Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library

Love Letters 
My Children

-- "Your Latest Ones" --

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08. "Your Life" of “Your Ephrata Needs “A New Heart,
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 11"
Go To "Your Original Version"
Go To "Your Outline Version"
Go To "Your Expanded Version"
"Your Outline" of "Your New Topics"
"Your Body" of "Your New Topics"

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

"Your Expanded Version"
"Your Bawa Quotation 11"
As Both
A. "Your Outlineof "Your New Topics"
B. "Your Body" of "Your New Topics"
"Your Outline" of "Your Chapter 05"

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

A. "Your Outline" of "Your New Topics"
Go To "Your Body" of "Your New Topics"

01. "Your Fathomless Ocean" of "Your Divine Knowledge" Within 
        "Your Heart(As "Your Original Outline Version")
"Your Topic 01" - Keep "Your Focus" On "Your Soul"
"Your Divine Qualitiesof "Your Soul"
 Now On
"Your Divine Qualities" of "Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
Go To “Your Introduction” To "Your Topic 01"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 12"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 13"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 14"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 15"
Go To "Your Original Version" 
Go To "Your Topic 02"
02. "Your Great Resplendent Light" Above "Your Divine Ocean"
(As "Your Original Outline Version")
"Your Topic 02" - Keep "Your Focus
"Your 99 Powersof "Your Soul"
Now On 
"Your Divine Actions/Wordsof "Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
Go To “Your Introduction” To "Your Topic 02"
Go To "Your Suratal Fatihah” - PLUS
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 16"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 17"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 18"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 19"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 20"
Go To "Your Original Version"
Go To "Your Topic 01"
Go To "Your Topic 03"
03. "Your Disappearing" Into "Your Center" of "Your Great
        Resplendent Light"  (As "Your Original Outline Version")
04.  Taking On "The Form" of "Your Soul" Absorbed Within
        "Your Great Resplendent Light" of "Your God" of "Your Life"
05. "Your Soul Life" Entering "Your Secret Worldof  "Your Allah
06. "Your Different Sections" In "Your Secret Worldof "Your God"
        Like "Your Section " of "Your God's EssenceAs "Your Dhat", All         Forming "Your 18,000 Universes"
07. "Your Kingdomof "Your AllahIs In "Your Centerof
         "Your Great Resplendent Light"
08. "Your Kingdomof "Your SatanIs In "Your Different Part" of 
        "Your Divine Ocean" Where "Your Demons and GhostsExist In
        "Hideous Forms".
09. "Your Section" of "Your Illusion", of "Your Hell", All of Which At 
         "First GlanceAppears "Beautiful And EnticingBut In Truth Is
         "Your Hellof "Your Mind", In Truth "Your Worldof  "Your Mind"
        And "Your Desires"
10. Close Down "Your Worlds" of "Your Demons", of "Your Jinns
      And of "Your Fairies", Re-Open "Your World" of "Your Souls", And
      Open "Your Kingdom" of "Your God" In "Your True Partnership"                With "Your God" of "Your Life", First On "Your Outside" And Then,
      And Only Then, Within "Your Life", First At "Your Divine Feet"
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.) of "Your Life"
11. "Your Divine Nature" of "Your Prophets" of "Your God" of "Your Life"
12. "Your Light Form" of "Your SoulMust "Emerge" So "Your Life
       Can Listen To "Your Sound" That Connects "Your Life" To 
       "Your Allah" of "Your Life"
13. "Your True Nature" of "Your True Prayer" Is "Your Oneness"
        With "Your God" of "Your Life", As Now "Your Prayer" of 
        "Your One" To "Your One" Who Is, Only "That" Is "Your True Prayer"         of "Your Life", As Now "Your Prayer" of "Your Oneness" With 
        "Your God" of "Your Life", First On "Your Outside" And Then
         And Only Then, Within "Your Life", First At "Your Divine Feet"
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.) of "Your Life"
14. "Your ListeningTo "Your ProphetsPraying To "Your God", And
       Now That "Your Life" Has Come To "Your State" In Which 
     "You Can Hear Them", In Truth "You Must Listen" To "Their Sounds", 
      Join "Their Prayers", And "Give Salams" To Each of "Your Prophets".
15. "Your Understanding" of "Your Current Station" In Truth Is 
        "Your Most Important Question" of "Your Life", For In Truth
        "Your True Birthright" Is "Your Very Same" As "Your Prophets"
       But "You Have Covered" Them With "Your Paint" of "Your Mind", 
       With "Your Dog of Desire", And With "Your Illusion", Or "Your Maya".
16. "Your Secret Mystery" of "Your Allah" Is Continually "Coming Forth" 
        In All "Your Universes", Atom By Atom.
17. In Truth "Your True Man", "Your Insan", Is "One" Who "Understands"
    In Truth "Your DifferenceBetween "Your Outside" And "Your Inside",     Between "Your Example" And "Your Cause" And "Finds Clarity",     Becoming "Your True Believer", "Your Mu'mim", Becoming 
    "Your OneWho Has Seen "Your ProphetsAnd "Your Angels".
18. "Your School of Contrast" For "Your Soul" As Now "Your Outside"
       And "Your Inside" As Now "One", As Now "Your ExampleAnd                  "Your CauseAs Now "One".
19. "Your Secrets" of "Your Allah's Essence", "Your Dhat".
20. How "Your Soul" Must Travel In Order To Attain In Truth
       "Your Secrets" of "Your Allah's Essence", "Your Dhat".

