"Your Body" of "Your Love Letter"
Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In The Name of God, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate. Amen.
Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May All The Peace, The Beneficence, and The Blessing of God Be Upon You, Your Family, And Your Friends. Amen.
Bawa. My Love You My Dearest Loving Daughters, Sarah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Kasha Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And All of My Dearest Loving Brothers and Sisters, And All of My Dearest Loving Sons and Daughters, and All of My Dearest Loving Grand Children, and Now All of My Dearest Loving Great Grand Children, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. You Are All Such Very, Very, Very Good Children of God, As In Truth “The Jeweled Lights” of “My Eyes”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Thank You My Dearest Loving Daughters, Sarah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Kasha Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) For “The Love and Salaams” That You Continue To Give To Our Dearest Loving Son, And Your Dearest Loving Brother, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), In Whom “We Are Well Pleased”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, Both When You Are With Him And When You Are Not Physically With Him, But Still Have Him In “Your Heart”, And in “Your Thoughts”, And In “Your Intentions”, For In Truth “They Are All The Same”, For In Truth “They Are All One”, if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. Both of You Have Recently Become Mothers And Are Now Raising Your Children, As Are Now So Many New Mothers In “Our World”, But There Is Increasing Becoming “A Very Great Problem” Today For “Our Mothers” of “Our World” To Successfully Raise “Our Children” of “Our World” And “That” Is Why We Have Now Written To You And To Kasha At “This Time”, And In Truth Now Through “Our Love Letter” To Both You And To Kasha To All of “Our Mothers” of “Our World”, if you like,
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01. “Our Very Great Problem” Today
“Our Mothers” of “Our World”
“Successfully” Raise
“Our Children” of “Our World"
if you like,
Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Daughters, Sarah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Kasha Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
Just What Is
“Our Very Great Problem” Today
“Our Mothers” of “Our World”
“Successfully” Raise
“Our Children” of “Our World"
if you like,
Bawa. And “Our Short Answer” Is
“Our Husbands/Fathers” of “Our World”
Who In Truth
Are Now Preventing
“Our Mothers” of “Our World”
“Successfully” Raising
“Our Children” of “Our World"
if you like,
Bawa. For Example, My Dearest Loving Daughters, Sarah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Kasha Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.),
“Where” Are “Your Husbands/Fathers” Today?
“Touring” In Truth “Your World”
As “Your Demonic Music Group”
“Me Without You”
Or More Appropriately Called
“Me Without God”
Or Even More Appropriately Called
“Me As Demons”
if you like,
Bawa. And My Dearest Loving Daughters, Sarah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Kasha Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) In Truth “This” Is “No Joking Matter”, In Truth “This” Is Not Just “Some Imaginary Example”, For In Truth “This” Is Now “Your Current True State” of Both of “Your Husbands/Fathers” of “Your Children”, if you like,
That Is,
“Possessed” By “Your Demons”
Singing “Your Demonic Songs”
“Your Nourishment” of “Your Demons”
if you like,
Bawa. And My Dearest Loving Daughters, Sarah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Kasha Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And In Truth All of “Our Mothers” of “Our World”, Please Do Not Be Upset By “This Revelation” About “Your Husbands/Fathers” of “Your Children”, Because In Truth As “Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) Teaches Us And Now As “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) Is Teaching Us Again, if you like,
Bawa. In Truth Today “This” Is “Your Natural/Normal State” of Your Husbands/Fathers” of “Your Children”, That Is, of “Your Men” Who Just Continue
To Live As
“Me Without God”
Or Even More Appropriately
To Live As
“Me As Demons”
if you like,
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02-A. "Wake Up"
"All Mother" of "Our World"
Its Now Time
"To Successfully" Raise “Our Children”,
if you like,
Bawa. And In Truth Now Both “You And Kasha”, And In Truth Now All of “Our Mothers” of “Our World”, Have Now Come Into “Our World” To “Change” All of “That“, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, To Successfully Raise “Our Children”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, To “Get To Know About” In Truth “Your Current Natural/Normal State” of “Yourself” And of “Your Husbands/Fathers” of “Your Children”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, By Having “Your Children”, In “Your Ignorance” of “Your Current Natural/Normal State” As “Your Creation”, if you like, That Is, As “Your Safat”, if you like, That is, As “Your Fallen Eve” [A.S.] From “Your God’s Grace”, if you like, And of “Man’s Current Natural/Normal State” As “Your Demon”, if you like, That Is, As “Your Fallen Adam” [A.S.] From “Your God’s Grace”, if you like,
Bawa. And Then Trying To “Successfully Raising Our Children” With “You” Now In “Your Current Natural/Normal State” As “Your Creation”, As “Your Fallen Eve” [A.S.] From “Your God’s Grace”, And With “Your Husband/Father” Now In “His Current Natural/Normal State” As “Your Demon”, As “Your Fallen Adam” [A.S.] From “Your God’s Grace”, if you like,
Bawa. For As “Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) Teaches Us And Now As “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) Is Teaching Us Again, “The Following”, if you like,
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03. “When” I Trusted “The Earth” I Was “Deceived”.
