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My Children

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B. "Your Opening Comments"

Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In The Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Amen.

Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May All The Peace, The Beneficence, and The Blessing of God Be Upon You, Your Family, And Your Friends. Amen.

Bawa. My Love You My Dearest Loving Son, Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And All of My Dearest Loving Brothers and Sisters, And All of My Dearest Loving Sons and Daughters, and All of My Dearest Loving Grand Children, and Now All of My Dearest Loving Great Grand Children, if you like, for sure. Amen.

Bawa. You Are All Such Very, Very, Very Good Children of God, As In Truth “The Jeweled Lights” of “My Eyes”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen. 


Bawa. Thank You My Dearest Loving Son, Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) For “The Love and Salaams” That You Continue To Give To Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, That Is, Both When You Are With Him On “The Phone”, And In “Your Love Messages” That You Leave For Him From “The Phone”, And In “Your E-mails”, And When You Are Not Physically With Him, But Still Have Him In “Your Heart”, And in “Your Thoughts”, And In “Your Intentions”, For In Truth “They Are All The Same”, For In Truth “They Are All One”.

Bawa. And Thank You For Your Kind and Wise Words” That You Keep Sending To Him In Your Emails To Him, Including In Your Latest Email To Him As Follows, That Is, That You Continue To Give To “Your Spiritual Father”, That Is, To “The Father” of “Your Soul”, That Is, To Now “Your Shaikh of Wisdom”, Now For Your Age, Now For All Life, Who Is Now Living In “The World” Within You, That Is, For “A Little While” More, Which in Truth Is Now God Living In “The World” With You, Now For “The Last Time”, That Is, Until 2086, That Is, Until “The End” of “Your Current World” And “The Beginning” of “Your Next World”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

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C. “Your Kind" and "Your Wise Words
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen" (Ral.)

1. We Accept You Our Dearest Loving Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) As Now “The Father” of “Our Souls” For “Our Life” And For “The Life” of “Our Wife” And of “Our 3 Children” And For “The Life” of All of “The Members” of “Our Family”, And For “The Life” of All of “Our Friends” And “Our Associates”, Without Reservation, For Both “This World” And “The Next World”, Amen.

2. We Will Call You Now And Then, Our Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Just Give You “Our Love”, That Is, And Just Give You “Our Oneness”, That In Truth “You And Us” As Now “Our Soul” Are Now “One”, As Now In Truth 

Our One True
Joining In Partnership With God,
As Now “One With” God,
As Now “Two Lives Now Living As One Life”,
First On “The Outside” of Us,
And Then, And Only Then, Within Us,
In Order
-- Stop Doing The Work” --
Now Given To Us 
The Beast/Satan
Within Us,
All of It,

And To
-- "Start Doing The Work” --
Given Originally To “Our Life” By God.

3. And Now From Your Latest Email To Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your
Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, As Follows:

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D. "Your Subjects" of "Your Love Letters"



Your Learning 
How not to be there” 
As If Somehow 
Your Life Now Exist As 
Separate From” Allah,
Allah can be there”
As Now Most Definitely
As Now “One With” Your Life,

And Next

Your Knowing 
Your True Partnership With Allah” 
Is “Your Only True Islam
Not “Your Working For Wages
Get Into “Some Illusory Heaven
Still On “The Outside” of You,


And Next

Your Knowing 
Your Outer Aspect” of “Islam”,
That Is,
"Your Veiled Version" of "Islam".
As Contrasted
With “Your Inner Aspect” of “Islam”,
That Is,
With "Your Un-Veiled Version" of "Islam",
Is Now
In Truth
"Your Contrast"
"Your Beast/Satan" And "Your God"

That Is, 
Your Knowing
"If You Are There",
"God Is Not There”,
If God Is There”, 
You Are Not There",

And Next
Your Realizing
That In Truth
God’s Present Situation
Within “Your Life
Is Now
You Worshipping You”,
That Is,
Is Now
God Denying God”,
That Is,
Is Now
Your Crucified Jesus (A.S.)
Within You
“Your Beast/Satan” 
Within “Your Impure Heart/Mind
Within “Your Beast/Satan” Within You,
That Is, 
Is Now
"Your False Station" In "Your Life"
of "Man-Beast/Beast-Man"
Rather Than
"Your True Station" In "Your Life"
of "Man-God/God-Man"


And Next
Your Realizing
Without “The Slightest Doubt”

That In Truth
Your Main Problem” In “Your Current Life
Is That
You” Want “The Wrong Kind” of Guidance
("One" That Will "Let You Exist" Separate From "Your God")
You” Don’t Yet Want “The Right Kind” of Guidance
("One" That Will "End Your Existing" Separate From "Your God")


And Next
Your Realizing
Without “The Slightest Doubt”

That In Truth
Nothing Will Ever Leave You 
Until It Is Understood”,
Your Understanding” of “Your Today” 
Becomes “Your Enemy” of “Your Tomorrow”, 
“There Is “No True Birth” Without “A True Death”, 
And There Is “No True Death” Without “A True Birth”, 
You Cannot Truly “Put Something Old Down” 
Unless You Truly “Pick Something New Up”, 
And You Cannot Truly “Pick Something New Up” 
Unless You Truly “Put Something Old Down”, 


And Next
Your Realizing
Without “Your Slightest Doubt

That In Truth
You Cannot Put Water” 
In “A Glass” That Is “Already Full”, 
And In Truth 
You Glass” Is “Already Full”, 
So What Can We Give To You, 
All You Will Do Is Try To Add It 
To What 
You Already Now Mistakenly Believe” 
Is “Your Truth”, 
In Truth 
Our Dearest Loving Son
And Your Dearest Loving Brother
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), 
In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”,
As Now “Your One”, 
Is Now “Your Truth”, 
Not Anything That Has Come Before,  
Even From "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)", 


And Next
Your Understanding” of “Your Today
Will Become
Your Enemy” of “Your Tomorrow
You Must Learn
How To
Empty Your Cup”,

And Now
Kindle The Light” of “Your Heart” In “Silence”,
(Realizing That In Truth
Is Always Perfect
Exactly As It Currently Is,
Including “Yourself",
Always Perfectly Ending
Always Perfectly Beginning
As Now “One”,
Forget Your Self”
(By Intending God’s Presence,
By Intending God’s Intention,
By Calling “Your God” In “Action
Before “You Do Anything”,
You Get Out of Bed” 
By Saying
Bawa. Al hamdu lillah.
Bawa. Tawakkul-Allah. Amen.
As Now “One”,
Before “You Do Anything
Speak” and “Loose Your Self”,
The Words” of “Your Guru”)
Talking” Alone “With Intensity
(As “Only Your God” Is “There
The Words” of “Your Guru”)
He Is One
Your Soul” Will “Elevate Itself,

See “The Forward” of “The Pearl of Wisdom
By His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

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E. Your New Love Letter

Al-salam 'alaykum, Shaikh Muhammed Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),

Namaste my Shaikh may the peace of God be upon you and our family. 

While the questions I have asked still exist in my mind, if you are truly my Shaikh, and I believe you are, I have no choice, but to surrender my will to yours. 

I have pondered long over what you have said and I can only think that you are telling me that I should be more focused on the Silence and Self since it is said forgetting and being silent are the highest meditations. 

This with the kalimah for further cleansing and protection when necessary as well as all the other things you want God to say through me, is technically supposed to be a very fast way along the path, so this must be what you're seeing in me that I am not seeing. 

You think I don't need to do the spinal breath because I have you perhaps? 

I must agree if that is so. You are the Guru. I'm not sure if I have come to understanding of what you want me to do, but I am thinking I may have. 

Since you sent the email I have stopped doing dhikr with the spine, consciously. I am combining the songs to say them before I get out of bed. 

So before I begin doing anything I should first call Him forward, intending His presence and His intention by being aware and conscious of Him as the Silence and the Self? 

Then I ask you to stand on me and use me as your prayer mat, giving all praise unto Him and surrender to Him calling Him into action by saying 

Alhamdullilah and Tawakkul Allah? 

Next I recite all 8 songs out loud or in my mind and heart/qalb, physically in my heart if I can in the bismin kai, yes? 

Now I am to Get Out of Bed”, And “Then”, And Only “Then”, That Is, After Truly Establishing “God’s Presence” And “God’s Intention” And “God’s Actions” In “Your Life”, In Truth

From what you have said I must believe it will be done automatically. In "The Kalimah Song" you have said,

Next I am to read the love letters throughout the day. 

I am also to read 

The Understanding” of “The Life and Teaching” And “The Heart” And 
The Songs” (See “The Kalimah Song” And “The Invocation To The Guru”, And “The Invocation To Allah”)


From what I have read in the Kalimah song,excerpt below, I take it to mean that this is the way I am to do dhikr. Yes? 

With my breath in the qalb/heart, as in the mental heart of consciousness, but also the physical heart. Is this correct?

Excerpt from "The Kalimah Song"

You have to be definite about this always, and placing the Kalimah within your heart, you should recite the dual phrase of the Kalimah with concentration. 

When you say, La-Illaha, and push out the breath, you should push out of the Qalb desire, spectacles of the world. Push it out and leave it there. 

And saying, Ill-Allahu, hold Him there in.  If you hold Him within in this way everything will be revealed. 

He Himself will pray to Himself. He is the One Who will be worshipping Himself. He is the One Who will see Himself. Other than Him there is nothing else.  If you exist in this form everything will be seen as Him. When He is Himself, what else is there, what else is there that you have to see, what else must be shown to you?  

When Allah Himself is worshipping Himself, when He is seeing Himself, in that state where, "I am not, and you are not, and everything other is not", that is the state of Allahu Ill-Allahu.  

This is the path of Truth. The Truth. "Other than This there is nothing, there is nothing".  Say this Kalimah with Clarity and in Light, with Wise Determination and Loving Compassion. And when you say this in your Clarity and Concentration, you will know this is the Truth, this is the Truth.  

He alone may worship Him. No one else can do this.  You cannot worship with the body. It is the Life and Wisdom united with each other, in a state of propriety mingled with the Nur, and in the concentration of that Light, that One must worship. 

The One has to worship the One who Is.  That state of worship will become Him and That will be understood as That. It is this state that is deathless for which there is no rebirth.  