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

B. "Your Body" of "Your New Topics"
"Your Outline" of "Your New Topics"

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

01. "Your Fathomless Oceanof "Your Divine Knowledge" 
        Within "Your Heart(As "Your Original Outline Version")

"Your Topic 01" - Keep "Your Focus" On "Your Soul"
"Your Divine Qualities" of "Your Soul"
 Now On
"Your Divine Qualitiesof "Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
Go To “Your Introduction” To "Your Topic 01"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 12"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 13"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 14"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 15"
Go To "Your Original Version"
Go To "Your Topic 02"

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"​

​A. Your Introduction” To "Your Topic 01"

Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Children Lets Start To Explain Some More About Each of "Your New Topics" In "Your Outline" of "Your Chapter 05" Called "Your Secret Worldof "Your God" In "Your Mystical JourneyBook By "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.), Ok?

Bawa. First, In Truth "Your Fathomless Oceanof "Your Divine Knowledge" Is Now Just Waiting For "Your Divine Wisdom LifeAnd 
"Your Divine Light Formof "Your Divine SoulAs Now "One"
"Find And Enter"
"Your Purified Heart/Mind
"Your Godof "Your Life"
"Start To Learn
"Who You Are"
"Where You Are
"What Is Truly Happening
"Your Lifeof "Your Godof "Your Life"
if you like, 
and that is for sure. Amen.


Bawa. And In “This Way” In Truth “My Dearest Loving Children” It Is “Your Soul” of “Your God” of “Your Life” That Must Now Be “Your Only True Focus” of “Your Life”.

Bawa. And It Is “Your Divine Wisdom” of “Your Life” Now Sleeping Surrounding “Your Soul” of “Your Life” That Must Now Be Awakened By “Your God” of “Your LIfe” As “Your Divine Wisdom” of “Your Life” That Must Now Be “Your Only True Focus” of “Your Life”.

Bawa. And It Is “Your Body of Truth” That Must Now Be Harvested By “Your God” of “Your Life” From “Your Ocean of Illusion” of “Your Life” So “Your Soul” of “Your Life” Can “Rest A While” That Must Now Be “Your Only True Focus” of “Your Life”.

Bawa. Not “Your Current Dream Life” On “Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Your Life” In Truth Within “Your Current Degraded 3 Worlds” of 
“Your Life”, 

Bawa. That Is, Within “Your Current Degraded 3 Worlds” of “Your Life” As Now “Your Demons” (As Now “Your Blood Sucking Beings”) And “Your Jinns” (As Now “Your Fire Eating Beings”) And “Your Fairies”
 (As Now “Your Illusory Beings”) of “Your Life”.

Bawa. All Now “Currently Living and Thriving” As “Your Current 
Triple Dirt” of “Your Life” Within “Your Impure Heart/Mind’ of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “One”, In “Your Ignorance” of “Yourself’ As “Such”, And Now In “Your Arrogance” 
About “Your Ignorance” of “Yourself’ As “Such” As Now “One”.

Bawa. All of Which In Truth Is “Your Current Focus” of “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
As Now
Your Evil Actions
Your Kalam of “Your LIfe
As Now 
Your Current False/Illusory Life” 
Your Arrogance, Karma, And Illusion
Is Now “Leading” 
Your Life
Your Kalan” of “Your Life
That Is,
Your Angel of Death of “Your Life
Your Grave” of “Your Life
Your Eternal Life

Separate From”
Your God” of “Your Life
Your Punishment” Or “Your Reward” of “Your Life
"Your Lifeof “Your God” of “Your Life
But Rather
Because "That"
Exactly” What “Your Life” 
Now Wants
Your God” of “Your Life
Has Now
Lovingly Given”
Your Life”

Bawa. For As
"Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
Teaches Us,
And Now As
"Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
Is Now
Teaching Us Again
"Your Following"

Go To “Your Introduction”
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 12"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 13"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 14"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 15"
Go To "Your Original Version"
Go To "Your Topic 02"

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

02. "Your Great Resplendent Light" Above "Your Divine Ocean"
(As "Your Original Outline Version")

"Your Topic 02" - Keep "Your FocusOn "Your Soul"
"Your 99 Powersof "Your Individual Soul"
Now On 
"Your Divine Actions/Words" of "Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
Go To “Your Introduction” To "Your Topic 02"
Go To "Your Suratal Fatihah” - PLUS
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 16"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 17"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 18"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 19"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 20"
Go To "Your Original Version"
Go To "Your Topic 01"
Go To "Your Topic 03"

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

A. Your Introduction” To "Your Topic 02"

Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Children Lets Continue To Explain Some 
More About Each of "Your New Topics" In "Your Expanded Outline
of "Your Chapter 05" Called "Your Secret World" of "Your God" In 
"Your Mystical Journey" Book By "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.), 

Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Children, First “Your Life” of “Your Soul” Must Become “Your 3000 Gracious Qualities” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, As How It “Reach” In Truth “Your God” of “Your Life”, And Second “Your Life” of “Your Soul” Must Become “Your 99 Powers” of “Your God” of “Your Life” As How It “Merges With” In Truth “Your God” of “Your Life”,

Bawa. For In Truth “This” Is “The Nature Way” of “Your True Human Being” of “Your Life”, of “Your Life” of “Your Soul” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, That Is, In Truth of Now “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, if you like,

Bawa. All of Which In Truth Is “Your True Potential” of “Your True Life” of “Your Soul” of “Your Life” Naturally Given By “Your God” of “Your Life” To “Your Soul” of All of “His Children”, if you like, 

Bawa. And In “This Way” In Truth “Your Elemental Fate” of “Your Life” of “Your Physical Body” of “Your Life” Is “Your Ignorance” of “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, What “Your Soul” Came To “Your Earth World” To Understand, if you like, 

Bawa. And “Your Divine Destiny” of “Your Life” of “Your Soul” is “Your Understanding” of “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, “Your Understanding” of “Your Soul” Which Brings It First To “Your 18,000 Universes” As Now “One”, And Second to “Your Re-opened World” of “Your Souls” of “Your Life” As Now “One”, if you like,