“When” I Desired “A Woman” I Was “A Demon”.
Bawa. So My Dearest Loving Daughters, Sarah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Kasha Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And In Truth Now All of “Our Wives/Mothers” of “Our World”, And In Truth Now All of “Our Husbands/Fathers” of “Our World”,
“Your Wife/Mother”
Is Trusting “Your Earth” And She Is Being “Deceived”,
“Your Husband/Father”
Desires “You” As “A Woman” Because “He” Is “A Demon”
if you like,
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02-B ."Wake Up"
"All Mother/All Fathers" of "Our World"
Its Now Time
"To Successfully" Raise “Our Children”,
if you like,
Bawa. And In Truth Now Both “You And Kasha”, And In Truth Now All of “Our Mothers” of “Our World”, And In Truth Now All of “Our Husbands/Fathers” of “Our World”, Have Now Come Into “Our World” To “Change” All of “That“, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, To Successfully Raise “Our Children”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, To “Get To Know About” In Truth “Your Current Natural/Normal State” of “Yourself”, That Is, of Both “Your Husbands/Fathers” of “Your Children” And of “Your Wives/Mothers” of “Your Children”, if you like,
Bawa. And Then, To Join In “Your True Partnership” With “Your God” of “Your Life” To Change All of “That”, if you like, That Is, First On “Your Outside” of “Your Life”, And Then, And Only Then, Within “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, As Now “Two Lives” Now Living As “One Life”, if you like, That Is, To Change All of “That”, if you like,
Bawa. First On “Your Outside” of “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, First At “Your Divine Feet” of “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), And Then, And Only Then, Within “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, And Then, And Only Then, Within “Your Divine Heart” of “Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like, That Is, As Now “Two Lives” Now Living As “One Life”, if you like, That Is, To Change All of “That”, if you like,
That Is,
First As Now
See “Your Song 01” - "Your Song” of “God’s Grace, Wisdom, and ‘Ilm” (Divine Knowledge), Now For Your Age, Now For All Life) of “Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, All Now In Truth As "Your Understanding" of “Your Life and Teaching” And “Your Heart” And “Your Songs” (For Example See “Your Kalimah Song” And “Your Invocation" To "Your Guru”, And “Your Invocation"
To "Your Allah”) of “Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
if “Your Life” likes,
And Then,
Second As Next
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
if “Your God” Likes
See: “Song 04” - “Your Prayer" To Make "Your Life" One",
Go To "The Top" of "Your Document Body"
04. “Your True Nature” of “Your Demons” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your You” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Personal Selfish Elemental Life”
“Your Mind” of “Your Life”,
As Now
“Your Very Great Problem” Today
"Your Life" of "Your God" of "Your Life"
Bawa. Now My Dearest Loving Daughters, Sarah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Kasha Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And In Truth Now All of “Our Wives/Mothers” of “Our World”, And In Truth Now All of “Our Husbands/Fathers” of “Our World”, Lets Take “Your Brief First Look” At
“Your True Nature” of “Your Demons” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your You” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Personal Selfish Elemental Life”
“Your Mind” of “Your Life”,
As Now
“Your Very Great Problem” Today
"Your Life" of "Your God" of "Your Life"
Bawa. First “Your True Nature” of “Your Demons” of “Your Life” Are In Truth “Your Great Hidden” Elemental “Power, Secret, and Form” of “Your False Life” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, If you like, That Is, In Truth NOW “Fully Manifested” Within “Your Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, If you like,
