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"Your Chapter 03"- Outline"
"Your Expanded Version"
"Your World Within And Without”
"Your Chapter 03"- Outline"
01. As “The Most” Wondrously “Clear and Wise Creation”.
02. As “A Mystery” To “Your World” From “Your Mystery”.
03. "Man" As “Man-God” (Insan Kamil - Perfected Man) - As “The Mystery” within “The Mystery” that is “The Mysterious Power” of Allah.
04. "God" As “Man-God/God-Man” - As “The Secret” within “The Secret” When “The Two” In Truth “Intermingle and Dwell” as “One within
05. “Your Bawa Quotation 01” - “Power” - “There” Is “A Power” Which Dawns Within “The Place” Were “There” Is No "I”.
but do not "Believe In It".
Path” From “Your Womb” To “Your Grave”, That Is, of “Your Hunger”, of “Your Illness”, of “Your Old Age”, and of “Your Death”, That Is, of “Your Incompleteness", of “Your Ignorance”, of “Your Arrogance”, And of “Your Grave”, if you like,
As Now”Your Earth World”. As Now “Your Fistful” of “Your Earth”,
In Truth As Now “Your 7 Hells” And/Or “Your 7 Heavens”, In Truth
As Now “Your Two Equal Parts” (As Now “Your Light” and “Your
Darkness”) of “Your School of Contrast” For “Your Pure Individual
Soul” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
01. “That World” contains “The 18,000 Universes” As Now “Your Sekune”
of “Your Mim” of Now “Your Muhaiyaddeen”, Now For“Your Last Time”
It Lies “Within Man”, and Man lies “Within it”. if you like, That Is, As Now “Your 7 Heavens”, As Now “Your 18th Purana”, Or “Your Ancient 18th Epic” (Ancient 18th Life Story), As Now “Your Story” of “Your True
Man”, of “Your Light Life”, of “Your Divine Soul/Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
02. “That Same World” Also contains “Your 17 Puranas”, Or “Ancient 17 Epics” (Ancient 17 Life Stories) , Which Also Make Up “Your World”, if you like, That Is, As Now“Your 7 Hells”, As Now “Your Story” of “Your False Man”, of “Your Beast/Satan”, of “Your Dark Life”, of “Your
Elemental Soul/Life”, Also of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
03. “Both” of Which In Truth Now Make Up “Your Two Equal Parts” (“Your Light Part” and “Your Dark Part”) of “Your School of Contrast” For “Your Pure Individual Soul” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like, That Is, As Now “Your First School” of “Your Three Schools” (“Your 3 Schools” of “Contrast”, of “Light”, And of “Oneness”) For “Your Divine
Soul/Life” of “Your God” of “Your Life”, if you like,
04. “Your Creation” is “Your Earth World” in which “You Now Exist” and in which “You Are Now Studying”, And Both “Your Elemental Qualities” of All “Your 17 Puranas” And “Your Divine Qualities” of “Your 18th
Purana” exist in “Your Creations” of “Your Earth World”, if you like,
05. “Your Dark/Illusory Qualities” of all “Your 17 Puranas” exist in “Your Elemental Creations” of “Your Earth World, if you like, For Example, “Your Elemental Creations” In Truth catch and eat each other, kill each other, conquer each other, hypnotize each other, drink each other's blood, praise each other, and blame each other, if you like,
Bawa. That is, “Your Dark/Illusory Qualities” of all “Your 17 Puranas” exist in “Your Elemental Creations” of “Your Earth World", And “Your
Light/Divine Qualities” of “Your 18th Purana” Also exist in “Divine Creations” of “Your Earth World, if you like.