Bawa. First As Now
Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
Your Purified Divine Child”
Your Purified Divine Heart”,
As Now “One
if you like,

Bawa. And Second As Now
Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
Your Perfected Divine Child”
Your Perfected Divine Heart”,
As Now “One
All As Now “One
if you like,

Bawa. And “Your God” of “Your Life” Has Given “Your Soul” of “Your Life” Both, That Is, Both “Your Elemental Fate” of “Your Physical Body” of “Your Life” And “Your Divine Destiny” of “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, if you like,

Bawa. As Now In Truth “Your Straight Path” And In Truth “Your Other Path” of “Your Life”, That Is, As Now In Truth “Your Suratul Mustaqueem” And “Your Path of Wrath” In “Your Islamic Tradition”, if you like,

Bawa. For As Now Recorded In “Your Opening Chapter” of “Your Holy Qur’an” Revealed Over 1400 Years Ago 
Your Prophet Muhammad” (Sal.), 
"Your Muhammad" of "Your 9 Meanings"
And Now Revealed Again 
Your Perfected Divine Heart“ 
Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), 
And Now Finally 
For “Your Last Time
Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) 
[AKA, “Your Louie”], 
"Your Muhaiyaddeenof "Your 16 Understandings"
As Now 
Your Following”,
 if you like, 

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"​

Your Suratal Fatihah” - PLUS
(Plus "Your Understandingof It,
Now For "Your Age", Now For "All Life")
In “Your Name of “Your God
Your Most Merciful”, “Your Most Compassionate
Praise Be" To God, 
"Your Cherisher And Sustainer" of “Your Worlds
Most Gracious", "Most Merciful
Master” of “Your Day of Judgment
[“Your Maliki yawmid-deen
As Now
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.) of "Your Life"
Now Before "Your Grave"
And Now
"Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.) 
"Your Life"
Now In "Your Grave"]
Thee” Do “We Worship” And “Thine Aid” We “Seek
[As Now
"Please, Please, Please,
"Destroy UsAnd "Reveal You"]
Show” Us “Your Straight Path
["Your Suratul Mustaqueem
As Now
"Your Pathof "Your Soulof "Your Life"
As Now
"Your Path" of "Your Soul's Understanding"
"Your God Happening"
"Your True Manof "Your Life",
"Your Lifeof "Your Godof "Your Life"]
Your Path” of “Those” On Whom “Thou

Has Bestowed
Thy Grace
Those” Whose “Portion” Is “Not Wrath”, 
Who” Go “Not Astray
Your Path” of “Those” On Whom “Thou
Has Not Bestowed 
Thy Grace
"Who" Have “Wrath
Who” Go “Astray”]


Bawa. For As
"Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
Teaches Us,
And Now As
"Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
Is Now
Teaching Us Again
"Your Following"

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

"Your Bawa Quotation 16(see below)
Your Two Paths” of "Your Life"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 15"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 17"

Go To "Your Introduction"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 16"

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

A. "Your IntroductionTo "Your Bawa Quotation 16"

Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Children 
"Beautifully Explained"
Your Suratal Fatihah” - PLUS
(Plus "Your Understandingof It,
Now For "Your Age", Now For "All Life")
Your Life” Was Originally Given “Your Two Paths of “Your Life” By “Your God” of “Your Life”, 
Your Straight Path” of “Your Life”,
Your Current Path” of “Your Wrath” of “Your Life”,

Bawa. Not Just “Your Current One Path” of “Your Life”, Not Just “Your Current Path” of “Your Wrath” of “Your Life”, That Is, Not Just “Your Current Path” of “Your Personal Life” of “Your Separations” And “Your Differences” Now Exclusively Being Experienced By “Your Life” On “Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Your Life”,

Bawa. But All of Which In Truth Really Exists Hidden Within “Your Life”, Not On “Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Your Life”, In Truth As “Your Current Degraded World” of “Your Magical Tricks” And “Your Possessive/Self Destructive People” of “Your Own Making”, 

Bawa. All of Which of Course Is “Just Not True”, And All of Which In Truth Has Now Fully Manifested Within “Your Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “One”, That Is, In “Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, And Now In “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, Again As Now “One”.

Bawa. In Truth As Now “Your Temporary Triple Dirt” of “Your 3 Elemental Worlds” of “Your Demons” of “Your Life” (As “Your Blood Sucking Beings”) And of “Your Jinns” of “Your Life”(As “Your Fire Eating Beings”) And of “Your Fairies” of “Your Life”(As “Your Illusory Beings”), 

Bawa. All Just Waiting For “Your Personal Illusory Life” To Die In 
“Your Grave” of “Your Life” In “Your Current Degraded State” of 
“Your Illusory Separation” From “Your Truth” of “Your Life”, So “They” Can Become Immortal, That Is, So “They” Can Become “Your Eternal Triple Dirt” of “Your Life”, if you like, 

Bawa. That Is, As Now “Your Path” of “Your Wrath” of “Your Life”, As Now “You” And As Now All of “My Children”, Without Exception, Still Mistakenly Believe Is “Your One True Path” of "Your Life", But To 
“Your Eternal Peril” of “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, “Your Life” Was Originally Given “Your Two Paths of 
Your Life” By “Your God” of “Your Life”,
Your Straight Path” of “Your Life”,
Your Current Path” of Your Wrath” of “Your Life”,

Bawa. That Is, 
Your Straight Path
Know As 
"Your Suratul Mustaqueem
Your Islamic Tradition
As Now
"Your One True Path" of "Your Soul" of "Your Life"
As Now
"Your Pathof "Your Soul's Understanding"
"Your God Happening"
"Your True Man Happening"
"Your Purified Life" of "Your God" of "Your Life"