Bawa. That Is, As Now “Your Current Temporary Elemental Life” of “Your Arrogance, Karma, And Illusion” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “One”, if you like, That Is, of “Your Race, Religion, And Blood Ties”, if you like, That Is, of “Your Desire” For “Your Earth, Women, And Gold”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, of “Your Desire” For “Your Earth, Women, And Gold”, if you like, That Is, of “Your Desire” For “Your Personal Form“, As Now “Your Earth”, And “Your Desire” For “Your Personal Relationships“, As Now “Your Woman”, And “Your Desire” For “Your Personal Wealth“, As Now “Your Gold”, If you like,
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05. “Your True Nature” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Universal Selfless Divine Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
As Now
“Your Very Great Solution” Today
“Your Very Great Problem” Today
"Your Life" of "Your God" of "Your Life"
if you like,
Bawa. And My Dearest Loving Daughters, Sarah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Kasha Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And In Truth Now All of “Our Wives/Mothers” of “Our World”, And In Truth Now All of “Our Husbands/Fathers” of “Our World”, Lets Also Take “Your Brief First Look” At
“Your True Nature” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Universal Selfless Divine Life”
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
As Now
“Your Very Great Solution” Today
“Your Very Great Problem” Today
"Your Life" of "Your God" of "Your Life"
if you like,
Bawa. That Is, As In Truth Now “Your Dhat, Sirr, and Sifat” of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “One” As Now “Your Great Hidden” Divine “Power, Secret, And Form” of “Your True Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life” Is In Truth “Your True Nature” of “Your Divine Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, As Now “Your Current Eternal Divine Life” of “Your Grace, Wisdom, And Divine” of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “One”, if you like, That Is, In Truth NOW Just Waiting To “Fully Manifested” Within “Your Purified Heart/Mind” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, If you like,
Bawa. That Is, As In Truth “Your Dhat” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, As In Truth “Your One True Power/Love” of “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. And As In Truth “Your Sirr” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, As In Truth “Your One True Secret/Divine Consciousness” of “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
Bawa. And As In Truth “Your Safat” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, As In Truth “Your One True Creation/Form” of “Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like, All As Now “One”, if you like,
That Is,
First As Now
See “Your Song 01” - "Your Song” of “God’s Grace, Wisdom, and ‘Ilm” (Divine Knowledge), Now For Your Age, Now For All Life) of “Your Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, All Now In Truth As "Your Understanding" of “Your Life and Teaching” And “Your Heart” And “Your Songs” (For Example See “Your Kalimah Song” And “Your Invocation" To "Your Guru”, And “Your Invocation" To "Your Allah”) of “Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
if “Your Life” likes,
And Then,
Second As Next
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
if “Your God” Likes
See: “Song 04” - “Your Prayer" To Make "Your Life" One",
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06. “Your Examples” of “Your Demons” of “Your Life”
