", Or "Not", Revealing "Your Apple Tree" Growing Within "Your Earth", Or "Not",

Bawa. And "Your Second Major Choice Point" Happens When In Truth "Your Fully Sour Apple" Decides To "Hold" Onto "Your Apple Tree", Or "Not", That Is, Until "Your End" of "Your Life Cycle" of 
"Your Apple Tree", Or "Not", Revealing "Your Fully Sweet Apple" On "Your Apple Tree" Ready To Be "Successfully Harvested" By "Your Farmer", Or "Not", Or Rather To "Let Go" of "Your Apple Tree" In 
"Your Current Sour Unripe Stateof "Your Life",

Bawa. That Is, Or Rather To "Un-Natually Fall off" of "Your Apple Tree" Before "Your Life" Naturally Become "Your Full Sweetness" and 
"Your Full Ripeness" As "Your God" of "Your Life" Intended For 
"Your Life" And Is "Successfully Harvested" By "Your Farmer" of 
"Your Life", Becoming Only "Suitable Food" For "Your Worms" In 
"Your Earth" As Now In Truth Mistakenly Intended By "Your Monkey Mind" And "Your Dog of Desire" of "Your Life",

Bawa. Like "This", My Dearest Loving Children, In Truth "Your First Major Choice Point" of "Your Life Cycle" of "Your Apple TreeHappens When "Your Apple Seed" Is Buried Within "Your Earth" In "Your Ignorance" of "Yourself" As Such, Believing In "Yourself" As "Your Separate Life" From "Your Surrounding Earth" Always Protecting "Yourself" From Being Destroyed By "Your Earth", For A While,

Bawa. Then When "Your Separate Life" of "Your Apple Seed" Is 
Comfortably Living "Separate" From "Your Surrounding Earth" And
Is Both "READY To HEAR" Your Truth of "Your Life", of "Your Life Cycle" of "Your Apple Seed" of "Your Life", And Is READY To Either ACCEPT 
Or To REJECT Your Truth of "Your Life", of "Your Apple Seed" of 
"Your Life", YOUR TRUTH of "Your Life", of "Your Apple Seed" of 
"Your LifeNaturally Manifests From Within "Your Apple Seed" of 
"Your Life

Bawa. That Is, 
"Your Apple Seedof "Your Life"
Is Buried Within "Your Earthof "Your Life"
Is "Your Seedof "Something Else"
Is "Your Seedof "Your Apple Tree"
And That
"Your Earth" of "Your Life"
Now Surrounding 
"Your Apple Seedof "Your Life"
"Everything Necessary"
"Your Apple Treeof "Your Life"
Now Hidden 
"Your Apple Seedof "Your Life"
"Grow" And "Naturally Come"
Full Maturity
"Your Apple Tree" of "Your Life"
"Your Earth" of "Your Life"
if you like,

Bawa. And My Dearest Loving Children, In Truth "This" Is Now
"Your First Major Choice Pointof "Your Life Cycle" of "Your Apple Tree" of "Your Life" Which In Truth Naturally Happens When In Truth 
"Your Apple Seed" of "Your Life" Now Buried In "Your Earth" of 
"Your Life" Decides "To Germinate", Or "Not", Revealing "Your Apple Tree" Growing Within "Your Earth", Or "Not", - Sound Familiar?

Bawa. That Is,  Sound Familiar?

Bawa. It Should - "This" Is Now "Your First Major Choice Pointof 
"Your Life Cycle" of "Your God Treeof "Your Life",

Bawa. "This" Is Now "Your Understanding" of "Your Life and Teaching" And "Your Heart" And "Your Songs(e.g. "Your Kalimah Song") 
"Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.),

Bawa. And "This" Is Now "Your Life and Teaching" And "Your Heart
And "Your Songs(e.g. "Your Song 01") 
"Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.),

(In Process)


"More To Come


"The End"
"Your New StuffFor "Your David- Page 05-D
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End of Page


- Bawa - 

Your Love Letter 80
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)

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Download “Your Love Letter 80”

Go To "Your 13" New Web Sites" As Now “One


"Your New Stuff" For "Your David"
Go To "Your New Stuff Outline"

Go To:
C. "Your True Meaning" of "Your Islam" (Again 02) - This Page
Go To "Your With Outline" Version
Go To "Your Full Outline"
Go To "Your Brief Outline"
Go To "Your Body" of "Your With Outline" Version
Go To "Your Body" of "Your WithOut Outline" Version
Go To "Your Source" of "All This"


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Go To "Your Short Title/Subject" 
"Your Longer Title/Subject"


Sent To: 
 "Your David Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
"Your Michel Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
"Your Monica Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
"Your Alisha Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)

Sent On: 08-23-16,
"Your Version 23"

"Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" 
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us As Now “One”).