Bawa. That Is,
Your Path of “Those” On Whom “Thou

Has Bestowed
Thy Grace
Those” Whose “Portion” Is “Not Wrath”, 
Who” Go “Not Astray
Not Just
Your Current Path” of Those” On Whom “Thou
Has Not Bestowed 
Thy Grace
Who” Have “Wrath
Who” Go “Astray”]


Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Children As "Beautifully Explained
Your Suratal Fatihah” - PLUS
(Plus "Your Understanding" of It,
Now For "Your Age", Now For "All Life")
Your Life” Was Originally Given “Your Two Paths” of “Your Life” By “Your God” of “Your Life”, 
Your Straight Path of Your Life”,
Your Current Path” of Your Wrath of Your Life”,

Bawa. And My Dearest Loving Children, As "Such”,
In Truth  
"Your Current Earth World" 
"Your LifeHas "Two Fathers"
First As 
"Your Father" of "Your Physical Body"
Joined Together As "One"
And Second
if you like,
"Your Father" of "Your Divine Soul"
Joined Together As Now "One"

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

B. "Your Bawa Quotation 16"

In Truth
"Your Current Earth World" 
Your God” of Your Life
Has Give "Your Life"
"Two Fathers"
First As 
"Your Father" of "Your Physical Body"
Joined Together As "One"]
And Second As
"Your Father" of "Your Divine Soul"
Joined Together As Now "One"
if you like]


"Your Fatherof "Your Divine Soul"
Your Shaikh of Wisdom 
Will Reveal “Your Exaltedness
of Both
Your True Life” And “Your Divine Wisdom
"Your Muhammad" of "Your 9 Meanings"
"Your Muhaiyaddeen" of "Your 16 Understandings"
As Now "One"


"He WillShow You “How To 
Establish “Your Connection” 
Your Father
Your Wisdoms”.


"He WillNourish Both “Your Body” And “Your Soul
And Show “Your Life"

Your Path” For Each
Which In Truth
Your Eternal Life” As “One With” 
Your God” of “Your Life
Your Eternal Death” As “Separate From” 
Your God” of “Your Life”.


"He WillShow "Your Life"
How To”
Reach "Your Father"
By Establishing

Your Inherent Wisdom/Mind Relationship
Created Within “Your Life
Your God of “Your Life” 


"He WillReveal “Your Kingdom” of “Your God
And Enable “Your Life
To Receive
Your Wealth” of “Your God’s Kingdom”.


Bawa. For As
"Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
Teaches Us,
And Now As
"Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral.)
Is Now
Teaching Us Again
"Your Following"

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

"Your Bawa Quotation 17" (see below)
Your Inherent Wisdom/Mind Relationship of "Your Life"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 16"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 18"
Go To "Your Introduction"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 17"
Go To “Your Story” of “Your God” of "Your Life".

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 17"
Go To “Your Story” of “Your God” of "Your Life".

A. "Your IntroductionTo "Your Bawa Quotation 17"

Bawa. And Now My Dearest Loving Children
As Beautifully Explained 
Your Bawa Quotation 17”, 
Your Inherent Wisdom/Mind Relationship” of "Your Life"
In Truth “Your Life” Most Now Learn “How To” Heal “Your Current Illnesses” of “Your Mind” of “Your Life” In Order To Let “Your God” of “Your Life” Move Forward “Your Story” of “Your God” of  "Your Life".

Bawa. In Truth My Dearest Loving Children Now “Your Life” Most Learn “How To” Awaken “Your Divine Wisdom/Consciousness” of “Your Life” Now Sleeping Surrounding “Your Divine Soul” So “Your True Wisdom” of “Your Life” Can Now Teach “Your Life” Whenever “Necessary” To Move Forward “Your Story” of “Your God” of  "Your Life", 
As Now 
“Your Following”, 
if you like,

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 17"
Go To "Your Introduction" To "Your Bawa Quotation 17"

Your Story” of “Your God” of  "Your Life".
As Now “Your Story” of “Your Oneness” of “Your God” of "Your Life" And “Your True Man” of “Your Life” That Resplends As Now Your Thiruvakiam" Or “Your Divine Word" of “Your God” of “Your Life” Now “Made Flesh” For “Your Life”, Now For “Your Age”, Now For “All Life”.
In Truth As Now “Your Life And Teaching” And “Your Heart” And 
Your Songs” of “Our Dearest Loving Son”, And “Your Dearest Loving Brother”, As Now Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your Life”.
As Now “Your Understanding” of "Your Life And Teaching” And “Your Heart” And “Your Songs” (e.g. "Your Kalimah Song") of “Your Dearest 
Loving Father”, As Now Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your Life
All Now Happening Within “Your Story” of “Your Oneness” of 
Your God” of “Your Life” And “Your Creation” of “Your God” of 
Your Life” That Resplends As Now “Your Grace” of “Your Life”, 
As Now “Your Love” of “Your Soul” That Will “Never Depart” Or 
In Truth “Be Separate From” Anyone Or Anything of “Your Life”.
Revealing “Your Story” of “Your Oneness” of "Your Soul" of  “Your God” of "Your Life" And “Your God” of “Your Life” That Resplends As 
Your Divine Knowledge (‘ilm) of “Your God” of “Your Life”,
And Now As “Your Understanding” of “Your Divine Knowledge 
(‘ilm) of “Your God” of “Your Life”, And Within “That” As Now 
Your Understanding" of “All That” As Now “One”.
And Now As “Your Wealth” of “Your Sacred Universal Traveler 
of “Your God” of “Your Life”, And Now “Your Understanding” of 
Your Wealth” of “Your Sacred Universal Traveler” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, And Within “That” As Now “Your Understanding" of
 “All That” As Now “One”.

Now Recite “Your Love Refrain” - Now 13 Times

“Bawa. “As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One”.

“Bawa. “In Whom” We Are “Well Pleased” As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One”.

“Bawa. “Complete As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One”.