In that state the Word and the Worship become Him, and the Continuous light and the Wisdom and Nur become Him. That will become the Resplendent Rahmat in this world and the next. Other than This there is no other way to be the Ruler over here and there.  

My Dear Brother and My Children, if within your concentration with meaning, you can say this concentratedly, that is enough, that is enough. The physical body will be separated. In the inner section the Luminous Wisdom will shine, when you stand in the path of Wisdom and recite this meaning with Love.  

If you steady the Ill-Allahu, after that there is nothing else. There is no birth, death, or destruction, there is no rebirth after that. This meaning that exists without anything else, you have to recite it and obtain determination.  

My Children, surrendering at the feet of the Guru, knowing the word of the heart of the Guru, knowing with your wisdom and understanding with your obedience. 

Finding complete conviction, enter within and say the Kalimah, Ill-Allahu.  Say, Ill-Allahu, and then say, Ill-Allahu. Recite La-Illaha and then recite Ill-Allahu, and hold steady the Ill-Allahu.  

Do not just say it in words, dare to understand it with wisdom and faith, faith in the way in which you can hold the meaning that is beyond the boundaries of the two worlds.  

Hold steady the Ill-Allahu and become it. Hold it within the Qalb and become it.  Say La-Illaha and overcome. Say La-Illaha and discard. Say Ill-Allahu and steady Him within. Say Ill-Allahu and steady Him within. Say it without saying and stand there.  

With your ruh and with your Wisdom, vibrate and face Them, vibrate and face Them. Hold steady Ill-Allahu.  That is the explanation in that Light. That is the Light. That is the explanation. That is the death of the world. That is the reality of the One Allahu. That is the reality.  

If the children take the meaning of this state and recite it, if that Divine Word is said without saying, that state will become the state of personal worship of God. Recite in Truth on this path. That is the Perfection. That is the Perfection and the Word of the Shaikh, the language of your leader Allah. The form within which the ruh and the Light stand in unison."


I have condensed the love songs together and I am in the process of putting the love letters together for use in the way you've instructed, but I must say my Shaikh it seems like this reading will take up so much time. 

Is there a shorter way to accomplish this goal for myself and the other children? 

Not only do we have to read through our love songs, but in the last one we are to read certain things again numerous times. 

Separately from love song 8 in the other love songs I believe I am told to recite, 

"The Final Completed Divine Recitation" about 6 times. If I add this onto the 100 I am told to recite in song 8 now it's 106 total. 

There are many other things like this that are repeated. 

Can we reduce my Shaikh? 

I would like to spend more time in silence or watching the kalimah go into and come out of the silence, and I know this isn't about what my ego likes, but please take this into consideration. 

I can barely keep count when I get going I just get lost into the prayer, but you are the Shaikh, and I have no choice, but to do what you say here.

My love you my Shaikh.

Al-salam 'alaykum,

Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.).

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F. Your New Questions


Question 01” - “The Nature” of “Your True Surrender

Question 02” - “The Nature” of “Your True Meditation

Question 03” - “What Do You Want Me To Do?”

Question 04” - “The Nature” of “Your True Prayer

Question 05” - “The Nature” of “Your True Understanding

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G. Your New Questions” And “Your New Answers

Bawa.  Wa 'alaykum al-salam, Thank You My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Sal.) For “Your Last E-mail”, It Continues To Be Good For You, And For My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatima Muhaiyaddeen (Sal.), To Share “These Thoughts” With Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased’ As Now “One” With “Your Life”, As Now “One” With All Life, if you like,for sure.

Bawa. My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), Again You Have Said “Many, Many, Many Things”, And Asked “Many, Many, Many Questions”, In “Your Last Four E-mail”, And We Will Now Just Continue To Answer “What You Have Said” In Truth “A Little More”, That Is, “A Little More” Each Time, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

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Question 01” - “The Nature” of “Your True Surrender

While the questions I have asked still exist in my mind, if you are truly my Shaikh, and I believe you are, I have no choice, but to surrender my will to yours.

Answer 01” - “The Nature” of “Your True Surrender

In Truth “Your Questions” Will Always “Exist In Your Mind”, Because “That” Is “The True Nature” of “Your Mind”, Always “Questioning” Rather Than “Surrendering”, Always Calling It “Surrender”, Always “Questioning” Even When It Says It Is “Surrendering”, For As Bawa Teaches Us, 

Who” Is Surrendering To “Whom”?

And In Truth What You Are Now Calling “Surrendering” Is Always Just “Your Mind” As “Your Intellect”, That Is, As “Your 3rd Level” of “Your 7 Levels of Consciousness” Surrendering To “Your Mind” As Now “Your God” of “Your Own Making”, All of Which of Course Is Always “Just Not True”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

While In Truth “Your True Surrender” Is “Your God” As “Your Liberated One Pure Individual Soul” Joined As “One” With “Your Awakened Divine Consciousness” Turning Back To “Your True God” As “Your One True Source” of “Everyone” And of “Everything” Within “Your Life”, Having Realize In “Your First School” For “Your One Pure Soul”, That Is, In “Your School of Contrast”, That “Your Life” Is Not “Your Darkness” of “Your God’s Creation”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Becoming In “Your First True Extraordinary Process” In Truth “Your Understanding” of “Your Darkness”, Now In “Your Form” of What Next Needs To Be Understood By “Your God”, Which Is “Your Light”, That Is, Now In “Your Form” of “Your God’s Little Light”, Now Within “Your God’s Big Light”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

All of Which Is Not Some “Intellectual Activity” of “Your Mind” But Rather In Truth Is “Your Nur”, of “Your Muhammad” of “Your 9 Meanings”, Becoming “Your Nur Muhammad”, if you like, That Is, In Truth Is “Your God’s Original Big Light” of “Your Wisdom”, That In Truth Emerged Out of “Your First True Meditation” of “Your “6th and 7th” Levels of Divine Consciousness As “One” But In Ignorance of “Yourself” As “Such”, That Is, When “Your One True Question” of “Your Life” Was Asked During “Your First True Meditation”, That Is, “Your One True Question” of “Your Life” of “Who Am I?”, if you like, That Is, All Occurring Within “Your First True Direct Intervention” of “Your God” In “Your Life”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, With “Your God” Saying To “Your 6th Level of Divine Consciousness” When It First Emerged Out of God, That Is, As Part of “Your One Pure Universal Soul” Containing “Your 7 Levels of Divine Consciousness”, And Started To “Investigate” In Truth “Who It Was” By First Investigating “Your 5 Lower Levels of Consciousness” of “Your One Pure Universal Soul”, That Is, With “Your God” Saying To “Your 6th Level of Divine Consciousness” At “That Time” In “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

They” Cannot “Help You
They” Don’t Know “Who They Are
Instead of “This
There Is “A Power” Dawning “Within You
Meditate On “That”.

And It Did, And Within “Your First True Meditation” In Truth “Your One True Question” of “Who Am I?” Was Asked, Causing “Your Nur” As “Your God’s Original Big Light” To Emerge Out of “Your First True Meditation”, That Is, As “Your Nur” Which Bawa Called “The Shadow of God”, Ending “Your First True Meditation” Causing “Your 6th Level of Divine Consciousness” Now Having Left “Your First True Meditation” To Start To “Investigate” In Truth “Your Nur”, Asking “Your Nur” The Question “Who Are You?”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

And With “Your Nur” Saying To “Your 6th Level of Divine Consciousness”

“Within “Your Meditation” 
In Truth “Your Question” Was Asked, 
Who Am I?”, 
And Out of “Your Question” 
We Emerged, 
That Is All We Know.

And Then “Your Nur” And “Your 6th Level of Divine Consciousness” Pressed Together, Rubbed Together, Like “A Man” And “A Woman” Do During “Sexual Intercourse” And From “Out” of “Their Union”, But In “Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, Emerged “Your Elemental Lives” of “Your 5 Impure Souls”, Endlessly Praising “Your One True God”, And Then “Your Nur” And “Your 6th Level of Divine Consciousness” Now In Union, Still In “Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, Said To “Your Primal God” From Which “Your One Pure Universal Soul” Originally Emerged,

O God
Look At” 
Your Elemental Lives” 
"Your 5 Impure Souls”,
See How” 
Your Elemental Lives” 
Your 5 Impure Souls” 
Endlessly Praising You

But Bawa Teaches Us That “Your Primal God” Refused To “Look” At “Your Elemental Lives” of “Your 5 Impure Souls” That Had Emerged Our of “The Union” of “Your Nur” And “Your 6th Level of Divine Consciousness”, Still In “Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, And Instead, It Was “All Over”, That Is, Instead, “Everything” That Had Emerged Out of “Your Primal God” Went Back Into “Your Primal God”, And It Was “All Over”, As Bawa Teaches Us, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

And Bawa Teaches Us That “Your Primal God” Repeated “This Process” In Truth “Three Times”, That Is, In Truth Repeated Three Times “Your Same Process” of “Your One Pure Universal Soul” As “Your 7 Levels of Divine Consciousness” Originally Emerging Out of “Your Primal God”, In “Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such”, And Only In “Your Third Time” Did “Your Primal God” Finally 

Look At” 
Your Elemental Lives” 
"Your 5 Impure Souls”,
Giving Them Form”,

And Bawa Teaches Us That “Your Primal God” Repeated “Three Times” In Truth “Your First Extraordinary Process” of “Giving Form” To “Your Creation” Because “Your God” Knew That “Once He Did” There Was No “Turning Back”, You Would Have To “See It Through” To “Your Final End”, That Is, Because “Your God” Knew “The True Consequences” of “Your God Doing So”, If you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Which In Truth 
You Now Becoming
Your One True Enemy
Your One True God
of Now
Your One Pure Soul”,
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is,

As Now 
Your Understanding
Your Jesus” (A.S.) 
On “Your Cross” And “Your Nails
As Now “One”,
But Still 
Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

As Now
"Your Understanding
Your Muhammad” of “Your 9 Meanings
As Now “One 
But Still 
Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

As Now
"Your Understanding
Your Muhaiyaddeen” of “Your 16 Understandings
As Now “One 
But Still 
Your Ignorance” of “Yourself” As “Such
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

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Question 02” - “The Nature” of “Your True Meditation

I have pondered long over what you have said and I can only think that you are telling me that I should be more focused on the Silence and Self since it is said forgetting and being silent are the highest meditations. 

