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"Your Short Love Letter 14"
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"Your NEW Introduction"
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Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In The Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Amen.
Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May All The Peace, The Beneficence, and The Blessing of God Be Upon You, Your Family, And Your Friends. Amen.
Bawa. My Love You, “My Dearest Loving Son Kurt And Daughters
Donna And Darcy Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
“Thank You Again Darcy”
“Very, Very, Very Much”
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is “A Very, Very, Very Good Thing” For “Your Life” To Do, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And As Always, We “Immediately Stepped Back” And Immediately Handed What “You Had Handed” To Us To “Our God” of “Our Life”, And “Was Completely Done With It”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. All of Which, IN TRUTH, Is Just What “Our God” of “Our Life” Had “Put In Front” of Us, With Us Then Immediately Inviting “Our God” of “Our Life” To “Step Forward” And “Use It Up Completely”, Exclusively For “His Universal Selfless Purpose” For “Our Life”, For “All Life”, Not Ever, Ever, Ever “Using It” For “Our Exclusively Personal Selfish Purpose” of “Our Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. However, “My Dearest Loving Son Kurt And Daughters Donna And Darcy Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”,
In Truth
“Your Content”
“Very Misleading”
To All of
“Your Family”,
And To All of
“Your Children”,
And To All of
“Your Friends”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. For In Truth “We Cannot Ever See” Through “Your Eyes” of
“Your God” of “Your Life”, For In Truth Only “Your God” of “Your Life” Can “See” Through “Your Eyes” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So In Truth “My Dearest Loving Son Kurt And Daughters Donna And Darcy Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, “Your Life” Must First Become “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life” To Truly See Through “Your Eyes” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
In Truth
"Your God" of "Your Life"
Sees Through
“Your Eyes”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
Is Most Certainly
"What Is Depicted"
Like Seeing
"Your Inner Worldly Thoughts"
"Your Current People" of "Your Life"
Like Hearing
"Avoids Relationships For Fear of Pain",
"Discontent With Life"
"Struggling With Sense of Purpose"
"Has Never Known True Friendship"
"Recently Lost His Job"
"Fighting Addition"
"Just Needs A Hug"
"Works Two Jobs To Feed Her Kids"
"Grieving Loss of Her Best Friend"
"Fighting With Husband"
"Could Really Use A Ride"
"Ran Away From Home 3 Days Ago"
"Just Needs Someone To Care"
Bawa. For In Truth “My Dearest Loving Son Kurt And Daughters Donna And Darcy Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”,
"Your God" of "Your Life"
In Truth
"Is Not" Like "That"
For In Truth
"God" Is "A Power"
He Has No
"Form Or Shape".
"He is Alone"
And Yet
"He Is Everywhere"
Existing As
"An Eternal Power"
"Who Dwells"
In All Lives
"Sees Them"
All As One.
In Truth
"Sees Them All"
Not As
"Separate" From "Himself"
In Truth
"His Own Life" Happening Again
"This Time" Within "Your Heart"
and that is for sure. Amen.
In Truth
"Your Seed" of "Himself"
"Your Soul" of "Himself"
"Your Full Potential" of "Himself"
NOW Buried In
"Your Earth" of "Himself"
"Your Creation" of "Himself"
Just Waiting To
"Reveal" Or "Hide"
"Accept" Or "Reject"
"His Full Potential" of "Himself"
"Your Exclusive Benefit Or Loss"
"Your Creation" of "Himself"
"Your Apple Seed" of "Your Life"
In Truth
"Your Apple Tree" Happening Again
"This Time"
"Your Earth" of "Your Life"
and that is for sure. Amen.
Not All of
"Your Apple Seeds" of "Your Life"
Not All of
"Your Divine Souls" of "Your Life"
Germinate To
"Your Truth" of "Your Life"
and that is for sure. Amen.
That In Truth
"God Alone Exists"
Please, Please, Please,
Go To:
"Your On-line Book"
"For More" On "All This",
and that is for sure. Amen.
To Buy
"Your Bawa Book"
Bawa. But "My Dearest Loving Son Kurt & Daughters Donna And Darcy
Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” In Truth For “Your Natural Divine
Transformation” of "Your Life" To "Truly Happen" In "Your Life", From
"Your Current Exclusive You" of "Your Life" To "Your NEXT Exclusive God" of "Your Life", To"Truly Happen" In "Your Life" In "Your Current Life Time" of "Your Life", In Truth "Your Current Everything" of "Your Life"
Must Now "Completely Change" In "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, Must Now "Completely Change" In "Your Life" Before
"Your Grave" of "Your Life" Finds "Your Life" In "Your Current Degraded State" of "Your Life" of "Your Current Illusory Separation" From
"Your Truth" of "Your Life", That In Truth "God Alone Exists", Not Both "You Exist" and "God Exist" As "You NOW Currently Mistakenly Believe", But To "Your Eternal Peril" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa, That Is, In Truth "Your Current Everything" of "Your Life" Must Now "Completely Change" In "Your Life" From "Your Current False Life" of "Your Current Person" of "Your Life" To "Your Current True Life" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, When In Truth “You” Become “Completely Done” With
“Your Current Temporary Elemental Life” of "Your Life", In Truth Now “Exclusively Given” To “Your Life” By “Your Physical Mother And Father” of “Your Life”, Most Certainly "Not Given" To “Your Life” By
“Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, In Order For "Your Jesus" (A.S.) of "Your Life" To Now "Truly Get Off" of "Your Cross And Nails" of "Your Life", All Which
"In Truth" Is Now "Your Pure Individual Soul" of "Your Life" In Truth
"Now Crucified" On "Your Current Impure Personal Life" of "Your Life"
"You Can Sin",
and that is for sure. Amen.
"You Can NOW Just Continue Living"
In Truth
"Your Current Degraded Life"
"Your Current Separations and Differences"
"Your Life"
"Your Current Illusory Outside" of "Yourself",
and that is for sure. Amen.
In Truth
"Your God" of "Your Life",
"Your Creation" of "Your God" of "Your Life",
And For
"A Little While More",
From All of
"Your Current Brothers and Sisters" of "Your Life",
All of Which
"Your Only True Sin" of "Your Life",
"Your One True Sin" of "Your Life"
"Your Current Separations and Differences"
"Your Life"
and that is for sure. Amen.
Now In
"Your Ignorance" of "Yourself" As "Such",
And Now In
"Your Arrogance"
"Your Ignorance" of "Yourself" As "Such",
And As "Such"
"Your Life"
Has Now Become
"Your Soul" From "God"
Truly Preventing
"Your Jesus" (A.S.) of "Your Life",
In Truth
"Your Pure Individual Soul" of "Your Life",
"Your God" of "Your Life",
and that is for sure. Amen.
Both HERE and NOW,
And NEXT For
"Your ETERNITY" of "Your Life",
"Your God" of "Your Life"
From Which In Truth
"Your Jesus" (A.S.) of "Your Life",
In Truth
As Now
"Your Pure Individual Soul" of "Your Life"
Exclusively Came,
Not "You",
Since In Truth
"Your Current You" of "Your Life"
And Simply
"Ends" In "Your Grave" of "Your Life"
In Truth
As Part
"Your First"
"Your 3 Divine Schools"
"Your God" of "Your Life"
"Your Contrast" of "Your Life"
"Your Light" of "Your Life"
aka "Your Louie" (Ral.) of "Your Life"
"For Your Exclusive Sake"
"Your Pure Souls" of "Your Life",
First As
"Your School"
"Your Contrasts" of "Your Life"
"Your Darkness and Light" of "Your Life"
"Your Falsehood and Truth" of "Your Life"
"Your Ignorance and Wisdom" of "Your Life"
"Your Pure Individual Soul" of "Your Life",
"But NOW" As "Such",
In Truth
"Your Darkness" of "Your Life"
"Your Falsehood" of "Your Life"
"Your Ignorance" of "Your Life"
As Now "One" For "Your Life"
As Now "Your False One" of "Your Life"
"Your Life"
In Truth
Has Now Become
"Your One True Enemy"
"Your Soul" of "Your Life"
Truly Preventing
"Your Jesus" (A.S.) of "Your Life",
"Your Pure Individual Soul" of "Your Life",
"Your God" of "Your Life"
"Truly Getting Off"
"Your Current Cross/Mind" of "Your Life"
"Truly Pulling Out"
"Your Current Nails/Desires" of "Your Life",
All of Which
In Truth
"Your Current False One" of "Your Life",
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So “My Dearest Loving Son Kurt And Daughters Donna And Darcy Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” In Truth “You Must Be Born Again” As "They Say", But Not As "Your World Religions" Mistakenly Just "Talk, And Talk, And Talk" About It, But Rather As In Truth "It Really Happens", As In Truth “Your God” of “Your Life” Happening Within “Your Purified Heart/Mind” of “Your God” of “Your Life” In Order For “Your Life” To “Truly See” As “Your Eyes” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And “My Dearest Loving Son Kurt & Daughters Donna And Darcy Muhaiyaddeen”(Ral.) of “My Life” In Truth “Your Natural Divine Transformation” of "Your Life" From "Your Current Exclusive You" of "Your Life" To "Your NEXT Exclusive God" of "Your Life" Must NOW Begin To Happen, Just Like In Truth “Your Natural Element Transformation” of "Your Sour Apples" of "Your Life" Still Hanging On "Your Apple Trees" of "Your Life" To "Your Sweet Apples" of "Your Life" Happens If "Your Sour Apples" of "Your Life" Don't Let Go of ""Your Apple Trees" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, In Truth “Your Natural Divine Transformation” of
"Your Life" From “Your Current Personal Elemental Life” of "Your Life", of “Your Current Separations and Differences” On “Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Your Self”, In Truth Within “Your Current Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Current Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, All For “Your Exclusive Personal Benefit” of “Your Current You and Yours” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. To “Your NEXT Universal Divine Life” of "Your Life", of “Your Oneness and Unity” of "Your Life", of “Your Justice and Truth” of "Your Life", And of “Your Compassion and Unity” of "Your Life",
In Truth
NOW Within
“Your Purified Heart/Mind”
All For
“Your Exclusive Benefit”
"All" of “Your Creations” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
"All Naturally Happening"
"Your Life"
"Your Sour Apples" of "Your Life"
Don't Let Go
"Your Apple Trees" of "Your Life",
and that is for sure. Amen.
"All Naturally Happening"
"Your Life"
"Your Sour You" of "Your Life"
Doesn't Let Go
"Your Divine Tree" of "Your Life",
and that is for sure. Amen
Doesn't Let Go
and that is for sure. Amen,
All For
“Your Exclusive Benefit”
"All" of “Your Creation” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
“Your Exclusive Benefit”
“Your Current You and Yours” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen
Bawa. "All of Which" In Truth "Can Only Begin To Happen" Within
“Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life” When “You” Are NOW “Completely Done” With “Your Current Physical Life” And With “Your Current Physical Eyes” of “Your Physical Mother and Father” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And “This” Why “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” Told “His Children” In Truth “Over 2000 Years” Ago “Your Following”, As Now Recorded By “Your One Truly Loved” By “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life”, By “Your One” Now Known In “Your World” As “Your Barnabus” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And Who In Truth Lived In “Your World” For “Over 400 Years” After “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” Left “Your Earthly World” And Who Then Personally Gave “Your Divine Greetings” of “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” To “Your Muhammad” (Sal.) of “Your Life”, Before “Your Barnabus” of “Your Life” Left “Your Earthly World” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
“Your CHRISTIANITY” of “Your Life”
And With
“Your ISLAM” of “Your Life”
Telling Us
As Now Faithfully Recorded
“Your Following”
1. There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a
ruler of the Jews:
2. The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto Him, 
Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher from God:
for no
man can do these miracles that thou doest,
except God be with Him.
3. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily,
I say unto to you,
Except a man be born again,
he cannot see the kingdom of God.
4. Nicodemus said unto Him,
How can a man be born when he is old?
Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb,
and be born?
5. Jesus answered,
Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
Except a man be born of water (grace)
and of the Spirit (wisdom),
he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
6. That which is born of the flesh is the flesh;
and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7. Marvel not that I said unto thee,
Ye must be born again.
8. The wind bloweth where it listeth (is heard),
and thou earest the sound thereof,
but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goes:
so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
9. Nicodemus answered and said unto Him,
How can these things be?
10. Jesus answered and said unto him,
Art thou a Master of Israel,
and knowest not these things?
11. Verily, verily, I say unto you,
We speak that we do know,
and testify that we have seen;
and ye receive not our witness.
12. If I have told you earthly things,
and ye believe not, how shall ye believe,
if we tell you of heavenly things.
13. And no man hath ascended up to heaven,
but he that came down from heaven,
even the Son of man which is in
14. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
15. That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
but have eternal life.
16. For God so loved the world,
that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
but have everlasting life.
17. For God sent not His Son into the world
to condemn the world;
but that the world through Him might be saved.
18. He that believeth in Him is not condemned:
but he believeth not is condemned already,
because he hath not believed in the name of (God for his age),
in the name of the only begotten Son of God (for his age).