“Bawa. “Amen As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”, 
And “God Within Man”,
 As Now “One”

“Bawa. “Amen As Now “One”.

“Bawa. “Amen”.

“Your Love Refrain”

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"
Go To “Your Story” of “Your God” of "Your Life".
Go To "Your IntroductionTo "Your Bawa Quotation 17"

B. "Your Bawa Quotation 17"

“All That “Your Mind” Brings Into “Your Life”, All “Your Wrong Thoughts 
And Ideas”, Must Be “Blocked And Stopped” By “Your Wisdom”.

“Showing It “Your Love And Comfort” of "Your LifeAs "Your Presence"
 of "Your GodIn "Your LifeIn Truth "Your Wisdom" of "Your LifeWill 
Teach "Your Mind” of "Your LifeAnd “Bring It” To “Your State" of
of "Your Peace” of "Your Life"

In "This" Way “Your Inherent Wisdom/Mind Relationship Was Created 
Within Your Life” By “Your God” of “Your Life”.

Through It” One Can Heal "Your Mind”, Can Heal All of “Your 
Disturbances” of “Your Life” Arising From Your Joys And Sorrows”, “Thoughts and Intentions” of Your Mind”.

If You Utilize “Your Inherent Wisdom/Mind Relationship Created Within Your Life” By “Your God” of “Your Life” Correctly You Will
Never "Suffer” From “Your Disturbances of “Your Mind”, From 
Your Shaking” of “Your Mind”, From “Your Illnesses” of “Your Mind”,
And “From Many of “Your Common Physical Illnesses”.

Your Inherent Wisdom/Mind Relationship” Created Within “Your Life
By “Your God” of “Your Life” Once Truly Established Within  Your Life
Will Never Leave “Your Life” And Will Teach “Your Life” Whenever 
Necessary” To Move Forward Your Story” of “Your God” of  "Your Life".
Go To “Your Story” of “Your God” of "Your Life".

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

"Your Bawa Quotation 18"
“One Who “Knows Yourself” Will Rule “Your Mind”.
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 17"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 19"

Go To "Your Introduction"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 18"
Go To “Your Story” of “Your God” of "Your Life".

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 18"

A. "Your Introduction" To "Your Bawa Quotation 18"

Bawa. And Now My Dearest Loving Children,

As Beautifully Explained 
“Your Bawa Quotation 18”, 
“One Who “Knows Yourself” Will Rule “Your Mind”.

Bawa. So My Dearest Loving ChildrenIn Truth What Does “This” Wisdom Statement Really Mean?

Bawa. Lets Start To Explain What “This And What All of “Your Other” Wisdom Statements Really Mean By First Looking At “Your Opposite” 
of Each of “Your Wisdom Statements” in “Your Bawa Quotation 18”. Ok?


01. “One Who “Does Now Knows Yourself” Will Be “Ruled Over” By “Your Mind”, Which In Truth Is “Your Current State” of “Your Life”, And “Your Current State” of “Your Life” of All of My Children, Without Exception, But To “Your Eternal Peril”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

02, “One Who “Does Not Know Your Earth” Will Not Overcome In Truth“Your Death” But Will Next Become Subject To Both “Your Suffering” In “Your Grave” And As Part of “Your Final Day” of “Your Judgement” Before “Your God” of “Your Life”.

Bawa. That Is, First In Truth As “Your Day” of “Your Reckoning” In “Your Grave” of “Your Llfe” Where In Truth “Your Life Books” Will Be “Balanced” And “You Will See”, For “Your First Time” Both “What Your God” Truly Gave To “Your Life” And Just “How You Used” What “Your God” Lovingly Gave To “Your LIfe”.

Bawa. And Second In Truth As “Your Final Day” of “Your Judgement” Before “Your God” of “Your Life” Where “Your God” of “Your Life” Will Lovingly Give “Your Life” Exactly What “Your Life” Wants For “Your Eternal Life” 
Which In Truth
Your Eternal Life
One With
Your God” of Your Life
Your Eternal Death
Separate From
Your God of Your Life
One” Or “The Other
But “Never, Ever” Both
As Now You, And As Now All of My Children, Without Exception, Still Mistakenly BelieveBut To “Your Eternal Peril”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

03. “One “Who Does Not Kill” In Truth “Your Intoxication” of “Your Lust For Woman” (of “Your Desire” For “Your Personal Relationships”) Will Not Overcome All “Worldly Fascination”.

04. “One “Who Does Not Cut” Your “Fascination For Gold” Will Not Overcome “Your Karma” of “Your Birth and Death” (of “Re-birth”)

05. “One Who Does Not Know “His Real Home” Will Not Overcome All “Your Accidents and Karma” That Will Come To “Your Life”.

06. “One Who Does Not “Search For Goodness” Will Not Take On “Your Qualities” of “Your Lord”.

07. “One Who Does Not “Understand Your Truth” Will Not Show Only “Your Love And Compassion” To “All Lives”,

08. “Ono Who Does Not “Understand Allah” Will Not Utter With “Your Wisdom” In Truth “Your Resonance” of “You Are Allah” (of “Ill Allahu”) To “Your Soul” .

09. “One Who Does Not “Know Perfect Faith” (As “Your Iman”) Will Not Live “Your Life” of “Nobility”

10. “One Who Does Not “Know Your Base Desires” Will Not Eliminate 
“Your Egoism” of “Your I”.

11. “One Who Does Not “Open Your Wisdom” Will Not “Loose Yourself” In “Your Allah”.

12. “Anyone “Who Does Not Know” (Does Not Becomes) All of “Your Above” Will Not Become “Your True Believer” (As “Your Mumim”) In All of “Your 3 Worlds” 
“Your Awwal”, And “Your Dunya”, And “Your Akhirah”,
That Is, 
“Your Perfect Beginning”, 
And In
“Your Now”, 
And In 
“Your Perfect Ending”

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"
Go To "Your Introduction" To"Your Bawa Quotation 18"

B. "Your Bawa Quotation 18"

“One Who “Knows Yourself” Will Rule “Your Mind”.