This with the kalimah for further cleansing and protection when necessary as well as all the other things you want God to say through me, is technically supposed to be a very fast way along the path, so this must be what you're seeing in me that I am not seeing. 

You think I don't need to do the spinal breath because I have you perhaps? 

This with the kalimah for further cleansing and protection when necessary as well as all the other things you want God to say through me, is technically supposed to be a very fast way along the path, so this must be what you're seeing in me that I am not seeing. 

You think I don't need to do the spinal breath because I have you perhaps? 

I must agree if that is so. You are the Guru. I'm not sure if I have come to understanding of what you want me to do, but I am thinking I may have. 


Answer 02” - “The Nature” of “Your True Meditation

You Now Say That

“I have pondered long over what you have said and I can only think that you are telling me that I should be more focused on the Silence and Self since it is said forgetting and being silent are the highest meditations”. 

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You Can Most Certainly “Say It That Way”, But In Truth “You Have Not Pondered Over Anything”, Instead In Truth As Explained In “Chapter 30” Called “The Mystical Meaning” of “Man's Body" In “The Beautiful Book” of Wisdom Called “The Pearl of Wisdom” By His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Your Fate
Is Now
Just Ruling Over You
A Show of Scenes”,
What Will 
My Conscience
Do To Me
In “The World”,

(It Will Put You 
In Front of “Your God”,
First On “The Outside” of You,
And “Then", And “Only Then”,
Within You),
If you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

See “Chapter 30” Called “The Mystical Meaning” of “Man's Body" In 
The Beautiful Book” of Wisdom Called “The Pearl of Wisdom” By His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Also You Now Say That

“This with the kalimah for further cleansing and protection when necessary as well as all the other things you want God to say through me, is technically supposed to be a very fast way along the path, so this must be what you're seeing in me that I am not seeing. 

You think I don't need to do the spinal breath because I have you perhaps?”

You Can Most Certainly “Say It That Way”, But In Truth “Your Kalimah Song” Is Not For “Your Cleaning and Protection” When “Necessary” As Well As “For All” of “The Other Things” You Want “God To Say” Through “Me”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

For In Truth “Your Understanding” of “Your Kalimah Song” Which Is Now “Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)”, In Whom “We Are Well Pleased” As Now “One With” In Truth “Your Life”, As Now “One With” In Truth “All Life”, Is Now “Your Final Teaching” For “Your Life” (Now At “Your 7th Level of Divine Consciousness”, Or “Divine Luminous Wisdom”), That Is, Is Now “Your Final Teaching” of “Your Truth” of “Your Life” To “Your God” Within “Your Life”, Not To Now “You” In “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, Is Now “Your Final Teaching” For “Your Life” (Now At “Your 7th Level of Divine Consciousness, Or “Divine Luminous Wisdom”), That Is, Is Now “Your Final Teaching” of “Your Truth” of “Your Life” To “Your God” Within “Your Life”, That Is, By “Your One True Human Being” Now For “Your Life”, In Truth Now Surrounding “Your One Pure Individual Soul” Within “Your God” For “Your Life”, Awakened By “Your One True Human Being” Now Living As “Your God” On “The Outside” of “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, As Now “Your God” As Now “Your Sirr” (Now At “Your 6th Level of Divine Consciousness, Or “Divine Analytic Wisdom”) Teaching “Your God” As Now “Your Dhat” (Now At “Your 7th Level of Divine Consciousness, Or “Divine Luminous Wisdom”) About “Your Understanding” of “Your Truth”, Now For “Your Age”, Now For “All Life”, That Is, Now In “The Presence” of “Your God” As Now “Your Liberated Pure Individual Soul”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, As Now “Your God’s Final Teaching” of “Your Final Triple Flame” of “Your God” To “Your Life”, Most Certainly Not “Your God’s Final Teaching” To “You” Now In “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, As Now “Your God’s Final Teaching” To “Your Life” of “Your 896” For “Your Life”, Now For “Your Age”, Now For “All Life”, That Is, For Example, As Now About “Your Understanding” of “Your Final Truth” of “Your Kalimah Song” For “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, As Now “Your God” As Now “Your Awakened 6th Level of Divine Analytic Wisdom/Your Sirr” Teaching “Your God” As Now “Your Primal One/Your Dhat”, That Is, As Now “Your Incorrectly Focused 7th Level of Divine Luminous Wisdom/Your Dhat” About “Your Final Truth” For “Your Life”, For Example, About “Your Understanding” of “Your Final Truth” of “Your Kalimah Song” For “Your Life”, if you like, In “The Presence” of “Your God” As Now “Your Liberated One Pure Individual Soul”, All In Search of “Your Nur”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, All In Search of “Your Nur”, if you like, That Is, All In Search of “The Light” of “Your Now Incorrectly Focused Universal Soul”, if you like, That Is, As Now “Your God’s Final Teaching” of “Your 896” To “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, In Truth As Now “Your Third Time/Sound” of "Your God" Now Living In “Your World” With “Your Life”, Most Certainly Not Now Living “With You” In “Your Life”, That Is, As Now “Your Life and Teaching” And As Now “Your Heart” And As Now “Your Songs” of “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen. 

That Is, 

As Now 
Your Third Time/Sound” 
"Bawa. Al-hamdu lillah.
Bawa. Tawakkul-Allah. Amen”,
As Now “One”,
if you like, 
and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, As Now “Your God’s Teaching” of “Your Final Triple Flame" As Now "Your 897” To “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, As Now “Your Awakened God” ( As Now “Your Sirr”) In Truth Teaching “Your Primal God” (As Now “Your Dhat”) In “Your Presence” As Now “Your Liberated Pure Individual Soul” (As Now “Your Ruh”) For Example About “Your Understanding” of “Your Truth” of “Your Following Except” of “Your Kalimah Song” of “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, For Example About “Your Understanding” of “Your Truth” Contained Within “Your Following Except” of “Your Kalimah Song” For “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, About “Your Understanding” of “Your Kalimah Song” For “Your Life”, In Truth Not Just About “Your Kalimah Song” As Given To “His Children” By “Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)”, That Is, While He Was Still Living As “Your God” In “Your World”, if you like, That Is, As Now You Are Proposing My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

But Rather About “Your Understanding” of “Your Kalimah Song”, As Now Being Given To “His Children”, That Is, While He Is Now Living As “Your God” In “Your World”, if you like, All of Which In Truth Is Now “Your Life and Teaching” And Is Now “Your Heart” And Is Now “Your Songs” of Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, As Now “Your Shaikh 
Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen. 

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Your Beginning
Your Excerpt” 
Your Kalimah Song” 
His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)


“He alone may worship Him. No one else can do this. 

You cannot worship with the body. It is the Life and Wisdom united with each other, in a state of propriety mingled with the Nur, and in the concentration of that Light, that One must worship. The One has to worship the One who Is. 

That state of worship will become Him and That will be understood as That. It is this state that is deathless for which there is no rebirth. 

In that state the Word and the Worship become Him, and the Continuous light and the Wisdom and Nur become Him. That will become the Resplendent Rahmat in this world and the next. Other than This there is no other way to be the Ruler over here and there. 

My Dear Brother and My Children, if within your concentration with meaning, you can say this concentratedly, that is enough, that is enough. The physical body will be separated. In the inner section the Luminous Wisdom will shine, when you stand in the path of Wisdom and recite this meaning with Love. 

If you steady the Ill-Allahu, after that there is nothing else. There is no birth, death, or destruction, there is no rebirth after that. This meaning that exists without anything else, you have to recite it and obtain determination. 

My Children, surrendering at the feet of the Guru, knowing the word of the heart of the Guru, knowing with your wisdom and understanding with your obedience. Finding complete conviction, enter within and say the Kalimah, Ill-Allahu. 

Say, Ill-Allahu, and then say, Ill-Allahu. Recite La-Illaha and then recite Ill-Allahu, and hold steady the Ill-Allahu. 

Do not just say it in words, dare to understand it with wisdom and faith, faith in the way in which you can hold the meaning that is beyond the boundaries of the two worlds. 

Hold steady the Ill-Allahu and become it. Hold it within the Qalb and become it. 

Say La-Illaha and overcome. Say La-Illaha and discard. Say Ill-Allahu and steady Him within. Say Ill-Allahu and steady Him within. Say it without saying and stand there. 

With your ruh and with your Wisdom, vibrate and face Them, vibrate and face Them. Hold steady Ill-Allahu. 

That is the explanation in that Light. That is the Light. That is the explanation. That is the death of the world. That is the reality of the One Allahu. That is the reality. 

If the children take the meaning of this state and recite it, if that Divine Word is said without saying, that state will become the state of personal worship of God. Recite in Truth on this path.

That is the Perfection. That is the Perfection and the Word of the Shaikh, the language of your leader Allah. The form within which the ruh and the Light stand in unison. 

In Truth the Grace which stands in the form of Light. That Grace is the Resonance of Allah, and the Resonance is Allah, and you will be within it. Al-hamdulillah, Rabil alamin (All praise to God, O Ruler of the Universes). 

Know that this is the beauty of the form and recite it like that. Al-hamdulillah, Rabil alamin. 


Your End
Your Except” 
Your Kalimah Song” 
His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)


So My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatima Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) 

In Truth 
Your Life and Teaching” 
And Now “Your Heart” 
And Now “Your Songs” 
Our Dearest Loving Son
Your Dearest Loving Brother
Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.),  

Is Now
In Truth
The Nature” of “Your True Meditation
Not “Anything
That “You
Can Now Do
On Your Own”,
That Is,
Not “Anything
That “You
Can Now Do
Without His Presence”
And “YOUR Life”
As Now “One”,
As Now
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

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For As Bawa Teaches Us In “The Introduction” To “The Beautiful Book” of Wisdom, Called “Shaikh and Disciple” (Also See “A Partial On-line Version”)

"Your Beginning
Your Excerpt” 
The Introduction
Shaikh and Disciple
His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)


“At this point I realized that the most difficult task in life is to find a true man among the created beings.