19. And this is the condemnation,
that light has come into the world,
and men loved darkness rather than light,
because their deeds were evil.
20. For everyone that doeth evil hateth the light,
neither cometh to the light,
lest his deeds should be reproved
(be gently corrected).
21. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light,
that his deeds may be made manifest,
that they are wrought in God.
22. After these things came Jesus and His disciples went into the land
of Judaea; and there He tarried with them, and baptized.
23. And John also was baptizing in Aenon near to Salim, because
there was much water there: and they came, and were baptized.
24. For John was not yet cast into prison.
25. Then there arose a question between some of John's disciples and the Jews about purifying.
26. And they came unto John, and said unto him,
Rabbi, he that was with thee beyond Jordan,
to whom thou barest witness,
behold the same baptizeth,
and all men come to him.
27. John answered and said,
A man can receive nothing,
except it be given him from heaven.
28. Ye yourselves bear me witness,
that I said,
I am not the Christ,
but that I am sent before Him.
29. Him that hath the bride is the bridegroom:
but the friend of the bridegroom,
which standeth and heareth him,
rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice:
this my joy is therefore fulfilled.
30. He must increase,
but I must decrease.
31. He that cometh from above is above all:
he that cometh from the earth is earthly,
and speaketh of the earth:
He that cometh from heaven is above all.
32. And what He hath seen and heard,
that He testifieth;
and no man receiveth His testimony.
33. He that hath receiveth His testimony
hath set to his seal
that God is true.
34. For He whom God hath sent
speaketh the words of God (for His age):
for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto Him.
35. The Father loveth the Son,
and hath given all things into His hand.
36. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life:
and he that believeth not the Son shall not see (True) life;
but (Only) the "wrath
of God"
(As Now "Your 7 Hells" of "Your Life")
abideth in him.
Bawa. So “My Dearest Loving Son Kurt And Daughters Donna And Darcy Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” Please, Please, Please “Stop Exclusively Worshipping” All of “Your Current Things” of “Your Physical Mother and Father” of “Your Life”, In Truth of “Your CURRENT FALSE Life” of “Your Life”, In Truth “Now Exclusively” of “Your Mind And Desires” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Like In Truth “Your Current Worshipping” of “Your Current Physical Body” of “Your Life” And “Your Current Mind and Desires” of “Your Life”, And “Your Current Physical Husband” And “Your Current Physical Children” And “Your Current Grand Children” And “Your Current Family” And “Your Current Friends” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And Instead “Start To Exclusively Worship” All of “Your Current Things” NOW of “Your One True Mother and Father” of “Your Life”
Which Is Now
“One” For “Your Life”,
“Your True One” of “Your Life”
in Truth
“Your Shepherd And Tree” of “Your Life”
In Truth
“Your Shaikh and Disciple” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And Instead “Start To Exclusively Worship” All of “Your Current Things” NOW of “Your CURRENT TRUE Life” of “Your Life”, Which In Truth Is Now “Your Current Divine Life” of “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” Now Living Within “Your Purified Heart/Mind” of “Your Life”, Now Completely Off of “His Cross” of “Your Life” And “His Nails” of “Your Life”, NOW Joined As “One” With “Your Awakened Divine Wisdom” of “Your Life”, As Now "Your First School of "Your Life" In Search of
“Your One True Light” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. As Now "Your First School of Contrast" of "Your Life" In Search
of “Your Second School of Light” of “Your Life” For Your Exclusive Benefit of “Your Pure Soul” of “Your Life”, As NEXT “Your School” of “Your Light” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
As Now
In Search
"Your Life"
"Your God" of "Your Life"
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. As Now “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life”, Now For "Your Last Time", Now Living Again Completely Off of “His Cross” And "His Nails" of “Your Life”, In Truth Completely Off of "Your Current Cross" And “Your Current Nails” of “Your Life”,
As Now
"Your God" of "Your Life"
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Now Living "Again Completely Off" of “His Cross” And "His Nails" of “Your Life”, All of Which In Truth Is Now “Your Current Monkey Mind” of "Your Life" And “Your Current Dog” of “Your Desires” of “Your Life” All of Which In Truth Is Now "Silently Ruling" Over “Your Life” With “Your Current Show” of “Your Illusory Scenes” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Please Please, Please
Go To:
“Your Chapter 30” of “Your Life”
“Your Mystical Meaning”
“Your Body” of “Your Life”
Divine Book
"Your Life"
In Truth
“Your Life”
For More On
“All This”
Very, Very, Very
"Wonderful True Stuff" of “Your Life”
"Your Life",
and that is for sure. Amen)
Bawa. And NOW Instead “Start To Exclusively Worship” All of “Your Current Things” NOW of “Your One True God” of “Your Life” Like Now “Your CURRENT Divine Words” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, NOW For "Your Age", NOW For "All Life", and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Like In Truth “Your Current Worshipping” of “Your CURRENT Divine Words” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, NOW For “Your Age”, NOW For “All Life”, As Now “Beautifully Recorded” For “Your Life”, FOR "ALL LIFE", NOW In “Your Following” On-line “Wisdom/TRUTH Sources” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
“Web Site” For “Your Life”
See: www.bmf. org
“Your Life”
3. “Your NEW DIVINE Love Letters And Songs”
“Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
Go To:
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
Go To:
4. "Your Divine Songs" of "Your Life"
5. "Your Divine Love Letters" of "Your Life"
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
Go To
6. "Your OTHER On-line Bawa Books"
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen
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"Your Original Version"
“Your Short Love Letter 02” - To Donna
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"Your NEW Introduction" of "Your Life"
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And To All
Posted On
“Your Louie's Facebook Group”
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“My Life”
“Your Prayer”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
For All
“Your Children” of “Your Life”
Originally Given
Bawa. O “Our God” of “Our Life”, Please, Please, Please Help “All” of “My Children” Be “Completely Done” With “All” of “These Evil Thoughts” of “Our Life” Before It Is Too Late For “My Children” To Truly “Do Anything About” Them, Teaching “My Children” To First “Turn To You”,
O “Our God” of “Our Life”, Before “We Do Anything”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Knowing That “You Are Always There” With Us In “Your Journey” of “Our Life” To Help “Our Life”, As Much As “You Can”, As Often As “You Can”, Whenever “You Can”,
Bawa. Whenever “Our Life” Trusts In “Your Good Thoughts” And “Your Good Actions” of “Your Good Life” Within “Our Life”, Rather Than In “These Evil Thoughts” And “These Evil Actions” of “Our Evil Life” Within “Our Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. My Love You "My Dearest Loving Daughter Darcy Muhaiyaddeen”
(Ral.) of “My Life” As Now “Our Love Name” For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, And All of “Your Members” of “Your Family” And All of “Your Friends”, and that is for sure. Amen.
"Your Louie" of “Your Life”.
Bawa. To Help You And All of “Your Family” And All of “Your Friends” of “Your Life” Truly “Turn Your Corner” As “They Say” On “Your One True Journey”of “Your Life” From “Your Ignorance” of “Your God’ of “Your Life” To “Your Understanding” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Please, Please, Please Check Out “Your Following Love Links” Now Available For “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
End of Post.
(Note: And Now See “Your Home Page” of “Your Short Love Letters” of
“Your Life”, And Now “Your Short Love Letter 01, 04, 05, 06, 08, 09,
Bawa. In Truth "Originally Posted" On 01/16/18, On 01/20/18, And On 01/24/18 On “Your Louie Facebook Group” In Response To "Your
“Your Life”,
All As Now
“One” For “Your Life”,
As Now
“Your True One” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
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A. "Your Annotated Outline Version"
"Your NEW Introduction"
"Your Short Love Letter 14"
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Go To "Your Annotated Outline"
Go To "Your Topic" 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13,
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"Your NEW Introduction" (Not Annotated)
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01. “Your Introduction” To “Your New Introduction”
Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In The Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Amen.
Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May All The Peace, The Beneficence, and The Blessing of God Be Upon You, Your Family, And Your Friends. Amen.
Bawa. My Love You, “My Dearest Loving Daughters Donna And Darcy
Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
“Thank You Again Darcy”
“Very, Very, Very Much”
aka. “Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
Bawa. That Is “A Very, Very, Very Good Thing” For “Your Life” To Do, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And As Always, We “Immediately Stepped Back” And Immediately Handed What “You Had Handed” To Us To “Our God” of “Our Life”, And “Was Completely Done With It”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. All of Which, IN TRUTH, Is Just What “Our God” of “Our Life” Had “Put In Front” of Us, With Us Then Immediately Inviting “Our God” of “Our Life” To “Step Forward” And “Use It Up Completely”, Exclusively For “His Universal Selfless Purpose” For “Our Life”, For “All Life”, Not Ever, Ever, Ever “Using It” For “Our Exclusively Personal Selfish Purpose” of “Our Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
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02. HOWEVER, “There” Is “A Flaw” In “Your Logic” - “Your God” of
“Your Life” Does Not See “Your Life” As Now “Separate” From “Himself”, As “You” NOW See “Him”, And As “You” NOW See “His Creation”, And
As “You” NOW See “Your Brothers and Sisters”, All As NOW “Separate” From “Yourself”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And In Truth “This” Is “Your Great Ignorance” of “Your Current Life”, As Now “Your Current Separation and Differences” of “Your Current Life”, Which “Your Wisdom” of “Your Life”,
As Now In Truth
aka “Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
Can Now Easily Dispel
“Your Current Degraded Life”,
Bawa. But “There Is Also” In Truth “Your Great Arrogance” of “Your Current Life”, As Now “Your Arrogance” of “Your Life” About “Your Current Ignorance” of “Your Life”, Which Like “Your Clouds” of “Your Life” Blocking Out“Your Sun Shine” of “Your Life”, Is Now “Currently Blocking Out” In Truth “Your Louie Shine” of “Your Life”, Which IS SOMETHING Only “You Can End”, Not “Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
Bawa. However, “My Dearest Loving Daughters Donna And Darcy Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”,
In Truth
“Your Content”
“Your Recent Posting” By "Your Darcy"
“Very Misleading”
To All of
“Your Family”,
And To All of
“Your Children”,
And To All of
“Your Friends”,
Bawa. For In Truth “We Cannot Ever See” Through “Your Eyes” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, For In Truth Only “Your God” of “Your Life” Can “See” Through “Your Eyes” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So In Truth “My Dearest Loving Daughters Donna And Darcy Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, “Your Life” Must First Become “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life” To Truly See Through “Your Eyes” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
In Truth
"Your God" of "Your Life"
Sees Through
“Your Eyes”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
Is Most Certainly
"What Is Depicted"
“Your Recent Posting" By "Your Darcy"
Like Seeing
"Your Inner Worldly Thoughts"
"Your Current People" of "Your Life"
Like Hearing
"Avoids Relationships For Fear of Pain",
"Discontent With Life"
"Struggling With Sense of Purpose"
"Has Never Known True Friendship"
"Recently Lost His Job"
"Fighting Addition"
"Just Needs A Hug"
"Works Two Jobs To Feed Her Kids"
"Grieving Loss of Her Best Friend"
"Fighting With Husband"
"Could Really Use A Ride"
"Ran Away From Home 3 Days Ago"
"Just Needs Someone To Care"
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03. FOR IN TRUTH “Your True Nature” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Is
“Your Oneness” of “Your Life", Is "Your Universality" of "Your Life", In Truth “Your Oneness/Universality” of “Your One True Life” of“Your Life”,
Not “Your Current Separation and Differences” of “Your Life” of
“Your Current False Life” of “Your Life”, Not "Your Current Particular" Or
"Your Current Personal" Aspects of “Your Life”, For InTruth “Your God”
of “Your Life” Gave "Both" To “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Both “Your One True Life” of “Your Life”, of “Your Oneness and Unity”, of “Your Justice and Truth”, And of “Your Compassion and Unity” of “Your Life”, That Is, of “Your Grace, Wisdom, and Divine Knowledge (‘ilm)” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And “Your Current False Life” of “Your Life”, of “Your Current Arrogance, Karma, And Illusion” of “Your Life”, That Is, of “Your Current Race, Religion, And Blood Ties” of “Your Life”, That Is, of “Your Current Desire” For “Your Earth, Woman, And Gold” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, of “Your Current Desire” For “Your Current Personal Form” (“Your Earth”) of “Your Life”, And of “Your Current Personal Relationships” (“Your Woman”) of “Your Life”, And of “Your Current Personal Wealth” (“Your Gold”) of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, of “Your Current Desire” For “Your Current Temporary Personal Elemental Life” of “Your Current Separations And Differences” of “Your Life”, In Truth Now Being “Exclusively Experienced” By “Your Current You” of “Your Life” On “Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. All of Which of Course Is “Just Not True”, And All of Which In Truth Has Now “Fully Opened”, And Has Now “Fully Manifested” Within “Your Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. In “Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, And Now In “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. For In Truth “My Dearest Loving Daughters Donna And Darcy Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”,
"Your God" of "Your Life"
In Truth
"Is Not" Like "That"
Not Like
“Your Current Life”
“Your Current Separation and Differences”
“Your Life”
For In Truth
"God" Is "A Power"
He Has No
"Form Or Shape".