“One Who “Knows Your Earth” Will Overcome Your Death”.

“One “Who Kills  In Truth “Your Intoxication of Your Lust For Woman” (of "Your DesireFor “Your Personal Relationships”) Will 
Overcome All “Your Worldly Fascination of “Your Life”.

“One “Who Cuts In Truth "Your Fascination" For "Your Gold Will 
Overcome In Truth “Your Karma” of “Your BirthAnd "Your Death 
(of "Your 105 Million Re-birth”)

“One Who "Knows Your Real Home (Which Is Within "Your God" of 
"Your Life") Will Overcome All “Your AccidentsAnd "Your Karma” 
That Will Come To “Your Life”.

“One Who “Searches" For "Your Goodness Will Take On 
Your Qualities” of Your Lord”.

“One Who “Understands Your Truth (That "God Alone Exists") Will Show Only “Your LoveAnd "Your Compassion
(As Now
"Your Perfect Ending" 
"Your Perfect Beginning")
All Lives”,

“Ono Who “Understands Your Allah” 
(As Now 
"Your Jesus(A.S.)
"Your Soul"

Now Crucified

"Your Crossof "Your Monkey Mind
"Your Nailsof "Your Dog of Desire")
"Your Ignoranceof "Yourself" As "Such"
And Now
"Your Arrogance"
"Your Ignoranceof "Yourself" As "Such")

"Will UtterWith “Your Wisdom” 
In Truth 
Your Resonance” of You Are Allah

Your Resonance of Ill Allahu”) 
Your Soul
"Your Every Breath"
  01. Bawa. "You Are Allah" (ill Allahu) - To "Your Soul"
  02. Bawa. "God Alone Exists" (La illaha) - To "Your Creations"
  03. Bawa. "Muhammadar Rasullallah - To "Your Life" of "Your Grace"
  04. "You Are True Man" - To "Your 6th Levelof "Your Wisdom"
  05. "He" Is "One" - To "Your 7th Levelof "Your Wisdom"
As Now "One"
Recite "Your Love Refrain" - Now 13 Times
"You Do Anything")

“One Who “Known Perfect Faith” (As “Your Iman”) Will Live “Your Life” of “Your Nobility

“One Who “Knows Your Base Desires” Will Eliminate “Your Egoism” 
of “Your I”.

“One Who “Opens Your Wisdom” Will Loose Yourself” In “Your Allah”.

“Anyone “Who Knows (Who Becomes) All of “Your Above” Will Become In Truth “Your True Believer” (As “Your Mumim”) In All of 
Your 3 Worlds” 
Your Awwal”, And “Your Dunya”, And Your Akhirah”,
That Is, 
Your Perfect Beginning of "Your Life"

And In
Your Now” of "Your Life"
And Now In 
Your Perfect Ending” of "Your Life"
"Your Next Perfect Beginning”  of "Your Life"

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

"Your Bawa Quotation 19"
Your Eternal LifeOr "Your Eternal Death"
As Now
"Your One True Choice" of "Your Soulof "Your Life"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 18"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 20"

Go To "Your Introduction"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 19"
Go To “Your Story” of “Your God” of "Your Life".

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 19"

A. "Your IntroductionTo "Your Bawa Quotation 19"

Bawa. And Now My Dearest Loving Children,

As Beautifully Explained 
Your Bawa Quotation 19”, 
Your Eternal LifeOr "Your Eternal Death"
As Now
"Your One True Choiceof "Your Soulof "Your Life"

Bawa. So My Dearest Loving ChildrenIn Truth What Does 
This Wisdom Statement" Really Mean?


Click HERE To Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 19- Below


"Your IntroductionTo "Your Bawa Quotation 19"
Starts Above
Continues Below

Bawa. “This Wisdom Statement" Means That “Your Divine Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Not “Your Personal Elemental Life” of “Your Mind” of “Your Life” Which In Truth Is Exclusive Connected To “Your Creation” of “Your Life”, As “Your Sifat” of “Your Life” , Is “Your Real And True” Part of “Life”. 

Bawa. And In Truth “Your Real and True” Part of “Life”, Like “Your Real And False Part” of “Your Life” As Now “Your Sifat” of “Your Life”, Was Lovingly Given To “Your Soul” of “Your Life” By “Your God” of “Your Life” And Is Exclusively Connected To “Your Eternal Life” of “Your Life”, As “Your Sirr” of “Your Life”.

Bawa. And In Truth “Your Real and True” Part of “Life” As Now “Your Sirr” of “Your Life” Once Discovered Within “Your Life” And Once “Understood” Within “Your Life” As “Your 6th Level” of “Your 7 Levels” of “Your Divine Consciousness” of “Your Life”, As In Truth Now “Your Awakened Divine Analytic Wisdom” Now Sleeping Surrounding “Your Soul” of “Your Life” Naturally Reveals “Your Dhat” of “Your Life”.

Bawa. That Is, Naturally Reveals “Your Dhat” of “Your Life”
As “Your 7th Level” of “Your 7 Levels” of “Your Divine Consciousness” of “Your Life”, As In Truth Now “Your Correctly Focused Divine Luminous Wisdom” of “Your Life” Exclusively Focused On “Your God” of “Your Life”, But Now Incorrectly Focused Exclusively On “Your Sifat” of “Your Life”.

Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Children In Truth “Your Two Parts” of “Your Life” Given To “Your Soul” of “Your Life” By “Your God” of “Your Life” As In Truth “Your Eternal Light/Understanding” of “Your Life” And “Your Eternal Darkness/Ignorance” of “Your Life” In Truth Make Up “Your Story” of “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”. 