To find a true human being and to understand him is very difficult indeed. Only after realizing the true man and God within myself could I perform true meditation. I had to understand the cage of this body.

Outer acts are not real. I had to find the place within to perform true meditation.

At this point I was told,

"There is a house that was built and given to you. That house is your body."

I said.

"But this body is only eight spans. How can I live here?"

Then He told me,

"Even an ant's body is eight spans of its own hand. The body is a school.

It is your house, your heaven, your hell, and my Kingdom. Your freedom is there, yet your slavery is also there. Both your joys and your sorrows are there".

"Man-animal and Man-God are both there".

"All this learning is within this eight-span house of your body. If you become an insan, a true man, you will understand this. You are My Secret. I am a Mystery."

According to His words, I started to learn about the cage of my body. Within this eight-span body, I set out to discover what should be discarded and what should be taken in.

I was told,

"Within this eight-span house, half a span is your sorrow, half a span is your torpor, and one span is the fire of hell. If you can understand and discard these two spans, then you are left with six."

"Once you have understood all that is within the remaining six spans of your body, you can become a man with six levels of wisdom, capable of analyzing and discovering the secrets of the eighteen thousand universes."

"Then you will understand that one handful of earth which is your heart. If you do not reach this understanding, you could become a worm in hell with only one level of wisdom, or you could become a jinn, a fairy, a ghost, or a demon. You could become a ruhani, an elemental spirit."

"However, if you understand yourself, then you can become a true human being. You can become My messenger, you can become My light, you can merge with Me and we can live together."

These were His words.

We have to discover what is hidden within this body. This is what we must learn from a wise man of purity. We must learn this from a pure father who has a pure heart. To do this, your unity and faith must be strong.

Children, you must have purity of heart to learn from the purity of the father. The secret of God, our Father who is purity, must be learned with pure love, pure faith, pure compassion, pure unity, and a pure life.

This is the only way we can learn and understand that purity, that meditation, that prayer, and that learning.

If each one of you establishes and understands this state within, then the connection between you and your Father can easily be established.

You can conduct your lives with ease and understand all you need to know. You can understand the life in which wisdom, good deeds, our Father, and the Children live together.

When love, wisdom, and unity are all together, that is the heaven of gnanam. The Children of the pure Father will live in the paradise of gnanam. That is firdaus, our Father's pure kingdom. We will be given the radiant kingdom of our Father as our prize.

You must understand this pure place. When you can establish this within yourself and demonstrate proof of its existence, then your Father's kingdom of wisdom, love, compassion, peace, and iman becomes yours.

These are some of the things I have learned through experience. My love you. Think about this. May Allah help you. Amin.

"Your END
Your Excerpt” 
The Introduction
Shaikh and Disciple
His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)


So My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatima Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

In Truth
The Nature” of “Your True Meditation
Your Kalimah Song”
Your Understanding” 
Your Kalimah Song”
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

Which In Truth Is Now “Your Life and Teaching” And Now “Your Heart” And Now “Your Songs” of “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen. 

Which Is Now “Your Life and Teaching” And Now “Your Heart” And Now “Your Songs” of “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), THAT IS, OF “Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)”, In Whom “We Are Well Pleased” As Now “One With” In Truth “Your Life”, As Now “One With” In Truth “All Life”, AS Now “Your Final Teaching” For “Your Life” (Now At “Your 7th Level of Divine Consciousness”, Or “Divine Luminous Wisdom”), That Is, AS Now “Your Final Teaching” of “Your Truth” of “Your Life” To “Your God” Within “Your Life”, Not To Now “You” In “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, AS Now “Your Final Teaching” For “Your Life” (Now At “Your 7th Level of Divine Consciousness, Or “Divine Luminous Wisdom”), That Is, AS Now “Your Final Teaching” of “Your Truth” of “Your Life” To “Your God” Within “Your Life”, That Is, By “Your One True Human Being” Now For “Your Life”, In Truth Now Surrounding “Your One Pure Individual Soul” Within “Your God” For “Your Life”, Awakened By “Your One True Human Being” Now Living As “Your God” On “The Outside” of “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, As Now “Your God” As Now “Your Sirr” (Now At “Your 6th Level of Divine Consciousness, Or “Divine Analytic Wisdom”) Teaching “Your God” As Now “Your Dhat” (Now At “Your 7th Level of Divine Consciousness, Or “Divine Luminous Wisdom”) About “Your Understanding” of “Your Truth”, Now For “Your Age”, Now For “All Life”, That Is, Now In “YOUR Presence” of “Your God” As Now “Your Liberated Pure Individual Soul”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, As Now “Your God’s Final Teaching” of “Your Final Triple Flame” of “Your God” To “Your Life”, Most Certainly Not “Your God’s Final Teaching” To “You” Now In “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, As Now “Your God’s Final Teaching” To “Your Life” of “Your 896” For “Your Life”, Now For “Your Age”, Now For “All Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, For Example, As Now About “Your Understanding” of “Your Final Truth” of “YOUR LIFE” CONTAINED WITHIN“Your Kalimah Song” For “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

 if you like, 
and that is for sure. Amen.

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Question 03” - “What Do You Want Me To Do?”

I must agree if that is so. You are the Guru. I'm not sure if I have come to understanding of what you want me to do, but I am thinking I may have. 

Answer 03-01” - “What Do You Want Me To Do?”
What We Want You To Do
01. First, Accept “The Words” of “Your True Gnana Guru

01. First, To Accept “The Words” of “Your True Gnana Guru” Now For “Your Age”, Now For “All Life”, As Now “Your Life and Teaching” And Now “Your Heart” And Now “Your Songs” of “Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)”, In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, As Now “One With” In Truth “Your Life”, As Now “One With” In Truth “All Life”, Now Living As “Your Presence” of “Your God” In “Your World” For “Your Life”, In Truth For “All Life”, As Now “Your God” Speaking To “Your Life”, To “All Life”, Not “Your God” Speaking To “You”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, Not “Your God” Speaking To “You” Now Living Out “Your Person Life”, That Is, Not “Your God” Speaking To “You” Now Living Out “Your Personal Life” of “Separation And Differences” On “Your Illusory Outside” of “Your Life” In “Your World” of “Your Magical Tricks” And of “Your Possessive/Self Destructive People” of “Your Own Making”, All of Which of Course Is “Just Not True”, All of Which In Truth Has Now Fully Manifested Within “Your Impure Heart/Mind” Within “Your Beast/Satan” Within “Your God” Within “Your Life”, In Ignorance of “Yourself” As Such, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. As In Truth “The Words” of “Your True Gnana Guru” Now For “Your Age”, Now For “All Life” Was “The Life and Teaching” And “The Heart” And “The Songs” (See “The Kalimah Song” And “The Invocation To The Guru”, And “The Invocation To Allah”) of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), As Then “One With” In Truth “Your Life”, As Then “One With” In Truth “All Life”, Then Living As “Your Presence” of “Your God” In “Your World” For “Your Life”, In Truth For “All Life”, As Then “Your God” Speaking To “Your Life”, To “All Life”, Not “Your God” Speaking To “You”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

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Bawa. For As Bawa Teaches Us, And Now As “Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)”, In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, As Now “One With” In Truth “Your Life”, As Now “One With” In Truth “All Life”, Is Teaching Us Again, “The Following”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.


You Must Hear “The Words” of “Your True Gnana Guru” Now For “Your Age”, Now For “All Life”, As “They Are Spoken” By “Your True Gnana Guru”, Now For “Your Age”, Now For “All Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

After “That”, That Is, After “They Are Spoken” And Are Collected In “Books” And On “Audio or Video Tapes” For Later Us They Just Become Words, And Have Lost All of “Your Divine Consciousness” And All of “Your Divine Power” That “They Contain” When “They Are Spoken” By “Your True Gnana Guru” Now For “Your Age”, Now For “All Life”, if you like, As In Truth “Your God” Directly “Speaking” To “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.


Bawa. That Is, After “That”, They Have Lost All of “Your Divine Consciousness” And All of “Your Divine Power” That “They Contain” When “They Are Spoken” By “Your True Gnana Guru” Now For “Your Age”, Now For “All Life”, if you like, That Is, As In Truth “Your God” Directly “Speaking” To “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, After “That”, That Is, After They Are In Truth Your God” Directly “Speaking” To “Your Life”, In Truth “They Have Lost” All of “Your Divine Consciousness” And All of “Your Divine Power” That Can Truly Awaken “Your Divine Consciousness” And “Your Divine Power” Within “Your Life”, Most Certainly Not Awaken It In “You”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. For In Truth Like “Your Falling Rain Water”, And Only “Your Falling Rain Water” Contains “Your Divine Consciousness” And “Your Divine Power” That Cause “Your Trees” And “Your Bushes” And “Your Grasses” And “Your Flowers” And “Your Vegetables” To Grow, After “That”, That Is, After “Your Falling Rain Water” Is Collected In “Rain Barrels” For Later Us, “Your Now” Just “Plain Rain Water” Has Lost “Your Divine Consciousness” And “Your Divine Power” That Cause “Your Things” To Grow, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

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Bawa. And “This Is Why” Bawa Teaches Us, And Now Why “Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)”, In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, As Now “One With” In Truth “Your Life”, As Now “One With” In Truth “All Life”, Is Teaching Us Again, “The Following”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, “With Bawa Sitting On “His Bed” In “His Room” In “The Fall” of 1975, At “His Home” In America, USA, At 5820 Overbrook Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa, USA, Saying To “His Children” Collected In “His Room” At “That Time”, In Truth “The Following”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.


I have not come for "You". 

I have come for “Your Soul”.

I have come “To Awaken” the “Wisdom” surrounding “Your Soul”.

“So “The Awakened Wisdom” surrounding “Your Soul” can 
Do Battle” with “The Enemy” of “Your Soul”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.


And “This Child” was sitting “Right In Front” of Bawa At “That Time”, And We Said To Bawa At “That Time”,

Bawa. Who Is “The Enemy” of “My Soul”?