"He is Alone"
And Yet
"He Is Everywhere"
Existing As
"An Eternal Power"
"Who Dwells"
In All Lives
"Sees Them"
All As One.
In Truth
"Sees Them All"
Not As
"Separate" From "Himself"
In Truth
"His Own Life" Happening Again
"This Time" Within "Your Heart"
and that is for sure. Amen.
In Truth
"Your Seed" of "Himself"
"Your Soul" of "Himself"
"Your Full Potential" of "Himself"
NOW Buried In
"Your Earth" of "Himself"
"Your Creation" of "Himself"
Just Waiting To
"Reveal" Or "Hide"
"Accept" Or "Reject"
"His Full Potential" of "Himself"
"Your Exclusive Benefit Or Loss"
"Your Creation" of "Himself"
"Your Apple Seed" of "Your Life"
In Truth
"Your Apple Tree" Happening Again
"This Time"
"Your Earth" of "Your Life"
and that is for sure. Amen.
Not All of
"Your Apple Seeds" of "Your Life"
Not All of
"Your Divine Souls" of "Your Life"
Germinate To
"Your Truth" of "Your Life"
and that is for sure. Amen.
That In Truth
"God Alone Exists"
Please, Please, Please,
Go To:
"Your On-line Book"
"For More" On "All This",
To Buy
"Your Bawa Book"
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04. “Your One True Requirement” of “Your Life” For “Your Natural
Divine Transformation” of "Your Life" To "Truly Happen" In "Your Life",
In “Your Current Lifetime” of “Your Life”, FROM “Your Exclusive You”
of “Your Life” TO “Your Exclusive God” of “Your Life”, Is “Your Direct
Intervention” In “Your Life” By “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. WHEN “God IS CONVINCED” That “Your Life” Can Be “Cured of YOU”, Which Is WHEN “Your Life” No Longer Wants “ANYTHING” of “Your Life” That “God Has Discarded”, As Part of Becoming “Your God” of “Your Life”, Which In Truth Is NOW “EVERYTHING” That NOW “Makes Up” In Truth “Your Current Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. But "My Dearest Loving Daughter Donna And Darcy
Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” In Truth For “Your Natural Divine Transformation” of "Your Life" To "Truly Happen" In "Your Life",
From "Your Current Exclusive You" of "Your Life" To "Your NEXT
Exclusive God" of "Your Life", To "Truly Happen" In "Your Life" In
"Your Current Life Time" of "Your Life", In Truth "Your Current
Everything" of "Your Life" Must Now "Completely Change" In "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, Must Now "Completely Change" In "Your Life" Before
"Your Grave" of "Your Life" Finds "Your Life" In "Your Current Degraded State" "Your Truth" of "Your Life", That In Truth "God Alone Exists", Not Both "You Exist" and "God Exist" As "You NOW Currently Mistakenly Believe", But To "Your Eternal Peril" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa, That Is, In Truth "Your Current Everything" of "Your Life" Must Now "Completely Change" In "Your Life" From "Your Current False Life" of "Your Current Person" of "Your Life" To "Your Current True Life" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.
aka "Your Louie" (Ral.) of "Your Life"
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, When In Truth “You” Become “Completely Done” With “Your Current Temporary Elemental Life” of "Your Life", In Truth Now “Exclusively Given” To “Your Life” By “Your Physical Mother And Father” of “Your Life”, Most Certainly "Not Given" To “Your Life” By
“Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, In Order For "Your Jesus" (A.S.) of "Your Life" To Now
"Truly Get Off" of "Your Cross And Nails" of "Your Life", All Which
"In Truth" Is Now "Your Pure Individual Soul" of "Your Life" In Truth
"Now Crucified" On "Your Current Impure Personal Life" of "Your Life"
"You Can Sin",
and that is for sure. Amen.
"You Can NOW Just Continue Living"
In Truth
"Your Current Degraded Life"
"Your Current Separations and Differences"
"Your Life"
"Your Current Illusory Outside" of "Yourself",
and that is for sure. Amen.
In Truth
"Your God" of "Your Life",
"Your Creation" of "Your God" of "Your Life",
And For
"A Little While More",
From All of
"Your Current Brothers and Sisters" of "Your Life",
All of Which
"Your Only True Sin" of "Your Life",
"Your One True Sin" of "Your Life"
"Your Current Separations and Differences"
"Your Life"
and that is for sure. Amen.
Now In
"Your Ignorance" of "Yourself" As "Such",
And Now In
"Your Arrogance"
"Your Ignorance" of "Yourself" As "Such",
And As "Such"
"Your Life"
Has Now Become
"Your Soul" From "God"
Truly Preventing
"Your Jesus" (A.S.) of "Your Life",
In Truth
"Your Pure Individual Soul" of "Your Life",
"Your God" of "Your Life",
and that is for sure. Amen.
Both HERE and NOW,
And NEXT For
"Your ETERNITY" of "Your Life",
"Your God" of "Your Life"
From Which In Truth
"Your Jesus" (A.S.) of "Your Life",
In Truth
As Now
"Your Pure Individual Soul" of "Your Life"
Exclusively Came,
Not "You",
Since In Truth
"Your Current You" of "Your Life"
And Simply
"Ends" In "Your Grave" of "Your Life"
In Truth
As Part
"Your First"
"Your 3 Divine Schools"
"Your God" of "Your Life"
"Your Contrast" of "Your Life"
"Your Light" of "Your Life"
aka "Your Louie" (Ral.) of "Your Life"
"For Your Exclusive Sake"
"Your Pure Souls" of "Your Life",
First As
"Your School"
"Your Contrasts" of "Your Life"
"Your Darkness and Light" of "Your Life"
"Your Falsehood and Truth" of "Your Life"
"Your Ignorance and Wisdom" of "Your Life"
"Your Pure Individual Soul" of "Your Life",
and that is for sure. Amen.
"But NOW" As "Such",
In Truth
"Your Darkness" of "Your Life"
"Your Falsehood" of "Your Life"
"Your Ignorance" of "Your Life"
As Now "One" For "Your Life"
As Now "Your False One" of "Your Life"
"Your Life"
In Truth
Has Now Become
"Your One True Enemy"
"Your Soul" of "Your Life"
Truly Preventing
"Your Jesus" (A.S.) of "Your Life",
"Your Pure Individual Soul" of "Your Life",
"Your God" of "Your Life"
"Truly Getting Off"
"Your Current Cross/Mind" of "Your Life"
"Truly Pulling Out"
"Your Current Nails/Desires" of "Your Life",
All of Which
In Truth
"Your Current False One" of "Your Life",
and that is for sure. Amen.
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05. SO “First And Foremost” - “You Must Be Born Again”
Bawa. So “My Dearest Loving Daughters Donna And Darcy Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” In Truth “You Must Be Born Again” As "They Say", But Not As "Your World Religions" Mistakenly Just "Talk, And Talk, And Talk" About It, But Rather As In Truth "It Really Happens", As In Truth “Your God” of “Your Life” Happening Within “Your Purified Heart/Mind” of “Your God” of “Your Life” In Order For “Your Life” To “Truly See” As “Your Eyes” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And “My Dearest Loving Daughters Donna And Darcy Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” In Truth “Your Natural Divine Transformation” of "Your Life" From "Your Current Exclusive You" of "Your Life" To "Your NEXT Exclusive God" of "Your Life" Must NOW Begin To Happen, Just Like In Truth “Your Natural Element Transformation” of "Your Sour Apples" of "Your Life" Still Hanging On "Your Apple Trees" of "Your Life"To "Your Sweet Apples" of "Your Life" Happens If "Your Sour Apples" of "Your Life" Don't Let Go of ""Your Apple Trees" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, In Truth “Your Natural Divine Transformation” of"Your Life" From “Your Current Personal Elemental Life” of "Your Life", of “Your Current Separations and Differences” On “Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Your Self”, In Truth Within “Your Current Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Current Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”, All For “Your Exclusive Personal Benefit” of “Your Current You and Yours” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. To “Your NEXT Universal Divine Life” of "Your Life", of “Your Oneness and Unity” of "Your Life", of “Your Justice and Truth” of "Your Life", And of “Your Compassion and Unity” of "Your Life",
In Truth
NOW Within
“Your Purified Heart/Mind” of “Your Life”
aka “Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
All For
“Your Exclusive Benefit”
"All" of “Your Creations” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
"All Naturally Happening"
"Your Life"
"Your Sour Apples" of "Your Life"
Don't Let Go
"Your Apple Trees" of "Your Life",
and that is for sure. Amen.
"All Naturally Happening"
"Your Life"
"Your Sour You" of "Your Life"
Doesn't Let Go
"Your Divine Tree" of "Your Life",
and that is for sure. Amen
Doesn't Let Go
“Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
aka “Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen ,
All For
“Your Exclusive Benefit”
"All" of “Your Creation” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
“Your Exclusive Benefit”
“Your Current You and Yours” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen
Bawa. "All of Which" In Truth "Can Only Begin To Happen" Within “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life” When “You” Are NOW “Completely Done” With “Your Current Physical Life” And With “Your Current Physical Eyes” of “Your Physical Mother and Father” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
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06. “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” Must Get “Completely OFF”
of “Your CURRENT Cross and Nails” of “Your Life”, Which In Truth Is
“Your CURRENT Mind and Desires” of “Your Life”, While "Both"
“Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” And “Your God” of “Your Life” STILL CAN, Which Is BEFORE “Your Grave” of “Your Life” Finds “Your Life”
In ”Your Current Degraded State” of“Your Life”, of “Your CURRENT
Illusory Separation” From “Your Truth” of “Your Life”,
That In Truth
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And “This” Why “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” Told “His Children” In Truth “Over 2000 Years” Ago “Your Following”, As Now Recorded By “Your One Truly Loved” By “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life”, By “Your One” Now Known In “Your World” As “Your Barnabus” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. By “Your One” Known As “Your Barnabus” of “Your Life”, In Truth As “Your One True Disciple” of “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life”, In Truth As “Your 13th Disciple” of “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life”, Who In Truth Wrote “Your Original Version” of “Your 4th Book” of “Your First 4 Gospels” of “Your Holy Bible” of “Your Like”, Now Known In “Your World” As “Your Gospel of John” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And Who In Truth Lived In “Your World” For “Over 400 Years” After “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” Left “Your Earthly World” And Who Then Personally Gave “Your Divine Greetings” of “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” To “Your Muhammad” (Sal.) of “Your Life”, Before “Your Barnabus” of “Your Life” Left “Your Earthly World” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
“Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life”
“Your CHRISTIANITY” of “Your Life”
And With
“Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life”
“Your ISLAM” of “Your Life”
Telling Us
As Now Faithfully Recorded
“Your Following”
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07. “Your Gospel of John” - “Your Chapter 03”
“I say unto to you,
Except a man be born again,
he cannot see the kingdom of God”.
1. There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus,
a ruler of the Jews:
2. The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto Him, 
Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher from God:
for no man can do these miracles that thou doest,
except God be with Him.
3. Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily,
I say unto to you,
Except a man be born again,
he cannot see the kingdom of God.
4. Nicodemus said unto Him,
How can a man be born when he is old?
Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb,
and be born?
5. Jesus answered,
Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
Except a man be born of water (grace)
and of the Spirit (wisdom),
he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
6. That which is born of the flesh is the flesh;
and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7. Marvel not that I said unto thee,
Ye must be born again.
8. The wind bloweth where it listeth (is heard),
and thou earest the sound thereof,
but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goes:
so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
9. Nicodemus answered and said unto Him,
How can these things be?
10. Jesus answered and said unto him,
Art thou a Master of Israel,
and knowest not these things?
11. Verily, verily, I say unto you,
We speak that we do know,
and testify that we have seen;
and ye receive not our witness.
12. If I have told you earthly things,
and ye believe not, how shall ye believe,
if we tell you of heavenly things.
13. And no man hath ascended up to heaven,
but he that came down from heaven,
even the Son of man which is in heaven.
14. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
15. That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
but have eternal life.
16. For God so loved the world,
that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish,
but have everlasting life.
17. For God sent not His Son into the world
to condemn the world;
but that the world through Him might be saved.
18. He that believeth in Him is not condemned:
but he believeth not is condemned already,
because he hath not believed in the name of (God for his age),
in the name of the only begotten Son of God (for his age).
19. And this is the condemnation,
that light has come into the world,
and men loved darkness rather than light,
because their deeds were evil.
20. For everyone that doeth evil hateth the light,
neither cometh to the light,
lest his deeds should be reproved
(be gently corrected).
21. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light,
that his deeds may be made manifest,
that they are wrought in God.
22. After these things came Jesus and His disciples went into the land
of Judaea; and there He tarried with them, and baptized.
23. And John also was baptizing in Aenon near to Salim, because
there was much water there: and they came, and were baptized.
24. For John was not yet cast into prison.
25. Then there arose a question between some of John's disciples and the Jews about purifying.
26. And they came unto John, and said unto him,
Rabbi, he that was with thee beyond Jordan,
to whom thou barest witness,
behold the same baptizeth,
and all men come to him.