Bawa. That Is, “Your Story” of “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life” That “Your God” of “Your Life” Sent “Your Soul” of “Your Life” HERE To “Your Current Earth World” To “Discover And Understand” As Now In Truth "Your Sirr" of “Your Life” Or “Your Very Real And True Eternal Life” Now Hidden Within "Your Sifat" of “Your Life” Or “Your Very Real But False Temporary Life”, And "Your Dhat" of “Your Life” Now Hidden Within "Your Sirr" of “Your Life” , if you like. 

Bawa. That Is, Or “Your Very Real But False Temporary Life” All of Which In Truth Is “Your Very Real But False Temporary Death” Leading “Your Life” To “Your Very Real But False Eternal Death”.  

Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Children In Truth “Your Two Parts” of “Your Life” Given To “Your Soul” of “Your Life” By “Your God” of “Your Life” As In Truth “Your Eternal Light/Understanding” of “Your Life” And “Your Eternal Darkness/Ignorance” of “Your Life” In Truth Make Up “Your Story” of “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
One” Within “The Other
As Now "One
First As
Your Eternal Light/Understanding” of “Your Life
As "Your Original Adam(A.S.) And "Your Original Eve" (A.S.)
But In “Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such
So “Your LifeLooses "It” As "Such"
Becoming Now
"Your Fall"
"Your Original Adam" (A.S.) And "Your Original Eve(A.S.)
Becoming Now
Your Eternal Darkness/Ignorance” of Your Life
In Truth
"Your Temporary Eternal Death" of "Your LIfe"
But In “Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such
And Now
In “Your Arrogance
Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”,
So Even
Your God of Your Life
Remove It” From "Your Life"
But “You Can”,
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.


Bawa. That Is, 
So Even
Your God of “Your Life
Remove It” From "Your Life"
But “You Can”,
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. But “You Can”, 
That Is, 
When "You ReciteIn Truth "Your Song 04" of "Your Life"
Before "You Do Anythng"
Before "You Get Out of Bed"
Each Morning
Kiss "Your Wife/Husband"
Play With "Your Children"
"Every Day" For "The Restof "Your Life"

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"
Go To "Your Introduction" To"Your Bawa Quotation 19"

B. "Your Bawa Quotation 19"

Your God” of “Your Life” Has Decreed For “Your Life” A Thing Called “Your Death of “Your Life”.

It Is “Your State” of “Your Manifestation of Your Creation of 
Your Life Or “Your Sifat” of “Your Life”.

Your God” of “Your Life” Has Also Placed Within “Your Life” 
Something Called Your Secret” of Your Life” Which In Truth Is 
Your Eternal Life” of “Your Life”.

One Who" Understands “Your Secret” of "Your Life" Has Conquered “Your Sifatof "Your Life"Has Conquered “Your Death” 
of "Your Life".

One WhoHas Conquered Your Deathof "Your Life Will Exist As “Your Dhat of “Your Life”, Will Exist As “Your Essence of 
Your Grace” of Your Life”.

Your Death” of “Your Life Is Your Illness” of Your Mind” of 
Your Life”.

Your God" of "Your LifeHas Placed “Your Death” of “Your Life” 
Within Your Mind” of “Your Life” So That “Through It” In Truth 
Your Life” Can “Understand In Truth “Your Sirr” of Your Life” 
And Exist As “Your Dhat” of “Your Life”,

"Can “Understand In Truth Your Eternal Life of Your Life”, And 
Exist As Your Dhat” of Your Life”, And Exist As “Your Essence of 
Your Grace of “Your Life”.

One WhoUnderstands “Your Illness” of “Your Mind” of Your Life” And Discovers “Your Sirr” of Your Life” Will Obtain Your Eternal Life” of “Your Life”.

One WhoDoes Not Understands “Your Illness of Your Mind” of 
Your Life” And Fails To Discover In Truth “Your Sirr” of “Your Life”, 
Fails To Discover Your Eternal Life” of “Your Life”, Will Obtain 
Your Eternal Death” of “Your Life”.

If We Can “Realize and Understand” Your “Sirr”, Your “Dhat”, And
 Your "Sifat” of “Your Life”, We Can “Live Forever”, Can We Not?
That Is,
If We Can 
Realize" (Become)
"Understand (Transcend)
"Your Essence”, "Your Power”, And "Your Everything” of “Your Life”,
As Now "One"
We Can “Live Forever”, Can We Not?
That Is,
If We Can
Realize and Understand
"Your Juice”, "Your Taste”, And "Your Orange” of “Your Life”,
As Now "One"
We Can “Live Forever”, Can We Not?
As Now
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)
As Now
"Your 6th Levelof "Your 7 Levels
"Your Divine Wisdomof "Your Life"
"Your 18,000 Universes" of "Your Life"
As Now "One"
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen " (Ral.)
As Now
"Your 7th Levelof "Your Divine Wisdom"
"Your Re-opened Worldof "Your Soulsof "Your Life"
As Now "One"
"Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen(Ral)
As Now
"Your Final Heart" of "Your One"
Who Will Truly
"Let Yourself End
"Your God" of "Your Life"
As Now "One"
All As Now "One"
As Now
"Your Final Soundof "Your 3 Sounds
"Your Godof "Your Life"
As Now
"Your Bawa" - Tawakul Allah ("Your Akhirah")
"Your Bawa" - Al-hamdu lillah ("Your Dunya")
"Your Bawa" - "KunOr "Be("Your Awwal")
if you like,

and that is for sure. Amen.

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

"Your Bawa Quotation 20"
"Now" You Have "Your Life
"Your Death" of "Your LifeWill Follow.
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 19"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 21"

Go To "Your Introduction"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 20"
Go To “Your Story” of “Your God” of "Your Life".