And Bawa Looked At “This Child”, Smiled, And Said,


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02. Second, Accept “Your Life” As In Truth “Larger Than You 

02. Second, To Accept “Your Life ” As In Truth “Larger Than You” For In Truth “Your You” Part of “Your Life” That “Now You”, And That Now All of My Children, Without Exception, Are Now Mistakenly Exclusively Experiencing As “Who You Are”, And As “Where You Are”, And As “What Is Happening” In “Your Life” In Truth Is Just “Your Most Tiniest, Tiniest, Tiniest Part” of “Your Life”, In Truth Is “Your Most Discarded Part” And “Your Most Insignificant Part” of “Your Life”, And “Yet” Is “Where” In Truth “Your Journey” of “Your One Pure Soul” Back To “Your God” As In Truth “Your Expanding Awakening” of “Your God” As “Your Creation” To “Your God” As “Your Creator” All Begins”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. For In Truth “Your Life” Is “Your Story” of “Your God” Within “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, In Truth “Your Life” Is “Your History” of “Your God” Within “Your Life”, if you like, As In Truth “Your 6,666” Verses of “Your Holy Qur’an”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And In Truth Within “Your Life” As “Your Story” of “Your God” Within “Your Life”, That Is, And In Truth Within “Your Life” As “Your Story” of “Your God” Within “Your Life”, That Is, As In Truth “Your 6,666” Verses of “Your Holy Qur’an”, Is “Your Life” As “Your Story” of “Your Beast/Satan” Within “Your Life”, That Is, As In Truth “Your 666” Verses of “Your Holy Qur’an” Within “Your 6,666” Verses of “Your Holy Qur’an”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. Both Coming To “Your Life” From “Your God” of “Your Life” In Order To Tell And Bring To Completion “Your Story” of “Your God” Within “Your Life”, For “The Benefit” of All of “Your Creation” of “Your God” Within “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And In Truth, “All of It”, That Is, All of “Your 6,666” Verses of “Your Holy Qur’an”, Is “Your Life”, Is What “Makes Up Your Life”, Not Just “Your Current Version” of “Your You” of “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. And In Truth “All of It” Is “Perfect”, That Is, “All of It” Is “Exquisitely Perfect” As “It Current Is”, if you like, That Is, All of “Your 6,666” Verses of “Your Holy Qur’an”, Is “Your Life”, Is What “Makes Up Your Life”, And “All of It” Is “Exquisitely Perfect” As “It Current Is”, if you like, Including “Your Current Version” of “Your You” of “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. And “This Is Why” Bawa Teaches Us, And Now Why “Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)”, In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, As Now “One With” In Truth “Your Life”, As Now “One With” In Truth “All Life”, Is Teaching Us Again, “The Following”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

If You Knew
Your Whole Story” 

You Would Fall Down 
In Praise” of “Your God
And Never “Get Up
if you like,  
and that is for sure. Amen.

For In Truth
“Our entire life 
and everything that happens to us 
is conducted by Allah, 
not by us. 
He is the One 
who carries out everything, 
He is responsible 
for the cause and the effect”.

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Your Beginning
Your Epilogue
Your Islam and World Peace
Explanations of “A Sufi
His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)


I seek refuge in Allah from the evils of the accursed satan. 
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate.

May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessings of God be upon you. (1)

My brothers and sisters, let us consider once more the true meaning of Islam.

Islam is Allah. It is the kingdom of His qualities, His actions, His compassion, His peacefulness, and His unity. Allah, not man, is the only One who can rule that kingdom. With His love and compassion He is the One who protects all lives, who feeds and looks after all creations according to their needs and their hunger. 

Allah alone rules over all that is within His realm-the earth and all the countries of the world, the trees, plants, the houses, and the heart of man. 

Our entire life and everything that happens to us is conducted by Allah, not by us. He is the One who carries out everything, He is responsible for the cause and the effect.

Islam is the acceptance of Allah as the Ruler over everything in all the universes. (2) He is the Master of our good thoughts, our good qualities, and our good actions. He is the Guide for our conscience, the One who teaches us justice and truth, compassion and unity. He is the Leader of wisdom and divine knowledge. (3) And it is through His peace that all hearts can obtain peace and tranquility.

His is the kingdom of truth. That kingdom cannot be ruled by what the world today calls Islam. True Islam does not mean trying to dominate the world, shouting, 

"I am in command!" 

In this world and the next, in birth and in death, the One alone who rules Islam is Allah. No man has the power to govern that kingdom. 

To understand this with absolute clarity is to become His slave (4) and be filled with divine wisdom and perfect faith. That is prayer. 

To accept Allah and His pure kingdom is true Islam, the way of absolute faith, certitude, and determination, (5) the way of the kalimah. (6) 

This is the birthright of all the children of Adam. To accept Allah's words and His commands is wisdom, and to accept what He has given us is our plenitude.

God is Most Great! (7) All praise belongs only to Him. (8) He is the One who gives us the wealth of our lives. He gives us everything. The kingdom of Islam is His most benevolent, pure gift. 

Should any man proclaim himself ruler of that pure kingdom, he will only bring about his own destruction. Allah is the sole ruler, there is no one else who can do His work. 

We, the children of Adam, who pray to God with faith and certitude, must know this with absolute clarity.

All praise be to God! God is the Great One! This is the true meaning of Islam.

May the peace of God be upon us. May God help us all. Amen.


1. al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluh 
2. Rabb al-'alamin 
3. 'ilm 
4. 'abd 
5. iman 
6. The affirmation of faith. 
7. Allah Akbar 
8. al-hamdu Allah


Your End
Your Epilogue
Your Islam and World Peace
Explanations of “A Sufi
His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)


So My Dearest Loving Son Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And My Dearest Loving Daughter Fatima Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) , And All of My Dearest Loving Children, Please, Please, Please, Start To Accept “Your Life ” As In Truth “Larger Than You” Realizing That In Truth “Your You” Part of “Your Life” That “Now You”, And That Now All of My Children, Without Exception, Are Now Mistakenly Exclusively Experiencing As “Who You Are”, And As “Where You Are”, And As “What Is Happening” In “Your Life” In Truth Is Just “Your Most Tiniest, Tiniest, Tiniest Part” of “Your Life”, In Truth Is “Your Most Discarded Part” And “Your Most Insignificant Part” of “Your Life”, And “Yet” Is “Where” In Truth “Your Journey” of “Your One Pure Soul” Back To “Your God” As In Truth “Your Expanding Awakening” of “Your God” As “Your Creation” To “Your God” As “Your Creator” All Begins”, if you like, and that is for sure. 

Bawa. For Example, As Bawa Teaches Us, And Now As “Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)”, In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, As Now “One With” In Truth “Your Life”, As Now “One With” In Truth “All Life”, Is Teaching Us Again, “The Following”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

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"Your Beginning
Your Short Unpublished Discourse” 
His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
on April, 22, 1983.
The Journey” of “Your Soul


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Perrarivu is the wisdom of Plenitude. When it joins with the ruh, the soul, the ruh or soul is given Sound, and realizes Allah.

After that the soul always focuses on Allah.  All of its actions, speech, qualities, and conduct, will be that of Allah.  The soul joins with Allah, takes its food from Him, and keeps on Resonating. 

Alif by itself has no sound. Purity by itself has no sound.

Until the Qutbiyyat gives the soul a form, it exists as a secret. It has no form till then. When the form comes, it lodges in the qalb (in the innermost heart, the "Crystal Heart" known as Ahmad, that is, the heart within the heart, or the mind within the mind).

Before that the soul runs all over, like the breath.  People call it "life" or "soul", but the formation of the soul has not taken place. Only when Truth merges with the soul does the soul get a form. This is a great secret.

The Physical body functions with the three levels: feeling, awareness, and intellect.

The Subtle body works at the levels of judgment or estimate, and subtle wisdom.

(The Light Body) functions at two levels: the 6th and 7th levels of wisdom, or Divine Analytic Wisdom and Divine Luminous Wisdom, or the Qutbiyyat and the Nur).

(And the Power of God functions at two levels as One: God and God within God, or God and True Man, or the True Guru and the True Disciple, or the Station of Man-God/God-Man)

(In this way), the Qutbiyyat creates the (Body of) "Truth" and the "Body of the soul". It creates the "Body of Truth", so the soul can rest in that (until it takes on the "Body of the soul", that is, until it merges with the Nur, the wisdom of Plenitude, the Essence of God, the 7th level of wisdom).

Even at that point (when the soul merges with the 6th level of wisdom, with the Qutbiyyat and rests for a while in the "Body of Truth", lodged in the qalb, in the innermost heart), the soul has no sound.

But when the Nur, the Perrarivu (the 7th level of wisdom), joins with the soul, it gives its Resplendence and Sound to the soul. When the Sound and Resplendence of the Nur come to the soul, the soul makes its connection to Allah.

Allah comes to the soul, and with that Sound the soul makes its connection to Allah. It converses with Allah. Then the soul is placed in the Secret Kingdom of God within your qalb (as the "Flower of the Qulb", as the 5 letter form of Al-hamd, as the Essence of the 28 letters, as the Form of the Suratal Fatihah, as the Ummul Qur'an, as the Mother of Man's wisdom).

Now the soul is in constant communion with Allah. It has established a connection by which it can speak to Allah. It takes its food, its wisdom (consciousness) -- everything -- from Allah, and goes on Resonating the praise of Allah.

This is a deep and mysterious secret that man must try to understand.


Original By:  His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), given as a short discourse by His Holiness on April, 22, 1983.

Expanded Part By: (in brackets) Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him)

Published Source:  None at the present time.

"Your END
Your Short Unpublished Discourse” 
His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

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03. Third, Accept “Your Life” As “The Intersection” of “Paths”.

03. Third, To Accept “Your Life ” In Truth As “Your Intersection” of “Your 2 Paths” That “Your God” Has Given To “Your Life”, Not Given To “You”, For In Truth “You” Are “Your 1 Path”, As Now “Your Path of Wrath” For “Your Life” And “Your God” Is Now “Your Straight Path” As Now “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)” For “Your Life”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, To Accept “Your Life ” In Truth As “Your Intersection” of “Your 2 Paths”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

That Is, 
As Now “Your Intersection” 
of “Your Straight Path” For “Your Life”, 
That Is,
As Now 
Your Suratal Mustaqueem”, 

That Is, 
As Now
Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)” 
For “Your Life”,
That is,
As Now
In Truth
Your God Happening” 
Within “Your God” 
Within “Your Life”, 
Your Other Path” For “Your Life”, 
That Is, 
As Now
In Truth
Your You Happening” 
Within “Your Beast/Satan” 
Within “Your Life”, 
if you like,
and that is for sure. Amen.