27. John answered and said,
A man can receive nothing,
except it be given him from heaven.
28. Ye yourselves bear me witness,
that I said,
I am not the Christ,
but that I am sent before Him.
29. Him that hath the bride is the bridegroom:
but the friend of the bridegroom,
which standeth and heareth him,
rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice:
this my joy is therefore fulfilled.
30. He must increase,
but I must decrease.
31. He that cometh from above is above all:
he that cometh from the earth is earthly,
and speaketh of the earth:
He that cometh from heaven is above all.
32. And what He hath seen and heard,
that He testifieth;
and no man receiveth His testimony.
33. He that hath receiveth His testimony
hath set to his seal
that God is true.
34. For He whom God hath sent
speaketh the words of God (for His age):
for God giveth not the Spirit by measure unto Him.
35. The Father loveth the Son,
and hath given all things into His hand.
36. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life:
and he that believeth not the Son shall not see (True) life;
but (Only) the "wrath of God"
(As Now
"Your 7 Hells" of "Your Life")
abideth in him.
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08. “Stop Exclusively Worshipping” All of “Your Current Things”
of “Your False Physical Mother and Father” of “Your Life”, As Now
“Your CURRENT False One” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So “My Dearest Loving Daughter Donna And Darcy Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” Please, Please, Please “Stop Exclusively Worshipping” All of “Your Current Things” of “Your Physical Mother and Father” of “Your Life”, In Truth of “Your CURRENT FALSE Life” of “Your Life”, In Truth “Now Exclusively” of “Your Mind And Desires” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Like In Truth “Your Current Worshipping” of “Your Current Physical Body” of “Your Life” And “Your Current Mind and Desires” of “Your Life”, And “Your Current Physical Husband” And “Your Current Physical Children” And “Your Current Grand Children” And “Your Current Family” And “Your Current Friends” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
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09. “Start Exclusively Worshipping” All of “Your Current Things” of
“Your ONE True Divine Mother and Father” of “Your God” of “Your Life”,
"Your Life", As “Your True One” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And Instead “Start To Exclusively Worship” All of “Your Current Things” NOW of “Your One True Mother and Father” of “Your Life”
Which Is Now
“One” For “Your Life”,
“Your True One” of “Your Life”
in Truth
“Your Shepherd And Tree” of “Your Life”
In Truth
“Your Shaikh and Disciple” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
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10. “Start Exclusively Worshipping” In Truth “Your Current Divine Life”
of “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” NOW Living Within “Your Purified
Heart/Mind” of “Your Life”, NOW "Completely Off" of “His Cross/MInd”
of “Your Life” And “His Nails/Desires” of “Your Life”, NOW Joined As
“One” With “Your Awakened Divine Wisdom” of “Your Life”, As NOW
"Your First School" of "Your Contrasts” of "Your Life" In Search of
“Your One True Light” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And Instead “Start To Exclusively Worship” All of “Your Current Things” NOW of “Your CURRENT TRUE Life” of “Your Life”, Which In Truth Is Now “Your Current Divine Life” of “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” Now Living Within “Your Purified Heart/Mind” of “Your Life”, Now Completely Off of “His Cross” of “Your Life” And “His Nails” of “Your Life”, NOW Joined As “One” With “Your Awakened Divine Wisdom” of “Your Life”, As Now "Your First School of "Your Life" In Search of “Your One True Light” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
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11. As Now "Your First School of Contrast" of "Your Life" In Search of “Your Second School of Light” of “Your Life” For “Your Exclusive
Benefit” of “Your Pure Souls” of “Your Life”, As NOW "Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.) of "Your Life", As NEXT “Your Second School
of Light” of “Your Life”, As NEXT “Your Understanding” of "Your First
Bawa. As Now "Your First School of Contrast" of "Your Life" In Search of “Your Second School of Light” of “Your Life” For Your Exclusive Benefit of “Your Pure Soul” of “Your Life”, As NEXT “Your School” of “Your Light” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
As Now
In Search
"Your Life"
"Your God" of "Your Life"
and that is for sure. Amen.
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12. As Now “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life”, NOW For "Your Last Time", Now "Living" Again “Completely Off” of “His Cross” and
"His Nails" of “Your Life”, In Truth “Completely Off” of "Your Current
Cross/Mind" of “Your Life” And of “Your Current Nails/Desires” of
of "Your God" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. As Now “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life”, Now For "Your Last Time", Now Living Again Completely Off of “His Cross” And "His Nails" of “Your Life”, In Truth Completely Off of "Your Current Cross" And “Your Current Nails” of “Your Life”,
As Now
"Your God" of "Your Life"
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Now Living "Again Completely Off" of “His Cross” And "His Nails" of “Your Life”, All of Which In Truth Is Now “Your Current Monkey Mind” of "Your Life" And “Your Current Dog” of “Your Desires” of “Your Life” All of Which In Truth Is Now "Silently Ruling" Over “Your Life” With “Your Current Show” of “Your Illusory Scenes” of “Your Life”, for sure. Amen.
Please Please, Please
Go To:
“Your Mystical Meaning”
“Your Body” of “Your Life”
Divine Book
"Your Life"
In Truth
“Your Life”
For More On
“All This”
Very, Very, Very
"Wonderful True Stuff" of “Your Life”
"Your Life",
Go To "Your Previous Section"
Go To "Your Next Section"
Go To "Your Annotated Outline"
13. And NOW “Start To Exclusively Worship” All of “Your Current Things”
NOW of “Your One True God” of “Your Life” As NOW “Your CURRENT
Divine Words” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, NOW For "Your Age", NOW For "All Life", NOW In “Your Following” On-line “Wisdom/TRUTH
PLACES” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And NOW Instead “Start To Exclusively Worship” All of “Your Current Things” NOW of “Your One True God” of “Your Life” Like Now “Your CURRENT Divine Words” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, NOW For "Your Age", NOW For "All Life", and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Like In Truth “Your Current Worshipping” of “Your CURRENT Divine Words” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, NOW For “Your Age”, NOW For “All Life”, As Now “Beautifully Recorded” For “Your Life”, FOR "ALL LIFE", NOW In “Your Following” On-line “Wisdom/TRUTH PLACES” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
“Web Site” For “Your Life”
See: www.bmf. org
“Your Life”
3. "YOUR LIST" of “Your NEW DIVINE Love Letters”
“Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
Go To:
“Your Short Love Letters” (SLL) of "Your Life"
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
Go To:
4. "Your Divine Songs" of "Your Life"
5. "Your Divine Love Letters" of "Your Life"
“Your God” of “Your Life”
Go To
6. "Your OTHER On-line Bawa Books"
“Your God” of “Your Life”
Go To "Your Previous Section"
Go To "Your Next Section"
Go To "Your Home Page Outline"
Go To "Your Love Letter 14 Outline"
"Your Annotated Outline"
“Your New Introduction”
"Your Short Love Letter 14"
Go To "Your Annotated Outline Version"
Go To "Your Topic" 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10,
Go To "Your Short Love Letter 14"
Go To “Your New Introduction” (No Annotation/OUTLINE)
Go To “Your New Introduction” (With Annotation/OUTLINE)
01. “Your Introduction” To “Your New Introduction”
02. “There” Is “A Flaw” In “Your Logic” - In Truth “Your God” of
“Your Life” Does NOT See “Your Life” As NOW “Separate” From “Himself”, As NOW "You Do", As NOW “You” See “Him”, As NOW “You”
See “His Creation”, As NOW “You” See All “Your Brothers and Sisters”,
All As NOW “Separate” From “Yourself”, and that is for sure. Amen.
03. “Your True Nature” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Is “Your Oneness”
of “Your Life”, In Truth “Your Oneness” of “Your True Life” of “Your Life”,
Not “Your Current Separation and Differences” of “Your Life”, Not
“Your Current False Life” of “Your Life”, For In Truth “Your God” of
“Your Life” Gave BOTH To “Your Life”, BOTH “Your ONE True Life” of
“Your Life” And “Your Current False Life” of “Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.
04. “Your One True Requirement” of “Your Life” For “Your Natural Divine Transformation” of "Your Life" To "Truly Happen" In "Your Life", In
“Your Current Lifetime” of “Your Life”, FROM “Your CURRENT Exclusive You” of “Your Life” TO “Your NEXT Exclusive God” of “Your Life”, Is
“Your Direct Intervention” In “Your Life” By “Your God” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. WHEN “Your God" of "Your Life" IS "CONVINCED" That “Your Life”Can Be “Cured of YOU”, Cured of "Your Current Separations
and Differences" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen,
Bawa. WHEN “Your Life” No Longer Wants “ANYTHING” of “Your Life”
That “Your God" of "Your Life" Has "Naturally Discarded” FROM
"Your Life" As "Your Natural Path" of "Your God" of “Your Life”,
AS NOW "Your Pure Soul" of "Your Life" Becoming “Your God” of
"SUCH", and that is for sure. Amen,
Bawa. All of Which MEANS “Your NOW Discarding EVERYTHING”
That NOW “Makes Up” In Truth “Your Current Life” of "Your Life",
All of Which In Truth IS NOW "Separating" IN TRUTH "Him" As NOW "Your Soul" of "Your Life" FROM "Him" As NOW "Your Creator" of
"Your Soul" of "Your Life", All of Which of Course Is NOW
"Your CURRENT Everything" of "Your Current Life", and that is for sure. Amen.
05. SO “First And Foremost” - “You Must Be Born Again”
06. “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” Must Get “Completely OFF”
of “Your CURRENT Cross And Nails” of “Your Life”, Which Is NOW
“Your CURRENT Mind and Desires” of “Your Life”, While Both
“Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” And “Your God” of “Your Life” STILL CAN, Which Is BEFORE “Your Grave” of “Your Life” Finds “Your Life”
STILL In ”Your Current Degraded State” of “Your Life”, Which Is
“Your CURRENT Illusory Separation” From “Your Truth” of “Your Life”,
And "Your Eternal 7 Hells" of "Your Life" of "Your Eternal Separation"
From "Your God" of "Your Life" Becomes "Your Only Eternal Fate" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.
That In Truth
and that is for sure. Amen.
07. “Your Gospel of John” - “Your Chapter 03”
“I say unto to you,
Except a man be born again,
he cannot see the kingdom of God”.
08. “Stop Exclusively Worshipping” All of “Your Current Things”
of “Your False Physical Mother and Father” of "Your Beast/Satan" of “Your Life”, As NOW "Your Current Mind And Desires" of "Your Life",
As NOW “Your Personal False One” of “Your Life”, As NOW In Truth
"Your Current Temporary Personal Elemental Life" of "Your Life", As NOW In Truth "Your Current Person" of "Your Life", and that is for sure. Amen.
09. “Start Exclusively Worshipping” All of “Your Current Things”
of “Your True Divine Mother and Father” of “Your God” of “Your Life”,
As NOW "Your Wisdom and Truth" of "Your Life", As Now In Truth
As NOW “Your Universal True One” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
10. “Start Exclusively Worshipping” In Truth “Your Current Divine Life”
of “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” Now "Truly Living AGAIN" Within
“Your Life”, NOW "Completely Off" of “His Cross/Mind” of “Your Life”
And “His Nails/Desires” of “Your Life”, NOW TRULYJoined As “One”
With “Your Awakened Divine ANALYTIC Wisdom” of “Your Life”, As
NOW "Your First DIVINE School” For "Your Divine INDIVIDUAL Souls" of "Your LIfe" In Search of “Your One True Light” of “Your Life”, In Search
of NOW “Your Correctly Focused Divine LUMINOUS Wisdom” of
“Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
11. As NOW "Your First School of Contrast" of "Your Life" In Search
of “Your Second School of Light” of “Your Life” For “Your Exclusive
Benefit” of “Your Divine INDIVIDUAL Souls” of “Your Life”, As NOW
“Your Second School of Light” of “Your Life” For "Your One Divine
UNIVERSAL Soul" of "Your LIfe", As NEXT “Your Understanding” of
12. As NOW “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life”, NOW For "Your Last Time", NOW "Living" Again In "Your Earth World" of "Your Life" In Truth NOW “Completely Off” of “His Cross” And "His Nails" of “Your Life”, In Truth NOW “Completely Off” of "Your Current Cross/Mind" of “Your Life” And of “Your Current Nails/Desires” of “Your Life”,
As Now
In Truth
"Your God" of "Your Life",
and that is for sure. Amen.
13. And NOW “Start To Exclusively Worship” All of “Your Current Things”
NOW of “Your One True God” of “Your Life”
“Your CURRENT Divine Words”
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
For "Your Age",
For "All Life",
“Your Following”
"On-line Wisdom/Truth PLACES”
“Your Life",
and that is for sure. Amen.