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"
Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 20"

A. "Your IntroductionTo "Your Bawa Quotation 20"

Bawa. And Now My Dearest Loving Children,
As Beautifully Explained 
Your Bawa Quotation 20”, 
"Now" You Have "Your Life" 
"Your Deathof "Your LifeWill Follow.

Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Children, In Truth What Does 
This Wisdom StatementReally Mean?


Click HERE To Go To "Your Bawa Quotation 20" - Below


"Your IntroductionTo "Your Bawa Quotation  20"
Starts Above
Continues Below

Bawa. “This Wisdom Statement" In Truth Means That “Your Life” Must Start To Live For “Your Sake” of “Your Soul” Not Any Longer For 
“Your Sake” of “Your Current Personal/Selfish Elemental Life” of 
“Your Separations” And “Your Differences” On “Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Yourself” Within “Your Current Degraded World” of 
“Your Magical Tricks” And of “Your Possessive/Self Destructive People” of “Your Own Making.

Bawa. All of Which of Course Is “Just Not True”, And All of Which In Truth Has Now Fully Manifested Within “Your Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “One”, In 
“Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, And Now In “Your Arrogance” About Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, As Now “One”.

Bawa. All of Which In Truth Is Now Leading “Your Life” To “Your Grave” of “Your Life” And To “Your Eternal Death” As “Your Eternal Separation” From “Your God” of “Your Life”, Not In Truth Leading “Your Life” To “Your God” of “Your Life” And To “Your Eternal Life” As “One With” In Truth “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. So “Your Choice” of “Your Life” Between “These Two Choices”, 
That Is, 
“Your Eternal Life”
As “One With” 
In Truth 
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
“Your Eternal Death”
As “Separate From” 
In Truth 
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
“Your Choice” of “Your Soul” of “Your Life”
“Your Choice” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
“Most Certainly”
“Your Choice”.

Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Children, In Truth “This” Is “Your True Meaning” of  “This Wisdom Statement"
That Is,

“Your Life” 
Starting To Truly 
Join In 
“Your Divine Partnership”

With “Your God” of “Your Life”
First On “Your Outside” of “Your Life”
First At “Your Divine Feet” of “Your Life”
Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “Your Life
And “Then”, And “Only Then”, 
Within “Your Life”
“Your Divine Heart” of “Your Life”
“Your Sake” of “Your Soul” of “Your Life”
“Your Triple Flame” of “Your Life”

“Your Life” 
Just Continues To Join 
“Your Current Elemental Partnership”
“Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
First On “Your Outside” of “Your Life” 
“Your Current Personal/Selfish Life” of “Your Life”
And “Then”, And “Only Then”, 
“Your Eternal Death” of “Your Life”
All For
“Your Sake” 
“Your Demons, Jinns, And Fairies” 
As Now
“Your Temporary Triple Dirt” of “Your Life”
“One” Or “The Other” As “One”
But “Never, Ever” Both
As Now “You” And As Now “All” of “My Children”, Without Exception, Still “Mistakenly Believe”, But To “Your Eternal Peril”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

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Go To "Your Introduction" To"Your Bawa Quotation 20"

B. "Your Bawa Quotation 20"

"Now" You Have "Your Life" But "Your Death" of "Your Life" Will Follow.
However” If You Have “Your Wisdom” of “Your Life” In Truth “Your Life” Can Transcend “Your Death” of “Your Life”.
If “Your Truth” of “Your Life” Is Within “Your Life” There Will Be 
No Death” For “Your Life”.
There Is “No Point” In Just Having “Your Life”.
That” Is “Not Enough”.
Your Life” Need “Your Light” of “Your Wisdom” of “Your Life
Only “Then” Can “Your Life” In Truth ”Benefit And Grow”.
Then” There Will Be “No Death” For “Your Life”.

Go To "The Top" of "This Section"

"Your Source"

(Note: See "Your Partial On-line Version" of "Your Bawa BookCalled 
"Your Mystical Journey" By "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.) And 
For "Your On-line Versionof "Your Chapter 05" Called "Your Secret World of AllahAlso Click HERE To "Buy Your Book")

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Click HERE For "Your Original Version"
"Your Chapter 05" - "Your Secret Worldof "Your Allah"
Click HERE For "Your Outline Version"
Click HERE For "Your Expanded Version"


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- Bawa - 

Your Love Letter 81
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)

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"Page 08"
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"Your Lifeof "Your Ephrata- Page 01
"Your Truthof "Your Ephrata- Page 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08

"Your Truthof "Your Ephrata- Page 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08
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Go To:
            05. About “Your God's Adventure” With “Your Ephrata
                    05-A. "Your True Lineage/History" of "Your Ephrata",
                    05-B. "Your Divine Journey" of "Your Ephrata"
            06. Why “Your God” Is "Now Intervening" In “Your Ephrata
07. "It Is Time" To Now “Give Back” In Truth "Your Ephrata"
Your God” of “Your Life

            08. "Your Life" of “Your Ephrata Needs New Heart”,
"Your Bawa Quotation 11"
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Go To "Your Outline Version"
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"Your Outline" of "Your New Topics"
"Your Body" of "Your New Topics"


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Download “Your Love Letter 81”

Go To "Your 13" New Web Sites" As Now “One


“Some Additional Q & A” 
About “Your Truth
Your Life
"Your Ephrata"


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Go To "Your Body" of "Your Truth" of "Your Ephrata"
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Sent To: 

 “Your Town of Ephrata
Your Beautiful Cocalico Valley
Pennsylvania, USA.


"Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen"

(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us As Now “One”).


Posted On “Your Facebook”: 10-03-17.
Version 39 - E-mailed On 10-03-17
"Your Mailing List"

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Your Title/Subject

In Truth
 It Is Time
Now Give Back
"Your Ephrata
Your God” of “Your Life