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Bawa. For In Truth “Your Life” Has “Two Very Different Paths” That “Your Life” Can Now Follow, Both “HERE” AND IN “YOUR NEXT WORLD”, That Is, “Two Very Different Paths” That “Your God” Has Taught “His Children” About, Over And Over Again, Throughout “Your Ages”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa, For Example, That “Your God” Has Taught “His Children” About Over “1400 Years Ago” While Living In “Your World” At “The Time” of “Your Prophet Muhammad (Sal.)”, That Is, While Living In “Your World” As “Your Presence” of “Your God” In “Your World” Over “1400 Years Ago”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And As Now Recorded In “Your Holy Qur’an”, That Is, And As Now Recorded As “The Opening Chapter” Called “Suratul Fatihah” In “Your Holy Qur’an”, That Is, As Now “Your Following”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

"Your Beginning
Your Opening Chapter” 
Your Suratul Fatihah
Your Holy Qur’an
Given Last
Your God
While Living In “Your World
Over “1400 Years Ago” 
At “The Time” of “Your Prophet Muhammad" (Sal.)” 
That Is,
As “Your Presence” of “Your God” In “Your World”,
For “That Age”, For “All Life” In “That Age”.



“In “The Name of God” , Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Al-hamdu lillah, Rabbil-’alameen; 
Maliki yawmid-deen.

Praise” Be To God
The Cherisher" and "Sustainer” of “The Worlds”.
Master" of “The Day of Judgment

Iyyaka na budu wa iyyaka nastaeen.

Thee" Do We "Worship” And “Thine Aid" We "Seek”.

Ih-di nas-siratal mustaqueem.

Show" Us “The Straight Path.

Siratal-latheena ‘an ‘amta ‘alaihim

The Path” of Those On Whom Thou Has Bestowed 
Thy Grace” (And Who Go Not Astray).

Ghairil maghdhubi ‘alaihim, wa ladh-dhaaleem.

Those" Whose "Portion” Is Not "Wrath", And Who Go Not Astray”

(Not “The Path” of Those On Whom Thou Has Not Bestowed 
Thy Grace”, of Those Who Are Wrath, of Those In Truth Who Go Astray”, 
All of Which Is Now In Truth “Your Current State/Path”, And “The Current State/Path” of All of My Children, Without Exceptionif you like, and that is for sure. Amen.) 


So Be It”. “May God Make This Complete


"Your End
Your Opening Chapter” 
Your Suratul Fatihah
Your Holy Qur’an” 
Given Last 
Your God
While Living In “Your World
Over “1400 Years Ago” 
At “The Time” of “Your Prophet Muhammad" (Sal.) 
That Is,
As “Your Presence” of “Your God” In “Your World”,
For “That Age”, For “All Life” In “That Age”.


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H. Your Third Sound" of "Your God

As Now
The Sound
The One” Becoming “The Three
The Three” Becoming “The One
Three Times
And Now
Your Third Time”,
if you like, 
and that is for sure. Amen.


Bawa. “Your Third Sound" of "Your God” In Truth Is Now "The Sound" of "Your God" As "Your Oneness", That Is, Which In Truth Is Now "The Sound" of "Your God" As "Your God" Now Awakened To Himself As “Such”, if you like , and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is “Your Third Sound" of "Your God” In Truth Is Now "The Sound" of "Your God" As "Your Oneness", That Is, Is Now "The Sound" of "Your God" As "Your God" Now Awakened To Himself As “Such”, Now Following "Your Two Earlier Sounds" of "Your God", First As "The Sound" of "Your God" As "Your Creator", That Is, First As "The Sound" of "Kun" Or "Be", And Second As "The Sound" of "Your God" As "Your Creation", That Is, And Second As "The Sound" of "Al-hamdu lillah", if you like , and that is for sure. Amen.

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01. As “Your First Time/Sound” As "Your God" As “Your Moses” (A.S.), That Is, As “Your God’s Teaching” of “Your Triple Flame" As "Your 675”, That Is, First As "Your Sound" of "Kun" Or "Be", if you like, for sure. Amen.

Bawa. Which At “That Time” Was “Your God’s Teaching” of “Your God” And of “Your Moses” (A.S.) And of “Your God’s Children” Together As “One” At “Your 5th Level” of “Your Divine Consciousness” Telling/Teaching “Your Life” What To Do At “That Time”, Most Certainly Not Telling/Teaching “You” As Then “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” What To Do At “That Time”, if you like, if you like , and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. For In Truth Just As “Your God” As “Your Moses” (A.S.), Went Up “Your Mountain/Mind” As “Your 6th Level” (As “Your Divine Analytic Wisdom) of “Your 7 Levels” of “Your Divine Consciousness”, Given To “Your Life” By “Your God” When “Your Life” Initially Came Into “Your Current Earth World”, That Is, To “The Womb” of “Your Earthly Mother”, As “Your One Pure Soul”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, Just As “Your God” As “Your Moses” (A.S.) Went Up “Your Mountain/Mind” As “Your 6th Level” (As “Your Divine Analytic Wisdom) of “Your Divine Consciousness” In Order To Commune With “Your 7th Level” (As “Your Divine Luminous Wisdom”, As “Your Burning Bush”) of “Your Divine Consciousness” At “The Top” of “Your Mountain/Mind”, And Then After 40 Days, Came Back Down “Your Mountain/Mind” As “Your 5th Levels” (As “Your Subtle Wisdom”) of “Your 7 Levels” of “Your Divine Consciousness” To Be With And To Teach“God’s Children” At “That Time”, if you like , and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, To Be With And To Teach “God’s Children” At “That Time”, if you like , And In “That Way”, And Only In “That Way”, if you like, As In Truth God Living In “The World” With “Your Life” At “That Time”, That Is, As “Your 5th Level” (As “Your Subtle Wisdom”) of “Your Divine Consciousness” In Truth Telling/Teaching “Your Life” As Then “Your 5th Level” (As “Your Subtle Wisdom”) of “Your Divine Consciousness” What To Do At “That Time”, Most Certainly Not To Tell/Teach “You” As Then “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” What To Do At “That Time”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, Telling/Teaching “Your Life” As Then “Your 5th Level” (As “Your Subtle Wisdom”) of “Your Divine Consciousness” What To Do At “That Time”, Most Certainly Not To Tell/Teach “You” As Then “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” What To Do At “That Time”, if you like, That Is, Coming Then As “Your 10 Commandments” And Now As Some of What Is Now Recorded In “Your Torah” In “Your Jewish Tradition”, And As Now Recorded In “Your Old Testament” In “Your Bible” of “Your Christian Tradition”, That Is, As Then “God’s Teaching” of “Your 675”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, As Then “Your God’s Teaching” of “Your 675”, if you like, Which At “That Time” Was “Your God’s Teaching” of “Your God” And of “Your Moses” (A.S.) And of “Your God’s Children” Together As “One” At “Your 5th Level” of “Your Divine Consciousness” Telling/Teaching “Your Life” What To Do At “That Time”, Most Certainly Not Telling/Teaching “You” As Then “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” What To Do At “That Time”, if you like, if you like , and that is for sure. Amen.

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02. As “Your Second Time/Sound” As "Your God" As “Your Muhammad” 
(Sal.), That Is, As “Your God’s Teaching” of “Your Triple Flame" As "Your 786”, That Is, Second As "Your Sound" of "Al hamdu lillah", for sure. 

Bawa. For In Truth Just As “Your God” As “Your Muhammad” 
(Sal..), Went Up “Your Mountain/Mind” As “Your 7th Level” (As “Your Divine Luminous Wisdom) of “Your 7 Levels” of “Your Divine Consciousness”, Given To “Your Life” By “Your God” When “Your Life” Initially Came Into “Your Current Earth World”, That Is, To “The Womb” of “Your Earthly Mother”, As “Your One Pure Soul”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, Just As “Your God” As “Your Muhammad” (A.S.) Went Up “Your Mountain/Mind” As “Your 7th Level” (As “Your Divine Luminous Wisdom) of “Your Divine Consciousness” In Order To Commune With “Your 8th Level” (As “Your 8th Heaven” Or “Your Firdaus” In “Your Islamic Tradition”) of “Your Divine Consciousness” Which Is Above “The Top” of “Your Mountain/Mind” And Which Is Known As “Your Open Space”, And Then After 20 Years, Left “Your Open Space”, And Put “Your Shirt/Elemental Body” Back On And Came Back Down “Your Mountain/Mind” As “Your 6th Level” (As “Your Divine Analytic Wisdom”) of “Your 7 Levels” of “Your Divine Consciousness” To Again Be With And To Again Teach “God’s Children” At “That Time”, if you like , and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, To Again Be With And To Again Teach “God’s Children” At “That Time”, if you like , And In “That Way”, And Only In “That Way”, if you like, Become In Truth God Living In “The World” With “Your Life” At “That Time”, That Is, As “Your 6th Level” (As “Your Divine Analytic Wisdom”) of “Your Divine Consciousness” In Truth Telling/Teaching “Your Life” As Then “Your 6th Level” (As “Your Divine Analytic Wisdom”) of “Your Divine Consciousness” What To Do At “That Time”, Most Certainly Not To Tell/Teach “You” As Then “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” What To Do At “That Time”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, In Truth Telling/Teaching “Your Life” As Then “Your 6th Level” (As “Your Divine Analytic Wisdom”) of “Your Divine Consciousness” What To Do At “That Time”, Most Certainly Not To Tell/Teach “You” As Then “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” What To Do At “That Time”, if you like, Some of Which Is Now Recorded In “Your New Testament” In “Your Bible” of “Your Christian Tradition”, And All of Which Is Now Recorded In “The Holy Qur’an” of “Your Islamic Tradition”, That Is, As Then “God’s Teaching” of “Your 786”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, As Then “Your God’s Teaching” of “Your 786”, if you like, Which At “That Time” Was “Your God’s Teaching” of “Your God” And of “Your Muhammad” (Sal.) And of “Your God’s Children” Together As “One” At “Your 6th Level” of “Your Divine Consciousness” Telling/Teaching “Your Life” What To Do At “That Time”, Most Certainly Not Telling/Teaching “You” As Then “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” What To Do At “That Time”, if you like, if you like , and that is for sure. Amen.