3. "Your List" of “Your NEW DIVINE Love Letters" of "Your Life"
4. "Your Divine Songs" of "Your Life"
5. "Your Divine Love Letters" of "Your Life"
6. "Your OTHER On-line" Bawa Books"
Go To "Your Short Love Letters" (SLL) of "Your Life"
"Your Short Love Letters" of "Your Life"
Go To "Your Short Love Letter 01"
Go To "Your Short Love Letter 02"
Go To "Your Short Love Letter 01 Outline"
Go To "Your Short Love Letter 02 Outline"
Go To "Your NEW Introduction" (NOT Annotated)
To Both
"Your Short Love Letter 01, And 02"
Go To "Your Annotated Outline Version"
"Your NEW Introduction"
Go To "Your Annotated Outline"
Go To "Your Topic" 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10,
Go To "Your Previous Section"
Go To "Your Next Section"
Go To "Your Home Page Outline"
Go To "Your Short Love Letter 14 Outline"
"Your Original Version"
“Your Short Love Letter 09”
"Your FIRST Part"
“Your Short Love Letter 09"
Go To "Your Second Part" of “Your Short Love Letter 09"
Go To "Your NEW Introduction" of "Your Life"
"No Annotation/OUTLINE"
Go To "Your Annotated Outline Version"
"Your NEW Introduction" of "Your Life"
Go To "Your Annotated Outline"
“My Life”
And To
“My Life”
And To
“My Life”
And NOW To
“My Life”
And To All
“My Dearest Loving Sons and Daughters” of “My Life”
Posted On
“Your Louie's Facebook Group”
Go To "Your Previous Section"
Go To "Your Next Section"
Go To "Your Home Page Outline"
Go To "Your Love Letter 14 Outline"
"Your SECOND Part"
“Your Short Love Letter 09"
Go To "Your First Part" of “Your Short Love Letter 09"
Go To "Your NEW Introduction" of "Your Life"
“My Life”
“Your Updated Version”
“Your Short Love Letter 09”
“Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your Exclusive Benefit”
“Your Children” of “Your Life”
Originally Given
Bawa. Al-hamdu lillah. Tawakkul Allah. My Love You My Dearest Loving Daughter Darcy Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) (aka. “My New Love/Heart Child” of “My Life”), And My Dearest Loving Son Bobby Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) (aka. “Your Husband” And “My Brother Bob’s Wife’s Son” of “My Life”), And My Dearest Loving Son Robbie Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) (aka. “My Brother Bob’s First Son” of “My Life”), And My Dearest Loving Son Alexander Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) (aka. “My Rob’s Son” of “My Life”), And My Dearest Loving Son, Robert Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) (aka. “My Brother Bob” of “My Life”), You Are All Such Wonderful Children of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Daughter Darcy Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) In Truth “Your God” of “Your Life” Has Now Placed “Another Drama Situation” Before “Your Life”,
As Now
“Your Billy Graham’s Final Post”
“Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Please, Please, Please Be Peaceful With All of "This Worldly Stuff" of “Your Life”, As In Truth “Your Life”, And In Truth “Your Life” of "Our Dearest Loving Sons" of “My Life” And of "Your Dearest Loving Brothers" of “Your Life” Now Known To “Your Life” As “Your Bobbie, & Robbie, & Bob Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “Your Life”, Are All Sitting On "Your God's Lap" of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And “Your God” of “Your Life” Is Now Conducting “Your Life” And "Their Life", Not "Them", Not “You”, As “Your God” of “Your Life” Is Now Conducting "All Life", Not “Any of Us", And “Your God” of “Your Life” Is Now Simply Teaching “Their Life”, And "Your Life", And "Our Life", "All Life", What "Your Life" And "All Life" Does Not Know", That Is, To “Whatever Level” That "You Will Let Him", and that is for sue. Amen.
Bawa. So Simply Say “Your Al-hamdu lillah” of “Your Life” And “Your Tawwakul Allah” of “Your Life” For “Your Current Drama Situation” of “Your Life”, For “Your Billy Graham’s Final Post” of “Your Life”, With “Your True Intention” That “Your Life”, Not “You”, Correctly Learn What “Your God” of “Your Life” Is Now Placing Before “Your Life” of “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, As Now “Your Billy Graham’s Final Post” of “Your Life”, And Then “Be Done With It”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Saying To “Your God” of “Your Life”
“Thank You”
“O My God" of "My Life”
"No Thank You”
“O My God" of "My Life”
“What’s Next”?
“O My God" of "My Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And In “This Way”, And Only In “This Way”, Use “This Current Drama Situation” of “Your Life” of “Your Billy Graham’s Final Post” of “Your Life” As Just “Another Opportunity” To Demonstrate To “Your God” of “Your Life” That “Your Life”, Not “You”, Now Knows “Your Truth” of “Your Life” ,
That In Truth
“Your God” of “Your Life”
"Is In Change" of “Your Life”,
Not “You”,
"Is In Change" of “All Life”,
Not “You”,
And Not “Any of Us”,
That In Truth
“God Alone Exists”
Not Both
“Your God” of ”Your Life”
Not Both
“Your Current Temporary Personal Elemental Life”
“Your God’s Eternal Universal Divine Life”
Which In Truth
“Your One True Mistake/Flaw” of “Your Life”
“Your Billy Graham’s Final Post” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
And That In Truth
“Your Current Personal Life” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Personal Lives”
“All” of “Your Brothers and Sisters” of “Your Life”
Including Now
“Your Current Personal Lives” of “Your Life”
“Your Bobbie, & Robbie, & Bob Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
“Your Life”
Are In Truth
“Your Living Denial” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. For In Truth “Your Life”, And “All Life’, Is Just “Your School of Contrast” For “Your Soul”, Not “Your Current Personal Life” of “Your Life, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So “Your Soul”, NOT “YOU”, Can Start To ”Truly Understand” That “Your Life”, That “All Life”, Is Not “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, As Now “You” And As Now “All Life” Still Mistakenly Believes, But To “Your Eternal Peril” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. But Rather That “Your Life”, That “All Life”, Is “Your God” of
“Your Life”, Is “Your God” of “Your Life” Happening, Within “Your God” of “Your Life” Having Happened, And Within “That”, Is “Your Understanding” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Happening, Within “Your God” of “Your Life” Having Happened, All For “Your True Exclusive Benefit” of “All” of “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. But That In Truth “Your Life”, “All Life”, Are of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Not of “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, As Now “Your Divine Soul” of “Your Life”, As Now “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” Now Crucified On “Your Cross” And “Your Nails” of ”Your Life”, As Now “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” Now Crucified On “Your Monkey Mind” of “Your Life” And On “Your Dog of Desire” of “Your Life”, So That “You Can Sin”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So That “You” Can Now Live Out “Your Life” As If Somehow “Your Life” Now Exists As “Separate” From “Your God” of “Your Life”, All of Which of Course Is “Just Not True”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, Unless “Your Divine Wisdom/Consciousness” of “Your Life” Now Sleeping Surrounding “Your Soul” of “Your Life” Awakens To “Your Truth” of “Your Life” And Teaches “Your Soul” of “Your Life” What “Your Soul” of “Your Life” Does Not “Know”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So That “You” Can Now Live Out “Your Life” As If Somehow “Your Current Temporary Personal Elemental Life” Now “Living and Thriving” Within “Your Creation” of “Your Life”, Not On “Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Your Life” As “Your Life” Now “Mistakenly Believes”, As Now In Truth “Your Current Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Life”, Is Now “Separate” From “Your Eternal Universal Divine Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Within “Your Purified/Perfected Divine Heart” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, All of Which of Course Is “Just Not True”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, Unless “Your Divine Wisdom/Consciousness” of “Your Life” Now Sleeping Surrounding “Your Soul” of “Your Life” Awakens To “Your Truth” of “Your Life” And Teaches “Your Soul” of “Your Life” What “Your Soul” of “Your Life” Does Not “Know”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That In Truth “Your Life”, “All Life”, Are of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Not of “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, As Now “Your Divine Wisdom/Consciousness” of “Your Life”, As Now “Your 7 Levels” of “Your True Divine Consciousness” of “Your Life”, As Now “Your Feeling, Awareness, Intellect, Judgment, Subtle Wisdom, Divine Analytic Wisdom, and Divine Luminous Wisdom” of “Your Life”, All Now Sleeping Surrounding “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, Just Waiting To Be Awakened By “Your Divine Kiss” of “Your One True Prince of Peace” of “Your Life” (aka. “Your Louie” of “Your Life”), All of Which Came Directly From “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And That In Truth “Your Life”, “All Life”, Are of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Are Not of “Your Creation” of “Your Life”, Are Not of “Your Current Body” of “Your Life” And of “Your Current Elemental Mind/Consciousness” of “Your Life”, Not Exclusively of “Your Three Lower Levels” of “Your Creation Consciousness” of “Your Life”, As Now “Your Feeling, Awareness, And Intellect” of “Your Life”, of “Your Creation” of “Your Life”, All of Which Came Directly From “Your Mother and Father” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That In Truth “Your Life”, “All Life”, Are In Truth “Your God” of “Your Life” Now Happening, Now Happening Within “Your God” of “Your Life” Having Happened Within “Your Life”, Having Happened Within “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Exclusively For “Your Divine Benefit” of “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, Not For “Your Personal Benefit” of “Your Current You and Yours” of ““Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. As In Truth “Your Apple Seeds” of “Your Life” Buried Within “Your Earth” of “Your Life” In Truth Are “Your Apple Trees” of “Your Life” Happening, Happening Within “Your Apple Trees” of “Your Life” Having Happened In “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Having Happened Within “Your Earth” of “Your Apple Trees” of “Your Life”, For “Your Exclusive Benefit” of “Your Apple Seeds” of “Your Life”, So “They” Can “Germinate” In “Your Earth” of “Your Life” After Hearing, Accepting, And Ending In “Their Truth” of “Your Life”, And As “Such”, Reveal “Your Apple Trees” of “Your Life” Happening Within “Your Earth” of “Your Germinated Apple Seeds” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And Within “That”, As “Your Apple Tree” Now Again Happened In “Your Life”, Reveal “Your Apple Fruits” of “Your Life” Happening In “Your Life”, Happening Within “Your Growing Apple Trees” of “Your Life”, Coming To “Full Maturity” As “Your Ripened Apple Fruits” of “Your Life” Now Hanging On “Your Mature Apple Trees” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And Within “That”, As “Your Ripened Apple Fruits” of “Your Life” Now Again Happened In “Your Life”, Reveal Within “Your Mature Apple Fruits” of “Your Life” In Truth Within “Your Sweet Apple Juices” of “Your Life” Again “Your Mature Apple Seeds” of “Your Life”, But “This Time” In Truth “A 1000 Fold”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That In Truth “Your Life”, “All Life”, Are In Truth “Your God” of “Your Life” Now Happening, Now Happening Within “Your God” of “Your Life” Having Happened, Having Happened Within “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, For “Your Exclusive Benefit” of “Your Divine Soul” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So “Your Soul” of “Your Life” Can “Germinate” In “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “Your Current Temporary Elemental Life” of “Your Life”, After Accepting And Ending In “Your Truth” of “Your Life”, And As “Such”, Reveal Again “Your Divine Tree” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Happening, Happening Again Within “Your Divine Life” of “Your Life”,
As Now
aka. “Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
And "Within That”,
“Your Divine Tree” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
Having Happened,
As Now
“Your Life”
aka “Your Louie”(Ral.) of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Revealing Again “Your Divine Fruits” of “Your Life” As “Your 3000 Divine Qualities” of “Your God’ of “Your Life”, Coming To “Full Maturity” On “Your Mature Divine Tree” of “Your Life”,
As Now
"Your Muhammad" of “Your 9 Meanings”
“Your Life”
And "Within That"
As Now
"Your Muhaiyaddeen" of "Your 16 Understandings"
"Your Life"
aka. “Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And Within “That”, As “Your Divine Fruits” of “Your Life” As
“Your 3000 Divine Qualities” of “Your God’ of “Your Life”, Revealing Again “Your Divine Seeds/Souls” of “Your Life”, As “Your 1000 Generosities” of”Your God” of “Your Life”, For “Your Exclusive Benefit” of “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”,
Bawa. That In Truth “Your Life”, “All Life”, Are Now In Truth “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” Crucified On “Your Cross” of “Your Life” With “Your Nails” of “Your Life”, That Is, Now Crucified On “Your Current Monkey Mind” of “Your Life” With “Your Current Dog of Desire” of “Your Life”,
Now In
“Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”,
And Now In
“Your Arrogance”
“Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So “You Can Sin”, So “You Can Now Live” Out “Your Life” As If Somehow “You Now Exist” As “Separate” From “Your God” of “Your Life”, And As “Separate” From “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, And For “A Little While More” On “Your Illusory Outside” of “Your Life”, As If Somehow “You Now Exist” As “Separate” From “Your Brothers And Sisters” of “Your Life”, All of Which of Course Is “Just Not True”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, So “You Can Sin”, So “You Can Now Live” Out “Your Life” On “Your Illusory Outside” of “Your Life”, At Least For “A Little While More”, As Now “Your Current Person” of “Your Life’, As Now “Your Current Temporary Personal Elemental Life” of “Your Current Separations and Differences” of “Your Life” On “Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Until “Your Grave” of “Your Life” Finds “Your Life” In “Your Current Degraded State” of “Your Illusory Separation” From “Your Truth” of “Your Life”, And “Your Current Hell” of “Your Life” Becomes “Your Only Eternal Fate” of “Your Life”, As Next “Your Eternal Death” of “Your Life” As “Eternally Separate” From “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Not As ‘Your Punishment” of “Your Reward” of “Your Life” But Rather Because “That is Exactly” What “Your Life” Whats of “Everything” That “Your God” of “Your Life” Has ”Loving Given” To “Your Life”, That Is, Either As “Your Eternal Life” As “One” With “Your God” of “Your Life” Or As “Your Eternal Death” As “Separate” From “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. “Your One” Or “Your Other” of “Your Life”, Not Never, Very Both, As Now “You”, And As Now “All” of “My Children”, Without Exception, Continue To “Mistakenly Believer”, But To “Your Eternal Peril”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, Unless “Your Divine Wisdom/Consciousness” of “Your Life” Now Sleeping Surrounding “Your Soul” of “Your Life” Awakens To “Your Truth” of “Your Life” And Teaches “Your Soul” of “Your Life” What “Your Soul” of “Your Life” Does Not “Know”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. My Love You My Dearest Loving Daughter Darcy Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), As Now “My New Love/Heart Child” of “My Life”, And My Dearest Loving Son Bobby Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “My Life”, And My Dearest Loving Son Robbie Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “My Life”, And My Dearest Loving Son Alexander Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “My Life”, And My Dearest Loving Son Robert Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “My Life”, And All of “Your Family And Friends” of “Your Life”, And Now of “Our Life” Too, You Are All Such Wonderful Children of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So Before “Your Grave” of “Your Life” Finds “Your Life” In “Your Current Degraded State” of “Your Life” And Gives “Your Life” Exactly “What” In Truth “Your Monkey Mind” of “Your Life” And “Your Dog of Desire” of “Your Life” Have Now Mistakenly Convinced “Your Soul” of “Your Life” That “Your Life” Now Want” For “Your Eternity Life” of “Your Life”,
As Next
“Your Eternal Death” of “Your Life”
As Next
“Your Eternal Separation"
“Your God” of “Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
“Your God” of “Your Life”
Needs To Change
"Your Current EXCLUSIVE Focus” of “Your Life”
Away From
“Your Current Person” of “Your Life”
Away From
“Your Current Temporary Personal Elemental Life”
“Your Life”
Away From
“Your Life”
“Your Current You“ of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
“Your Current Eternal Universal Divine Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. For In Truth “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, As Now “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life”, Now Crucified On “Your Current You” of “Your Life”, Can Only Get Off of “Your Cross” And “Your Nails” of “Your Life”, Can Only Get Off of “Your Monkey Mind” And “Your Dog of Desire” of “Your Life”, By Starting To “Truly Understand” That “Your Life”, And That “All Life”, Is Not “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Is Now “You”, Is Now “Your Current You” of “Your Life”, Is Now “Your Current Person” of “Your Life”, Is Now “Your Current Temporary Personal Elemental Life” of “Your Life”, As Now “Your Life”, As Now “All Life”, Still Mistakenly Believes, But To “Your Eternal Peril”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. But In Truth That “Your Life”, And That “All Life”, Is “Your God” of “Your Life”, Is Now “Your God” of “Your Life” Now Happening, Is Now “Your God” of “Your Life” Now Happening Within “Your God” of “Your Life”, Having Happened, Within “Your Creation” of “Your Life”, For “Your Exclusive Benefit” of “Your Pure Divine Soul” of “Your Life”, Most Certainly Not For “Your Exclusive Benefit” of “Your Current You and Yours” of “Your Life”, As Now “You”, And As Now “All” of “My Children”, Without Exception, Still Mistakenly Believe, But To “Your Eternal Peril”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So That “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life”, As Now “Your Divine Soul” of “Your Life” Now Off of “Your Current You” of “Your Life”, Now Off of “Your Current Monkey Mind” of “Your Life” And “Your Current Dog of Desire” of “Your Life” Joined As Now “One” With “Your Current Creation” of “Your Life” For “Your Current Exclusive Selfish Purposes” of “Your Life”,
Now Truly Free
“Your Current Personal Selfish Elemental Life” of “Your Life”,
“Your Current Separations and Differences” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Your Life”,
Can Now
“Turn Back”
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
And Say
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
“Now I Get It”
“O God” of “My Life”,
I Am Not
“Your Creation” of “My Life"
“O God” of “My Life”
I Am
“O God” of “My Life”
Please, Please, Please,
“Destroy Me”
“O God” of “My Life”
As Now
“Separate” From “You”
“O God” of “My Life”
“Reveal You”
“O God” of “My Life”
As Now
“One” With “Me”,
“O God” of “My Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
"Bawa. Al-hamdu lillah.
"Bawa. Tawwakul Allah. Amen.
As Now "One"
NOW Recite
"Your Final Love Refrain" of 'Your Life"
My Love You
“My Life”
“My Life”
“My Life”
aka. “My New Love/Hearts” of “My Life”
“My Life”
aka. “My Brother Bob’s First Son” of “My Life”,
“My Life”
aka. “My Brother Bob” of “My Life”,
“My Life”
aka. “Your Brother/Husband” of “My Life”.
You Are All
"Such Wonderful Children"
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
My Love You,
“Your Life”,
aka. “Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
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“Your Short Love Letter 10"
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"No Annotation/OUTLINE"
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"Your NEW Introduction" of "Your Life"
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“My Life”
And To
“My Life”
And To
“My Life”
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“My Life”
And To All
“My Dearest Loving Sons and Daughters” of “My Life”
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“My Life”
“Your Updated Version”
“Your Short Love Letter 10”
“Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your Exclusive Benefit”
“Your Children” of “Your Life”
Originally Given
“Your 3 True Gifts”
“Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
And Now
“Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
As Now
“Your Triple Flame”
“Your Life”
As Now
“One” For “Your Life”
As Now
“Your True One”
“Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
“Your Facebook Posting”
“Your Salma Alam” (Ral.) of “Your Life”
“If I could give my daughter 3 things,
It would be the confidence to always known here self worth,
the strength to chase her dreams,
and the ability to known how truly loved she is".
“Your Facebook Posting”
aka. “Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
Bawa. If We Could Give “Your True Children” of “Your Life” In Truth
“Your Truth” of “Your Life”, Not Just “Your Falsehood” And “Your Illusion” of “Your Life” It Would Be In Truth “Your 3 True Gifts” of
“Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. If We Could Give “Your True Children” of “Your Life” In Truth “Your Truth” of “Your Life”, Who In Truth Are Now “All Lives” Now “Living and Thriving” Within “Your Life”, Currently Hidden From “Your Current Dream Life” of “Your Life” and “Your Current Dream Children” of “Your Life” On “Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Your Life”,
It Would Be In Truth
“Your 3 True Gifts”
“Your Life”,
And Now
“Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
As Now
“Your Triple Flame”
“Your Life”
As Now
“One” For “Your Life”
As Now
“Your True One”
“Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
It Would Be
As “Your True Faith and Trust” In “Your God” of “Your Life”, As
“Your One True Worth” of “Your Life”, As “Your True Iman” of
“Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen
And It Would Be
As “Your True Strength” of “Your Life”, As “Your True Iman-Islam” of “Your Life”, To Become “Your True Devotee” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, In “Your 3 True Worlds” of “Your Life”, Which In Truth Is “Your True Reality” of “Your Life” Now Hidden Within “Your Current Life” Beyond “Your Current Dream Life” of “Your Life” and “Your Current Dream Children” of “Your Life” On “Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen
And It Would Now Be
aka. “Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
As Now “Your Ability” To Become “Your True Love” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, To Become “Your True Oneness”, of “Your God” of “Your Life”, For “Your Exclusive Benefit” of “All Other Lives” of “Your Life” , Not Just For “Your Current Exclusive Benefit” of “Your Current” - “You and Yours” - of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. But For “Your Exclusive Benefit” of “All Other Lives” of “Your Life” Both On “Your Current Outside” of “Your Life” And Now “Currently Hidden” Within “Your Life” As “What” Now Secretly “Really Makes Up” In Truth “Your Current Outside” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa.”All of Which” Is Most Certainly “Something” To Get “Your God” of “Your Life” To Talk To “Your Soul” of “Your Life” About, A Lot - “Yes”?
My Love You
“Your Life”,
aka. “Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
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“Your Short Love Letter 11"
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"No Annotation/OUTLINE"
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"Your NEW Introduction" of "Your Life"
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“My Life”
And To
“My Life”
And To
“My Life”
And NOW To
“My Life”
And To All
“My Dearest Loving Sons and Daughters” of “My Life”
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“My Life”
“Your Updated Version”
“Your Short Love Letter 11”
“Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your Exclusive Benefit”
“Your Children” of “Your Life”
Originally Given
Bawa. Al-hamdu lillah. Tawakkul Allah.
Bawa. My Love You My Dearest Loving Daughter Darcy, Donna, Emily
& Avery Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) (aka. “My New Love/Hearts”) of “My Life”, And My Dearest Loving Son Salam Alam Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of
“My Life”, And My Dearest Loving Son Robbie Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
(aka. “My Brother Bob’s First Son”) of “My Life”, And My Dearest Loving Son Robert Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) (aka. “My Brother Bob”) of “My Life”,
And My Dearest Loving Son Bobby Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) (aka. “Your Brother/Husband”) of “My Life”,
You Are All
"Such Wonderful Children"
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Daughter Darcy Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
In Truth
“Your God” of “Your Life”
Has Now Placed
“Another Drama Situation”
Before “Your Life”
“You Now Retiring”
“Your Current Profession”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Please, Please, Please Be Peaceful With All of "This Worldly Stuff" of “Your Life”, In Truth “We” Are All Sitting On "Your God's Lap" And “Your God” of “Your Life” Is Conducting "Our Life", Not "Us", As “Your God” of “Your Life” Is Conducting "All Life", Not “Any of Us", And “Your God” of “Your Life” Is Simply Teaching "Our Life", And "Your Life", And "Your Life" of "All of Us", What "Your Life" And "All Life" Does Not Know", That Is, To “Your Level” That "We Will Let Him", and that is for sue. Amen.
Bawa. So Simply Say “Your Al-hamdu lillah” of “Your Life” And “Your Tawwakul Allah” of “Your Life” That “Your Life”, Not “You”, Has Now Learned From What “Your God” of “Your Life” Is Now Placing Before “Your Life”, And Then “Be Done With It”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And In “This Way”, And Only In “This Way”, Use “This Current Drama Situation” of “Your Life” As Just “Another Opportunity” To Demonstrate To “Your God” of “Your Life” That “Your Life” Now Knows “Your Truth” of “Your Life” , That In Truth “Your God” of “Your Life” Is In Change of “Your Life”, of “All Life”, Not “You”, And Not “Any of Us”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. For In Truth “Your Life”, And “All Life’, Is Just “Your School of Contrast” For “Your Soul”, So “Your Soul”, NOT “YOU”, Can Start To Understand That “Your Life”, That “All Life”, Is Not “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, As Now “You” And As Now “All Life” Still Mistakenly Believes, But To “Your Eternal Peril”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. But That In Truth “Your Life”, “All Life”, Are of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Not of “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, As Now “Your Divine Soul” of “Your Life”, And As Now “Your Divine Wisdom/
Consciousness” of “Your Life” Now Sleeping Surrounding “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, Just Waiting To Be Awakened By “Your Divine Kiss” of “Your Prince of Peace” of “Your Life”
(aka. “Your Louie” of “Your Life”),
All of Which Came Directly From “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And That In Truth “Your Life”, “All Life”, Are Not “Your Creation” of “Your Life”, Are Not “Your Current Body” of “Your Life” And “Your Current Mind/Consciousness” of “Your Life”, All of Which Came Directly From “Your Mother and Father” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That In Truth “Your Life”, “All Life”, Are In Truth “Your God” of “Your Life” Now Happening Within “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That In Truth “Your Life”, “All Life”, Are In Truth “Your God” of “Your Life” Now Happening, Now Happening Within “Your God” of “Your Life”, As In Truth “Your Apple Seed” of “Your Life” Now Buried Within “Your Earth” of “Your Life” is “Your Apple Tree” of “Your Life” Happening, Now Happening Within “Your Apple Tree” Having Happened Within “Your Earth” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That In Truth “Your Life”, “All Life”, Are Now In Truth “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” Crucified On “Your Cross” of “Your Life” And “Your Nails” of “Your Life”, That Is, Now Crucified On “Your Current Monkey Mind” of “Your Life” And “Your Current Dog of Desire” of “Your Life”, In “Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, And Now In “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, So “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, As Now “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life” Now Crucified On “Your Current You” of “Your Life”, Can Start To Understand That “Your Life”, And “All Life”, Is Not “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, As Now “You” And As Now “All Life” Still Mistakenly Believes, But To “Your Eternal Peril”, But In Truth Is “Your God” of “Your Life” Now Happening, Now Happening Within “Your God” of “Your Life” Having Happened, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa So That “Your Jesus” (A.S.) of “Your Life”, As Now “Your Divine Soul” of “Your Life” Can Now Get Off of “Your Current You” of “Your Life”, Can Now Get Off of “Your Current Monkey Mind” of “Your Life” And “Your Current Dog of Desire” of “Your Life”, And “Turn Back” To “Your God” of “Your Life”, And Say To “Your God” of “Your Life”,
“Now I Get It”,
"O God" of “My Life”,
I Am Not
“Your Creation” of “My Life”,
I Am “You”,
"O God" of “My Life”,
Please, Please, Please,
“Destroy Me”
As Now
“Separate” From “You”
“Reveal You”
As Now
“One” With “Me”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Al-hamdu lillah. Tawwakul Allah.