Bawa. And My Dearest Loving Daughters, Sarah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Kasha Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And In Truth Now All of “Our Wives/Mothers” of “Our World”, And In Truth Now All of “Our Husbands/Fathers” of “Our World”, Lets Also Take “Your Brief First Look” At
“Your Examples” of “Your Demons” of “Your Life”
Bawa. For As “Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) Teaches Us And Now As “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) Is Teaching Us Again, “The Following”, if you like,
“Your Fart”
Is “Your Harbinger”
“Your Feces” To Come
Bawa. So To My Dearest Loving Daughters, Sarah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Kasha Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And In Truth Now All of “Our Wives/Mothers” of “Our World”, And In Truth Now All of “Our Husbands/Fathers” of “Our World”,
“Your Current Qualities” And “Your Current Actions”
“Your Personal Selfish Elemental Life”
“Your Mind” of “Your Life”,
As Now
“Your Very Great Problem” Today
"Your Life" of "Your God" of "Your Life"
Is Now
“Your Harbinger”
“Your Hell” To Come
Go To "The Top" of "Your Document Body"
06-01. “Your Current Life" of "Your Separation and Differences”
Bawa. For Example, My Dearest Loving Daughters, Sarah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Kasha Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And In Truth Now All of “Our Wives/Mothers” of “Our World”, And In Truth Now All of “Our Husbands/Fathers” of “Our World”,
06-01. “Your Current Life" of "Your Separation and Differences”
“Your Current Elemental Consciousness”
“Your I and You”
“Your Mine and Yours”
and of
“Your Arrogance”
if you like,
That is,
of “My Life”
of “My Body”
of “My History/Linage”
of “My Race”
of “My Religion”
of “My Blood Ties”
“My Wife”,
of “My Husband”
of “My Children”
of “My Family”
of “My Community”
of “My Fellowship”
“My Town”
of “My City”
of “My State”
of “My Country”
of “My World”
“My Job”
of “My Knowledge”
of “My Skills”
of “My Experience”
of “My Education”
“My Titles”
of “My Degrees”
of “My Accomplishes”
of “My Past, My Present, and My Future”
“My Likes" And "My Dis-Likes”
of “My Preferences”
of “My Personality”
of “My Friendships”
of “My Relationships”
“My House”
of “My Car”
of “My Room”
of “My Refrigerator”
of “My Television”
of “My Internet Connection”
of “My Cell Phone/IPad/IWatch/Computer”
of “My Illnesses”
of “My Tiredness”
of “My Aches" and "My Pains”
of “My Hunger", 'My ILLNESS", "My OLD AGE", AND "My DEATH”
“My Food”
of “My Wellness”
“My GOOD Thoughts”
of “My GOOD Qualities”
of “My GOOD Actions”
of “My Clarity/Wisdom”
“My Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
“My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
“My Prayers” To “My God”
“My Faith” In “My God”
“My Duty” To “My God” To “My Family”
To “My Community” To “My Country”
“My Commandments” OF “My God”
of “My Words/Scriptures/Wisdom” of “My God”
“My Fasting" and "My Prayers” For “My Sake” of “My God”
“My Mazar/SHRINE” of “My Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
“My Fellowship” of “My Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
“My Books/Discourses/Songs”
“My Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
“My Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
“My Grave”
“My Day of Reckoning” In “My Grave”
“My Final Judgment” Before “My God”
Etc., Etc., Etc.,
if you like,
Bawa. All of Which of Course
Is “Just Not True”
if you like,
Bawa. All of Which In Truth
Is Now “Your Fart”
“Your You” of “Your Life”
“Your Personal Selfish Elemental Life”
“Your Mind” of “Your Life”,
As Now
“Your Very Great Problem” Today
"Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life”
That Is,
As Now
“Your Very Great Problem” Today
"Your Life" of “Your God” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Pure Individual Soul”
“Your God” of “Your Life”
As Now
“Your Jesus” (A.S.)