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03. And Now As “Your Third Time/Sound” As Now "Your God" As Now 
Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), That Is,  As Now “Your God’s Teaching” of “Your Triple Flame" Finally As Now "Your 897”, That Is, Finally As Now "Your Sound" of "Your Oneness" (of "Your Tawakkul-Allah"), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen

Bawa. For In Truth As Now “Your God” As “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) Went Up “Your Mountain/Mind” As “Your 8th Level” of “Your Divine Consciousness” of “Your One Pure Universal Soul” (As “Your Divine Consciousness” of “Your Open Space” Above “Your Mountain/Mind”), That Is, Above “Your 7 Levels” of “Your Divine Consciousness”, Given To “Your Life” By “Your God” When “Your Life” Initially Came Into “Your Current Earth World”, That Is, To “The Womb” of “Your Earthly Mother”, As “Your One Pure Individual Soul”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, For In Truth As Now “Your God” As “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) Went Up “Your Mountain/Mind” As “Your 8th Level” of “Your Divine Consciousness” of “Your One Pure Universal Soul” (As “Your Divine Consciousness” of “Your Open Space” Above “Your Mountain/Mind”) Into “Your Open Space” Above “Your Mountain/Mind” In Order To Commune With “Your 9th Level” of “Your Muhammad” of “Your 9 Meanings” Within “The Secret World of Allah” Within “Your Open Space”, That Is, In Order To Commune With “Your Allah Muhammad”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

(Note: See “Chapter 05” Called “The Secret World of Allah” In 
The Beautiful Book” of “Wisdom” Called “A Mystical Journey” By His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), if you like and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, In Order To Commune With “Your Allah Muhammad”, if you like, That Is, As Now “Your 9th Level” of “Your Muhammad” of “Your 9 Meanings” Within “The Secret World of Allah” Within “Your Open Space”, Communing With “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)” As Now “Your 15th Understanding” of “Your Muhaiyaddeen” of “Your 16 Understandings”, if you like and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. And Then After “A Time” Leaving “Your Secret World of Allah” Coming Back Down To “Your Open Space”, Putting “Your Shirt/Elemental Body” Back On And Returning To“ Your Mountain/Mind” As “Your 7th Levels” (As “Your Divine Luminous Wisdom”) of “Your 7 Levels” of “Your Divine Consciousness” To Again Be With And To Again Teach“God’s Children” At “This Time”, if you like , and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, To Again Be With And To Again Teach “God’s Children” At “This Time”, if you like , And In “That Way”, And Only In “That Way”, if you like, As In Truth Now God Living In “The World” With “Your Life” At “This Time”, Now For “The Last Time”, That Is, Until 2086, That Is, Until “The End” of “Your Current Earth World” And “The Beginning” of “Your Next Divine World”, if you like , and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, As “Your 7th Level” (As “Your Divine Luminous Wisdom”) of “Your Divine Consciousness” In Truth Telling/Teaching “Your Life” As Now “Your 7th Level” (As “Your Divine Luminous Wisdom”) of “Your Divine Consciousness” What To Do At “This Time”, Most Certainly Not To Tell/Teach “You” As Now “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” What To Do At “This Time”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, In Truth Telling/Teaching “Your Life” As Now “Your 7th Level” (As “Your Divine Luminous Wisdom”) of “Your Divine Consciousness” What To Do At “This Time”, Most Certainly Not To Tell/Teach “You” As Now “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” What To Do At “This Time”, if you like, That Is, As Now Recorded In “Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) Library”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, As Now “The Life and Teaching” And “The Heart” And “The Songs” (See “Song 01” And “Song 02” And “Song 03” And “Song 04” And "Song 05" And "Song 06" And "Song 07" And Now "Song 08" of “The Song Version” of “Our True Story”) of Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) [AKA “Louie”], In Whom “We Are Well Pleased” As Now “One”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, As Now “The Understanding” of “The Life and Teaching” And “The Heart” And “The Songs” (See “The Kalimah Song” And “The Invocation To The Guru”, And “The Invocation To Allah”) of Your Dearest Loving Father, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. 

That Is, As Now “God’s Teaching” of “Your 897”, if you like, for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, As Now “Your God’s Teaching” of “Your 897”, if you like, Which At “This Time” Is “Your God’s Teaching” of “Your God” And of “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) And of “Your God’s Children” Together As “One” At “Your 7th Level” of “Your Divine Consciousness” (As “Your Divine Luminous Wisdom”) Telling/Teaching “Your Life” What To Do At “This Time”, Most Certainly Not Telling/Teaching “You” As Now “Your Arrogance” About “Your Ignorance” What To Do At “This Time”, if you like, if you like , and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. All Now By Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving BrotherShaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased” As Now "One" With "Your Life", As Now "One" With "All Life", if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

Bawa. That Is, “If You Are A Wise Child”, Now For Our Age, And 
Not Just A Foolish Child”, Now For Our Age, As Bawa Teaches Us, And Now As Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased” As Now "One" With "Your Life", As Now "OneWith "All Life", Is Teaching Us Again, 
if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.


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                           Go To "Page 03" - Current/New (In Process)
                           Go To "Page 04" - New (Complete)

Also See "Your Outline
"Page 01020304

Go To "Your Table of Contents"
Go To "Your Document Outline"
Go To “Your Third Sound" Now of "Your God
Go To “Your Bawa's Original/Primal Teaching
Download "Your Love Letter 71"

Go To "Your Latest New Parts"
"Page 01020304
And Now For Part 05,

Sent To: 
 Paul Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
And To
Fatimah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.).

Sent On: 10-30-16 (Version 01)
To: 03-10-17 (Version 70-X) and Counting

Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen 
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us As Now “One”).

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Go To "Your List/Links"
Go To "Top of Page"

Go To "Your Latest New Parts
"Page 01020304"

"Your Document Outline"

Go To "Your List" of "Your Sections"
Go To “Your Bawa's Original/Primal Teaching

Go To "Section 01" - New
As "Your Introduction"
Go To "Your TOC"
Go To "Your List/Links" 
Go To Section 02030405060708.
                      A. "Your Title"
                      B. "Your Opening Comments"
                      B-01. "The Body" of "Your Love Letter" - Page 01 - Current
                      B-02. "The Body" of "Your Love Letter" - Page 02 - New
                      B-03. "The Body" of "Your Love Letter" - Page 03 - Current
                      B-04. "The Body" of "Your Love Letter" - Page 04 - New
                      C. “Your Kind" and "Your Wise Words” 
                      D. "Your Subjects" of "Your Love Letters"
                      E. Your New Letter
                      F. “Your New Questions
                “Question 01” - “The Nature” of “Your True Surrender” 
                “Question 02” - “The Nature” of “Your True Meditation” 
                “Question 03” - “What Do You Want Me To Do?” 
                “Question 04” -  “The Nature” of “Your True Prayer
                Question 05” - “The Nature” of “Your True Understanding


Go To "Section 02 - New
G. As “Your New Questions” And "Your New Answers"
Go To "Your TOC"
Go To "Your List/Links"
Go To "Your Document Outline" 
Go To Section 0103, 0405060708.
Go To "Top of Page"
01. “Question 01” - “The Nature” of “Your True Surrender” 
01. “Answer 01” - “The Nature” of “Your True Surrender” 
02. Question 02 & Answer 02” - “The Nature” of “Your True Meditation” 
"Pearl of Wisdom" - Chapter 30, 
"The Mystical Meaning" of "Man's Body":
"Your Review".
"The Kalimah Song" - "The Heart" of "Your Song/Life":
"Your Review".
"Shaikh and Disciple" - "Your Introduction":
"Your Review".
"Islam and World Peace" - "Your Epilogue":
"Your Review".
"Suratul Fatihah" of "Your Holy Qur'an
- "Your Review"
03. “Question 03” - “What Do You Want Me To Do?” 
03. Answer 03” - “What We Want You To Do?” 
Go To "Your 5 Answers03-0103-0203-0303-0403-05
  "Your Bawa Quotation A" - About "Your Falling Rain" of "Your Guru"
  "Your Bawa Quotation B" - About "Your Enemy" of "Your Soul"
  "Your Bawa Quotation C" - About "Your Journey" of "Your Soul"
  "Your Bawa Quotation D" - About "Your Straight Path
  "Your Bawa Quotation E" - About "Your Father" of "Your Soul"
  "Your Bawa Quotation F" - About "Your True Shaikh/Disciple Relationship"
  "Your Bawa Quotation G" - About "Your Four Kinds" of "Destructive Woman"
  "Your Bawa Quotation H" - About "Your Karma"; "Veil of Personal Thought"
  "Your Bawa Quotation J" - About "Your Inherent Wisdom Mind Relationship"
  "Your Bawa Quotation K" - About "Your Sirr, Dhat, and Safat" As Now "One"
04. “Question 04” - “The Nature” of “Your True Prayer
04. Answer 04” - “The Nature” of “Your True Prayer
05. “Question 05” - “The Nature” of “Your True Understanding
05. “Answer 05” - “The Nature” of “Your True Understanding


Go To "Section 03 - New
What We Want You To Do” 
Go To"Your TOC"
Go To "Your List/Links"
Go To "Your Document Outline"
Go To Section 01020405060708.
Go To "Top of Page"
                01. First, Accept “The Words” of “Your True Gnana Guru” 
                02. Second, Accept “Your Life” As In Truth “Larger Than You 
                03. Third, Accept “Your Life” As “The Intersection” of “Paths
                04. Fourth, Accept “Your Life And Wisdom” As Truly “Exalted
        05. Fifth, Learn How “Not To Be There” As “Separate From” God