06. “My Dearest Loving Children”, In Truth “Your Intellect”, Which Is “Your 3rd Level” of “Your 7 Levels” of “Your Divine Consciousness” Initially Given To “Your Life” By “Your God” of “Your Life”, Can Perceive
That In Truth There Are “Two Worlds” Given To “Your Life” By “Your God” of “Your Life”, That Is, As “Your Awwal”, As “Your Divine
World of Souls” of “Your Pure Soul And Wisdom", And “Your Dunya”, As “Your Elemental Earth World” of “Your 5 Elements”, if you like,,
Bawa. That Is, First “One World” Is “Your Divine Heart” As “Your Divine World of Souls” From Which “Your Divine Soul/Life” Came,
And Second Is “Your Other World”, is “Your Earth World” That “Your Life” Now Exclusively Sees On “Your Outside” From Which “Your School of Contrast” For “Your Divine Soul/Life” Came, if you like,
Bawa. That Is, From Which Both Parts of “Your School of Contrast” Came, That Is, From Which Both In Truth “Your Light Part” And
“Your Dark Part” of “Your School of Contrast” Came, All of Which Is Now Exclusively Seen By “Your Eyes” And Is Exclusively Perceived By “Your Senses” As Now "Your Outside World", if you like,
"Your DIVINE State"
"STARTING To Act Accordingly",
if you like,
By Now Learning
(As Now "Separate From")
(As Now "One With"),
Bawa. "Children", Precious "Jeweled Lights" within "My Eyes",
In Truth "THIS" is What "All Who" Are "With Us", THAT IS,
Must "Now Know" (Must "Now Become") "Your One", if you like,
That Is,
Must "Now Become"
"Your True Belief"
(Your Iman)
"Your God" of "Your Life"
if you like,
H. “Your World” exists in “Two Ways” -"One Way” is NOW
“YOUR Outside"and “YOUR Other Way” Is NOW
“YOUR Inside”,
In Truth “Your One World” You Can Now See "Outside" of
"Your Life", And “Your Other World” Now Exists “Within” Your Life, In Truth AS "Who You Are” In Truth “Within” Your Life, In Truth
All of Which Is “Your Truth” (Your Haqq) of "Your Life", if you like,
AS NOW "ONE", if "Your Life" Likes, And Second EXISTS As
"YOUR SECRET" AS NOW "ONE", if "Your God" Likes,
02. “Your Bawa Quotation 02” - “Your True/Divine Marriage” of "Your Life" Is Now “Your Divine Merging” of "Your Divine Two"
of "Your God" of "Your Life" As Now "Your Divine One" of "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
That Is, Is Now “Your Divine Merging” As Now "One" of "Your Divine Light" of "Your God" of "Your Life" Within
"Your Purified Divine Heart" of "Your God" of "Your Life"
And “Your Divine Power” of "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like,
03. “Your Bawa Quotation 03” - About “Your Eligible True/Divine Virgin” of "Your God" of "Your Life", if you like - In Process
"Your Two Worlds" of "Your God" of "Your Life"
You Can Now See On "Your Outside" of "Your Life",
if you like,
All of Which In Truth Is Now Leading "Your Life" of
"Your God" of "Your Life" To "Your Eternal Hell" of "Your God"
of "Your Life", if you like, That Is, To "Your Eternal Elemental Life"
As Next "Eternally Separate" From "Your God" of "Your Life",
if you like,
--- More To Come ---
“Your End”
"Your Chapter 03" Outline
"Your Expanded Version"
“Your World Within And Without”
“Your Beautiful Book” of “Your Wisdom/Truth”
“Your Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.)
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07-01-B. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Outside World”
That Is,
First As Now
See “Your Song 01” - "Your Song” of “God’s Grace, Wisdom, and ‘Ilm”
(Divine Knowledge), Now For Your Age, Now For All Life) of “Your Shaikh
Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
Bawa. That Is, All Now In Truth As "Your Understanding" of “Your Life and Teaching” And “Your Heart” And “Your Songs” (For Example See
“Your Invocation" To "Your Allah”) of “Your Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen” (Ral.), if you like, and that is for sure. Amen.
if “Your Life” likes,
And Then,
Second As Next
“Your God” of “Your Life”,
if “Your God” Likes
See: “Song 04” - “Your Prayer" To Make "Your Life" One",
07-02-A. “Your Outer Acts" Are "Not Real”
07-02-B. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Unreal Outer Acts”
07-03-A. “Your Current World" Is "Worthless”
07-03-B. “YOUR CURE” OF “Your Current Worthless World”
--- More To Come ---
“Bawa. “As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “In Whom” We Are “Well Pleased” As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “Complete As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “Amen As Now “One”.
Bawa. Within “Man Within God”,
And “God Within Man”,
As Now “One”
“Bawa. “Amen As Now “One”.
“Bawa. “Amen”.
“Your Love Refrain”
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