“Your Cross” = “Your Monkey Mind”
“Your Nails” = “Your Dog of Desire”
"You Can Sin"
Bawa. All of Which In Truth
Is Now “Your Harbinger”
“Your Feces” To Come
if you like,
Bawa. All of Which In Truth
Is Now “Your Harbinger”
“Your Hell” To Come
if you like,
Bawa. All of Which In Truth
Is Now
“Your Current Qualities” And “Your Current Actions”
“Your Personal Selfish Elemental Life”
“Your Mind” of “Your Life”,
As Now
“Your Very Great Problem” Today
“Your Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”,
That Is,
As Now
“Your Harbinger”
“Your Hell” To Come
if you like,
Bawa. All of Which In Truth
“Your True Nature” of “Your Demons” of “Your Life”, IF YOU LIKE, THAT IS, Which In Truth IS NOW “Your Great Hidden” Elemental “Power, Secret, and Form” of “Your False Life” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, If you like,
Bawa. ALL OF Which In Truth IS NOW “Fully Manifested” Within “Your Impure Heart/Mind” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, If you like,
Bawa. All of Which In Truth
“Your Current Temporary Elemental Life” of “Your Arrogance, Karma, And Illusion” of “Your Beast/Satan” of “Your God” of “Your Life” As Now “One”, if you like, That Is, of “Your Race, Religion, And Blood Ties”, if you like, That Is, of “Your Desire” For “Your Earth, Women, And Gold”, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, of “Your Desire” For “Your Earth, Women, And Gold”, if you like, That Is, of “Your Desire” For “Your Personal Form“, As Now “Your Earth”, And “Your Desire” For “Your Personal Relationships“, As Now “Your Woman”, And “Your Desire” For “Your Personal Wealth“, As Now “Your Gold”,
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06-02-A. “YOUR CURE”
“Your Current Life" of "Your Separation and Differences”
Bawa. For As “Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) Teaches Us And Now As “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) Is Teaching Us Again, “The Following”, if you like,
“If YOU Are There YOUR GOD Is NOT There”
“If YOUR GOD Is There YOU Are NOT There”
So “Your ONLY Work” - TODAY
Is Learning HOW
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06-02-B. Again “YOUR CURE”
“Your Current Life" of "Your Separation and Differences”
That Is,
First As Now
See “Your Song 01” - "Your Song” of “God’s Grace, Wisdom, and ‘Ilm”
(Divine Knowledge), Now For Your Age, Now For All Life) of “Your Shaikh
Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, All Now In Truth As "Your Understanding" of “Your Life and Teaching” And “Your Heart” And “Your Songs” (For Example See “Your Kalimah Song” And “Your Invocation" To "Your Guru”, And “Your Invocation" To "Your Allah”) of “Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
if “Your Life” likes,
And Then,
Second As Next
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
if “Your God” Likes
See: “Song 04” - “Your Prayer" To Make "Your Life" One",
Go To "The Top" of "Your Document Body"
07. “Your Examples” of “Your God” of “Your Life” - In Process
Bawa. And My Dearest Loving Daughters, Sarah Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) And Kasha Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), And In Truth Now All of “Our Wives/Mothers” of “Our World”, And In Truth Now All of “Our Husbands/Fathers” of “Our World”, Lets Also Take “Your Brief First Look” At
“Your Examples” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
Bawa. For As “Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) Teaches Us And Now As “Your Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.) Is Teaching Us Again, “The Following”, if you like,
07. “Your Examples” of “Your God” of “Your Life” - In Process
07-01-A. “Your World Within And Without”
Go To:
07-01-B. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Outside World”
07-02-A. “Your Outer Acts" Are "Not Real”
07-02-B. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Unreal Outer Acts”
07-03-A. “Your Current World" Is "Worthless”
07-03-B. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Current Worthless World”
--- In Process ---
--- More To Come ---
“Bawa. “As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “In Whom” We Are “Well Pleased” As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “Complete As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “Amen As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”
“Bawa. “Amen As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “Amen”.
“Your Love Refrain”
"Your Shadow Outline"
Only Needed "During Your Development"
"Your Love Letter 77"
02- A. "Wake Up" In Truth "All Mothers" of "Our World"
02- B. "Wake Up" In Truth "All Mothers/All Fathers" of "Our World"
Its Now Time
"To Successfully" Raise “Our Children”,
03. “When” I Trusted “The Earth” I Was “Deceived”
“When” I Desired “A Woman” I Was “A Demon”
04. “Your True Nature” of “Your Demons” of “Your Life”
05. “Your True Nature” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
06. “Your Examples” of “Your Demons” of “Your Life”
06-01. “Your Current Life" of "Your Separation and Differences”
06-02-A. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Current Life"
"Your Separation and Differences”
06-02-B. Again “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Current Life"
"Your Separation and Differences”
07. “Your Examples” of “Your God” of “Your Life”
07-01-A. “Your World Within And Without”
Go To:
07-01-B. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Outside World”
07-02-A. “Your Outer Acts" Are "Not Real”
07-02-B. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Unreal Outer Acts”
07-03-A. “Your Current World" Is "Worthless”
07-03-B. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Current Worthless World”
End of Page