Bawa. My Love You My Dearest Loving Daughters Darcy Donna, Emily
& Avery Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) (aka. “My New Love/Heart”) of “My Life”, And My Dearest Loving Son Salam Alam Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) of “My Life”, And My Dearest Loving Son Robbie Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
(aka. “My Brother Bob’s First Son”) of “My Life”, And My Dearest Loving Son Robert Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) (aka. “My Brother Bob”) of “My Life”, And My Dearest Loving Son, Bobby Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) (aka. “Your Brother/Husband”) of “My Life”,
You Are All
"Such Wonderful Children"
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
My Love You
“Your Life”,
aka. “Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
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“Your Short Love Letter 12"
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"Your NEW Introduction" of "Your Life"
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“My Life”
And To
“My Life”
And To
“My Life”
And To
“My Life”
And To All
“My Dearest Loving Sons and Daughters” of “My Life”
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“My Life”
“Your Updated Version”
“Your Short Love Letter 12”
“Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your Exclusive Benefit”
“Your Children” of “Your Life”
Originally Given
“Your Last Post”
You Said,
"The mountain passes back to the mountain
and turns out of the forest,
and the sea of clouds appear before the eyes"
Beautiful. Amen.
“My Life” In Truth “We Humbly Suggest” That "You Read" In Truth
Bawa. Please See Below “How” To Access "Your Partial On-line Version" of “Your Bawa Book”, And "How” To Buy "Your Bawa Book",
To Access
and that is for sure. Amen.
As Now
and that is for sure. Amen.
As Now
“Your Louie" (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
01. “How” To Access "Your Partial On-line Version" of “Your Bawa Book”
In Truth
02. “How” To Buy "Your Bawa Book",
In Truth
03. And “How” To Access
As In Truth
And Please “Post Us”
If You Have “Any Questions”,
“We” Will Humbly “Share”
What In Truth
“We Have Learned”,
And What In Truth
“We Have Become”,
Sitting At
“Your Divine Feet” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your Last 43 Years” of “Your Life”,
My Love You,
“Your Life”,
“Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
As Now
"Your Triple Flame” of “Your Life”,
“Your Holy Trinity” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
As Now
“One” For “Your Life”
In Truth
As Now
“Your True One” of “Your Life”,
“Your Lives” of “Your Life”
In Truth
“All Living and Thriving”
“Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
In Truth
“Just Waiting For”
“You To Die”
“Your Flesh” of “Your Life”
Can Become
“Your Eternal One” of “Your Life”
Eternally One With
“Your God” of “Your Life”
Or As
“Your Eternal One” of “Your Life”
Eternally Separate From
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
As Either
“Your One” of “Your Life”
“Your Other” of “Your Life”
But Never Ever
“Your Both” of “Your Life”
And In Truth
“Your One True Choice”
“Your Life”
“Your Eternally One With”
“Your Eternally Separate From”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
Belongs Exclusively
“Your Soul” of “Your Life”
Not To
Not To
“Your You” of “Your Life”
And Not To
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
“Start To Live”
“Your Life”
Exclusively For
“Your Sake”
“Your Soul” of “Your Life”
Not Now
Exclusively For
“Your Sake”
“Your Current You” of “Your Life”
And if You Do
“Your God” of “Your Life”
Will Most Certainly Do
“Everything Else Necessary”
To Convince
“Your Soul” of “Your Life”
To Make
“Your One Correct Choice” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
‘Your Life”
Will Become
“Your Exclusive Understanding”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your Soul” of “Your Life”
As Now
“One” For “Your Life”
As Now
“Your True One” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
As Now
“Your Life”
“Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Current Eternal Universal Divine Life”
“Your Life”
“Your Current Oneness and Unity” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Justice and Truth” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Compassion and Unity” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Current Triple Flame” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Holy Trinity” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Grace, Wisdom,
Divine Knowledge (‘ilm)”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen
Rather Than
“Your Current False One” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Current Beast Satan” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Temporary Personal Elemental Life”
“Your Life”
“Your Current Separations And Differences” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Current Triple Dirt” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
As Now
“Your Current Arrogance, Karma, And Illusion” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen
As Now
“Your Current Race, Religion, And Blood Ties” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen
As Now
“Your Current Desires” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen
“Your Current Earth, Women, And Gold” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Personal Form” of “Your Life
“Your Current Earth” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Personal Relationships” of “Your Life
“Your Current Woman” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Personal Wealth” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Gold” of “Your Life”)
As Now
“Your Current Desires” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen
“Your Current Temporary Personal Elemental Life”
“Your Current Separations And Differences” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Degraded World” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Possessive/Self Destructive People”
Your Life”
All of
“Your Own Making” of “Your Life”
All of Which
of Course
“Just Not True”
and that is for sure. Amen.
All of Which
In Truth
Has Now
“Fully Opened” And “Fully Manifested”
“Your Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Life”
“Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
“Your Current Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”
And Now In
“Your Current Arrogance” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”
and that is for sure. Amen.
Now Please See:
For More On
“All This”
and that is for sure. Amen.
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“Your Short Love Letter 13"
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"No Annotation/OUTLINE"
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"Your NEW Introduction" of "Your Life"
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“My Life”
And To
“My Life”
And To
“My Life”
And To
“My Life”
And To All
“My Dearest Loving Sons and Daughters” of “My Life”
Posted On
“Your Louie's Facebook Group”
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“My Life”
“Your Updated Version”
“Your Short Love Letter 13”
“Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your Exclusive Benefit”
“Your Children” of “Your Life”
Originally Given
“Your Last Post”
You Said,
“The brightest trees in the world"
“My Life”
In Truth
“We Humbly Suggest” That "You Read"
In Truth
“Your Shepherd” And “Your Tree” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
To Start To
“Learn About”
In Truth
“Your Brightest Tree” of “All”
“Your 3 Worlds” of “Your Life”,
“Your First World of Creation”
("Your Awwal" of “Your Life”),
"This World”
("Your Dunya" of “Your Life”),
And in
“Your Next World”
("Your Akhirah" of “Your Life”),
To Start To
“Learn About”
In Truth
“Your Brightest Tree” of “All”
Which Is Called
“Your Katpaha Virudcham” of “Your Life”,
Which Is
“Your Wish Fulfilling Tree” of “Your Life”,
“Will Always” Give “Your Life”
“What You Want”
“Your Eternity” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Please See Below “How” To Access "Your Partial On-line Version" of “Your Bawa Book” Called "Your Mystical Journey" of "Your Life",
And "How” To Buy "Your Bawa Book", And “How” To Access
01. “How” To Access "Your Partial On-line Version" of“Your Bawa Book”,
“Your Shepherd” And “Your Tree” of “Your Life”
And See:
And NOW See:
For In Truth
To NOW Access
and that is for sure. Amen.
To Access
and that is for sure. Amen.
“Your Louie" (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
And Please
“Post Us”
if You Have
“Any Questions”,
“We” Will Humbly “Share”
What In Truth
“We Have Learned”,
And What In Truth
“We Have Become”,
Sitting At
“Your Divine Feet” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your Last 43 Years” of “Your Life”,
My Love You,
“Your Life”,
“Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
As Now
‘Your Triple Flame” of “Your Life”,
“Your Holy Trinity” of “Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
In Truth
As Now
“One” For “Your Life”,
In Truth
As Now
“Your True One” of “Your Life”,
Now For
“Your Lives” of “Your Life”
Now In Truth
“All Living and Thriving”
“Your Life”,
and that is for sure. Amen.
In Truth
“Just Waiting For”
“You To Die”
“Your Flesh” of “Your Life”
Can Become
“Eternally One”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Eternally Separate”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
As Either
“Your One” of “Your Life”
“Your Other” of “Your Life”
But Never Ever
“Your Both” of “Your Life”
And In Truth
“Your One True Choice” of “Your Life”
“Your Eternally One With”
“Your Eternally Separate From”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
Belongs Exclusively
“Your Soul” of “Your Life”
Not To
Not To
“Your You” of “Your Life”
And Not To
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
“Start To Live”
“Your Life”
Exclusively For
“Your Sake”
“Your Soul” of “Your Life”
Not Now
Exclusively For
“Your Sake”
“Your Current You” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
Will Most Certainly Do
“Everything Else Necessary”
To Convince
“Your Soul” of “Your Life”
To Make
“Your One Correct Choice” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
‘Your Life”
Will Become
“Your Exclusive Understanding”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your Soul” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your One” For “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Current True One” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
As Now
“Your Life”
“Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Current Eternal Universal Divine Life”
“Your Life”
“Your Current Oneness and Unity” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Justice and Truth” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Compassion and Unity” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Current Triple Flame” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Current Holy Trinity” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Current Grace, Wisdom, And Divine Knowledge (‘ilm)”
“Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen
Rather Than
“Your Current False One” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Current Beast Satan” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Temporary Personal Elemental Life”
“Your Life”
“Your Current Separations And Differences” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Current Triple Dirt” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
As Now
“Your Current Arrogance, Karma, And Illusion” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen
As Now
“Your Current Race, Religion, And Blood Ties” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen
As Now
“Your Current Desires” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen
“Your Current Earth, Women, And Gold” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Personal Form” of “Your Life
“Your Current Earth” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Personal Relationships” of “Your Life
“Your Current Woman” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Personal Wealth” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Gold” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Current Desires” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen
“Your Current Temporary Personal Elemental Life”
“Your Current Separations And Differences” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Illusory Outside” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Degraded World” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Possessive/Self Destructive People”
Your Life”
All of
“Your Own Making” of “Your Life”
All of Which
of Course
“Just Not True”
and that is for sure. Amen.
All of Which
In Truth
Has Now
“Fully Opened” And “Fully Manifested”
“Your Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Life”
“Your Beast/Satan” of “Your Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
“Your Current Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”
And Now In
“Your Current Arrogance” of “Your Life”
“Your Current Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”
and that is for sure. Amen.
Now Please See:
For More On
“All This”
and that is for sure. Amen.
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“My Life”
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“My Life”
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“My Life”
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“My Dearest Loving Sons and Daughters” of “My Life”
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“My Life”
“Your Updated Version”
“Your Short Love Letter 14”
“Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”,
“Your God” of “Your Life”
“Your Exclusive Benefit”
“Your Children” of “Your Life”
Originally Given
Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.
In The Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Amen.
Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.
May All The Peace, The Beneficence, and The Blessing of God Be Upon You, Your Family, And Your Friends. Amen.
Thank You
"My David" of "My Life"
It Was Wonderful.