Go To "Section 04 - New
As “Your Levels” of “Your Divine Consciousness
Go To "Your TOC"
Go To "Your List/Links"
Go To "Your Document Outline"
Go To Section 0102030506, 07, 08.
Go To "Top of Page"
              01. Your Feeling” - “Fact” = “An Ant” Is Crawling On “Your Skin”.
              02. Your Awareness” - “Your Awaking” To “Your Facts”.
              03. “Your Intellect” - Your Writing “A Discourse” On “Your Facts”.
              04. “Your Estimate” Or “Judgment” - “Your Abraham" (A.S.)
              05. “Your Subtle Wisdom” - “Your Ishmael” (A.S.)
              06. Divine Analytic Wisdom” - “Your Explanation” of “Your Truth
              07. “Divine Luminous Wisdom” - “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)


Go To "Section 05 - New
As "Your Review" of "Your Suratal - At Tarique
in "Your Holy Qur'an"
(For Part "A" To Part "E")
Go To "Your Original Version"
Go To "Your Expanded Version"
Go To "Your Part ABCD, EF"
Go To "Your TOC"
Go To "Your List/Links"
Go To "Your Document Outline"
Go To Section 0102030406, 0708.
Go To "Top of Page"
              01. Your Suratal - At Tarique“ - “Your Original Version”
              02. “Your Suratal - At Tarique“ - “Your Expanded Version” - “Part-A”
              03.  Your Shepherd" and "Your Tree” In Your "Mystical Journey

Your Review

              04. Your Suratal - At Tarique“ - “Your Expanded Version” - “Part-B”
              05.  Your Golden Words" of "Sufi Shaikh” - Number 222, 223, 224
Your Review

              06. Your Suratal - At Tarique“ - “Your Expanded Version” - “Part-C”
              07.  Your "Maya Veeram" or "Your Forces of Illusion” Book
Your Review
Go To "Your Sandakumaran’s” - Song To “Your God

              08. Your Suratal - At Tarique“ - “Your Expanded Version” - “Part-D”
              09.   Your "Shaikh and Disciple” Book - And “Your Introduction
Your Review

              10. Your Suratal - At Tarique“ - “Your Expanded Version” - “Part-E”
              11.  Your "Pearl of Wisdom” Book - As Your “Chapter 02”
Your Search” For “Your God
Your Review
                                        11-A. Your Original Version”
                                        11-BYour Expanded Version” -
                                        11-C. Your Song 01"


Go To "Section 06 - New
As "Your Review" of "Your Suratal At Tarique
in "Your Holy Qur'an"
(For Part "F")
(Also See "Chapter 11" Called
"The Prophet's (Sal.) Advice To Hazrat Ali (Ral.)"
"Your Copy" of At Tarique
"Your Pearl of Wisdom" Book
His Holiness M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
Go To "Your TOC"
Go To "Your List/Links"
Go To "Your Document Outline"
Go To Section 01, 020304050708.
Go To "Top of Page"
              12. Your Suratal - At Tarique“ - “Your Expanded Version” - “Part-F”
              13. “Your Bawa Quotation J”:
              13-AYour Bawa Quotation J” - “Your Original Version”
              13-BYour Bawa Quotation J” - “Your Expanded Version”
              14. “Your Bawa Quotation K”:
              14-A. Your Bawa Quotation K” - “Your Original Version”
              14-B. Your Bawa Quotation K” - “Your Expanded Version”-"Little Bit"
Go To "Knowing" In Truth "Your Final Judgment" of "Your Life"
14-C. "A Little Bit More"
              14-CYour Bawa Quotation K” - “Your Expanded Version” - “Part A”
              14-C. Your Bawa Quotation K” - “Your Expanded Version” - “Part B”
              14-CYour Bawa Quotation K” - “Your Expanded Version” - “Part C”
              14-C. Your Bawa Quotation K” - “Your Expanded Version” - “Part D”
              14-CYour Bawa Quotation K” - “Your Expanded Version” - “Part E”


"Section 07
As "Your Review" of "Your Mystical Journey“,
of "Chapter 05" Called "The Secret World" of Allah,
His Holiness M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
Go To "Your TOC"
Go To "Your List/Links"
Go To "Your Document Outline"
Go To Section 01020304050608.
Go To "Top of Page"
              15. "A Mystical Journey” - “Chapter 05” - “Your Secret World” of
                      Allah - “Your Full Text
              15. Your Original Version” - Complete
              15Your Expanded Version” - Complete
              15-A. Your Expanded Version” - “Part A” - Complete
                          15-A-1. “Your Bawa Discourse 06” - "Journey" of "Your Soul"
                          15-A-2. Your Bawa Discourse 06” - "Journey" of "Your Soul"
              15-BYour Expanded Version” - “Part B” - Complete
              15.CYour Expanded Version” - “Part C” - Complete
              15-DYour Expanded Version” - “Part D” - Complete
              15-EYour Expanded Version” - “Part E” - Complete
              15-F. Your Expanded Version” -  “Part F” - Complete
              15-G. Your Expanded Version” - “Part G” - Complete
              15-H. Your Expanded Version” - “Part H” - Complete
              15--I.  Your Expanded Version” - “Part--I” - Complete
              15- J. Your Expanded Version” - “Part J” - Complete
              15-K. “Your Expanded Version” - “Part K” - Complete
              15-L.  “Your Expanded Version” - “Part L” - Complete
                          15-L-1.  Your Bawa Story 01” - Complete 
              15-M. Your Expanded Version” - “Part M” - Complete  
              15-N. “Your Expanded Version” -  “Part N” - Complete
                          15-N-1.  “Your Bawa Excerpt 01” - Complete
              15-O. Your Expanded Version” - “Part O” - Complete
                          15-O-1.  “Your Bawa Quotation - Plus 01” - Complete
                          15-O-2. "Song 03 - Your Prayer To Make You Pure” - Complete
              15-P.  Your Expanded Version” - “Part P” -  Complete
                          15-P-1.  Your Bawa Quotation - Plus 02-A” - Complete
                          15-P-2. Your Bawa Quotation - Plus 02-B” - Complete
                          15-P-3. “Your Bawa Quotations - Plus 03 To 10” - Complete


Section 08
As "Your List
of Some 
of "Your Previous Wisdom Material
Now By
"Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)"
Go To "Your TOC"
Go To "Your List/Links"
Go To "Your Document Outline"
Go To Section 01020304050607.
Go To "Top of Page"
              H. “Your Third Sound" Now of "Your God”: "Sound010203.
              I. Your Final Comments”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
              J. "Your Final/Complete Teaching" of “Your God”, if you like, for                              sure. Amen.
                Also See Again "The Following Love Material" From "Your Last 
                TWO Love LetterS", That Is, From "Your Love Letter 69" And From                 "Your Love Letter 70", For Additional Inspiration For "Your Glorious 
                Path" To "Your One True God" For "Your Life" AS NOW "ONE" With                 "Your One True God" , if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.

From "Your Love Letter 69"

              K. GOD’S Promise” And “GOD’S Guarantee”, Now For “Your Age”,                       Now For “All Life”, if you like, and that is for sure.
              L. Your True Partnership” With “Your God”, Which In Truth Is Now                     "What" You Can Now "Do For Your God", Not "What" Your God                     Can "Do For You", if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
              Your Closing Truths”
              N. Your Current Mistake” - It Doesn’t Work “That Way
              O. Your Closing Summary” To “Your Last Love Letter"
              P. Your Closing Comments” To “Your Last Love Letter"
              Q. Your Final Comments” To “Your Last Love Letter"
              R. "Your Final/Complete Teaching" of "Your God"
              S. "Your Short Bawa Story" - 

"There Is "A Flaw" In "Your Logic"
That Is,
Lou Tambi"
(Little Brother),
"There Is "A Flaw" In "Your Logic",
"You Think" That "You Can Pray" To "Your God".

From "Your Love Letter 70"

                H. Again, “Your Third Sound" Now of "Your God”, if you like,                     and that is for sure. Amen.


A. "Your Title"

Go To "Your TOC"
Go To "Your List/Links"
Go To "Your Document Outline"
Go To "Top of Page"


Nothing Will Ever Leave You 
Until It Is Understood”,
Your Understanding” of “Your Today” 
Becomes “Your Enemy” of “Your Tomorrow”, 
“There Is “No True Birth” Without “A True Death”, 
And There Is “No True Death” Without “A True Birth”, 
You Cannot Truly “Put Something Old Down” 
Unless You Truly “Pick Something New Up”, 
And You Cannot Truly “Pick Something New Up” 
Unless You Truly “Put Something Old Down”, 


And Next

Your Realizing
Without “The Slightest Doubt”

That In Truth

You Cannot Put Water” 
In “A Glass” That Is “Already Full”, 
And In Truth 
You Glass” Is “Already Full”, 
So What Can We Give To You, 
All You Will Do Is Try To Add It 
To What 
You Already Now Mistakenly Believe” 
Is “Your Truth”, 

For In Truth 
Our Dearest Loving Son
And Your Dearest Loving Brother
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), 
In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”,
As Now “Your One”, 
Is Now “Your Truth”, 
Not Anything That Has Come Before,  
Even From "Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)"


And Next

Your Understanding” of “Your Today
Will Become
Your Enemy” of “Your Tomorrow
You Must Learn
How To
Empty Your Cup”,


And Now
Kindle The Light” of “Your Heart” In “Silence”,
(Realizing That In Truth
Is Always Perfect
Exactly As It Currently Is,
Including “Yourself",
Always Perfectly Ending
Always Perfectly Beginning
As Now “One”,
Forget Your Self”
(By Intending God’s Presence,
By Intending God’s Intention,
By Calling “Your God” In “Action
Before “You Do Anything”,
You Get Out of Bed” 
By Saying
Bawa. Al hamdu lillah.
Bawa. Tawakkul-Allah. Amen.
As Now “One”,
Before “You Do Anything
Speak" and "Loose Your Self”,
The Words” of “Your Guru”)
Talking" Alone "With Intensity
(As “Only Your God" Is "There
The Words” of “Your Guru”)
He Is One
Your Soul" Will "Elevate Itself”,

See “The Forward” of “The Pearl of Wisdom
By His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)


And Now
"My Gifts"
"You Deny"

​Also See 
Your Subject” of "Your New Letter"
To Also Read 
"Your Subjects
of "Your Earlier Letters"