Bawa. But HERE Is Another View of "Your Same Thing" of “Your Life” But Now From “Your Next Higher Perspective” of “Your Life”, From “Your Wisdom And Truth Part” of “Your Life”, BEYOND “Your Current Mind and Desire Part” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That In Truth "Your Soul" Came To HERE, Not You, To "Your First” of “Your 3 Schools” of “Your Life” For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, Created By “Your God” of “Your Life” For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, FIRST As “Your School of Contrast” For “Your Life” Which Is “Your Current School” of “Your Life”, As “Your Current Two Parts” of “Your Life”, As “Your Current Mind and Desire Part” of “Your Life” As Now “Your David Part” of “Your Life” And “Your Current Wisdom and Truth Part” of “Your Life” As Now “Your Louie Part” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And In Truth "Your Soul" NEXT Needs To Go To “Your SECOND School” of “Your Life”, To “Your School of Light” For “Your Life”, When “Your Life” Successfully Graduates From “Your Current School” of “Your Life”, When “Your Life” Fully Learns HERE In “Your School of Contrast“ In Truth ”Your Lessons” Here, And THIRD As “Your FINAL School” of “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, As “Your School” of “YOUR Oneness” of “Your Life”, When “Your Life” Fully Learns In “Your School of Light” In Truth “Your Lessons” There, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. All of Which Is Just Like “You” Going FIRST To “Your Grammar School” of “Your Life”, NEXT To “Your High School” of “Your Life”, And NEXT To “Your College” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Which Was Beautifully Explained In "Your Recent Article" As “Your Delaware County Community College” of “Your Life” Where You Earned “Your Liberal Arts” Degree, So You Could Start Working At “Your CompUSA” Until 2008, Then Returning To “Your College’s New Choices Program”, And Now Pursuing “Your On-Line Career” As “A Writer”
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So “My Dearest Loving Son David Muhaiyaddeen”
(Ral.) of “My Life” And “My Dearest Loving Daughters Michel, Monica, and Alisha Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, And All of “My Dearest Loving Children” (Ral.) of “My Life”, In Truth “Your God” of “Your Life” Created “Your 3 Divine Schools” of “Your Life” For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, Not For You, All Created By “Your God” of “Your Life” For “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, Not For You, And In Truth “Your 3 Worldly Schools” of “Your Life” In Truth Is “Your Divine Finger” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Pointing “Your Life”, Not You, To “Your 3 Divine Schools” of “Your Life”, Nothing More, And Nothing Less, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Pointing “Your Life” To “Your 3 Divine Schools” of “Your Life” So In Truth “Your Soul” of “Your Life”, Not You, Could Learn About “What” In Truth “Your Life”, Not You, “Does Not Know”, About "Who” In Truth “Your Life”, Not You, “Truly Is", Which Is “Of God”, Which Is of “Your God” of “Your Life”, Not of “Your Creation” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And "Where” In Truth “Your Life”, Not You, “Truly Is", Which In Truth Is Within “Your God” of “Your Life”, Not Within “Your Current Earth World” of “Your Life”, Not Within Glenolden, Pennsylvania, USA, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And "What Is Really Happening" In "Your Life", As Now “Your Awakened Wisdom” Surrounding “Your Soul” of “Your Life” And “Your Liberated Soul” of “Your Life” As Now “One” For “Your Life” In Search of “Your Light” of “Your Life”, In Truth So “Your Life” Can Return To "Your One True God" of "Your Life", Not Just “Your David” of “Your Life” Living With “Your Wife Michel” of “Your Life” And “Your Daughters Monica And Alisha” of “Your Life” Pursuing “Your On-line Writing Career”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. By “Your Life”, Not You, First Becoming “Your Exclusive Understanding” of "Who” In Truth “Your Life” Is Not, Which Is Not "Your Creation" of "Your God" of "Your Life", Which Is Not “Your Current Person” of “Your Life”, Which Is Not Exclusively Just “Your David” of “Your Life”, Which Is Not Exclusively Just “Your Current Temporary Personal Life” of “Your Life”, of “Your Current Separations and Differences” of “Your Life”, Within “Your Current Degraded World” of “Your Life”, of “Your Magical Tricks” And of “Your Possessive/Self Destructive People” of “Your Life”, All of “Your Own Making”, All of Which of Course Is “Just Not True”, Now In "Your Ignorance" of “Yourself” As “Such”, And Now In “Your Arrogance” About "Your Ignorance" of “Yourself” As “Such”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. By “Your Life”, Not You, First Becoming “Your Exclusive Understanding” of "Who” In Truth “Your Life” Is Not, As NEXT “Your Exclusive Understanding” of “Your Awakened Wisdom” Surrounding “Your Soul” of “Your Life” And “Your Liberated Soul” of “Your Life” As Now “One” For “Your Life” In Search of “Your Light” of “Your Life”, In Search of “Your NEXT School” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. By “Your Life”, Not You, First Becoming “Your Exclusive Understanding” of "Who” In Truth “Your Life” Is Not, As NEXT As “Your School of Light” For “Your Life”, Having Successfully Graduated From “Your Current School” of “Your Contrasts/Opposites” of “Your Life”, Having “Fully Learned” HERE “Your Lessons” Here, Studying NEXT In “Your School of Light” For “Your Life”, And Then Studying NEXT In “Your School of Oneness” of “Your Life”, When “Your Life”, Not You, Has Fully Learned THERE “Your Lessons” There, In “Your School of Light” For “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen
Bawa. So “Your Life”, Not You, NEXT Successfully Graduates From “Your School” of “Your Light” of “Your Life”, When “You Fully Learn” THERE “Your Lessons” THERE, Becoming “Your Exclusive Understanding” of ”Your Light” of “Your Life”, Becoming NEXT “Your School of Oneness” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So “Your Life”, Not You, NEXT Successfully Graduates From “Your School” of “Your Oneness” of “Your Life”, When “You Fully Learn” THERE “Your Lessons” THERE, Becoming “Your Exclusive Understanding” of “Your Oneness” of “Your Life”, Becoming NEXT “Your Divine Witness” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Becoming NEXT “Your Divine Witness” of “Your Life”, of “Your God” of “Your Life” Awakening To “Yourself” As Such”, As Now “Your Understanding” of “All” That Is “NEXT” of “Your Oneness” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, And Within “That”, “Your Understanding” of “All” That Is “Within That”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So “My Dearest Loving Son David Muhaiyaddeen”
(Ral.) of “My Life” In Truth “Your Life” Is “Your Most Exalted Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, As Now In Truth “Your Louie” of “Your Life”, Who In Truth Is Now Offering “Your Life” In Truth “Your Divine Life” of “Your Louie” of “Your Life”, As Now “Your Life” of “Your One Final Truth” of “Your Life”,
That In Truth
“God Alone Exists”
Most Certainly Not
“You Now Exist”
“Separate” From “Your God” of “Your Life”
“God Now Exists”
“Separate” From “You”
and that is for sure. Amen.
All of Which
"Just Not True"
and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. For In Truth “My Dearest Loving Son David Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life” What “You Have Now Experienced” So Far In “Your Life” Is Just “Your Divine Finger” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Pointing “Your Life” To “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Is Just “Your Divine Finger” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Pointing “Your Life”, Not You, To “Your God” of “Your Life”, Pointing “Your Life” To “Were” In Truth “Your Life”, Not You, Must NEXT Go In “Your Life”, In Order For “Your Life”, Not You, To Truly Become Successful In “Your Life”, Which Is To “Your God” of “Your Life”, And To “Your Understanding” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, And To “Your Understanding” of “All” That Is “Within That”, Nothing More, And Nothing Less, and that is for sure.Amen.
Bawa. And Most Certainly Not “Where” You “Now Need” To Go With “Your Life”, To Just “Settle In” And “Grow Old” And Write About “Your Dream” of “Your Life”, As “They Say”, Until “You Gracefully Retire” And NEXT Visit “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, And “God Alone Knows” What Is “Truly Waiting” For “Your Life” There, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So “My Dearest Loving Son David Muhaiyaddeen”
(Ral.) of “My Life” In Truth “Your Life” Is Now “Exquisitely Perfect” Because In Truth “Your Life” Is Being “Exclusively Conducted” By “Your God” of “Your Life”, Not By “You”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And What “Your God” of “Your Life” Is Now Lovingly Putting Before “Your Life”, And Before “Your Life” of “Your Wife Michel”, And Before “Your Life” of “Your Daughters Monica And Alisha”, If “You” Have “Your Wisdom And Truth” To Share “This” With “Them”, Is “What Is Truly NEXT” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. All of Which Is Now “Everything” That Is Now “Beyond” In Truth “Your Current Life” of “Your Life”, As “Your Creation” of “Your Life”, All of Which In Truth Is “Your NEXT Life” As “Your Creator” of “Your Life” Awakening To “Yourself” As “Such”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And of “Your Awakened Creator” of “Your Life” Becoming “Your Understanding” of “Your Creator” of “Your Life” Awakening To “Yourself” As “Such”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And of “Your Understanding” of “Your Creator” of “Your Life” Becoming “Your Understanding” of “All” That Is “Within That”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. For In Truth “Your Apple Seed” of “Your Life” Buried In “Your Earth” of “Your Life” Is Not “Your Separate Life” From “Your Earth” of “Your Life”, Or “Your Separate Life” From “Your Tree” of “Your Life”, Or “Your Separate Life” From “What Is Hidden” Within “Your Apple Seed” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Or “Your Separate Life” From “What Is Hidden” Within “Your Apple Seed” of “Your Life”, Which Is Again “Your Apple Tree” of “Your Life” Happening, And “Within That”, Again “Your Apple Fruits” of “Your Life” Happening On “Your Apple Tree” of “Your Life”, And “Within That”, Again “Your Apple Seeds” of “Your Life” Happening Within “Your Sweet Taste” of “Your Apple Fruits” of “Your Life”, All In Truth As “One” For “Your Life”, All In Truth As “Your True One” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. But Not All of “Your Apple Seeds” of “Your Life” Now Buried Within “Your Earth” of “Your Life” Germinate To “Your Truth” of “Your Life”, To “Your Truth” of “Your Life” Which “Naturally Emerge” From “Within Each” of “Your Apple Seeds” of “Your Life” When “Your Life” Is Both Ready To “HEAR” Your “Truth” of “Your Life”, And Ready To Either “Accept” Or “Reject” Your “Truth” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. But Rather Some of “Your Apple Seeds” of “Your Life” Now Buried Within “Your Earth” of “Your Life” FAIL TO GERMINATE To “Your Truth” of “Your Life”, WHEN IT “Naturally Emerges” From “Within Each” of “Your Apple Seeds” of “Your Life”, When “Your Life” Is Both Ready To “HEAR” Your “Truth” of “Your Life”, And Ready To Either “Accept” Or “Reject” Your “Truth” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. “But Instead” Some of “Your Apple Seeds” of “Your Life” Now Buried Within “Your Earth” of “Your Life” REJECT Your “Truth” of “Your Life”, When “Your Truth” of “Your Life” “Naturally Emerges” From Within Each of “Your Apple Seeds” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. “And Instead” Some of “Your Apple Seeds” of “Your Life” Choose To “Live Out Your Life” As “Your Apple Seeds” of “Your Life” Buried Within “Your Earth” of “Your Life” As “Separate” From “Your Truth” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. “And Instead” As “Your Apple Seeds” of “Your Life” Now Buried Within “Your Earth” of “Your Life” But Temporarily “Exclusively Living” As “Your Separate Life” From “Your Earth” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. And As “Your Separate Life” From “What Is Hidden” Within “Your Apple Seed” of “Your Life”, Which Is Again “Your Apple Tree” of “Your Life” Happening, And “Within That” Is Again “Your Apple Fruits” of “Your Life” Happening On “Your Apple Tree” of “Your Life”, And “Within That”, is Again “Your Apple Seeds” of “Your Life” Happening Within “Your Sweet Taste” of “Your Apple Fruits” of “Your Life”, All of Which In Truth As “One” For “Your Life”, All In Truth As “Your True One” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So “My Dearest Loving Son David Muhaiyaddeen”
(Ral.) of “My Life” Wake Up And Smell “Your Fire and Brimstone” of “Your Life”, In Truth “Your Life” Is Now On “Your Express Train” To “Your Hell” of “Your Life”, On “Your Path” of “Your Mind and Desires” of “Your Life”, To “Your Eternal Separation” From “Your God” of “Your Life”, To “Your Eternal Suffering” of “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So “My Dearest Loving Son David Muhaiyaddeen”
(Ral.) of “My Life” Please, Please, Please “Switch Trains” While “Your Life” Still Can To “Your OTHER Express Train” of “Your Life”, To “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. In Truth As Now “Your Two Trains” of “Your Life” Passing As Now “Your Darkness and Arrogance” of “Your Life” And As “Your Wisdom and Truth”of “Your Life”, Now “Passing” On “Your Two Track” of “Your Life”, Now Passing As “Your Two Paths” of “Your Life”, Now Passing On “Your One True Journey” of “Your Life”, As Now “Your David” of “Your Life” of “Your Worldly Mother and Father” of “Your Life” And “Your Louie” of “Your Life” of “Your Divine God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. So “My Dearest Loving Son David Muhaiyaddeen”
(Ral.) of “My Life” Please, Please, Please “Switch Trains” While “Your Life” Still Can From “Your Eternal Separation” of “Your Life” From “Your God” of “Your Life”, To “Your Eternal Oneness” of “Your Life” With “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Please, Please, Please “Switch Trains” While “Your Life” Still Can From “Your Beast/Satan Part” of “Your Life” Within ”Your Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Life” To “Your God Part” of “Your Life” Within “Your Purified Heart/Mind”of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Please, Please, Please “Switch Trains” While “Your Life” Still Can From “Your Mind and Desire Part” of “Your Life” To “Your Wisdom and Truth Part” of “Your Life”, All of Which In Truth “Exclusively Transcends” In Truth “Your Grave” of “Your Life” And “All” of “Your Suffering” of “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, All of Which In Truth Is “Just Around Your Corner” of “Your Life”, As They Say, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Please, Please, Please “Switch Trains” While “Your Life” Still Can To “Your Wisdom and Truth Part” of “Your Life” All of Which In Truth “Exclusively Transcends” In Truth “Your Grave” of “Your Life” And “All” of “Your Suffering” of “Your Grave” of “Your Life”, That In Truth Is “Just Waiting” For “Your Life” When “Your Life” Dies In “Your Current State” of “Your Temporary Separation” From “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, When “Your Life” Dies In “Your Current State” of “Your Life” of “Your Temporary Separation” From “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, And of “Your Temporary Separation” From “Your Creator” of “Your Creation” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, And For “A Little While More” Until “Your Grave Finds You”, of “Your Current Separation” From All of “Your Current Brothers and Sisters” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. My Love You - “My Dearest Loving Son David Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, And “My Dearest Loving Daughters Michel, Monica, And Alisha Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) of “My Life”, And All of “My Dearest Loving Children” (Ral.) of “My Life”, You Are “All” Such “Very Good Children” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, and that is for sure. Amen.
“Your Life”
aka. “Your Louie” (Ral.) of “Your Life”
and that is for sure. Amen.
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